How low has your server gotten Tequatl?
Gandara just got past the last laser event with 40 seconds to spare. Wasn’t enough to burn tequilla down though.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Gandara just got past the last laser event with 40 seconds to spare. Wasn’t enough to burn tequilla down though.
Awesome! You’ll get him soon!
Sea of Sorrows
Vizunah Square just did it the last time too !
3rd victory, but 1st in our homeworld !
We’ve been suprised by it because it spawned very quickly so there were 20-30 afkers.
But they came back after the 1st canon phase !
Far shiverpeak did it! Awesome players on the server! 120+ ppl on TS, was awesome to command this! Please Anet make more events like this!
Choo choo
(edited by ZinN.6124)
Nobody from Maguuma here, eh?
Not surprising. The lowest I’ve seen him here is a bit over 60%. For some servers it just ain’t gonna happen.
there’s only ever like 5 people on maguuma doing the event…would be nice to get help
there’s only ever like 5 people on maguuma doing the event…would be nice to get help
Everyone else from your server is guesting.
So I watched developer livestream. They downed him only to 50% even though they were doing quite fine…. what do you think? I think arenanet overdone this.
We got him down to around 30% on Ehmry Bay last night. Gonna get him tonight for sure!
We just got him around that again a second ago. Hopefully tonight we beat him…with all turrets intact.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
JQ is at like 5 or 6 times today.
We just had him at 1%! WE CAN DO IT EHMRY!
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Anyone on here in the Borlis Pass main server and know how they are doing? I’ve been guesting around and doing overflows, but I’d like to see my home get this done if there is a group organized. (There was an overflow to get in)
TKS officer here. We just did him around an hour ago on an Overflow with over 5:11 Minutes left. He went straight from 50% to 25%. Space and everyone else did a great job. We’ll be there tomorrow with an even better time beating BG and showing you what we Europeans are capable off if we’re united.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Too bad we don’t plan on doing it again tonight.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
SF stil hasn’t beat him (Low Pop) :’(
I have been trying to teach people along with get people in mumble but there isnt a consistent group of players at each battle and we also run into population issues. All of our big wvw guilds are trying to contribute but we all cant be on each time.
Kinda sucks i might have to guest just to beat a boss.
Low pop? SF is by far not a low pop server on PvE-side. Heck, every time I try to get into Tequatl, I hit overflow (I was lucky enough to transfer from overflow to SF via a team yesterday, only way I’ve ever been able to get in).
Based on the two attempts I was able to participate in last night, the problem appears to be more so not having a stable group of people working on it. Makes it tough to organize when those participating keep changing from fight to fight. And you can have some pretty wild swings from fight to fight. I found the run with everyone I know from WvW went a bit smoother because they are already used to listening to each other and working together for a common goal (it’s not a large guild thing, it’s a “these various guilds are already used to working together” thing).
Henge of Denravi
SF was at 51% yesterday
It was my first time though, had the wrong armor, had the wrong skills, had the wrong everything (pretty much just came from WvW)
Aurora Glade just killed him. It was amazing. Took us about 4 tries, including one attempt where Tequatl was at 0.00001% health, and then we timed out. And then one instance of the laser getting instantly demolished.
Ehmry Bay got him again!! SO AWESOME!!!!
Graphics bad because I didn’t want it to crash again.
Sea of Sorrows
(edited by RLHawk.3290)
Gates of Madness is a high pop server still with 0 kills. Lowest we’ve got him was 60% and now we struggle to get him below 80%.
I’ve been a part of 16 failed attempts. Looks like I’m never going to kill him. This isn’t fun at all.
Yet another tequatl can be checked off for an Overflow!
Overflow one [TEQ] got it 3 kill with 1sec left
I got my The Sunbringer Title
after dozens of fails i finally killed him not only that but it was done in an overflow and we had 2:50-3:00 minutes left… All i got was 2 rares (one from daily…) the rest were greens and blues. Anet, your Teq’s reward is insulting for the effort and time it takes…
(edited by Nuka Cola.8520)
Blacktide: We took him about 10%… Its impossible on this server. IMPOSSIBLE
Blacktide: We took him about 10%… Its impossible on this server. IMPOSSIBLE
If you got him to 10%, you’re really close!
