[iR] Game Mechanism

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


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G A M E – M E C H A N I S M

“Be the Hero you want to be!” – Sounds great!
Not true at Guild Wars, but still possible:
Sad, but people chosing professions because they’re not balanced well enough.
Many players asked about it, and the very most of them said they want to play with differnet professions or weapons, but they feel them weak compaired to Thieves, Mesmers, Warriors, or other weapon type.
In my concept, every profession is equal in damage & endurance. The only difference is the style, and the big winners will be the skilled players, not those who got an overpowered class with a copy-pasted build.
And there should be no much difference between the damage of different weapons, so we can use what we really want.
Please try to work out this way, so we can be what we want, not what the stats dictates.

EpicHP 1Hitter Bosses are crap
We hate it, really. Without fixing this old-fashion, the game can’t be revolutionary.
How so? I would make block & counter attack based fights, but I don’t think the game is ready for it yet. But its possible to randomize “stages” on bosses, so every stage needs a different style of tactic.
Not like at Giganticus L., running around like idiots (heroes lol).
Targeting different parts forces the boss to make unique actions. Targeting the leg make him cripple for a long time, head = dizzle/confused/blind, arm = weakness, chest = bleeding.
Another easy option is to make them big and slow, so we can dodge out their heavy damages. Please don’t use oversized effect circles that we can’t even dodge with two bars…

“VINDICTUS” MMO has very good bosses. They’re very dinamic, strong, fearful. Copy&Paste?"

Dinamical Auto Targeting
Many damage loss because of the lack of re-targeting while using a skill and the first target dies.Two new rules would make it great:
1: skill in use jumps on closest or selected target if the casted-on target dies.
2: If no next target, the skill stopps and starts to reloading.

I would make ranged weapons work with aim assisted crosshair, and TAB to lock on aiming.
Option and hotkey to swap between targeting modes.

sPvP Variety
Simple. More game type needed.

  • Capture the Flag? Like in a Call of Duty. Flag runner has unique skills equipped.
  • Last Stand: Team of the last standing member wins. No respawns.
  • Highlander/Battle Royale: FFA. Last standing player wins. Points given in order of deaths.
  • Fort Siege: By repairing and upgrading siege weapons, Team1 assaults Team2’s fort. They need to repair it by getting repair kits from the same battlefield, so they need to fight for it. After 10 minutes, the team wins with bigger chanches. (The game gives total of 100% chance spared over the two party isntead of 500 points. So if Team1 has 60% and Team2 has 40% survival chanches at the end of timer, Team1 wins.
  • The Horde: The two team needs to fight-out the way amongst Risens/other enemies to a place and capture it. The first team captures the point, wins.
  • Madness: Team players getting transformed into other profession every 20 seconds. First team reaches 500 points, wins.
    In some case, players should be skinned as pirates, soldiers, skeletons, monsters, etc. For the feeling."

Music Mixing Rescript
I can’t find a reason why MMO games has bad sound mixing. GW2 isn’t different.
In my concept, music loops should be split and triggered on easy trackable situations:
An area type has minimum 3 basic music loop and some bonus on special areas.

  • Ambient music that fits well to the area’s style. (Forest, Hills, Desert, Wasteland, City, etc)
  • When engine detects enemies nearby, a new loop sound will start. It prepares the player to the danger. The closer the enemies are, the louder this sound is. If it gets far, it silences.
  • When player enters combat (takes tamage), the battle music can be heard silently in background,
    and when player DOES DAMAGE, it becomes loud. Inspire the fights greatly.

These sound files are like layers synced to each other, so in danger and fight, we’ll get perfect mixing on situation. See attached pic:


Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Ranger Pets

  • They shouldn’t be “1hit” in PvE. They don’t need bigger health or defense, just a simple feature:
    Evade in chanches. Birds: 65%, Bears and others have 50% to block & counter-attack. So we Rangers can keep their damage, since our balance scaled including pet damage.
    When the pet attacks foe on order, the foe attacks the ranger only. If player ranger don’t damages at least 50% of health, he gains no loot – preventing pet-solo-farming this way. )
  • Hide lock. If we want to hide our pets, let us do, but don’t let it come out until we don’t command it by the same button. Without pet, give us a boost for compensating damage loss. Unhides on attack/skilluse/fallback orders.
  • If we order pet to Avoid option, they should attack the target only if we press F1, and if it dies, the pet should return to us, waiting for new attack order.
    At Fight option, they should automatically attack the enemy we do, but only after the target gets the hit.
    Don’t let them stick on an another target until there is no third behavior option for it.
    Always attack what player do. Stronger targets in first place.
  • There should be a third behavior option: Defend: Pet will absorb damage in chance as long as its alive.

