So, the real problem emerges...

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: ThePedroKid.2580


I’m not going to name servers or individuals here because I don’t want to diminish their luck and accomplishment.

I have noticed a very disturbing issue with Tequatl that I think many of us already saw coming: People simply do not want to do him again after beating him.

A recent server success hit me square in the face on this one. In an effort to organize many of the same folks who participated to do the encounter again I was confronted with apathy, disappointment and frustration.

As it turns out, a great deal of people simply do not want to repeat their victory over Tequatl. Granted, some individuals do; however, it seems the majority (and in a specific case I’m thinking of, the leaders and commanders who organized and lead the success of the event) simply do not want to go through all that hassle again for what, I feel, the absolute majority of people agree: The rewards are 100% not in line with the required effort to complete the encounter.

The attitude I was confronted with was disheartening and showed the true colors of “Tequatl The Funless”. The fight may be the single most interesting experience Anet has put in the game, but the overflows, guesting issues, afk/troll people, general apathy and complete lack of reward have made the fight simply a “I’ll do it once for the achievements then I’m done… I beat it and can do better elsewhere.”

This breaks the encounter for every other person who wants to complete achievements and wants to engage in one of the most interesting battles in the games history. Simply because Anet did not adequately plan nor establish server capability to handle the fight (i.e., they did not first find a solution to overflows, coordination and, frankly, the ‘people’ factor).

Without the help of individuals who have already beaten it and know what to do involved as well as the capability for them to get access to the main server to participate (replacing mentally challenged people who just lay there dead and do not WP or who afk/troll turrets) it makes it much less possible for people just now entering the encounter to have a chance to beat it. Essentially, as time goes by your chances of beating the encounter become less and less. This is a severely broken game mechanic.

I want to be very clear here: I do not want Tequatl nerfed.

GW2 needs battles with this complexity and scale. But, to do them there needs to be rewards to match (so people return to the fight) and the means to build the crowd necessary to beat it (eliminate afk/trolls and force dead people to WP).

A solution to afk could be as simple as a system in the zone during the event that works similar to Sanctum Sprint where you are booted if you stand still for even a few seconds. The solution to dead people not using the WP is even simpler… You die and you are automagically ported to the quaggan WP so you can swim back alive. If you do not re-enter the event zone, the afk timer kicks in and you are booted so someone who is paying attention can replace you. Simple enough.

Speaking to the overflow situation, Anet needs to figure out their performance issues (maybe take a look at using the GPU instead of one core on the CPU for everything?") and increase the amount of people who can populate the main server significantly. The preference for natives coming in versus guests is already in place (though, if a guest has a ‘friend’ they can still join through their party but that seems reasonable as playing with friends is kind of the point).

I would like to urge all of those who have beaten this encounter to not stop doing it regularly and to instead do it as much as possible (at least once per day) to continue to help others get through it. It is not an ‘elite’ fight. It is actually a pretty darn easy one. The only difficult part are things out of most players control. If people continue to get frustrated and angry about how this is working out, there will be no one left interested if more encounters come about like this. There will be a great deal of exodus to newer games on the horizon preventing such things from even being doable at this level again. We have to continue to help each other every day. Kudos to those who have been.

Good luck.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Matok.1836


Yeah you pretty much got it.

The event itself is great, but it’s a failure due to all the other problems. The way the game is currently designed, it actually encourages people to fail it.

And as you said, as people finally get their achieve after wasting hours of their time waiting for the one time that the stars align, they’ll move on to something where they don’t have to deal with morons, because who wants to deal with that?

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: fellyn.5083


The few times I tried to play with friends who actually had organized groups together to do it I couldn’t get into the server main or the overflow they were in.

Until that problem is fixed I and most other people probably will stop bothering with it.

The OP is pretty spot on even though I don’t agree the fight is all that challenging or that we need more fights like it.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: BladeNinja.4671


Yeah i definitly agree. The reward for actually beating him is just not worth the effort of doing it again… though in my case i do it for thoughs who would want to exp that victory for the first time. In all the reward has to be higher Anet or the win is pointless, and this event will not be worth the time after a while…

Aura Slicer X Thief. Pvp svr 007 Oh wait! i’m not suppose to tell you that!

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

This definitely is a “get achievements and get out” event for me. Too much planning for too little time spent actually playing. Not worth the time.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


My prediction is that it won’t be too long before there is almost no one doing it. If you start trying to plan for it and look for players… cricket…cricket. Meanwhile everyone is in the swamp waiting for SB to spawn.