You might have already done this, but if not — on the very last phase, after the 3rd laser defense, have EVERYONE except the people actually firing cannons at Tequatl run in and DPS like there’s no tomorrow. If you’re getting to the last phase, you’re really really close!
Sea of Sorrows
Gates of Madness is a high pop server still with 0 kills. Lowest we’ve got him was 60% and now we struggle to get him below 80%.
I’ve been a part of 16 failed attempts. Looks like I’m never going to kill him. This isn’t fun at all.
Right? :/
The map is FULL but there is not even half of the people there….
Some of them are there just to read the chat and not take part of it (not the leveling guys that are there usually)
I guess I’ll have to guest to get this done :/
Blacktide: We took him about 10%… Its impossible on this server. IMPOSSIBLE
If you got him to 10%, you’re really close!
You might have already done this, but if not — on the very last phase, after the 3rd laser defense, have EVERYONE except the people actually firing cannons at Tequatl run in and DPS like there’s no tomorrow. If you’re getting to the last phase, you’re really really close!
Have a bunch of people use Fire Elemental Powder right when he touches down as well to help with the DPS. Also, I hope he’s setting down Plate of Orrian Steak Frittes 15 minutes before he pops and that everybody is picking them up. The +100 Power and +70 Vitality for 1 hour really helps here, as does using a Powerful Potion of Undead Slaying for the 1 hour +10% damage to the undead and the -10% damage from undead.
If anybody has these going along with people using Ice Bows and Fiery Greatswords as well as any skills that help DPS going, the damage players can rack up in such a small amount of time is insane. I was doing 8K+ damage from my Longbow at the farthest range, and my bow is carrion!
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
(edited by RyuDragnier.9476)
SF stil hasn’t beat him (Low Pop) :’(
I have been trying to teach people along with get people in mumble but there isnt a consistent group of players at each battle and we also run into population issues. All of our big wvw guilds are trying to contribute but we all cant be on each time.
Kinda sucks i might have to guest just to beat a boss.
Low pop? SF is by far not a low pop server on PvE-side. Heck, every time I try to get into Tequatl, I hit overflow (I was lucky enough to transfer from overflow to SF via a team yesterday, only way I’ve ever been able to get in).
Based on the two attempts I was able to participate in last night, the problem appears to be more so not having a stable group of people working on it. Makes it tough to organize when those participating keep changing from fight to fight. And you can have some pretty wild swings from fight to fight. I found the run with everyone I know from WvW went a bit smoother because they are already used to listening to each other and working together for a common goal (it’s not a large guild thing, it’s a “these various guilds are already used to working together” thing).
Go to the event when CoSa isnt there and see all 10 people that show up.
[url=https://] [/url]
Well it seems my server has entirely given up on this even, we are getting fewer and fewer people and we are doing less and less well.
My only hope is to guest to a server, all the “good” servers have full zones and the overflow keeps bouncing me around between overflows. So… this is a great design for the fight (I actually like it) but a pretty poor implementation.
IOJ got him for the 1st time two nights ago!!! Didn’t post it then but better late then never HAHA.
Crystal Desert’s 2nd Tequatl kill that happened last night
(edited by Craziplaya.2103)
SF stil hasn’t beat him (Low Pop) :’(
I have been trying to teach people along with get people in mumble but there isnt a consistent group of players at each battle and we also run into population issues. All of our big wvw guilds are trying to contribute but we all cant be on each time.
Kinda sucks i might have to guest just to beat a boss.
Low pop? SF is by far not a low pop server on PvE-side. Heck, every time I try to get into Tequatl, I hit overflow (I was lucky enough to transfer from overflow to SF via a team yesterday, only way I’ve ever been able to get in).
