Rate the sylvari name above yours!
Whilst not exactly following stereotypical Sylvari naming patterns, I appreciate the comedy. 7/10.
My Sylvari Guardian’s name is Devharrel, and his companion, the Sylvari Elementalist, Orinthia.
My sylvari Necromancer’s name is Dahlia Nightshade
9/10 I like Dahlia’s they are pretty flowers- and its a nice play on two flowers- one lovely and one ‘deadly’ one nice name for a necro!!
My Sylvari name is Cerynitian- like the fictional great deer.. its a pretty name though!!
shes a ranger
9/10 – Feels right, pronounceable, fits in with the lore.
I just rolled up my male Mesmer named Tharlious.
7/10 Tharlious sounds strong and sturdy but not very Sylvari like.
Just made a Sylvari thief called Andhsláine, Andh is Sanskrit for blind/darkness and slán is Gaelic for defiance.
Gave him the darkest brown wood skin color there was with Midnight Fire hair, planning to keep the starter hood on him through out the game, might change it later.
(edited by jpnova.4572)
7/10, pretty good, nice use of sanskrit and gaelic.
I made a Mesmer Sylvari named Night Rhapsody
Skin color Birch (silver white something) with the slicked back spiked hairstyle like Kazuya Mishima’s with Birch Color too
I’m gonna dye him ebony, gray and white, any mixture of those
6/10 not a very Sylvari kind of name, like the sound of the look through and Rhapsody is one of my favorite words.
I made another Sylvari a Necromancer Rhaát, it’s a play on the Sanksrit word night and the word wrath. Pronounced Rh-a-ath
8/10 it fits both Necromancer and Sylvari.
My sylvari mesmer is Sorcha Willow. I’m sure the nod to the movie will be noticed.
Eh ill give you a 7/10 not sure what movie you’re referring to but good nonetheless.
My sylvari warrior’s name is Arter Choke
8/10 fits with Sylvari well.
My mesmer’s name is Rexaura, Mesmer of The Whispers
Leader of Shards of the Past [PAST]
Darkhaven server
6/10. The name is decent, but it’s really generic… it kinda sounds like an NPC name.
My elementalist’s name is Cynrae Elmroot.
8.5/10 love the reference to trees!
Mine is Fairfax Celestine, Thief of The Whispers
My Sylvari Mesmer is named Mirage Iboga. My guildmates prefer to call him “The most annoying plant in Nightfall”
Tarnished Coast Server
I give Mirage Iboga 7/10, BUT “The most annoying plant in Nightfall” an 8/10
my sylvari’s name is Dragon of the North
Gotta say that I love the general Tolkien elves OR plant taxonomy theme that’s going on in this thread.
Hmm, ‘Dragon of the North’… not very sylvari-esque, but as I’ve only just recently watched that youtube thing about the Pale-Tree-is-an-Elder-Dragon theory, I’ll give it a 7/10.
My sylvari Ele is Photosynthaesa.
[DV] – megaboss community
I like it! 8/10. Very exotic.
My ranger is Arion Leafdew.
Arion Leafdew is nice, and I think it fits well thematically, 8/10.
My Ele’s name is Yeva Emberwill.
I liked it, a different name. 8/10
Tzevaot >> Necromancer
8/10 I like it but I find it hard to pronounce. ^^
Syla Tywèle —> Ranger of the Durmand Priory
word “range” but from “to range”.
Just a point, Sylvari names are meant to be Celtic or Arthurian-inspired.
Anyway, 7.8/10, liked the name but probably could’ve been more fluent.
My name is Elaine Of The Moon
6/10 pretty generic
Mine is a sylvari mesmer his name is Guíldwars, was originally Mad Kíng
I see what you did there 9/10
My latest Sylvari (cant settle on a class lol) is a Ele called Fire Sapling
8/10, nice touch on using fire in the name of a plant, fits good with an ele too ^^.
My Sylvari is called Pringled, figured that potatoes are plants too.
7/10 I like the lol value
Here is my Sylvari Ranger Onyx Bough
Soul of Onyx – Guardian
(edited by OnyX.9027)
6/10. It’s not a bad name, I just get very picky and prefer the more…I guess, exotic? names for Sylvari.
As for me, I have two.