The Burninator

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: nexxe.7081


I’ve said it before, but GW2’s main issue is rewards. People want Gear and Items, and i’m not talking about Wings, Backpacks, and Minis. I’m talking about full gear sets, weapon sets with bonuses, awesome guild rewards, etc. GW2 just currently offers back slot items and minis.. zzzz.

edit: oh, and MOUNTS. imagine beating Teq for a “chance” at a mount. That would be worth doing.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Moon.7310


To be honest, I have not yet beaten Tequatl but right at the moment I am thinking that I will do this ’till I have my achievements and then never come back. Why?

If you want to go to your home server most of the time you spent much time in overflows where nothing works and Tequatl gets to 95%. All this waiting in Sparkly just for a chance to get on home server is time you can`t play.
This waiting leads to a lot op people being afk when a fight starts, so Tequatl is scaled higher for people who are not participating, making it very hard if not impossible sometimes to complete the event.
So people who see no chance to do the event on their server go guesting, which is annoying for people on the guest world since their trouble getting onto their homeworld worsens. I can understand both sides and it is a stupid situation for all.
If you are able to be on an organized Tequatl Event, you still run into trouble because of people blocking the turrets who have no idea what to do, and if this happens to one or two turrets the event is failed… and even if they are told to leave the turrets and do something else, they often just refuse, or don`t event realise that they are a problem… problem here is how easy it is to abuse the game mechanic here and fail the event for hundreds of people. Or being a bit more positive someone who is not a “pro” yet at turrets can easily fail the event for everyone even if he does not mean to.
So even if you manage to get rid of all these obstacles and get Tequatl through different phases the loot is a problem. Half of the people I talk to get no reward box after the event (me too often), despite doing turret defense / Tequatl damage / getting event reward for battery or megalaser defence. So what the hell should we do to get the boxes for 75% / 50% etc?
Sure I can`t say anything about the loot of the last reward chest, but what I am hearing from friends or just talking on the overflows is, that the chance for something good is minimal.

Coming to an end, I am sad to say this but honestly I agree with the people the OP is talking about. Why the hell should I spent hours trying to normally get some bad reward, after I got my achievements. I prefer going to play the game. The idea for a Tequatl revamp was good the implementation not so.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Fancia.3746


The main reason for people not wanting to direct it, leading to people not getting it done because while a TS isnt actually needed, some level of organisation is… And that’s really the main difficulty of the fight, organisational problems… And those are faced by the leaders alone… Myself, well Id love to do it more. As it is, I do it daily, BUT it’s always the same 2-6hour wait for the organisational problems to be sorted out by the leaders… Time, Im personally, not willing to actively spend for a single fight… THAT is the problem… Not that the rewards are too low… Simply allow guilds to create a dedicated overflow for themselves, like an instance, would solve that… As it is, it’s what these guilds do anyway… Hop around until a virtually empty overflow is found, then taxi everyone in filling the zone with only guildies so you know everyone knows tactics and stuff…

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Today I got my title after a lot of hassle, I will never return to this event again. Huge amount of co-ordination and pre-event organizing required for a few blues & greens, what a joke.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Kimyrielle.3826


People go where the fun is OR where the reward is OR to prove themselves. There are no other reasons. If you’re after a challenge, the urge to redo the content is non-existent, because if you killed the thing, you already proved that you can do it. Challenge will be a motivation only until you overcome it.
If you’re after fun, you go…well, to where the fun is. If you don’t think something’s fun, you might go there anyway if there is a high enough bribe to make you do so. It’s just basic human nature.

Conclusion: Tequatl is obviously not perceived as being fun enough to (re)do without a significant bribe.

But yeah, according to some people we need more content of that kind… rolls eyes

Tarnished Coast

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


I plan on running the event as much as possible. The problem lies with the hours of coordination and preparation that go along with the fight itself. If it didn’t require 2+ hours of my day to even PREPARE for the boss, I’d be doing it every night but the fact remains that many of us do not have the time to do this more than once a week because getting 120+ people in voice chat, getting people coordinated, and having a successful attempt is not something that can just happen on the fly.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


Yep. Plenty of stuff more fun to do. Tequatl can have the Splintered Coast. What else is it gonna do besides kill some krait?

