WvW – Structure Upgrade Re-Work idea!
WvW – Art of War Guild Buffs & Keep Claiming Re-Work idea!
How about those timers get increased to 30 minutes if not to 1 hour for the strongest bosses out there ?
Well imagine that you’re in low populated servers where the avenge numbers you have for any boss is +/- 10 player and have to kill the boss in 15 minutes or imagine that you’re in a low population server early in the morning or server not oriented to PvE where the avenge number of players you can find across all maps is 20 and you have to kill a boss where only 3 shows up in 15 minutes ?
Depends on how it scales. It should scale to a lower number of players still.
Why put time limits on bosses at all ?
What is their reasoning or motive for that ?
Well, there has to be a condition for failure other than everyone dying, right? Can’t people just run back forever and ever if there’s no time limit?
Jormag is only 30 minutes and I see high pop servers late at night take around 27 minutes to kill it.
The time limit only hurts lower pop servers and anyone that plays outside of prime time.
It’s artificial difficulty. It’s what an innovative design team has become after a year of trying to please everyone instead of sticking to their vision.
Why put time limits on bosses at all ?
What is their reasoning or motive for that ?
They needed to impose some type of failure condition. A timer is one of the easiest, and most visible options. It is also a semi-realistic option. Generally speaking, in a battle, foes should not simply stand there taking the beating until you kill them. They should fight back, and if not killed within a realistic amount of time, should flee to regroup. That’s how traditional battles go, the losing side doesn’t just stand there until they are all dead, they retreat (or surrender, but pretty sure surrender isn’t an option here).
At least the timer they provide is visible, and trackable. They could have imposed a non-visual failure condition – ie, once you get him to 33% health, you need to finish him within 5 minutes, but not provided any obvious notification that he’kitten that point or how long you had left.
It’s artificial difficulty. It’s what an innovative design team has become after a year of trying to please everyone instead of sticking to their vision.
Incorrect, it now can actually be difficult. Before a handful of people could do the events without any chance of failure. Large groups could simply auto attack and ALT+Tab away for the event. The rewards were increased but now their is a chance to fail. This system should have been in place before the game launched.
It’s artificial difficulty. It’s what an innovative design team has become after a year of trying to please everyone instead of sticking to their vision.
Incorrect, it now can actually be difficult. Before a handful of people could do the events without any chance of failure. Large groups could simply auto attack and ALT+Tab away for the event. The rewards were increased but now their is a chance to fail. This system should have been in place before the game launched.
Really? Because on my server, these “events” take five minutes if that and the heck with you if you didn’t get in a hit through the massive lag, no reward, they’re all farmed to death by massive zergs and no challenge at all.
All this is going to do is reward the zergs who swarm these events and take them down as quickly as they can. Trust me, on my server, you better be there for MAW because it’ll be over before the loading screen is done if you’re not.
Not all of us has tons of people in our servers to zerg rush down bosses with improved HPs in 15 minutes
i’m not sure why they made this change. My server drops bosses real fast so it’s not an issue, but nothing screams “get zerker gear and join the zerg” like adding time limits to bosses.
Because world bosses are world bosses and should no longer be free kills and loot piñatas. Time to suck it up pansies, and put in some work.
This would be fine if I had a way to control who could come join in on the event. As it stands, if 20-30 people decide to kitten around in the map and help fill it up, but not help do the boss properly…. we ALL fail…
Timed bosses are for instances and controlled scenarios. This is not a controlled scenario. I cannot kick people not carrying their weight to the curb.
The events have been live for an hour. Give people time to learn how to do them and it’ll be fine.
This has nothing to do with learning or knowing the event. If I just picked up the game a week ago, I may end up on a turret shooting mobs thinking I am doing the right thing. Say 2 other people are clueless, and now you have an impossible to win scenario.
If you are in overflow, coordination is nearly impossible when the mechanics are more difficult than “1”. If you don’t believe me… look at Grenth. I can explain the mechanics of that fight in 20 words or less, but that event failed continuously without coordination people. Now imagine NOT being able to even get a coordinated group together because of the overflow problem.