Iverna, my Sylvari ranger, whose name is latin meaning “from Ireland.” Since I couldn’t find a good enough gaelic name to gave her, I stuck with that.
My second is Maedhbh, my Mesmer. pronounced like Cave but with an M. :P Irish name meaning intoxicating.
I take my naming conventions pretty seriously. >.>
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist
My elementalist is called Prunemi. As in Prune me.
Love it xD 10/10
I have two, Lullamoon, my Mesmer, and Aethila, my Ranger.
(They are in order)
(edited by ChibiLlama.6439)
My sylvari ele is named Alessa Floros, Floros as in Greek for green.
(edited by MeetShawn.6025)
My name is Aindreas Dreamseed
Love it xD 10/10
I have two, Lullamoon, my Mesmer, and Aethila, my Ranger.
(They are in order)
Thanks. BTW I love your names, very imaginative and the second one very in keeping with the lore I think so ignore the meany who gave you 2/10, I give you 10/10.
Love it xD 10/10
I have two, Lullamoon, my Mesmer, and Aethila, my Ranger.
(They are in order)Thanks. BTW I love your names, very imaginative and the second one very in keeping with the lore I think so ignore the meany who gave you 2/10, I give you 10/10.
This guy is very bad at the game.
Aindreas, I like it, 7/10,
I’ll repost mine.
As for me, I have two.
Iverna, my Sylvari ranger, whose name is latin meaning “from Ireland.” Since I couldn’t find a good enough gaelic name to gave her, I stuck with that.
My second is Maedhbh, my Mesmer. pronounced like Cave but with an M. :P Irish name meaning intoxicating.
I take my naming conventions pretty seriously. >.>
I’m going to edit this in for the kitten below me.
I did my research. You also have to consider that names are not literal combination of words.
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist
(edited by KyoHanakaze.8145)
1/10. “From” in Latin is “ex”. And the old Latin word for Ireland is “Hibernia”.
^ No name.
7/10 Sounds like an NPC name, sorry, but it does. Still..a nice name so I gave you 4.
Just made another alt Sylvari with the name: Pota Toe.
edit: I gave you a higher score cos it’s a nice name but as the person below says I prefer humorous/novelty names as opposed to lore names..suppose it’s just preference.
(edited by Falafal.9135)
5/10 Your’s is a novelty name not much better.
Made a Sylvari warrior named Cormav
6/10 Goes with warrior but idk about the sylvari naming.
Have a male sylvari necromancer named Smeartyke Kerner.(Couldnt help with the last name cuz its special to me)
Sylvari NPC names are typically Gaelic or Welsh.
My sylvari mesmer’s name is:
Aneirin; meaning honorable/noble, and
Cadwall; a derivative of Cadwallen, which means ‘battle dissolver’
It was a convenient coincidence that sylvari names were chosen to be Gaelic/Welsh…
After the redesign, I had decided my primary character would be a sylvari whose personality was based upon the faded, distant memories of ‘his ancestor’:
A certain human mesmer who spent a lot of time appreciating the beauty and the purpose of Ventari’s Refuge…
Of course, the memory of his name was at least a little blurrier than that of his personality and his deeds… so it came out a little different from the dream of dreams.
As for rating the name above mine… the depth of detail to which I went in naming mine leads me to wonder how you named yours.
Preliminary rating of 6/10 in favor of your rating of the name above yours. lol
Sanctum of Rall since beta 3. Mesmer since 1070 AE
Sylvari NPC names are typically Gaelic or Welsh.
My sylvari mesmer’s name is:Aneirin; meaning honorable/noble, and
Cadwall; a derivative of Cadwallen, which means ‘battle dissolver’It was a convenient coincidence that sylvari names were chosen to be Gaelic/Welsh…
After the redesign, I had decided my primary character would be a sylvari whose personality was based upon the faded, distant memories of ‘his ancestor’:
A certain human mesmer who spent a lot of time appreciating the beauty and the purpose of Ventari’s Refuge…
Of course, the memory of his name was at least a little blurrier than that of his personality and his deeds… so it came out a little different from the dream of dreams.
As for rating the name above mine… the depth of detail to which I went in naming mine leads me to wonder how you named yours.