I would make Pets much more dinamical with one simple redesign:
Agressive: Pet attacks what ranger does only. Attacks another target on order. Does condition skill on order.
Deffensive: Pet Defends ranger by absorbing damage. Attacks on order. Does buff skill on order.


  • F1 = Attack
  • F2 = Use Skill
  • F3 = Use buff or Return
  • F4 = Change behavior
  • F5 = Swap Pet

Bugged hit detection fix
As a ranger, I always shoot clear targets without damage, because it says “Invulnerable” or “Obstructed” even “Out of Range” at 10 steps away, while I see the arrow hits clearly. It needs fix. Another problem is, if we find an upper place to shoot from, we’ll be blocked by the game itself, because it makes enemies “Invulnerable” and “obstructed” without a reason.
What isn’t more dinamical, to shoot on the third axis? Well, if the NPC can’t reach us, let it shoot some kind of projectile, so we’ll still in danger."

Trebuches captured!
WWW trebuches and "USE"able things should be used by the enemy if they are good enough to capture it and turn it against us.

WWW Repair & WPs
It is stupid to pay for repair in a PvP, when culling and hacking is a great trouble, not to mention 1 hit killing trebuches.
Solution: Armor pieces do not brake in WWW.
Waypoints needs to be fee’d as a goldsink, because this means the real tactical advantage (and time saving)
+ Waypoints should react quickly. If no NPC is in combat within a fort or something, the WP shouldn’t be blocked for minutes, since players are exploiting this."

Dungeon Stage Reward
I know it is modified because of the speedrunners, but with a simple detail, we’re still able to get some benefit from the run if we’re not able to complete it.
The key is a time-limit. If we spend hours inside, trying to make some progress in the bugged chain, the game itself can say that we’re not speed runners. For every stage we made, we can calm up the token and money reward, like 20-20-20 tokens and 5-6-15 silver. Speedrunners won’t wait hours for 20 or 40 token, but we can get it even if we’re not able to finish it because of the game bugs.

We made the way to Giganticus Lupicus. It was bugged, self-reseted itself in combat, stucked in invulnerability, so the party fell of in rage and sadness. With stage-reward system, at least we would made some tokens."

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

(edited by RoyalPredator.9163)

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


WWW Blueprint Variety
If we want to make WWW a real battlefield, we need more war-technology. List: "Moving & Shooting Mounts:

  • Charr WarTanks (Tank, built by 500 Supply, Heavy ranged damage, Shoots like arrow-barrage, catapult, flamethrower)
  • Charr BattleCycle (Motorcycle, Built by 100 Supply, shoots arrow-barrage)
  • Asura Golem Suit (Exoskeleton, Built by 200 Supply, shoots rocket-like things in shoulder for range, punches X% of health in close range)
  • Supply Caravan (Built by 600 supply, players can pick this 500 supply up at any place it moved to)


  • Traps for Damage, Cripple, Burn, Poison, Knockback, or even better, lure some kind of mobs on them.
  • Barricade walls (to block enemy forces on road, or trap them inside a tower/building/cave/valley)
  • Conquered Place/Race specific Turrets (Like Dredge or Quaggan things that can be only optained by them, only if their territorry is friendly)
  • Weapon Stacks (Special weapons to equip by X amount of player. These can be special rifles, or any weapon for any profession. Charr Sniper Rifles with 2500 Range and heavy damage with long casting.
    Note: These weapons needs high effectiveness, slightly above an average player’s skill abilities)
  • Armor Stacks – giving toughness buff for allies.
  • Named Totems (Charr Totem, Gravl Totem, Bone Totem, Elemental Totem, Gods Totem, etc). These are planted totems and gives special bonus in range as long as they stand. Enemy – 50 to 100 of all skillpoint, +50 to 100 to all ally skillpoint, applied combo fields has double to 5 times more effectiveness, 10 to 30% to get Fear when using a skill (cooldown 10 to 20 seconds), or anything useful.

