/duel player xxxx

/duel player xxxx

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vimes.2645


So when will we have duels implemented in the game?

Being able to duel anyone outside towns in GW2 is a must imo, its a great tool for learning your own class and how to beat other classes in PvP.

Also its a great community building tool. Having overlooked a /duel command in the first place is strange imo.

Having places outside towns where people meet to duel eachoter, compare builds, equipment etc is a good Server community binding thing to have.

Implement it.

/duel player xxxx

in Suggestions

Posted by: mulch.2586


In the “Iceberg” post for sPvP, the topic of private arenas was addressed. Coming “soon”

/duel player xxxx

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vimes.2645


I dont want private arenas, i want the option to right click a player in the PvE world and choose the option “Duel player”, if the other player acceppts then bang, we have a duel right there in the PvE world.

Simple game mechanics wich brings the game forward in alot of areas.

/duel player xxxx

in Suggestions

Posted by: ASB.4295


ANet would never add that as an option for the PvE world, that would cause so many problems with duel spammers and “look at this chicken, he’s disabled dueling requests haha!”, you can see it coming a mile away. Dueling in a PvP instance that is only accessible from the Heart of the Mists however is something that would avoid all of this without damaging the cooperative atmosphere of PvE.

Also, this belongs into the suggestion subforum.

/duel player xxxx

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vimes.2645


So ASB, why does this work extremely well in other MMOs? Is it because the GW2 playerbase are too young or what?

“without damaging the cooperative atmosphere of PvE.”

Geez, the hippies went too far on this comment above lol, how would allowing duels damage the cooperative atmosphere of PvE.


(edited by Vimes.2645)

/duel player xxxx

in Suggestions

Posted by: liandral.3275


No thanks – I hate getting spammed incesscently with duel requests.

If I want to check my build and how it performs, I’ll pop into pvp.

Even if you have an option to ignore duel requests, you then get tells asking what’s wrong with you for not dueling.

/duel player xxxx

in Suggestions

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

They are releasing custom arenas where you can battle anyone you want.
I don’t see the need of duels in PvE. It’s PvE. If you want PvP go into PvP.

/duel player xxxx

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vimes.2645


I dont see the need for Duel arenas, i just want a simple /duel command for the PvE world.

/duel player xxxx

in Suggestions

Posted by: LanceHavenbay.2067


ANet would never add that as an option for the PvE world, that would cause so many problems with duel spammers and “look at this chicken, he’s disabled dueling requests haha!”, you can see it coming a mile away. Dueling in a PvP instance that is only accessible from the Heart of the Mists however is something that would avoid all of this without damaging the cooperative atmosphere of PvE.

Also, this belongs into the suggestion subforum.

People would be like that regardless. You can always ignore someone anyways. Many games, people will not fret if you have Dueling off.

Actually, I was developing a Dueling system. It can be found here:

Just Control F the world “Duel.”

Also, not doing something in fear of criticism shows a lack of confidence and a lack of healthy character. If we all hid from ensnarement, the world would never progress. Get out of your shell and live a little.

/duel player xxxx

in Suggestions

Posted by: liandral.3275


Also, not doing something in fear of criticism shows a lack of confidence and a lack of healthy character. If we all hid from ensnarement, the world would never progress. Get out of your shell and live a little.

Oh please – why on earth should “i” as a player, be forced to respond to someone elses demand, and it is a demand, to duel them right at that point in time, regardless of my own time commitments and activity that I am currently doing at that moment.

Then, as you rather rudely suggest, get informed that this somehow lacks confidence?

It can be a selfish request, pure and simple and usually carried out by those who lack confidence in their own abilities so need to constantly test themselves against others..

Oh yeah… see what I did there kitten

/duel player xxxx

in Suggestions

Posted by: mrsrachelm.7618


As long as they give us a toggle in our settings to auto decline duels without even seeing them in our chat. I hate constantly getting the duel challenges.

/duel player xxxx

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stron Magnesson.8017

Stron Magnesson.8017

I’ve played games with Duel invites turned off and have no recollection of ever being harassed for it.

Here’s my own idea: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/Spontaneous-PvP/first#post478473