No… what will happen is people will get continuously more and more irritated at each other as the event fails repeatedly, causing people to grief on the cannons, people to spew obsenities into the air, and the community to just say forget it.
At least when that happens, the event can then be done by huge coordinated groups, because no pug would dare step foot in the event anymore. Except… oh wait…. the world announcement!!!! Making sure clueless and disinterested parties know exactly where to go for the free loots, or in this case, the lack of free loots.
Depends on how it scales. It should scale to a lower number of players still.
They’ve said in interviews that it was designed to require at least 80 people to take it down. So I doubt it scales down very much.
It’s artificial difficulty. It’s what an innovative design team has become after a year of trying to please everyone instead of sticking to their vision.
Incorrect, it now can actually be difficult. Before a handful of people could do the events without any chance of failure. Large groups could simply auto attack and ALT+Tab away for the event. The rewards were increased but now their is a chance to fail. This system should have been in place before the game launched.
Really? Because on my server, these “events” take five minutes if that and the heck with you if you didn’t get in a hit through the massive lag, no reward, they’re all farmed to death by massive zergs and no challenge at all.
All this is going to do is reward the zergs who swarm these events and take them down as quickly as they can. Trust me, on my server, you better be there for MAW because it’ll be over before the loading screen is done if you’re not.
Are you directing your response too me? Because it did not make much sense. One of the benefits of the bosses having more health is Maw and Wurm with not get destroyed before people arrive. I too am on a large server, JQ. While I have yet to experience new Tequatal but from what I’ve seen in the videos you can no longer just charge in and kill. The event requires coordination and teamwork.
I was not discussing the difficulty or lag or anything like that. I think a chance to fail (timer in this case) and added difficulty is a step in the right direction.
The reasoning behind time limits is stopping people from zerging everything.
Now please go back to your champion farming, because it’s obvious you can’t handle any content that requires more that spamming your autoattack for one hour.
It’s artificial difficulty. It’s what an innovative design team has become after a year of trying to please everyone instead of sticking to their vision.
Incorrect, it now can actually be difficult. Before a handful of people could do the events without any chance of failure. Large groups could simply auto attack and ALT+Tab away for the event. The rewards were increased but now their is a chance to fail. This system should have been in place before the game launched.
Really? Because on my server, these “events” take five minutes if that and the heck with you if you didn’t get in a hit through the massive lag, no reward, they’re all farmed to death by massive zergs and no challenge at all.
All this is going to do is reward the zergs who swarm these events and take them down as quickly as they can. Trust me, on my server, you better be there for MAW because it’ll be over before the loading screen is done if you’re not.
Are you directing your response too me? Because it did not make much sense. One of the benefits of the bosses having more health is Maw and Wurm with not get destroyed before people arrive. I too am on a large server, JQ. While I have yet to experience new Tequatal but from what I’ve seen in the videos you can no longer just charge in and kill. The event requires coordination and teamwork.
I was not discussing the difficulty or lag or anything like that. I think a chance to fail (timer in this case) and added difficulty is a step in the right direction.
Nah, it’s not going to put a dent in being “more difficult” on my server. They’ll still be loot pinatas and you still better run to get there and pray the lag doesn’t eat you alive. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve done MAW, not gotten a hit on the Champ.. and gotten NOTHING. The timer will just encourage bigger zergs to take it down even faster. Short timers are usually BS anyhow and artificial difficulty. I know when I see a game with a short time limit, it’s asking me not to take the time to be skilled and thought out but to be rushed and clumsy, take bigger risks and not think about other people.
And if the timers turn out to be too short and server populations too small, these events will go unfinished.
And as to Teq…
Teq won’t even be attempted by me. My system can’t handle it, my video card would melt, people on my server are talking about crashes from just setting foot in Sparkfly and the sheer amount of graphics to be loaded would send me into a BSOD. Not worth it for an event I know will fail because it’s only day one and no one knows exactly how to win. You sadly cannot talk about this subject without also addressing lag because it’s going to make that timer all the more annoying.