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Travis the Terrible.4739

Travis the Terrible.4739

I’ve said it before, but GW2’s main issue is rewards. People want Gear and Items, and i’m not talking about Wings, Backpacks, and Minis. I’m talking about full gear sets, weapon sets with bonuses, awesome guild rewards, etc. GW2 just currently offers back slot items and minis.. zzzz.

edit: oh, and MOUNTS. imagine beating Teq for a “chance” at a mount. That would be worth doing.

Except it wouldn’t be worth doing because you can just waypoint all over the map anyway.

The problem with the content is that it’s not rewarding enough past the first time you beat him. It takes hours to get into the main channels during peak hours if you even get in at all. Takes multiple tries to even kill it.

100 people in voip to even beat it? bad

Forcing cooperation to beat something? kinda good

Having an entire battle rely on 1 gimmick (looking at you turrets)? kinda bad

Honestly I’ve more or less given up on the entire thing. Only time I’ll be in sparkly fen is to ore and wood.

Follow the darkness into the depths, it’s more fun than the light can provide.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I was hoping that at some point, the collective experience of MMO’s running for … 15 years? would add up to devs realizing that server-wide events of this sort are not worth the effort to implement.

It’s cool the first few times, then it literally becomes history … “Remember when we did Teq here?”

Anything bigger than a team requires an organization that is rarely seen at the server level. It has to have some serious impact to the game if that number of people self-organize to complete the content. This content can simply be ignored and forgotten about.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Coldin.2840


At best you’ll have people wanting to do this once a day, that gets people a couple rares. Even then, it’s just the two rares, some dragonite that’s easier to obtain from other sources, and the chance at very rare drops.

People generally will not want to run this multiple times per day with alts, simply because then they are only getting the 1 big chest. Once it becomes more difficult to organize a large force of players to attempt, I do think it will go down. We’ll probably see people still beating him once a week, but this will mainly be big guilds on big servers.

Coldin – Thief – Sanctum of Rall

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Aerali.9732


I completely agree with the OP. I have tried the Tequatl encounter about 15 times never to win it because people are mostly afk or we weren’t enough people or people on turrets were just bad. I have only gotten into my own server for 3 of those fights (which is sad in itself) and those fights were organized and we only got down to about 50%. I have done every single Living Story patch so far and I can’t say that they have gotten better. I felt Clockwork Chaos was a step up but now this? I’m simply sad that for me to actually enjoy the new content is to rely on 130+ other people that just happen to be with me on the same map.
I hope they don’t mean for this to be the solution to raiding and if it is it’s a really sad one because the rewards from what I heard simply suck and the chance at getting an ascended weapon is just too small to do the effort.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Victory.2879


‘I told you so’. Sorry, couldn’t resist!

I worked out in an idle moment that if I wanted to spend the equivalent amount of time in game doing something useful rather than 4-10 hours waiting on a spawn, I will be able to craft my next ascended weapon well before there would be any chance of getting one as a drop from this ‘non-event’ that will be Teq.

Already people are dropping out of the biggest organised squads as they realise that spending 6hours+ organising something that might fail isn’t much fun once you have beaten it.

Sure you will have a couple of groups that will stick to it and keep doing it, and being loud on the forums about it being ‘easy’ but for the more casual players (who can’t afford or won’t buy a new set of armor, etc for one fight), the non-english speakers and EU servers generally this content is an exercise in frustration. And as any game designer will tell you, a little frustration is a good thing, but too much of a good thing will drive players away faster than anything else.

Luckily for Anet and it’s Gem store, ESO isn’t out until next year (and now they seem to be aiming for a subscription fee, less likely to get so many switching over).

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


ANet seems to think the “we want hard content” group is the majority. It doesn’t compute, because every time, it’s the “time versus reward” group that dominates.

By all means produce hard content. Make the rewards OK, but not better than can be had in the better farms. See how many people do it then.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Klonex.4562


Luckily for Anet and it’s Gem store, ESO isn’t out until next year (and now they seem to be aiming for a subscription fee, less likely to get so many switching over).

as much as i’ve spent on the game (which i don’t mind because it been great and fun for me) though if subscription fee’s do start, i will definitely be one of the many first people to just leave..
these predictions/problems now are what a ton of people said would happen way before the patch went live. you’re quite late on it, though i do still agree with a lot of these problems. this is still an mmo, all mmo’s require grinding in order to get good things, and teq’s loot is slightly better than what it was before. for me, it’s really not worth doing over and over again.