These things should be ranked, so Normal, Superior and Greater versions available, the more effect it has, the more it costs, more health it has and more supplies needed to build.

If the loot is finally fixed, and we’ll get at least 1 Badge of Honor each kill, exchanging would be useful.
I have a lot of design ideas for these. Ask me for them."

WWW Fort Capture Reward Chest
Killing Lord of a WWW fort should give us a reward chest that contains some of:

  • Badges of Honor
  • Random Blueprint
  • Bag of Coins
  • Random Booster
    NOTE: Captured Forts shouldn’t be captured for 1 to 2 hours
    This will prevent ""train farming"", and gives enough time to upgrade forts for defending."

3 Stage moving system
I think we need some improvement here:
“Now we have:
• Walk
• Run
+ Dodge

It would be better if we can:
• Walk
• Run
• Sprint by double pressing ""W"" (or binded key. This feature needs to be sticked in the option menu, just like double-tap Dodge. It drains dodge energy)
+ Dodge"

R a n g e r R e d e s i g n
I’m playing as Ranger main, and I found it boring and half-done in Guild Wars 2.
Some advices: In Real Life, Rangers are kind of thieves in combat.
They should hit with heavy damages from distances, and fast shots with less damage.
A long casting but heavy damage and long distanced longbow skill would be a nice ultility skill. -50% attack speed for +50% damage.

*Point Blank shot: Knockback at close range, knockdown only in longer.

  • Zaphir Quickness: More duration, and/or +15% quickness for 10 seconds if endurance is full.
    Self source healings are ignored. Other heals still effective.
  • Downed skill 2 and 3 should worth something in PVP. It does not help as much as any other profession’s downed skills. Pet should drag us away, or shield us to heal without getting interrupted/finished. I’ts very pathetic when every other classes can just run away or completely return within seconds, and rangers can do nothing good.
  • Longbows should fire bit faster. We can’t even hit a target because of spawn kitten players. Opening strike can be this.

Now Rangers are silently nerfed, while they should deal much more damage. I’m on full crit dmg build, and the maximum damage I do with a single skill is ~9900, while a warrior or thief can do 15,000 to 26,000 in same time.
-> Equal damages, more critical chance in base, longer shooting range at longbow (1700)" Autoattack animation should re-captured with more dinamical one. Sound effects should be a hard target hitting noise, not weak whispering.

Animal Interactions There are rabbits, frogs, mosquitos, rats, racoons on the ground. “What if we can get interacted with them, gaining some kind of boost?
Like the rabbits gives Luck for 5 minutes, or the frog gives chill on attack for some hit, rats gives chance to cause weak poison, etc.
The gained buff is kind of Nurnishment, but won’t replace what we have on. Has cooldown, can’t stack it.”

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Profession Weapon list Redesign
Everyone knows, locked weapons and skills will be a huge problem in the future.
It isn’t hard call to make weapon skills choseable (different conditions for example), but professions are messed up here anyway. Here is a logical and realistic list of aditional weapons should be useable by:

Ranger: Sword (main hand), Pistol (offhand at least), Dagger (offhand at least), Rifle
Thief: Sword (both hand), Axe (Main hand), Rifle
Mesmer: Sword (replacing greatsword), Pistol (offhand), Dagger (offhand)
Elementalist: Just offhand dagger
Engineer: ALL weapon type, all slot. This will make an universal class if the skills designed well."

Hounds of Balthazar
Some changes needed: Scale the dog’s models x2, and remodel it if possible. Make them brutal look. Now they look like big fat puppies.
Effectivity: When they jump in, big AOE Critical damage. Then they damage like normal pets as long as they live."

Prayer to Dwayna
is unuseable. “I’ts non water, it heals less, it reloads 10 seconds more. What is the point of this skill?
Would be better heals bit less, but gives some seconds of regeneration.
OR it should heal as more as less health we got.
OR fully heals us out with depending recharge.
OR heals nearby allies too.”
Prayer to Lyssa is also unuseable.
It should have longer recharge and longer random buffs of ANY KIND."