The reasoning behind time limits is stopping people from zerging everything.
Now please go back to your champion farming, because it’s obvious you can’t handle any content that requires more that spamming your autoattack for one hour.
How does a time limit discourage massive amounts of people from gathering to take down something as quickly as possible?
Also.. LOL, I don’t Champ farm aside from Scarlet and boy do I wish I could just autoattack spam during that instead of dodging, rezzing other players and darting around to avoid direct hits. I remember when MAW was the same and staying out of the red circles actually mattered.
Guy stay on topic – its about low population servers where you dont even have the player needed to cover turrets,batteries and defense/attack.
It’s not about the complexity (which will stop existing in time with players learning what and when to do) but about not having nuff man power to fulfill the tasks.
Guy stay on topic – its about low population servers where you dont even have the player needed to cover turrets,batteries and defense/attack.
It’s not about the complexity (which will stop existing in time with players learning what and when to do) but about not having nuff man power to fulfill the tasks.
Try guesting?
You’re probably going to have to guest.
TC took out MAW in 5 minutes with no effort, it’s still a loot pinata.
Lets say only 5 people show up (Which DOES happen early at the morning on low pop servers) Tequatl is impossible. It doesn’t matter if it scales, because you NEED the cannons.
So all 5 people are using the cannons and noone is hitting him… Wont work.
3 people use the cannon and 2 people hit him? Wont work, because 2 people wont have enough DPS, they will get killed probably
Lets say only 5 people show up (Which DOES happen early at the morning on low pop servers) Tequatl is impossible. It doesn’t matter if it scales, because you NEED the cannons.
If you only have 5 people there, then you can’t kill it. It’s as simple as that.
If there aren’t enough people, you can’t kill it. If the people there aren’t organized, you can’t kill it. If everyone wants to walk up to Teq and autoattack, then wait for a res, you won’t kill it.
I fail to see the problem here.
Why put time limits on bosses at all ?
What is their reasoning or motive for that ?
To keep you from getting loot via attrition.
A fail condition would achieve the exact same thing and, IMO, is a better tactic and makes more sense than slapping a timer on a boss
Why put time limits on bosses at all ?
What is their reasoning or motive for that ?
Because then it matters if you die.
It’s artificial difficulty. It’s what an innovative design team has become after a year of trying to please everyone instead of sticking to their vision.
Incorrect, it now can actually be difficult. Before a handful of people could do the events without any chance of failure. Large groups could simply auto attack and ALT+Tab away for the event. The rewards were increased but now their is a chance to fail. This system should have been in place before the game launched.
Now it can actually be difficult? Because it has a timer? A R T I F I C I A L difficulty.
I can see the new time limits as both a positive and a negative.
In the positive hemisphere, I can see how a time limit will increase the difficulty on the bosses, in which case one can argue that it makes the battle a bit more climactic and enjoyable. It offers that chaotic “Rush, go, quickly, into the fight!” which, as a person who likes strategy, tactics and a battle plan, no matter how ill prepared it may be, I don’t much care for the chaos, but will honestly admit it can be a lot of fun in certain situations. I think fighting a huge creature like The Shatterer or Claw of Jormag is very interesting and fun as it was without the time restraint, but I accept that as my own opinion.
I can also see how a time limit may bring in more players to partake in the battle because if they don’t, they will lose out on the rewards entirely. This could bring in many players, rapidly, and everyone will try harder to beat the boss and bring the even to a successful conclusion.
But, like all positive things, the negative attracts one way or another. My very first concern is what happens when the event triggers on a low population server or with a minimal number of players? One can argue that the event won’t take three hours while a single person tries to fight a boss (Personal experience with my first ever fight against the Claw of Jormag, I wanted him dead!) which, I very much agree, is annoying because nobody shows up. But, I also think the event was glorious when players finally showed up and he went down.