~Krystal <3 Angela ~
~ I taught cows how to Moo! ~

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Caveth.3268


Yeah, after completing The Sunbringer title, I really see no reason to try at Tequatl anymore. The chest rewards are absolute trash for the amount of effort required to defeat Tequatl; I could make more gold farming level 1 mobs in Caledon Forest for 5 minutes than from what Tequatl’s chest gives me.

(edited by Caveth.3268)

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Jalad Lantana.3027

Jalad Lantana.3027

I applaud the difficulty of the actual encounter, but, the participation logistics are so much the opposite of what this game has striven for since day one.

Having to wait long periods, and then failing due to the catch 22 where the number required just happens to be very close to the number that triggers overflows and then the overflows are somewhat random.

I am a casual player, I did not have 6 hours a day to play map and overflow roulette.
This past week I could spend no more than 2 hours a day for three days due to real life commitments. I tried often in that time, but always got sent to overflow and every single one of them failed mainly due to the disorganization and lack of numbers there.

It’s especially nagging to me because I have not really cared for much of the Living Story content, but have waited patiently for Anet to make good on their promises of challenging content. Unfortunately many casual player like myself were shut out of this new content not because of our playing skills, but because of the logistical failures of how the event is staged adding unintended hurdles.

Unfortunately it appears, based on Arenanet’s silence so far on this fiasco, they are hoping that somehow players will self organize Beat Teq guilds where the main challenge is the logistical one of how to game the overflow situation using the quasi-legal taxi method and not the actual game play.

I think the OP is right, that while some players who were lucky to get past the logistical hurdles still enjoyed the event and will continue being available to do it, that is not the pattern we have seen with other big event type things. If all that is offered as reward is the intrinsic fun and a few one time achievements, most players will just move on in the Achievement Point race to the next 2 week content installment. They might love to do the actual fight again, but not the pre-fight game of musical overflows.

The ball is Arenanet’s court.

Guardian / Ranger / Mesmer / Necro / Warrior
Played since 1st online ‘demo’ months before the BWEs.

(edited by Jalad Lantana.3027)

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Seraki.2753


I tried it twice but did not manage to finish the event and haven’t gone back. A lot of people who were leading the events were quite frankly verbally abusive and did not want to deal with anyone who didn’t already know exactly what to do. For this reason I really do not think that just adding rewards to keep people coming back will work unless the idea is to just keep the same people coming back to farm it. If there was an extra reward for playing the part of mentors by having a certain percentage or number of the event participants that have not finished it, that might actually work.

The cannon campers are a pain though, agree with that.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Stx.4857


If I notice in guild chat that there is a Teq group organizing with a proper amount of people and they are requesting more, I will go and help. But since I got my kill and Sunbringer… not the reward is horrible for the amount of time you need to invest to get a kill.

2x 80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Thief

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Preacher.9526


Ive been in numerious kills on several of my toons… some random greens/rares and one exotic amulet is all ive gotten…. not worth the hassle of fighting through overflow servers and then waiting an hour, complete the event (which is actually quite simple) for the lovely RNG we all know and love.

Heres an idea, thats been suggested a million times. Have Teq drop a token, whether that reward be account or character bound whatever… but let us buy the weapon crates after 100 kills… something.. plain rng is kitten.

After finishing all the achievements, dont see a reason to go back.. not with the loot ive been getting for it. Not worth the time invested until overflows/guesters are addressed

Blackgate – Bjorn Ironside

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Thanks for posting this, I am one of the people who would like to do it again (maybe not everyday) but it’s not a bad content. The problems you listed are my main concerns.


So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: FateOmega.9601


I absolutely agree. I havn’t gotten the achievement that requires beating it even after many hours and attempts over the weekend. Twice he was left with just a sliver of hp but alas we did not succeed. I have absolutely no intention of fighting him again once i finish the achievements.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Nekz.8715


I see a lot of the same faces on Blackgate day after day, most with the achievement. I enjoy fighting him once (or twice) a day for loot.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: darkace.8925


And here I thought the ratio of bad players to good was the real problem.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Ace.3816


Beat him 4 times already, got wings and sunbringer title on my 3rd win. Now im just gonna farm him for a sunless weapon until next tuesday.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Vargamonth.2047


I still haven’t beat him so I don’t want too speak too loud, but I don’t think Tequatl needs SO many organization. The current issues that some servers and mainly overflows are facing are attitude related IMHO.