Based on the two attempts I was able to participate in last night, the problem appears to be more so not having a stable group of people working on it. Makes it tough to organize when those participating keep changing from fight to fight. And you can have some pretty wild swings from fight to fight. I found the run with everyone I know from WvW went a bit smoother because they are already used to listening to each other and working together for a common goal (it’s not a large guild thing, it’s a “these various guilds are already used to working together” thing).
Go to the event when CoSa isnt there and see all 10 people that show up.
I’ve tried getting in when CoSA was in WvW and not Bloodtide and still had trouble getting in. I wasn’t able to log in yesterday, so I couldn’t say if participation has dropped because people gave up. But before, then, the only time I could easily get into the zone was during our server’s off-peak hours.
Henge of Denravi
(edited by Manoa.5897)
Another kill for Blackgate
GoM just won for the first time.
Too bad I crashed and couldn’t reconnect in time…
Drakkar Lake got him to about 55% yesterday. Sadly too many people die too often.
Would love to know the success rate during the broad time slot of Oceanic prime time. Of course this thread isn’t accurate for such things, but if I were to use it as a loose guide it’d be close to 0%. Sadly, I’m guessing the real success rate during this time isn’t much higher at all.
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~
You mean all the overflows that I have been through for the past week? About 95%.
Northern Shiverpeaks got him to about 40% last night. That is way better than we have been able to do so far.
Is there any place keeping track of which servers have down Teq and how many times? Is ArenaNet posting it anywhere?
NSP’s big push tonight failed to better yesterday’s score.
HoD finally got him to 75%, but we were so excited that we messed up the laser defense. Well, we’ll try again later.
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
Would love to know the success rate during the broad time slot of Oceanic prime time. Of course this thread isn’t accurate for such things, but if I were to use it as a loose guide it’d be close to 0%. Sadly, I’m guessing the real success rate during this time isn’t much higher at all.
To my knowledge, there has yet to be a recorded Oceanic TZ kill and probably never will be since most people are abandoning the fight after downing him once (rewards not worth the time investment) and the few that repeat it for kill only do so during NA TZ.
It’s bad, will only get worse, and it’s dumb that this is how the fight was designed.
SF got him to the 75%-50% mark again during Saturday and last night’s attempts. Looks like we need to polish our burn phase a bit. But we’ve been making some pretty good strides as far as coordination and teamwork. And got some good communication going with our Latino guilds, which was totally awesome.
Some of our folks observed one of the overflow guilds last night and saw what a successful run looks. We’re going to be giving those strategies/tactics a test run, but we SF folk seriously considering making our push on an overflow rather than on SF itself. We’ve been having a pretty bad problem on SF with AFKers camping at south turrets, which not only causes overflow issues, but also causes champs to spawn at those turrets.
Henge of Denravi
(edited by Manoa.5897)
maybe has been said before, but in Baruch Bay it took 4 days for our first kill. We did it on saturday just after lunch. Since then, Tequatl has died a lot of times again XD.
Let me say from the spanish server that this reboot was amazing. It made a lot of people to come together, talk and practice for days, which has developed new alliances, friendships…
Fun fights. Keep it that way for the future
About the loot… Crap as always…
IOJ got him for the 1st time two nights ago!!! Didn’t post it then but better late then never HAHA.
Is this the one where TC helped us? because us TEST members have been trying to coordinate an attack with other guilds to have an IoJ only victory, only got him down to 50% on both tries. not enough DPS it seems right off the bat.
NSP probably will not ever get this achievement. I tried to tell players camping the turrets when the nightly push is and I get questions like, “what’s the difference between est and pst? nvm. how much longer?” A few minutes ago I asked everyone to make sure they got Fire Elemental Powder. A couple of players asked where to get it so I gave them the waypoint and explained how. One answered they had not mapped that waypoint and another did not want to risk going into overflow when there was only half an hour left.
Seriously, we’ll never make it.