Another problem, one that I have already witnessed firsthand. When the time limit is at half, and the boss is still at 75% health, people leave. They just up and leave. While part of me wants to turn big, green and destroy things, another part understands entirely; why bother fighting when the event is bound or likely to fail? People show up, see the timer and boss health, then leave without even taking a swipe at him, because they can safely assume the event will fail. No decent rewards, no feeling of satisfaction, not even a poorly written thank you card for the attempt when it does fail. So I leave the area, disgusted and disheartened at whatever developers thought this a good idea, with damaged armor, and a grudge against this, in my opinion, flaw of the game. It makes me not want to partake, but rather avoid these events altogether, unless the probability of winning is considerable. A bad, bad, bad way for even a couple players to view these awesome events.
Another note I like to point out is that my internet is somewhat bad (I even have game-client ports opened). Living out in the middle of nowhere, my internet is laughable during the daytime and great during night. This is, of course, not GW2’s error, but the fact remains, when I get into a big event where the goal is to attract a lot of players here is what happens:
At daytime, the game freezes up, any attempt to contribute is met with my character standing there lagging to the point where the game boots me, then places me into an overflow where things are much less exciting. Well, I am perturbed.
At Nightime, the game runs fantastic, the boss is screaming, things are as fun as they get, yet it’s me with five other players fighting at 237% effectiveness per player, and the clock counts down, event failed, have a good night. Well, I am perturbed. Again. Another personal note, when players are defeated in a timed event and stay dead when they could respawn and return in fifteen seconds, yet beg for revival and it takes thirty seconds and halting the offensive power of several players, the whole situation collapses on itself. It doesn’t become hard; it becomes impossible.
In conclusion, I want the game to be fun for myself and other players and I do not see boss time limits furthering that end. I’m fully aware that this post is of my own opinions and observations which may not accurately portray the majority of the players. I keep an open mind and my views are subject to change or a complete 180* turn with valid points and reasonable discussion. This is not a flaw, it is how I learn and maintain an understanding. So if someone has a problem with that, well, that’s unfortunate, because I’m not going anywhere soon.
If there is no enrage timer, a boss can be solo’ed if given enough time. Pretty epic imo. (sarcasm)
Timers are a lame attempt to “HARDMODE” the bosses. They need to go. Many of the bosses have been “fixed” or had elements added that make them harder. A timer wasnt needed at all.
However if the bosses were instanced and guild wanted to do a “hardmode” for increased loot then by all means have timed “instances”
In open world enviroment timers are fail.
We killed it in 10 min
I know you need SS so here you go…
On an overflow with few people and pug?
We killed it in 10 min
I know you need SS so here you go…
On an overflow with few people and pug?
I can say kinda cuz we “overflowed” by other servers by guesting also a lots of new ppl but we explained tactic and managed after 1 fail. And yes there was no guild teams so you can say that was random pug.
We killed it in 10 min
I know you need SS so here you go…
On an overflow with few people and pug?
I can say kinda cuz we “overflowed” by other servers by guesting also a lots of new ppl but we explained tactic and managed after 1 fail. And yes there was no guild teams so you can say that was random pug.
So it wasn’t killed on Desolation. Anyway, since we were talking about low populated servers I really doubt it makes any difference talking about how fast that kill was made. with few people is still impossible because all you need is dps except for the turrets users.
We killed it in 10 min
I know you need SS so here you go…
On an overflow with few people and pug?
I can say kinda cuz we “overflowed” by other servers by guesting also a lots of new ppl but we explained tactic and managed after 1 fail. And yes there was no guild teams so you can say that was random pug.
So it wasn’t killed on Desolation. Anyway, since we were talking about low populated servers I really doubt it makes any difference talking about how fast that kill was made. with few people is still impossible because all you need is dps except for the turrets users.
Mate it killed on Desolation main map not at overflow so
and yes there was ppl form other servers and we explained tactic to them as a Desolation.
We killed it in 10 min
I know you need SS so here you go…
On an overflow with few people and pug?
