Patch Notes...
But that was pretty much what everybody has been asking for… Better rewards, kick players that are AFK.
I know, I know, people are never happy, but these changes are pretty good, come on.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
“Idle players will now be ejected from the hylek turrets during the Tequatl the Sunless encounter.”
Sounds like they can be AFK before the thing starts, but while the event is going on they can’t be AFK.
I wouldn’t go quite as far as pretty good, many of us spent hours, days trying to get out of overflow on our home server just to get TEQ done, now they up the rewards, doesn’t sound pretty good to me.
You can always get someone to ferry you to the main server. I waited 20 minutes max on overflows during the whole event, and I was there since the start (I was there for my server’s first kill, too).
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
I’ve killed him about 10 times and tried it about 25 times and NOW the rewards are improved. Sorry anet, it’s too late now, you failed
“Idle players will now be ejected from the hylek turrets during the Tequatl the Sunless encounter.”
Sounds like they can be AFK before the thing starts, but while the event is going on they can’t be AFK.
Which is exactly what everyone asked for. I’m really hoping that works as listed.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
But that was pretty much what everybody has been asking for… Better rewards, kick players that are AFK.
I know, I know, people are never happy, but these changes are pretty good, come on.
That’s not really fair, as they didn’t really fix the underlying issue with Tequatl: the event NEEDS a timer. There’s honestly no other way around it.
The root of almost all of Tequatl’s problems (player participation, AFKers, etc) are due to the fact that nobody really knows when it will spawn, and therefore cannot effectively plan around it.
You can always get someone to ferry you to the main server.
Why for? There were at bes only 10 people on it today. Most of them appear only after he shows up in timer (when the event is already running). The only people waiting are afk. The event is dead.
Remember, remember, 15th of November