Too much people running whatever build/spec they want expecting to be carried or somehow beat him by pure luck, or just going there for the daily achievement with no real hopes on getting the dragon downed.
Too much people laying on the floor dead just thinking “well, this is going to fail so at least I got my daily”.

The dragon should be doable just with basic understanding of the tactics used by those who already kill it.
Solid builds, people with a brain using and defending the turrets, might stacking and crazy damage abilities when the megalaser hits … Probably the only really desirable thing that can’t be provided by almost anyone is a single commander tag to take as reference for stacking and turret targeting.
There can be population issues with the current state, but that’s something that ANet should be able to work around without nerfing the boss to the ground.

After the Boss Week living story, there won’t be more Tequatl dailies, no more Tequatl is attacking world wide notifications. People will go there before the event starts just as it’s done with almost every other world boss and if most players joining the fight have their work (build, knowledge on tactics, …) done, the boss should be doable.
We just need to pray for the lazy ones to accept they are the main problem and try to improve and do something the proper way (too many things spoonfeeded up to now) or just give up and don’t show there (probably asking too much :P).

Achievements, for this matter (and many others), are more a handycap than anything else to be honest.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Donari.5237


I admit I haven’t tried very hard to find a Teq fight since I got a win and the title. But I do want to! I just don’t want to spend 5 hours at a stretch on it. It needs to, somehow, some way, work that people can go to it when they know it’s about to start and put in their 15 minutes and be done, win or lose. Preferably win.

I don’t give a fig about the loot, I’ve never chased random loot in GW2 (though a chest per 25% is actually nice, but for me it needn’t have anything in it worth linking in map chat). But if I want to be doing dailies or a dungeon or RP, I can’t be stuck in Sparkfly for 5 hours as I was the day I got the kill and title.

Having the world-wide announcement that Teq was attacking was pretty useful. I could check the UI any time I felt like maybe going to Sparkfly instead of hanging around checking map chat for estimates of the next spawn window. Why was that removed?

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Roybe.5896


I understand the frustration with the ‘win and leave’ problem..I would only ask that you guys have a little sympathy for the leaders of this event….many times they are in the event all day…most clocking double digit hours. Every attempt to them is a ‘go for a win’ for everyone. If it is early, at least on my server, these people will continue to work for the good of everyone and go again. However, as the day gets long, the effort needed to sustain the energy for the organization and/or rl demands, make it impossible for many to continue….

That being said…I’m hoping that others will step up and learn how to direct the crowd, gain their trust in your servers gameplan and win for others. As has been stated the plan is not hard, the command and control (so that timing is perfected each time) is the hard part. For those wanting more wins…play this often listen to instructions and please get on the IP communication system being used by your server. Knowing how to do the right things is good, but in this event, when to do them is crucial.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Gildan Bladeborn.2198

Gildan Bladeborn.2198

I got lucky and was actually able to be pulled into our main instance tonight by somebody who was already there (prior to that I could wait around for hours and try joining parties until my mouse-clicking hand went numb and I’d just stay in the stupid overflow forever and ever), so I can attest that with proper coordination, the fight isn’t by any stretch impossible.

For all the people stuck in overflows though, it pretty much IS impossible, and as the OP oh so rightly pointed out, unless something changes, your odds of ever completing this decrease each and every day because the rewards for Tequatl just are nowhere near good enough to justify dealing with the truly enormous hassle involved – trying for hours just to get into your actual world’s zone and then hoping everything comes together after you get to probably wait for over another hour? Yeah, I see just ALL KINDS of people doing that on a regular basis.

Unlike the OP however, I have no reservations regarding nerfing aspects of the fight – keep all the mechanics as is sure, but Tequatl just has way too much health – if an ad-hoc group of around a 100 people that aren’t in voice communication with each other can genuinely try to kill it and wind up knocking off 5% of the boss’s health in 15 minutes, he pretty clearly has too much health.