I can say kinda cuz we “overflowed” by other servers by guesting also a lots of new ppl but we explained tactic and managed after 1 fail. And yes there was no guild teams so you can say that was random pug.
If you need to move an entire 100 people to a chosen overflow, or have to stand around for 2-4 hours before you are sufficiently organised to beat one boss, then the event is a massive fail. After a few weeks are you still going to want to spend your limited leisure time standing around in a game doing nothing?
Of course there will always be some ‘hardcore’ players that will do this sort of thing, but they are probably the same ones that do the same fractals day in day out, doing them so often they develop muscle memory movements.
We killed it in 10 min
I know you need SS so here you go…
On an overflow with few people and pug?
I can say kinda cuz we “overflowed” by other servers by guesting also a lots of new ppl but we explained tactic and managed after 1 fail. And yes there was no guild teams so you can say that was random pug.
So it wasn’t killed on Desolation. Anyway, since we were talking about low populated servers I really doubt it makes any difference talking about how fast that kill was made. with few people is still impossible because all you need is dps except for the turrets users.
it killed on Desolation main map not at overflow so
and yes there was ppl form other servers and we explained tactic to them as a Desolation.
Then you were not on overflow, and there were not few people. Wonder what’s the meaning of posting on this thread since we were talking about the difficulties of killing the dragon on low populated servers.
The reasoning behind time limits is stopping people from zerging everything.
Now please go back to your champion farming, because it’s obvious you can’t handle any content that requires more that spamming your autoattack for one hour.
I love you guys, acting as if your pros or know what you are doing in the slightest. I am willing to bet like most of population you do not understand combos or combo fields, so let’s get this out of the way now. You just look like a kitten, and everyone like you who acts as if they are good at the game when in actual fact they have no clue.
Additionally you look even more like a fool when you post something like this on a thread about the NUMBER of people not about the difficulty of the fight.
I agree the timelimit is stupid, but the development team have no idea how to make anything difficult without just slapping on 400k extra hp and a timer. The failure conditions should be pretty obvious;
All the above make sense and no one can complain about them mechanically or logically.
In the event of sunless’s retreat fisheads should NOT spawn. He lost, you won.
We killed it in 10 min
I know you need SS so here you go…
On an overflow with few people and pug?
I can say kinda cuz we “overflowed” by other servers by guesting also a lots of new ppl but we explained tactic and managed after 1 fail. And yes there was no guild teams so you can say that was random pug.
If you need to move an entire 100 people to a chosen overflow, or have to stand around for 2-4 hours before you are sufficiently organised to beat one boss, then the event is a massive fail. After a few weeks are you still going to want to spend your limited leisure time standing around in a game doing nothing?
Of course there will always be some ‘hardcore’ players that will do this sort of thing, but they are probably the same ones that do the same fractals day in day out, doing them so often they develop muscle memory movements.
I guess it not hard to understand.. Yes we couple ppl explained tactical fight to ppl.. They were total random at Desolation Main Map. NOT our server guild teams. Like %60 from Desolation and %40 from guesting. And our %60 was not pro players anyway.
So killed with random ppl and with proper tactic in 10 min. So I’m sayin its all about learning and executing the proper fight tactic so all can kill in 10 min or 15 min doesnt matter.
You can argue what ever you like but it possible in 10 min or i belive it can be killed even less time!
We killed it in 10 min
I know you need SS so here you go…
On an overflow with few people and pug?
I can say kinda cuz we “overflowed” by other servers by guesting also a lots of new ppl but we explained tactic and managed after 1 fail. And yes there was no guild teams so you can say that was random pug.
If you need to move an entire 100 people to a chosen overflow, or have to stand around for 2-4 hours before you are sufficiently organised to beat one boss, then the event is a massive fail. After a few weeks are you still going to want to spend your limited leisure time standing around in a game doing nothing?
Of course there will always be some ‘hardcore’ players that will do this sort of thing, but they are probably the same ones that do the same fractals day in day out, doing them so often they develop muscle memory movements.