Elite Skill Durations
20 seconds of buffs are good for one wave, but they’re still not exactly “elite” category. "Elite skills with buffs should last longer, 60 seconds to 5 minutes, and reload slower instead.
I would make them non-timed, great transforms (with a lot of Gemstore variation) with useable and stylish skills.
These skills should be real epic, and much more useable. The effects they has can be ""neutralized"", because some skill and weapon deletes buffs for example. A basic amount (1 of 25) will still be on the player.
Spirit forms of Norns are weak, hard to control, there is no heal, and even have low quality textures on maximum graphic details.

In my concept, ELITE skills are mostly attacks and transformations.
Some ELITE Transformation should replace the ultility skills and the healing, and has really special effects.

Animated sheated weapons
Like in AION and VINDICTUS, most expensive weapon should have an animation when sheating. Example: A longbow folds itself when sheated on back, making the character look much more awesome with this new compact look. Dredge Greatsword is a good example. Its now “half folded” state. Compact it when sheated, and expand it when in hands. Isn’t it designed to have moving parts?

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163



==> The “WWW-PvE Cross Support System”

Every MMO has this illness, and GW2’s downgrading system is the first essential step, but its not yet enough.

I call it “Dinamic Economy Areas”
First: Equalize loots for the level the char has. If someone on level80 goes back to level10-15 areas, he needs same drops as in high-level areas, except the gathering. This will prevent overflooded lvl80 areas.
The next step is very complicated to make, but this feature may saves the game at all.

My concept is: ALL GAME AREA has dinamic events about gaining WWW and Economy support.
Players will see towns and NPCs in states depending on the Area’s condition. It can be:

  • Balanced (Normal look, normal WWW support gain, normal prices),
  • Lost (Damaged buildings and fields, enemies camping inside towns/villages/forts, higher prices, minimal or no WWW support gain)
  • Captured (NPCs building new buildings, Extra WWW support gain, better prices)

If the area is in “Lost” state, players need to recapture it from the conqueror forces who camped in destroyed towns and villages, killed NPCs.
When players “Balanced” the area, it will become more friendly, prices will be better, as well as loots (compensating the less enemy activity). Otherwise, they have to guard it with the NPCs, because enemies want those values badly.
If the players do really good work and capture the whole area, the enemy activity will be minimal, and they try to invade in waves (1 hours peroids). To compensate it again, prices will be even better than in “Balanced” state.

So, when players in PvE areas guarding NPCs, support caravans, capturing forts/vilalges/camps, more blueprint can be bought, more supply can be mined in WWW with some other extra benefit.
PvE Activity will make WWW better. It means a server needs to focus 50-50% on both PvE and WWW
When players earn success in WWW, the server is rewarded with bonuses like stat buffs, bit better drops, special opportunities, unque skins, etc.

Since the game has server instanced areas (and not fully open like we expected), its more easy to combine it with my custom weather and skymaps. Lost state has clouds, smoke, it should look a bit depressive. Balanced is normal. Captured state should bring a nice rainbow as a stylish sign." Metal, Wood, Food, Medical supplies, War supplies (Armor/Weapon), soldiers/workers gained from these areas – to make it logical and realistic.

Dinamic Event Resets
All event needs a hidden timer to complete,
so in case it stucks by game bug, they don’t need server reset." Optional: “Reset in every half hour in when its not running properly”

Ugly High Shadering
At maxed out graphic settings, shaders looks pathetic. I’m not the one who dislike.
Light reflection on characters are very strong. Reduce it please. O.o
All map textures looks wet. No material feeling on any of these textures. They need much better shaders at maximum settings. Even optional parallax textures on: Self, +Friends (party, friendlisted and guild members), +everyone closeby.
Please try to make more realistic material looks.

More Hack’n’Slash like dinamic animations
It will give more feel of force and the NPC creatures should behave much more realistic. No more one spot turn.
Seriously, they need a huge redesign.

Ranged Looting
Ranged kills should have loots like in WWW, spawned at player. "Just because its bit pathetic to “ninja” between foes to get loots as ranger.
If I just wait, the loot disappears sadly…

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

(edited by RoyalPredator.9163)

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


*Upgrading Guild Halls *
Having a Guild Hall is cool. Purchasing Merhants are useable.
Whats next?

