dyes available all characters

dyes available all characters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amaterasu.8639


it really does suck that you have to pay like 16g for black ice dye i only had one character with midnight ice dye but have to buy it again for my over 4 characters but only one got midnight ice and white dye because back the they where like 1g on the TP but now the price has rocketed up so they should make the dyes you us available to all character or they should make them much cheaper again


dyes available all characters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Azmuth Divarchchron.8059

Yes I agree completely, Dyes, should be account bound on use not soulbound.

dyes available all characters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thraz.2874


Yes, I think it is pretty weird that they arnt account bound too… I would love to see this change happen

dyes available all characters

in Suggestions

Posted by: sAdam.5876


I must strongly disagree. First of all dyes in GW1 were for example on use only. You allied it on PART of armor and it was gone. Now when it’s character bound it’s much more fair. I can experiment with dyes all i want. If they were to became account bound dyes would loose its’ value and game will loose one of gold sinks.

dyes available all characters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


there’s already a thread for this, post your support there so Anet actually sees the number of people who want this!

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

dyes available all characters

in Suggestions

Posted by: iSpam.6124


You can’t. Think about supply and demand for a second. If they were account bound, that would drop the prices extremely low. Now think about how much the mats cost to create those dyes, there would be no reason to bother anymore. You make them that easily available and they become useless. There needs to be a reason to work for them, if they just hand everything to you then it just gets utterly boring.

dyes available all characters

in Suggestions

Posted by: exionn.8152


making all dyes account bound would kill the dye market completely, so i’d suggest narrowing the favorite dye slots to 3 or 5 and making those dyes shared across the account

dyes available all characters

in Suggestions

Posted by: EliteZ.1682


I must strongly disagree. First of all dyes in GW1 were for example on use only. You allied it on PART of armor and it was gone. Now when it’s character bound it’s much more fair. I can experiment with dyes all i want. If they were to became account bound dyes would loose its’ value and game will loose one of gold sinks.

Yes GW1 dyes were on use, however how many different colours did GW1 have, around 10 was it?? What was the highest prices dye. black dye which was what, near 10kish? Can’t remember it’s been a while now. Now compare that to the number of different colours there are in GW2, compare it to the price of dyes in GW2, I think there is just a slight difference between the two, don’t you?

However, I agree with both sides. It would be nice for Anet to come up with a way to make dyes be used on more then one character, but they also need to keep the rareness of certain dyes that do cost afew gold, as if someone buys it on all 5 characters that’s upto 20g ish just off dyes for one person.

An idea would be to have a limit of how many colours you can have as favourites and make them account bound?

dyes available all characters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ravion Hawk.4736

Ravion Hawk.4736

It was promised that they would be account wide and they went back on that promise.

And dyes are not a gold sink. They are RNG drops as unidentified dyes, karma sinks if they are crafted, or real cash (intended) if bought from the gem store.

Head of the Order of the Iron Ravens [OoIR]
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior

dyes available all characters

in Suggestions

Posted by: SSalp.6423


It was promised that they would be account wide and they went back on that promise.

And dyes are not a gold sink. They are RNG drops as unidentified dyes, karma sinks if they are crafted, or real cash (intended) if bought from the gem store.

Where did they say that? And if you buy gems for gold they are a gold sink only nobody does that.

Immotal Kingdom[KING] – Desolation

dyes available all characters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chorel.1720


Won’t happen as long as they are available on the gem store.

dyes available all characters

in Suggestions

Posted by: SSalp.6423


Won’t happen as long as they are available on the gem store.

I think so, too. They would lose money. I don’t know how many people actually buy dyes (I think it’s stupid to buy them in gemstore but whatever). They can’t really do that because $$$.
Although I would really like them to be account bound…

Immotal Kingdom[KING] – Desolation

dyes available all characters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ravion Hawk.4736

Ravion Hawk.4736

It was promised that they would be account wide and they went back on that promise.

And dyes are not a gold sink. They are RNG drops as unidentified dyes, karma sinks if they are crafted, or real cash (intended) if bought from the gem store.

Where did they say that? And if you buy gems for gold they are a gold sink only nobody does that.


Once you unlock the color, it will be available across your entire account, not just the individual character.

I didn’t include the gold-to-gem transactions since it is countered by gem-to-gold transactions.

Head of the Order of the Iron Ravens [OoIR]
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior

(edited by Ravion Hawk.4736)