Preliminary rating of 6/10 in favor of your rating of the name above yours. lol
I’ll give it an 8.5/10. It’s interesting and makes for a good name, but I’m not much of a fan of surnames for Sylvari as they are just “one big family”… or at least from what I’ve read about online.
I am installing the game right now, but I already know my first character is going to be a Sylvari Necromancer by the name of Silthir. I use the name Silthir (or a variation of it) for every MMO/RPG that I play, but I feel it suits the Sylvari more than any of the other races. (:
Silthir sounds really nice and it’s even kinda celtic-sounding i’d rate it 9/10
I also have a sylvari necro, her name is Ciara Eldersoul.
Ciara is the female form of “Ciarán” which is a gaelic male name, meaning “little dark one” or “blacky” according to wikipedia :P I thought it fits a necromancer, though her skin and hair color is almost white actually, but necromancy is still a “dark” profession.
The Eldersoul part of the name… i saw those giant tree spirits called “veteran pinesoul” or “oakheart” and thought it sounded cool. There are several beliefs and superstitions about the elder tree and witchcraft, and it’s also a poisonous plant basically (the leaves, twigs and uncooked berries) so i thought it also fit well with necromancy+sylvari
I like many names in this post :-) here are 3 of mine little sylvari
White Blueberry- I had an image of blueberries covered in snow
Cute Fleurette- which means cute little flower and
Blackberry Clair- obviously its a necromancer he he :-)
I suppose I’ll rate them all
9/10 – I like this one a lot since it combines your account name and a necromancer feature.
My male Sylvari ranger is called: Yeodre Brynjos
I read somewhere Sylvari’s use Irish-sounding names, so tried making an exotic incomprehensible jumble of words that sounded Irish. :P
Northern Shiverpeaks [NA]
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS]
Mine wasn’t rated… oh well, not that it matters so much… xP
Mine wasn’t rated…
oh well, not that it matters so much… xP
Since I saw how much time and effort you took in your name, I decided to rate yours: 10/10, it’s absolutely brilliant! I love the backstory of the name which refers both to your profession and race. And as a side note: Making a necromancer white probably looks even more kitten than black. If only your armor was as dark as a forgotten soul
For the next poster: see two posts up for the last name, my name since I’m curious about what you think.
Northern Shiverpeaks [NA]
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS]
Yeah Sylvari use a mixture of Gaelic, old English and Arthurian type names it seems.
Yeodre, I like it, sounds similar to Yeoman, which is a freeman militia (normally long-bowmen) in medieval England and Wales. Very fitting for a ranger. Unsure about the surname though.
Mines called Cinderwen.
She’s an Elementalist with black skin, the branch hair with red leaves and orange glow. Ill show her in the Screenshot forum =)
Mine wasn’t rated…
oh well, not that it matters so much… xP
Since I saw how much time and effort you took in your name, I decided to rate yours: 10/10, it’s absolutely brilliant! I love the backstory of the name which refers both to your profession and race. And as a side note: Making a necromancer white probably looks even more kitten than black. If only your armor was as dark as a forgotten soul
For the next poster: see two posts up for the last name, my name
since I’m curious about what you think.
Thank you very much! ^^
I’m changing the armor colours really frequently to find something that matches perfectly… so far some pale blue-ish colors seem to fit well but i’ll try some dark ones
Mines called Cinderwen.
She’s an Elementalist with black skin, the branch hair with red leaves and orange glow. Ill show her in the Screenshot forum =)
It looks nice (the word) and sounds nice! (Although I’m not sure) it seems to fit in the lore as well or at least sounds like one that fits.
And a nice reference to the material cinder by choosing such a color scheme too which still doesn’t stand out too much.
I have 2 sylvari characters;
Female mesmer named Sameri.
And a male engineer named Danavon Locke.
The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”
Mine wasn’t rated…
oh well, not that it matters so much… xP
I am so sorry…. I forgot had a little more drinks than I was supposed to have :P, but I do like the name and I would give it a 10/10
, I just felt in love with it
(edited by Clairette.5396)
9/10, 9/10
You really can’t go wrong when naming a Sylvari. For example, my Mesmer Sylvari is named Cerveaza!! Buwahaha! ((Cerveza – Spanish for Beer)) I tried to color theme her to look like a sunset.