Guild Halls should start from “Basic” type. The guild purchases a territorry with some ruins.
After this, they should have the opportunity to upgrade & rebuild it." "Upgrading Example:
Step 1: Buy territorry with ruins
Step 2: Rebuild walls
Step 3: Rebuild fort/castle/buildings
Step 4: Clean gardens
Step 5: Build Asuran Gates
Step 6: Get special animals onto gardens
Step 7: Make statues & Paintings with little bonus effects (like Guild Banner)
Step 8: Decorate with flags, crests, special NPCs.

Guild Hall style Examples:

  • Castle with garden
  • Village with farm (Tyrian, Elonian, Canthan, Charr, Sylvari, Asura, Norn style)
  • Trader Island
  • Pirate Island (with broken ships)
  • Cave hideout
  • Cathedral with cementery
  • Royal palace
  • Hunter house in mountains
  • Quaggan village (underwater)
  • Kodan ship
  • Black Citadel Facility
  • Sylvari mini-grove
  • Stone Forest (Kurzick like)
  • Jungle Hylek Village
  • Ruins of Orr
  • Pact Fort
  • Asuran laboratory
  • Ice Cave
  • Prioty-like base

Collecting Influence will have meaning from now

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


More serious Character Customization
“You can be the hero you want to be!”
Remember this? I think there is a giant misunderstanding.
We see clones again, just like back in GW1. And we hate it.
If we want to make our own “heroes”, let us customize it in much more options.
More of: pre-made faces, haircuts, beards, body types.
Should be scale-able, like was in AION. + Limits should synced to each other, preventing anatomy anomalies.
Correction needed on skin and hair colors, and models+textures+shaders needs a rework. Smoother edges and color corrections.
When its updated, as a nice sign of fairity, give us at least one free “Heavy Makeover Kit” per every account existing."

Guild Member XP Rank-leveling
Just an optional option: For an amount of Influence earned, the members should level-up in Ranks. This detail can be enabled by the guild leaders or anyone who has premission.

Unique style UI for every profession.
Nearly the same, but different colors and unique frames.
If possible, let us chose the UI Theme styles in the Options menu. Customization here is same important. People customizing their PC desktop for the same reason, and we take it serious.

Guild Bank Requests
There should be a log tab, where people can do requests like:

  • “Please craft 50 Omnomberry Pie. Materials added.”
  • “We need some more gold for a Commander. Throw some in!”
Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


EPICNESS in Fights
There are tricks to give depth to battles.
I know I won’t say new things, but they’re not good enough in the game:

  • Battle background noice. Yelling warriors, raging risens, steel crashes; murmur in overall.
  • Tactical yells to tell us where we need to go and help. But more agressive way. Thackeray’s voice… It was demoralising for a lot of us.
  • Battle Rage. Quantity makes Quality here. If we have a big fight against risens, make them much more in quantity, but more weak. Let us slay lots of them by 1-3 hits, so we’ll feel like a true slayer, while they keep up the same damage.
    To compensate it, take ""Brutals"", or some kind of special enemy that can knock, daze, stun, blew away us, so we still need to pay attention.
  • Replace that very awkward victory cheering sound effect. I’ll be rude. It’s pathetic. This sound alone can make joke about all the fight we done.
  • Real destruction. Place brakeable walls, windows, wooden fort objects at these fights, so we’ll see “The world burning”, and feel its weight. Don’t let us think “Oh, we’ll restart, who cares?”.
    Anyway, if a road or bridge half-collapses under siege, we can still go by jumping on the remaining planks/stones.

Sound effects needs to be deeper and stronger, focusing on hit force. These weapons have very nice sounds in real life.

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Please share your ideas about how to improve epicness in fights with the current system!

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Imo, there is too much being asked in this thread about various topics. Should narrow them down and mabye you woulnd’t need to bump them.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: MasterGeese.4756


“Be the hero you want to be!”
-I think all classes are viable in some way or form. No the game isn’t balanced, yet, but balance is easy to talk about yet rarely achievable.

Epic1Hitter bosses are crap.
-I agree, but for a different reason. When I was looking at this game in Beta, I came across the tequatl fight. It was epic then, all sorts of cannons and turrets working together to bring down this giant dragon. Nobody would dare get near Tequatl because it was just too kitten dangerous. Come release time and everything is completely reversed. There is literally NOBODY on the back lines, just 50 people nibbling at the dragon’s legs. I do think your idea of boss fights sounds cool, though. Makes me think of Starfox more than anything else, though.