The margin of error is just too slim for open world content, and the blasted overflows, ability for 6 people to potentially waste the time of 100+ other people, and aforesaid razor-thin margin for error is starting to make people actively resent their fellow players, something that kind of flies in the face of the original Manifesto. All the other aspects of the open world gameplay are designed such that you pretty much never have a reason to be annoyed by your fellow players, but with this revamped boss, anyone who doesn’t know how to use a turret (or is intentionally trolling), anyone who is AFK and taking up spots in a main instance, anyone who is dead and not waypointing back, you REALLY resent their presence because they are directly and quite negatively impacting your gameplay experience.

The majority of my guild have pretty much sworn off even bothering attempting it, and that’s while there are large organized groups of folks on our server still actually bothering with it – if nothing changes this will be a complete graveyard sooner than later.

Ceia Mirschail is my mesmer, and I am one of [SLVR]’s overachievers.
Ehmry Bay for life!

(edited by Gildan Bladeborn.2198)

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


The main reason for people not wanting to direct it, leading to people not getting it done because while a TS isnt actually needed, some level of organisation is… And that’s really the main difficulty of the fight, organisational problems… And those are faced by the leaders alone… Myself, well Id love to do it more. As it is, I do it daily, BUT it’s always the same 2-6hour wait for the organisational problems to be sorted out by the leaders… Time, Im personally, not willing to actively spend for a single fight… THAT is the problem… Not that the rewards are too low… Simply allow guilds to create a dedicated overflow for themselves, like an instance, would solve that… As it is, it’s what these guilds do anyway… Hop around until a virtually empty overflow is found, then taxi everyone in filling the zone with only guildies so you know everyone knows tactics and stuff…

This is exactly what we have been doing, not exactly people from the same server/guild, but everyone on the same voice-chat coordinating and knowing our role. We have a few people looking for an empty overflow then taxi everyone there until we get our 90ish people on the same map.

If you dont do that, you end up with trolls, people that dont respawn, people that dont understand that equipping certain skills makes the fight much easier, ppl not getting the fact that you can’t crit Tequatl, etc… basically a pain in the kitten unless you are in a huge group and taxi to an empty overflow (basically a private instance).

For those complaining about overflows, when you have your group of ppl, it is actually easier when you have your own overflow than doing it on your home server instance.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


@ Gildan Bladeborn.2198 → the first 25% of his health is the hardest part of this fight, if you get that done in less than 10 min, you pretty much cleared it unless you make a massive mistake.
Timer vs. Health bar is not a good indication of progress in the boss fight, so do not panic if the first 25% takes you time, its normal. You can technically take 12-13 min for the first 25% and still complete it.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

My prediction is that it won’t be too long before there is almost no one doing it.

It’s already happening. Since Darkhaven finally beat it a night back, it’s a ghost town. We had a pitiful attempt of about 30 active and 20 afk the last run I did… it was very sad. Looks like I’ll have to start guesting, which I really didn’t want to do because I would feel like I was being a traitor to my home server… but alast, I must just to get a decent chance to kill this thing. If I can get it once, I’ll be happy to keep trying, but at this rate it’s painfully disappointing every time.

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So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


I still know some guilds that try to help each other beating him but really… Its Karka island all over again. Fun when its new, just for the achievement. Then it is a grind. Eventually it reach a critical low point in terms of players and cannot be completed. Unless they make him scale better – he should be doable just as good with 40 people as with 140 – no one is going to bother anymore.

Timer vs. Health bar is not a good indication of progress in the boss fight, so do not panic if the first 25% takes you time, its normal. You can technically take 12-13 min for the first 25% and still complete it.

“Technically” means you’ve actually done it? Because last time I checked, if you take 12 minutes to take him down to 75% there is no way in hell you’re going to have the dps to bring him down within the time limit in the last stages.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


I still know some guilds that try to help each other beating him but really… Its Karka island all over again. Fun when its new, just for the achievement. Then it is a grind. Eventually it reach a critical low point in terms of players and cannot be completed. Unless they make him scale better – he should be doable just as good with 40 people as with 140 – no one is going to bother anymore.

Timer vs. Health bar is not a good indication of progress in the boss fight, so do not panic if the first 25% takes you time, its normal. You can technically take 12-13 min for the first 25% and still complete it.

“Technically” means you’ve actually done it? Because last time I checked, if you take 12 minutes to take him down to 75% there is no way in hell you’re going to have the dps to bring him down within the time limit in the last stages.

