(edited by Hexy.2436)
Rate the sylvari name above yours!
deadlyharper: why beer? I don’t see the connection to be honest…baffling.
Hexy: You forgot to rate the one above. I give yours: 10/10 because I’m surprised that was still available so if you got it, well done.
I named mine: Dantaea. No reason why I chose that..completely random. Too many vowels maybe?
No offputting purpose here, but that name is good for any possible female character of possibly any race :p 6/10
my mes – Evolved Eggplant (looks like an eggplant more or less)
(edited by Purifier.9865)
I like Sakuro very much. Yhin not so… But it’s a good combination, imo.
My ranger is Serafina the Gentle. I know, perhaps a bit cliché, but I like it.
Pretty original name, and the title doesn’t stray too far off of an sylvari ranger as well. An easy 7/10 to you!
My only sylvari character is named “Orrian Blossom”, the warrior.
gives off a frighting feel like poison ivy, or crab grass still very plant like but gives off the sense to be feared 8/10
My 3 sylvari names are
Storm Sapphire
Chaos Ruby
Twilight Emerald
Chaotic Storm, at first I thought your names were too impersonal/cliche, but if Storm Sapphire is a blue elementalist, Chaos Ruby is a red mesmer and Twilight Emerald is a green thief, then each of them gets a 7 easily.
My sylvari is a Priory Necromancer, Vahlia Rootrot.
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
I really like it -
a herb I know nothing about other that you can find it in Africa+ Rootrot- reminds me of the sangomas here
My Sylvari ranger is called Crowgirl and she runs around with a raven named Boo
Tree Dink
Os of NSP
Oh short and kinda funny! I like it! 7/10!
My sylvari is named:
-Iris Twigs!
I wanted her to have a cute name!
10/10 it’s so cute!
my sylvari is Evtasith Nariaen
8/10 for sounding exotic but I have no idea how to pronounce it.
After scrolling through 6 pages of this thread I am surprised no one shares the first name of my character.
My Ranger, Flora Wraithlight with her pet, Fauna.
Also introducing my elementalist Cathair Eudicot
i give a 8/10 cause Flora Wraithlight sounds like a megaflower xD
My Sylvari Ranger’s name is Aerisü
~Stormbluff Isle~
8/10 though I’m not sure how to pronounce it, but i kinda like that, as they are not human :P
My Sylvari ranger is called Loallin
Loalin was the name i used for my Pandaren in WoW but was taken here so had to add an extra L in it.
8/10, it feels very gentle, sort of fitting a Sylvari ranger in it’s own way.
My Necromancer is Vallon Razorleaf.
8/10, it feels very gentle, sort of fitting a Sylvari ranger in it’s own way.
My Necromancer is Vallon Razorleaf.
10/10 Perfect name for a sylvari necro.
I named my little elementalist Faery due to her looks.
(edited by Hexy.2436)
Omg, 10/10. It’s perfect with that look. I love it!
I just started a mesmer I kinda love named Manashroom. Guess what hair he uses.
Omg, 10/10. It’s perfect with that look. I love it!
I just started a mesmer I kinda love named Manashroom. Guess what hair he uses.
Haha, 7.8/10
Here is Brazenthorn, Thief of Sanctum of Rall
Haha, 7.8/10
Here is Brazenthorn, Thief of Sanctum of Rall
8/10 – Love the sound of it. Sounds courageous
Ceirios Blodeufryd
I’m not sure whether to keep it just Blodeufryd as I’m in the process of making my character.
‘Ceirios’ – Cherry (My other characters name is Cerys or Cery so everyone nicknamed her Cherry)
‘Blodeufryd’ -> Merging the words Hyfryd (Beautiful) and Blodeuo ( Blossom) = Beautiful Blossom in Welsh
Female Sylvari Engineer: Eironi
The name is Welsh for Irony, because plant+flamethrower is amusing.
Also, this name is, as far as I am aware, open.
As for Cherry Beautiful Blossom, 9/10. Fits the Sylvari nearly perfectly, but I am a sucker for names that arem’t based off of other languages. Yes, that is irony. For you, a 10/10.
Female Sylvari Engineer: Eironi
The name is Welsh for Irony, because plant+flamethrower is amusing.
Also, this name is, as far as I am aware, open.
As for Cherry Beautiful Blossom, 9/10. Fits the Sylvari nearly perfectly, but I am a sucker for names that arem’t based off of other languages. Yes, that is irony. For you, a 10/10.
10/10 for an Industrial Plant. I like it.
My name is Treant Reznor.
[CERN] When Zergs Collide – Tarnished Coast born n’ bred
Female Sylvari Engineer: Eironi
The name is Welsh for Irony, because plant+flamethrower is amusing.
Also, this name is, as far as I am aware, open.
As for Cherry Beautiful Blossom, 9/10. Fits the Sylvari nearly perfectly, but I am a sucker for names that arem’t based off of other languages. Yes, that is irony. For you, a 10/10.
10/10 for an Industrial Plant. I like it.
My name is Treant Reznor.
I chuckled heartily, so 8/10. :P The missing two points are because I’m not a huge fan of joke names, but this one’s really well done.
I’m going to repost mine because the last guy who rated mine doubted the origins of my names and gave me 1/10 because I must obviously be wrong since he has such superior knowledge!
A Sylvari ranger named Iverna, a Latin name meaning “from Ireland.” I couldn’t find a proper Celtic name that I liked for my ranger so I went with that, since it does have the proper implications.
My mesmer is name Maedhbh, and Irish name meaning ’Intoxicating," which I thought fitting for a mesmer.
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist
7/10 for Iverna, cultural references are always appreciated and 8/10 for Maedhbh.