I guess it not hard to understand.. Yes we couple ppl explained tactical fight to ppl.. They were total random at Desolation Main Map. NOT our server guild teams. Like %60 from Desolation and %40 from guesting. And our %60 was not pro players anyway.
So killed with random ppl and with proper tactic in 10 min. So I’m sayin its all about learning and executing the proper fight tactic so all can kill in 10 min or 15 min doesnt matter.
You can argue what ever you like but it possible in 10 min or i belive it can be killed even less time!
You probably don’t understand. Do that fight with 50 people in 15 minutes, see if you can.
We killed it in 10 min
I know you need SS so here you go…
On an overflow with few people and pug?
I can say kinda cuz we “overflowed” by other servers by guesting also a lots of new ppl but we explained tactic and managed after 1 fail. And yes there was no guild teams so you can say that was random pug.
If you need to move an entire 100 people to a chosen overflow, or have to stand around for 2-4 hours before you are sufficiently organised to beat one boss, then the event is a massive fail. After a few weeks are you still going to want to spend your limited leisure time standing around in a game doing nothing?
Of course there will always be some ‘hardcore’ players that will do this sort of thing, but they are probably the same ones that do the same fractals day in day out, doing them so often they develop muscle memory movements.
I guess it not hard to understand.. Yes we couple ppl explained tactical fight to ppl.. They were total random at Desolation Main Map. NOT our server guild teams. Like %60 from Desolation and %40 from guesting. And our %60 was not pro players anyway.
So killed with random ppl and with proper tactic in 10 min. So I’m sayin its all about learning and executing the proper fight tactic so all can kill in 10 min or 15 min doesnt matter.
You can argue what ever you like but it possible in 10 min or i belive it can be killed even less time!
You probably don’t understand. Do that fight with 50 people in 15 minutes, see if you can.
Who cares doing it with 50 ppl tbh.. Come join us for the fight.. As we are talking here we killed it again!
Ppl will learn the fight asap then all overflows can kill it.. Thats all about !
We killed it in 10 min
I know you need SS so here you go…
On an overflow with few people and pug?
I can say kinda cuz we “overflowed” by other servers by guesting also a lots of new ppl but we explained tactic and managed after 1 fail. And yes there was no guild teams so you can say that was random pug.
If you need to move an entire 100 people to a chosen overflow, or have to stand around for 2-4 hours before you are sufficiently organised to beat one boss, then the event is a massive fail. After a few weeks are you still going to want to spend your limited leisure time standing around in a game doing nothing?
Of course there will always be some ‘hardcore’ players that will do this sort of thing, but they are probably the same ones that do the same fractals day in day out, doing them so often they develop muscle memory movements.
I guess it not hard to understand.. Yes we couple ppl explained tactical fight to ppl.. They were total random at Desolation Main Map. NOT our server guild teams. Like %60 from Desolation and %40 from guesting. And our %60 was not pro players anyway.
So killed with random ppl and with proper tactic in 10 min. So I’m sayin its all about learning and executing the proper fight tactic so all can kill in 10 min or 15 min doesnt matter.
You can argue what ever you like but it possible in 10 min or i belive it can be killed even less time!
You probably don’t understand. Do that fight with 50 people in 15 minutes, see if you can.
Who cares doing it with 50 ppl tbh.. Come join us for the fight.. As we are talking here we killed it again!
You may not care, but those who are on a low populated server that is not lucky enough to be chosen as the host for a big guild to kill tequatl, will never be ablo to do anything. Plus, most of the overflow has few people. This doesn’t mean that people cannot play, I’ve seen a great fight on an overflow.. the turrts users were amazing, the stacks never went above 8 and the dps in front of the dragon was good without many deaths. Still, in 15 minutes we were able to bring him only to 55% because of simple DPS.. so numbers are important and this should be addressed as a problem. This event is designed as a 65+ lvl content for around 80 players… but right now if you don’t have 150 players lvl 80 full exotic and maybe with some ascended gear + food and buffs.. you probably wont make it.