Yes, we had 15ish eles that all dropped FGS and ice bows, warriors that are traited in extra dmg for gs or bow. Had everyone on map, besides turrets operators that dps with turrets and 2 defenders on each side kyting the mobs that spawn, dps Tequatl, basically forcing him to phase change while he still is vulnerable. (Chances are the ppl that beat him with a 6 min time still up did something very similar)

It really comes down to bursting the hell out of him. Stones and food that increase power also helps.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: incandescence.6784


Agree with the OP’s complaints. Don’t really agree with the solutions. (Obviously loot rewards equivalent to farming content would be a minimum if Anet had any serious desire for people to play these events in the future after the novelty wears off).

Anet seem to have designed this event so that you pretty much need a full server working on the boss in order to defeat him. That creates incredible overflow problems and afk people waiting for event to start often makes it impossible for server to beat him. Once people are bored and don’t come en masse, or if there are not enough people because it’s an off hour, then it is an exercise in futility. If you only have 90 people for the fight, might as well go do other things you have no chance. Pretty much you have to queue the server in order to have enough combatants to win, and that is a bad design choice.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Bugabuga.9721


Look, people who were demanding ultra-hard content that requires meticulous organization and synchronization got exactly what they asked for. Bonus difficulty for having to overcome presence of casual players.
Just wait for the Boss Week to be over, most casual players will learn the lesson that encounter brings nothing but broken armor and lots of screaming in map chat and move on to something else Those who remain will no longer trigger overflow and Teq will be “do it once a week” event for large guild/guild groups :P

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


The OP is spot on. This is an issue I guessed would happen when the event started. People that are up for it would grind out attempts until it was conquered and then never bother again because of the huge time investment involved.

World bosses shouldn’t be faceroll easy. But the stars also shouldn’t have to align to be able to beat it.

My experience over the weekend:
I spent hours and hours in overflow, actively TRYING to get into my server. I even guested to other servers to try to get out of overflow and it was nothing doing. Only two attempts got Tequatl below 75% health, because most of the people in overflows are there AFK or waiting to get into their main map and don’t even bother with the fight because if you do manage to get him below 75%, then you get a chest with a green item in it that doesn’t pay 1/5 of your repair or waypoint costs.

Once, I managed to get into my home server on Friday night and couldn’t even play the game. I was afraid that I left Sparkfly that I would never be able to get back. So I spent all night sitting in one zone in the world and waiting hours to attempt a 15 min event.

It is a learning experience, and I hope they have taken a lot away from the Teq launch. But this event has been the worst experience for me so far in the entire game.

The Kismet

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: LameFox.6349


IMO the rewards themselves are a smaller part of the problem in this case. The greater part being that much of the frustration doesn’t come from the fight itself, but getting to it. They’ve designed it in such a way that overflows have a much lower chance of success. Less people likely to be there, far and away less likely to be as organized, and all of them know and expect this, so it hardly gets off the ground in many cases. Getting out of the overflow is a tremendously dull affair, and then you’ve got to worry that if you’re disconnected – which doesn’t seem all that rare – you’re gone. The server won’t wait so much as_5 minutes for you to reconnect, you’ve just got to hope you can pull yourself in post-event with a party, and wait around all over again.

No huge surprise that enduring that isn’t a thing people want to do frequently.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I have my Sunslayer title. I am likely going to try few more times with my guildies, until they get the title as well – after that i simply don’t want to see Sparkfly ever again.
Lack of rewards is the least of the reasons why, though – the most important one is the need to sacrifice several hours just to get to the main server, and the inability to go elsewhere for dailies, etc.
I am simply unwilling to be chained to a single place for several hours just to have a chance to do one event – a chance that can still be ruined because someone at the turret fell asleep or just had to take a 5 mins break when Teq arrived.

And here I thought the ratio of bad players to good was the real problem.

Well, one is connected to the other. If the good players keep leaving after succeeding (or succeeding a few times and getting a full set of achivements), then it leaves only inexperienced/bad ones. So, not only the ratio of bad to good players is not good in the beginning, it’s getting worse, not better, as the time moves on.
I am seriously in awe of the number of experienced leaders/subleaders that stay at the event even though they personally don’t really wish to see Teq again, simply to help others get the title. I am aware, however, that such dedication will not last forever – sooner or later they will give up. Most likely there will be noone else to pick up their role then.

