Stormbluff Isle ~ Knights Templar
Screens of your Sylvari
Stormbluff Isle ~ Knights Templar
I remade my Sylvari to be a little more visually interesting. Also remade as a Ranger and made my Norn a Warrior.
I remade my Sylvari to be a little more visually interesting. Also remade as a Ranger and made my Norn a Warrior.
Looks good. Might I ask what armor set that is?
Proud player of Crusader, Arcanist,
Beastmaster, Shadowraider, and Shieldbearer Zakk!
It’s Stalwart Shoulders, Seeker’s Coat, Rawhide Bracers, Assassin Legs, Stalwart Boots. I have way more bombastic pieces, but these fit my Ranger. I tend to gravitate towards neutral or earth tones and like the realistic looking pieces over flaming floating particle effects.
My ranger in a mix of cultural t1 shoulders, t2 coat and leggings, t3 shoes and TA gloves.:)
Updated the look of my Sylvari Thief, Mesmer and Guardian with some new dyes, and faces/hairstyles due to the changes in how dyes work on Sylvari armor.
First up, my Thief based on a Black Lotus theme.
Armor is still the same, mix of Cultural T2 Medium Head/Shoulders with T3 Medium Body/Gloves/Legs/Boots.
Dyes used:
Abyss, Night Shade, Dusk, Midnight Purple
(edited by Reikou.7068)
My Sylvari Mesmer based on Red and White rose theme.
Armor is full Cutural T2 Light
Dyes used:
Burgundy, Heirloom, Black Cherry, Midnight Rose
(edited by Reikou.7068)
Last is my Sylvari Guardian based on a white violet theme.
Armor is full Cultural T1 Heavy, without helm showing.
Dyes used: Midnight Sky, Shy Violet, Violet Ice
(edited by Reikou.7068)
I made some changes recently and decided to do a bit of a combo – Something that showed off my Sylvari roots but merged it with metal. And since I’m a proud member of the Vigil, I used some of their armor. I think it works really well.
Vigil Helmet
Tier 2 Cultural Chest
Tier 2 Cultural Gloves
Tier 3 Cultural Shoulder
Vigil Leggings
Tier 2 Cultural Boots (you can’t really see them in the pic)
I constantly swap the colors around but can’t seem to stray too far from an earthy look for the Sylvari armor and a metallic color for the Vigil stuff. Maybe when I get some better dyes I can find a color combination I like better.
My Sylvari Elementalist
To find the speed boost chickens of course! #AscalonSpeedBoostChicken
My latest addition, a fresh L80 Engineer with a “Green Jasmine” theme.
Armor is a mix of Cultural Medium T1, Cultural Medium T2, and Medium Nightmare armor.
Dyes used: Frost, Green Tint, Forgiveness, Wintergreen, Midnight Teal,
(edited by Reikou.7068)
Magister Caillech — Necromancer
Here is the combination:
Tier 3 Cultural Mask
Phoenix Light-Armor Chest (Skin)
Tier 3 Cultural Gloves
Trickster’s Light-Armor Shoulders (Skin)
Tier 3 Cultural Leggings in the first pics, Tier 1 Cultural Leggings in the last three pics.
(edited by M Steel.2574)
Here are a couple of my lovely salads. Terywen the Ranger, and my main Crythana the Thief
Magister Caillech — Necromancer
Wooow, one of the nicest armor combination i’ve seen so far. I like the one with the T3 legging a bit better, the one with T1 is cool too but looks a bit weird around the hips. Another strange thing is that i never liked that face or that new “hair” but on your character, both look really amazing! :O Cheers!
Magister Caillech — Necromancer
Got to ask, what mask are you wearing?
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Magister Caillech — Necromancer
Got to ask, what mask are you wearing?
T3 light Sylvari Cultural Armor I believe.
Magister Caillech — Necromancer
Wooow, one of the nicest armor combination i’ve seen so far. I like the one with the T3 legging a bit better, the one with T1 is cool too but looks a bit weird around the hips. Another strange thing is that i never liked that face or that new “hair” but on your character, both look really amazing! :O Cheers!
I totally agree. I ended up sticking with T3 in game. Also, I never really liked that hair or face either, but I wanted to try something new. I’m pretty happy with the results. And thank you!
Here is my Ranger Kairranna. I wasn’t sure which colours I liked best for her town clothing so I posted both. I thought I’d do her more elf-ish so that’s what I aimed for. As for her very long (but gorgeous) ears.. Well I was fiddling with the ear length and thought why not see what the longest ear length was… and once I saw it I thought that fit her character perfectly haha!
You’ll find my Kairranna to be dignified but very very charming if you meet her so keep an eye out for this long pointy eared ranger!
P.s. And night chaser, your female elementalist is so gorgeous! She’s inspired me so much so I’ve already thought of a few ideas for my next character lol.. Though not moving on that soon she’s still givin me a few ideas hehe!
Here is my Ele with his 2 sets of armor, celestial and conditions
its a mixed set on both.. mostly crafted, LS and cultural
(edited by lLobo.7960)
I was a bit bored waiting for Teq, so took a few pics ^^
Also got the Deep Glacial Teal for my boots finally.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Magister Caillech — Necromancer
I really enjoy looking at the different Sylvaris people create.
Your Sylvari is pretty awesome.
Those are mine (Ranger, Cycle of Dawn and Thief, Cycle of Night)
I generally prefer armor which shows of their glow and skin patterns.
The first 3 is my elementalist. I made a rose-like concept with red and green coloring. The last one is a new one I just made. I always preferred the nonhuman look so I chose one of the new faces, I like it quite a bit so far.
To me, the cultural armor or a combination of it is the only way to go. I always felt they looked odd in actual human clothing/fabric. More sylvari gear option would be sweet. But what we got so far works.
(edited by Kirkkis.8270)
Here’s Sir Vrael, finally finished his look and got the weapons I wanted so now I’m ready to show him.
can someone fix the link please ? I can’t seem to figure out what I did wrong -..-
(edited by Ouranoz.9275)
My druidic mesmer, Tara Airgetlám
Avallora Erasleigh // e
Tara Airgetlám // m
The Sylvan Swordsman, Aeoldyn!
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
My Sylvari Warrior, created at headstart and largely disused until recently.
Here is Omg An Avatar.
Dyes are Illumination and Blue Sky.
First 3 pics are wielding Cobalt.
Pics 4 & 5 are with Dragon’s Jade Sword and Wall of Thorns (apologies, the light isn’t great).
Last pic is taken wielding a Corrupted Skeggox and a Destroyer Warhorn.
Still getting the hang of playing him since he only got his level 80 and T3 armour a few days ago (he’s been a long-time work in progress) and been busy migrating him from substandard weapons to the new kit he has now.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
eh sure why the hell not. This is my main toon. he is a necro MM so its alot of fun.
im running full aetherblade light armor save for the helm which is the monocle. if you want the color scheme as well just let me know.
Yeondra Varettia.
The first picture has sort of an “I did this” look about it. I didn’t burn down Lion’s Arch, I swear!
Second one is better for showing off looks, brigher and clear.
Last is Yeondra relaxing in the grass at the Grove.
I just love the night in Caledon forest.
My mesmer with Frosted skin and Dusky glow.Along with Shy Violet hair,makes for one
good looking Sylvari.
This is my thief Tirladhrae. She is nightborn.
Battle-Quaggan. :s
(edited by Doggie.3184)