That’s all I’m saying, the fight is really fun but it should scale better to the number of people. If there are 100 players, almost half of them will be defending the turrets and half will be doing DPS, so the HP of the dragon should scale to 50 players. If we have 150 players the HP should scale to around 100 players because nearly 50 will always be busy with turrets and fingers.
Why did you cut my last words ? I said also :
" Ppl will learn the fight asap then all overflows can kill it.. Thats all about ! "
So guesting is your friend for now m8 until it fixed.. Thats what i’m saying.
As we are talking here someone PM me ingame and asked for the party so he is at Deso map atm for killing it.
(edited by azazil.9541)
Why did you cut my last words ? I said also :
" Ppl will learn the fight asap then all overflows can kill it.. Thats all about ! "
So guesting is your friend for now m8 until it fixed.. Thats what i’m saying.
I quoted, probably you added the phrase a few seconds after. Anyway you still don’t get my point.
To be short, if the event is designed to be made by a group of 80 players level 65… I think there is a problem with the difficulty scaling. There is no way a group of 80 players lvl 65 can do this.
The strategy is clear to most of us now, but still… the event should scale up or down better considering that not all the players in the event will be doing dps all the time, and considering that it’s not an event lvl 80. If you have 150 players lvl 80 the difficulty is right as it is now, but I really want to see 80 players lvl 65 doing this.
I think 15 days aren’t enough to make a good update.
The timers are randomly choosed for the bosses, they’re NOT revamped at all, Tequila’s skins kittens me…and most of all LFG on 17/09 was a lie!
I can see the new time limits as both a positive and a negative.
In the positive hemisphere, I can see how a time limit will increase the difficulty on the bosses, in which case one can argue that it makes the battle a bit more climactic and enjoyable. It offers that chaotic “Rush, go, quickly, into the fight!” which, as a person who likes strategy, tactics and a battle plan, no matter how ill prepared it may be, I don’t much care for the chaos, but will honestly admit it can be a lot of fun in certain situations. I think fighting a huge creature like The Shatterer or Claw of Jormag is very interesting and fun as it was without the time restraint, but I accept that as my own opinion.
I can also see how a time limit may bring in more players to partake in the battle because if they don’t, they will lose out on the rewards entirely. This could bring in many players, rapidly, and everyone will try harder to beat the boss and bring the even to a successful conclusion.
But, like all positive things, the negative attracts one way or another. My very first concern is what happens when the event triggers on a low population server or with a minimal number of players? One can argue that the event won’t take three hours while a single person tries to fight a boss (Personal experience with my first ever fight against the Claw of Jormag, I wanted him dead!) which, I very much agree, is annoying because nobody shows up. But, I also think the event was glorious when players finally showed up and he went down.
Another problem, one that I have already witnessed firsthand. When the time limit is at half, and the boss is still at 75% health, people leave. They just up and leave. While part of me wants to turn big, green and destroy things, another part understands entirely; why bother fighting when the event is bound or likely to fail? People show up, see the timer and boss health, then leave without even taking a swipe at him, because they can safely assume the event will fail. No decent rewards, no feeling of satisfaction, not even a poorly written thank you card for the attempt when it does fail. So I leave the area, disgusted and disheartened at whatever developers thought this a good idea, with damaged armor, and a grudge against this, in my opinion, flaw of the game. It makes me not want to partake, but rather avoid these events altogether, unless the probability of winning is considerable. A bad, bad, bad way for even a couple players to view these awesome events.
Another note I like to point out is that my internet is somewhat bad (I even have game-client ports opened). Living out in the middle of nowhere, my internet is laughable during the daytime and great during night. This is, of course, not GW2’s error, but the fact remains, when I get into a big event where the goal is to attract a lot of players here is what happens:
At daytime, the game freezes up, any attempt to contribute is met with my character standing there lagging to the point where the game boots me, then places me into an overflow where things are much less exciting. Well, I am perturbed.