My warrior’s name is Sosondowah, I picked the White Stag story and was born at Dawn. See why here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sosondowah
And I named my Female Thief Erlkonigin – meaning the “Elf Queen” and more specifically the female version of this German Folklore: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erlkonig
10/10 for both names. Incredibly beautiful. I love names with meaning and the sound of both names is wonderful.
Mine is more simple: Lyndis Silvermist, the elementalist
8/10 for Lyndis Silvermist because I did some searching and found it cool how you gave her name a nice meaning!
My male sylvari mesmer’s name is ‘Svenial’. (su-ven-EE-al)
7/10 for Svenial. I will have to see your sylvari to make a better judgement.
My two male sylvari names are:
Atlas of Mordremoth (hint at 6th Elder Dragon) – Ranger
Kronos of Kynareth – Warrior
I shall assign a rating of 8/10, for lore reference
My Sylvari Ranger is the traveling hermit and wanderer – Peculiar Branch
7/10 for Peculiar Branch. I like the wackiness of it, but it takes me out of the character a bit. It’s cute.
My male sylvari warrior is Corcoran (pronounced CORE-ker-in). It’s a Gaelic surname that I thought sounded rough and brough-y. No screenshot, but, he’s as big as possible, with a cactus man look.
Nice I would give it a solid 8/10 as a sylvari name.
My two are Koranth Firstborn who is a ranger and Phydrath who is an ele.
personal lore Koranth emerged from her pod late or is that early so she is not a true firstborn.
Koranth Firstborn: 7/10
Phydrath: 8/10 – I especially like this one, though it sounds more male to me.
No personal lore for my character as of yet as he still young.
Name: Ricaan Rosewell
Ricaan Rosewell – 7/10 I don’t like Ricaan much but as a whole the name sounds good, it’s fun to say.
My (ferocious) white/grey Sylvari Mesmer – Reeva Ashleaf
I think I’d give Reeva Ashleaf a solid 7/10. I think it fits a sylvari well, but it doesn’t really tell me anything about them.
I went with Cúnacoillte for my latest warrior, which is probably kind of cheating since I’m Irish. Roughly translates to ‘the hound of the forest.’
7/10 on Cunacoillte, hard to pronounce upon first glance.
Zensiert, Sylvari Necromancer. Zensiert is ‘Censored’ in German.
My Sylvari mesmer (with the mushroom hat appearance) was named Magick Mushroom… Before aNet banned me for 48 hours and forced me to change my name.
edit; 8/10, I like Germany.
I think Magick Mushroom is hilarious!! Solid 9/10! (hilarious, but not epic…)
My Sylvari’s name is Inna Gadda Davida. (Based on the Iron Butterfly tune)
8/10 Really like the way the name flows off of the tongue.
Mine is Cutthroat Justice. Ranger of the Order of Whispers.
7/10, melikey but your name would probably be more suited to a Warrior or Thief maybe?
Mine’s “A Gravedigger”. Sylvari Necromancer of the OoW.
Mine’s Arboreesi, Mesmer of the Order of Whispers.
(GoT Reference, purple eyes, tried to make her white but ended pale pink, i want a recustomization to fix her).
EDIT: Forgot to rate. Lets see 8/10. I like the name, i hope it is all black and green. =D
(edited by xaunpy.9081)
9/10 i like how it sounds, but i dont watch GoT haha
my sylvari’s name is Avellannia
avellana is latin for hazelnut, but that was taken, so i just threw in an extra n and i.
7/10, sounds pretty good, kinda RP’ish
Mine’s name is Drunken Mantis, Theif
Drunken Mantis → Funny name! Definitely fitting for a thief. Not exactly your typical Sylvari name, which is why I’ll give it an 8.5/10.
9.5/10 if your character drinks copious amounts of alcohol xD And 10/10 if he also has a mushroom head ;-)
I’ve got two Sylvari, so you can rate ’em both:
Fiodoir – Mesmer of the Priory. Name chosen because it means Weaver and my last name is Weaver :-). Pronounced like so: “Fio – door”, kind of like “Theodore”.
Adaerc – Guardian of the Order of Whispers. Name chosen just because it sounded like a Sylvari name. Three ways to pronounce it, haven’t settled on one yet, so tell me which one you prefer: “A-dark”, “A-dirk”, “A-de-rik”.
- Shakespeare
7/10 i like the name for a thief, fits like a glove to the profession. Just not sure it fits for a Sylvari though.
Mine is Liyonna Caineth for a ranger.
7/10 and not because I see any fault with it but mostly because I would have probably gone only with Caineth or Liyonna. ( I know it’s not always possible so I realize I am being a bit unfair )
My necromancer is called Begwyn and my Guardian is Sulgwen. I basically took old Welsh or celtic names for unrelated things, mashed them together and changed/added a letter here or there.
(edited by Harak.8397)
8/10 Beer is good. Mine is named Faery.
Mine is Lilee(like the flower:)
I like that, and I’ll give you a +9/10. My Sylvari Ranger’s name is Dryad of the Wild.
5/10..more of a title than a name really.
My Mesmer Sylvari’s name is Shadow Moonfang.
7/10…I like the name, but the “moon” part just feels really long when you say it before you get to the end.
My Sylvari Elementalist: Antigonos Keraunos
Fyi- I love classical history =D
8/10, not exactly knee deep in lore, but the name is really cool. Thunder and stuff..
Anyway, my sylvari thief’s named Walking Iris. (Full Purple-dyed.)
8/10. I like it. It sounds really… cheerful
Ars Anima: Mesmer. Black skin, white eyes and dark red hair.
I wanted to name her “Ars Goetia” (first part of the “The Lesser Key of Solomon” grimoire) and make her Necromancer but someone already used it (cries) so… I decided to change it for the latin word “anima”, as I always liked how Mesmers could manipulate multiple versions of themselves or “souls”. That’s pretty much it.