Dynamic auto-targetting
-I haven’t noticed this being a problem for me, if only because the next enemy is usually behind me and I don’t realize it immediately. IMO there are bigger problems for Arenanet to tackle ATM.

sPvP variety
-Yes, and I’m pretty sure arenanet has more modes in the works at this very moment.

Music mixing rescript
-GW2’s music system has a whole slew of problems, and this is just one of them. The custom playlist system is very buggy as well. Would love to see this addressed, but I can’t say I’m in favor of your idea. If I’m about to engage in combat, I’m probably paying more attention to the fight/incoming fight than the music in the first place.

Ranger Pets
-Can’t comment here, I don’t play a ranger.

Bugged Hit detection fix
-Would like to see this fixed, though some steps towards this have been made already.

Trebuchets captured!
-I Don’t WvW enough to know how imba/not imba this would be, though the idea interests me.

WvW Repair and WP’s
-You get gold for doing things right in WvW, you lose gold for dying. Though yes, waypoints should be free, and shouldn’t be blocked for so long.

Dungeon Stage Reward
-I had a similar idea where the trash dropped goodies as well as the bosses, with the end-dungeon bonus being significantly reduced. (bout 10 tokens compared to current 60, but you would still get roughly 60 tokens from a run overall.) Would like to see this addressed.

WvW Blueprint variety
-Love everything on this list, and would love to see them implemented.

WvW Fort Capture Chest
I don’t think the 1-2 hour grace period on forts is necessary, just prevent it from spawning multiple times in, say, 2 hours.

3 Stage moving system
-Don’t see the point to this. You already get a speed boost out of combat, and dodging is faster than all of these.

Ranger Redesign
-Again, I don’t play a ranger, so I can’t comment here.

Animal Interactions
-Interesting, but I don’t see much point to adding it.

Profession Weapon List redesign
-Rangers aren’t supposed to have guns, they’re the naturey type.
-I main a thief, and I can’t really see a sword in the offhand, or an axe at all. An arm-blade maybe, but not an axe. Rifle would be nice though, as a “Sniper” type weapon.
-Engineers have enough kits/sets to be absurdly versatile as-is. Though something like a hammer/mace would be cool, I can’t picture a greatsword engi very well…

Hounds of Balthazar/Prayer to Dwayna:
-Never used either.

Elite Skill Durations:
Racial elites are so unbalanced at the moment that it’s not even funny. The asurans have a power suit that is probably worse than every other weapon set in the game .(can BARELY win a 1v1 with a risen anything.) Either remake these elites or fix them to not be useless.

Animated Sheathed weapons:
-Don’t find it that interesting, compared to other things on this list…

Solution for Empty Areas
-I don’t think it’s a good idea to merge WvW with the PvE world. People who hate one and love the other will throw a fit and you know what happens when customers throw a fit… If you want to encourage high level players to go to low level zones, a lot of fundamental scaling needs to be changed.

-All events should give roughly the same karma/xp/gold at max level (longer or more difficult events would give more.)
-Low level crafting mats need to be more important at high levels.
-Karma rewards should scale with your level. Ex. If you’re level 10, the karma vendors sell lv 10 loot. If you’re level 80, the karma vendors sell lv 80 loot.

Phew, let me take a break and I’ll finish up

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: MasterGeese.4756


Dynamic event resets
-They already do this. The reason they still bug out is that the game can’t detect this all the time.

Ugly High Shadering
-Haven’t noticed this, no comments here.

More Hack’n’Slash like dynamic animations
-??? I think the animations are great as-is, but hey we all have our opinions.

Ranged Looting

Guild Halls
-These take a massive amount of dev time to implement. I’m pretty sure that when Arenanet decides to add this, it will be awesome. (Though you gotta admit, not shipping guild halls in a game titled Guild Wars 2 is kind of sketchy.)

All Costs Influence
-??? could you elaborate on this.

More Serious Character Customization
-All I’m interested in seeing is different voices for your character. Other than that, the character creation screen has more options than I know what to do with.

Guild Member XP Rank-Levelling
-Great idea! I’m pretty sure WoW has something similar to this, though.