At Nightime, the game runs fantastic, the boss is screaming, things are as fun as they get, yet it’s me with five other players fighting at 237% effectiveness per player, and the clock counts down, event failed, have a good night. Well, I am perturbed. Again. Another personal note, when players are defeated in a timed event and stay dead when they could respawn and return in fifteen seconds, yet beg for revival and it takes thirty seconds and halting the offensive power of several players, the whole situation collapses on itself. It doesn’t become hard; it becomes impossible.In conclusion, I want the game to be fun for myself and other players and I do not see boss time limits furthering that end. I’m fully aware that this post is of my own opinions and observations which may not accurately portray the majority of the players. I keep an open mind and my views are subject to change or a complete 180* turn with valid points and reasonable discussion. This is not a flaw, it is how I learn and maintain an understanding. So if someone has a problem with that, well, that’s unfortunate, because I’m not going anywhere soon.
Wow, this is a beautifull and sexy text that resume the whole Timer problems!
I am actually pretty happy about the time limit. The thing is: the event needs a fail condition, like someone said above. And if you didn’t set a time limit, people would fight for hours and hours without knowing that they could never win – and that’s just terrible for everyone. It’s much better to set a limit so you can go ahead and fail and try again next time.
Whether or not the time limit is too low is another question. Maybe for this event it is: 30 minutes might be better. On the other hand, in all the times I’ve played the event, I’ve never seen Tequatl take more than 15% damage (85% remaining). The majority of the time, it’s less than 5%. So an extra 15 minutes is just going to waste 15 more minutes of your time and gold from rezzing. It won’t make a difference.
Also: for everyone quitting, apparently you get rewarded based on whether or not you get him below 75/50/25% health, like the Scarlet event. So if you quit early you’re just walking away from rewards. Personally I’ve not seen people walk away early yet since we all need the daily for the wings, and all you have to do is be there. But now that many people are getting their wings, they may just start to leave.
I am actually pretty happy about the time limit. The thing is: the event needs a fail condition, like someone said above. And if you didn’t set a time limit, people would fight for hours and hours without knowing that they could never win – and that’s just terrible for everyone. It’s much better to set a limit so you can go ahead and fail and try again next time.
Whether or not the time limit is too low is another question. Maybe for this event it is: 30 minutes might be better. On the other hand, in all the times I’ve played the event, I’ve never seen Tequatl take more than 15% damage (85% remaining). The majority of the time, it’s less than 5%. So an extra 15 minutes is just going to waste 15 more minutes of your time and gold from rezzing. It won’t make a difference.
Also: for everyone quitting, apparently you get rewarded based on whether or not you get him below 75/50/25% health, like the Scarlet event. So if you quit early you’re just walking away from rewards. Personally I’ve not seen people walk away early yet since we all need the daily for the wings, and all you have to do is be there. But now that many people are getting their wings, they may just start to leave.
I understand but you don’t need a timer to make a fail condition. I post something here
You can add others kind of condition failure like the batterie in tequalt fight. If you fail he regain strengh or if all turret are destroy he regen faster. Something taht overflow or lowpop can overcome with less people and don’t need a zerg.
Or you can add a bloodlust buff that give him more armor, regen and power. So if a lot of people die, you need to wait for is bloodlust to fade and retry after. It make the Fight harder but not impossible for low pop or overflow.
Timer are a weak mechanic for challenge. You can have better thing that will made the fight challenging and for everybody not just high pop servers.
Ghaste: excellent points! I see what you’re saying and that’s totally fair. I agree something other than a timer would work just as well or better.
Honestly, I would also like to see the timer replaced with reasonable failure conditions. Failing just because the rest of your server/overflow can’t DPS hard enough is disheartening to say the least.
If there absolutely must be a timer, please consider increasing the timer to 30 minutes. 15 minutes honestly does not feel epic enough for a dragon fight that is intended to scale into the hundreds, and a longer timer would give struggling servers a bit of a fighting chance.
(edited by Kaon.7192)
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