Norn have tatoos and go play sims if you want make up. Second of all how does a charr put on make-up? And why would asura use make up?
kids these days, you suggest something simple and they start bringing illogic arguments.
firstly i don’t play the sims because I AM PLAYING GUILD WARS 2, secondly have some imagination for Christ sake.
answer me this, how is it a bad idea when it gives more options?
I think this is a great option! You can make it so each one has no makeup as a choice so that way those (like poster #2) can choose none, but give other options for those that do want it!
Do it. We all look like clones. And while at it. how about a DECENT beard for norns! That braided chin waggle one is the only one barely acceptable, the rest look like rats nests. I want my Cmdr Riker Beard. I make my chars look like me, and the beard options this game has are pathetic. :}
I’d love to give my male mesmer some fancy makeup so he could rock that Rococo look. Mayve even some blush and some lipstick (Yes, I want my mesmer to look as effeminate as possible if anyone’s wondering since Mesmers are just so fab)
nice to know more ppl who like this, i just don’t see how it’s a good idea to have only 2 female faces with makeup with one barely viewable and the other hardly acceptable.