show other players on the map in same area

show other players on the map in same area

in Suggestions

Posted by: Duke Nukem.6783

Duke Nukem.6783

this is a simple suggestion but would have very immediate positive effects on the social aspects of the game. the idea of just letting me see all the other players as little blue dots (color doesnt really matter here) when on the same map as them would facilitate teamwork and cooperative play with strangers instead of just relying on the “map chat” it would also be nice to see dead players on the map so that maybe someone will come to my rescue or i can go a bit out of my way for someone else.

this will help dead maps feel alot less dead when i know where everybody is!

show other players on the map in same area

in Suggestions

Posted by: To Be Or Not.8267

To Be Or Not.8267

It could be great, like on WvW.
Sometimes, when we died, some players come to res, we go to the respawn point because we don’t see anyone in the map.

show other players on the map in same area

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ratty.5176


+1 to this.

Also would love Guild members to be shown in Yellow in both PvE and PvP