Look, people who were demanding ultra-hard content that requires meticulous organization and synchronization got exactly what they asked for. Bonus difficulty for having to overcome presence of casual players.
Just wait for the Boss Week to be over, most casual players will learn the lesson that encounter brings nothing but broken armor and lots of screaming in map chat and move on to something else Those who remain will no longer trigger overflow and Teq will be “do it once a week” event for large guild/guild groups :P

Except the content seems to be finetuned for just enough people to trigger overflow. If you don’t, then likely you simply won’t have enough dps to kill him.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Victory.2879


The fact that the event clearly excludes most classes and builds is also causing it to fail- most pve’rs won’t have the resources or the patience to both buy all the gear, food etc and change their traits etc and then sit around all day at the weekend for a chance at a boss fight that will more than likely fail.

It’s also very much against small guilds and the majority on most servers that either cannot or will not use voice comms (personally I don’t speak anything except english anywhere near good enough to understand 50% of the population on my server).

The last couple of overflows I have been in have just gone through the motions knowing it was lost before we started, just for the daily.

This is a great exclusion event: it excludes casuals, non-ts users, non-english speakers on mixed EU servers, ANY condition builds, anyone who isn’t willing to fork out for new armor, foods, swop their traits, etc.

Luckily Anet loves spvp so much that it now thinks wvw should have spvp arenas in the border maps and now is bringing ‘oh we forgot pve players have to actually buy gears for pve content’ to the masses.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: incandescence.6784


Except the content seems to be finetuned for just enough people to trigger overflow. If you don’t, then likely you simply won’t have enough dps to kill him.

This is the fundamental problem. I was in an organized Overflow server of about 90 people fighting Teq — we kept the bone walls down, DPS him the whole time, people that died went to WP and came back, main zerg survived well and buffed well, turrets did their job keeping wall down, cleansing, buffing, and were supported by small groups of defenders….. we got him almost to 50%. Just not enough people, we needed 90 in the zerg not 60. So sad, too bad.

That said, assuming the event is not changed then rewards become the problem. If you have to fill the map to beat the monster then rewards have to be alluring enough to fill the map. Like Scarlet Invasions (although I haven’t seen one of those succeed since the Clockwork Invasion weeks ended)…

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Bweaty.9187


Pretty sure my server’s done it once, already down to not enough pplz showing up to even defend 1 group of turrets. 2 turrets up, 3 people under his feet in the ‘zerg’.
Still getting lag spikes tho! hahahah

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Pretty sure my server’s done it once, already down to not enough pplz showing up to even defend 1 group of turrets. 2 turrets up, 3 people under his feet in the ‘zerg’.
Still getting lag spikes tho! hahahah

That’s probably because of all the other worlds and overflows doing the same fight on the same set of physical machines. That’s one of the flaw in these massive “everyone in the region does the same heavily stacked fight at the same time” events. I was getting pretty bad skill lag when playing the event, that has to seriously harm DPS in the event. I wonder how it would be if there was no skill lag?

I hope they’re taking all this into account for future revamps.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Pifil.5193


This is a great exclusion event: it excludes casuals, non-ts users, non-english speakers on mixed EU servers, ANY condition builds, anyone who isn’t willing to fork out for new armor, foods, swop their traits, etc.

That highlighted part is such a huge thing and needs to be “fixed” somehow. Personally, I’d just have extra conditions be applied in a single burst of damage: in the grand scheme of things, if you and a hundred other people are fighting a mob with several million health for 15 minutes, does it really matter if you apply 200 damage for a skill in one burst or over 10 ticks of 20 spread over 10 seconds? Sure you might lose out on or gain a bonus for Might but the cooldowns will prevent you “abusing” that mechanism after all and I suspect it would all balance out in the end.

The inability to crit him is also a huge issue as it invalidates a lot of food, traits, sigils and so on. How many people don’t even know that you can’t crit him? I didn’t until someone pointed it out in map, which of course lead to an huge argument where other people said you could if course crit him or you could in certain phases.

I respecced and reequipped my elementalist to be useful in this fight because I couldn’t think of a way to make my main (my Thief) as useful but I wonder how many people didn’t even realise that they need to do such a thing?

(edited by Pifil.5193)

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Cerbin.3752


I don’t know if someone mentioned it before. Apart from other mentioned here problems.

How about introducing new kind of Token for completing the Tequatl event, like Dungeon Tokens.

In exchange for this Tokens You could buy the ascended Tequatl themed weapons of your choice.

I think it would encourage players to repeatedly participate in the event.