Unique Style UI for every profession
-The only way we’ll ever see this is if Arenanet allows Modding, and I highly doubt they’re going to do that in the near future.

Guild Bank Requests
-Again, great idea!

Epicness in fights
-Don’t agree with most of the stuff on here. Destroyable terrain is nice, but is already implemented in some cases.

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Well most of it sounds fine. Should add a quick TL;DR though :p

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


For you, MasterGeese.4756:

Dynamic auto-targetting: If you cast a longer ranged skill, you’ll see that if the target dies, your arrows/bullets hits the ground. It would be much better if these skills auto-retarget, so the dmg won’t be lost.

Music mixing rescript: You don’t even have to pay attention.
The soundtracks are used to blend in the games and make them feel more epic.

All Costs Influence: Building a Guild Hall, then Upgrading it should cost influence, not gold (like in GW1)

Unique Style UI for every profession: It meant to have originally, or selecatble without mods. Even GEMStore should sell upgraded looks.


Now I’m thinking about why the MMO games has the same controll and UI mechs for all the classes, meanwhile they need different kind to achieve maximal effectiveness and handle…

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Hmm, WWW traps are added.
Another point of my list become reality
N1, keep up working, ANet!

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Started to capture for videos… and I’ve realised that there is no screen ratio adjustment in the options menu… 1920×1080 makes things look compressed on my fullHD screen witch runs on the same resolution…
So I suggest this too…
Other games looks normal tho, and GTA IV’s 16:10 ratio made it nice wide for me, as I like it.

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Too much typing for me to explain what I agree and don’t agree with but put shortly, I agree with about 90% of this. Even if anet decided to add all 100% of this I’d be perfectly fine with it. Very good post btw, I enjoyed reading your suggestions.

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: LED.4739


Hey, I liked this post a lot! Great ideas to breathe some fresh new life to the game and make it truly above the pack.

As for your pet mechanics section, I made a post recently that’s essentially totally revamping the way pets would be incorporated. If you could take a look and give some feedback I’d rly appreciate it. Thanks


[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clay.5701


The Account Wallet was nice update, but there should be an option what to show in buttom of the inventory [i] panel.

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Great idea, Clay!

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Found a little memo-paper in my backpack:

  • Back items, capes, helmets, costumes & town clothes need the same option as back in GW1: Always Show / Always Hide / Show only in cities-outposts
  • Emotes needs models as we saw in AION
Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: Psycho Robot.7835

Psycho Robot.7835

Am I posting in a real honest to god [iR]™ thread? Its not a knockoff or anything? Wow. That being said, I too could really use some more dinamical events. The current way events are right now is very statickal. Its not very ingagingal or emaginatival.

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Imo, there is too much being asked in this thread about various topics. Should narrow them down and mabye you woulnd’t need to bump them.

Pretty much this. IMO I’d say do various threads about the various topics.
etc. etc…

Also it seems that you listed a lot of great things and great changes for the general game, but you only ever touched on the Ranger profession and no other ones.

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Am I posting in a real honest to god [iR]™ thread? Its not a knockoff or anything? Wow.

What’s [iR] and why is it important? I see a few threads with [iR] in the title and have no idea whakittens importance is.

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Hela! [iR] stands for iRevolution.eu, witch is my page, and I do my works by the name of it. (stuffs are under construction there). It is a prefix for easy-search.

I’ve tried once to publish all my works in one topic, but that did not worked.
A moderator asked me to make separate topics – so I made it like this.
More separation wouldn’t been bad, but would be harder to track.

Currently I’m testing the other professions, while my main stays Ranger, and thats what I’ve played by 95% in the last year. I can’t really focus on mutch more, but as something interesting idea goes through my mind, I’ll post it.

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Update for LFG Tool:
Need option for:

  • Path number sign
  • Only lvl80 can join
  • Pre-ordered class slots
  • Overall more information seen
  • Maybe: Only that can join who did the signed thing before (checked by system)
Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Commander icons for tier-suggestion.
Don’t take the design serious, its very simple…


Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Commander icons for tier-suggestion.
Don’t take the design serious, its very simple…


Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

[iR] Game Mechanism

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


A proper character customization TOP 5.
Let’s think what we have right now instead something like these…

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”