Time Limit + Player Cooperation=Fail
First of all karka queen is quite easy you can do it with 40 people. Where it is true you cant start it solo. What you do is you get zerg doing boss events to move to karka when no other world bosses most commanders are able to do so. Killed her in 2mins before honestly once you know the mechanic trow eggs at her she is really easy. And guess what if you have a small server that can rarely do events you can guest onto a larger server and get your events done although they will probably hate you do to the overflow.
I welcome a gradient of boss difficulty easy to hard. you should not be able to stand at the feet of a dragon choping off its toes without any reprisals. Honestly though kitten was the one that needed the update more then teq.
Dragon Timer should be announced in-game like scarlet invasions. Than people would go there for sure
already confirmed to be happening.
As well as synced overflows and rewards for each 25% completed.
People will show up, that’s a given.
We’ve seen this with Scarlet’s invasion, an event that requires all players to partake is never a good event, because the player base has diverging goals and interest -and, more than that, gets bored after playing the same lengthy event in quick succession. From this we can conclude two problems, there will not be enough people to succeed the event post release, and the player base will not be able to muster the teamwork required to succeed. Hell, in a walk-through posted on youtube, Dev’s cheated, instantly dropping Tequatl’s health to 75%, and they still couldn’t pull it off. The fight went from too easy to impossible; thanks Devs.
It will not be impossible. That is a hyperbole.
But it will be very hard. And it will be glorious. Because for once a triumph over a PvE boss will mean something instead of being a giant piñata fest. It won’t be something for every randomized zerg with zero coordination.
And your sentiment is reinforcing that, adding to the new mystique of exclusivity Tequatl is building around himself. Thanks!
I can tell you why the Karka queen rarely gets done: Only two of the pre-events are soloable. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve single handedly got the ball rolling on the Centaurs, Melandru, the Eye, Megadestroyer etc. simply by advancing the pre-events by myself. Usually by the time I get to where I need some help someone shows up. By the time we get to the relevant boss there is always enough to get the job done.
The event timer ensures people will show up if you can get the pre-events moving. this will not be a problem with Teq. And i have no doubt my server (Maguuma) will be rolling out for him every time he pops . . . . except for possibly on the late night shift. We Maguumans do love our sleep.
Yeah, I’ve pretty much try to initiate certain World Events all by myself and then announce on map chat that the boss is almost up sort of. The reason why some events are totally ignored while others are frequently farmed is because some of the pre events require player coordination like you’ve said while others are pretty much soloable. If they added some sort of Zone Wide or Region Wide World Event tracker, or heck even a Region wide chat just to improve player awareness of what significant events are currently rolling, it won’t be so hard to get people participating in the pre events that require coordination however some might think that this defeats the purpose of exploration and looking for events but as it stands now, the popular events are already being monitored in a timely manner through timer websites, so why not include the feature in the game itself just like what they did with the LFG tool. Region-wide announcements for the start of World Events like how we have worldwide announcements for Scarlet Invasions would be nice.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
I can tell you why the Karka queen rarely gets done: Only two of the pre-events are soloable. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve single handedly got the ball rolling on the Centaurs, Melandru, the Eye, Megadestroyer etc. simply by advancing the pre-events by myself. Usually by the time I get to where I need some help someone shows up. By the time we get to the relevant boss there is always enough to get the job done.
The event timer ensures people will show up if you can get the pre-events moving. this will not be a problem with Teq. And i have no doubt my server (Maguuma) will be rolling out for him every time he pops . . . . except for possibly on the late night shift. We Maguumans do love our sleep.
Yeah, I’ve pretty much try to initiate certain World Events all by myself and then announce on map chat that the boss is almost up sort of. The reason why some events are totally ignored while others are frequently farmed is because some of the pre events require player coordination like you’ve said while others are pretty much soloable. If they added some sort of Zone Wide or Region Wide World Event tracker, or heck even a Region wide chat just to improve player awareness of what significant events are currently rolling, it won’t be so hard to get people participating in the pre events that require coordination however some might think that this defeats the purpose of exploration and looking for events but as it stands now, the popular events are already being monitored in a timely manner through timer websites, so why not include the feature in the game itself just like what they did with the LFG tool. Region-wide announcements for the start of World Events like how we have worldwide announcements for Scarlet Invasions would be nice.
Good news is Colin has already said they are definitely looking at doing announcements like the invasions for the big events.
I’d love to see a world event interface that shows “The Swamp is Quiet” or “There’s Something in the Water!” with a “go to nearest Waypoint” button.
It really could be very similar the website/overlay we already use. Even better, would be to let us set it to track the event like achievements. Done worm for the day? It won’t pop off a notification unless you tell it to. Sick to death of fighting Claw? Set it to never alert you for that one.
yep i totally agree, it’s gonna be a fail if it’s a 80 man zerg with a time limit
accurate enough. there is no incentive to not try to finish, unlike scarlet.
Exactly, it was/is more profitable for people to zerg the pirates and spawn champs to farm than it was to finish the event and even so on my server (Ring of Fire) and in the overflows I was in we only missed finishing the event twice in about 2 dozen tries both times it was by a narrow margin.
Here there won’t be a load of champs for people to farm while the event progresses so it’s far more profitable to do your best and get him down as much as possible.
If it fails, then it fails
over and over
At some point either some guild/guilds on your server will step up and take control of the mechanics, or people will complain it’s too hard and ignore it.
I’m fortunate that I belong to a 500 ppl guild so fielding 50-80 people really isn’t a huge problem. Smaller guilds may need to form alliances.
And the zerg who don’t want to follow directions will be a nice damage mitigation tool for the organized players who keep their eyes on the prize.
Btw: I can see those that complain its too hard, will be the same ones asking for Raid content or Harder content now.
you sure? he’s still a world boss.
It will drop Ascended stuff, including new Ascended Weapons with unique skins. It will also drop a mini Tequatl.
you mean like the black lion chests drop scraps all the time? or how champ loot boxes drop loadstones and the new exotic weapons?
boy they sure do drop a lot. i’m gonna tell you what you’re gonna get.
1 rare and about 5 blues with maybe a green.
This is what I keep saying. The reward you get from the amount of time, effort, and coordination you have to put in is way out of balance. Do people honestly think the majority of people will do Teq every time he is up (with a very, VERY good chance at failing him still) when they could do 2, 3, or 4 other world bosses in the same time frame? The efficiency of farming Teq will hit rock bottom when the update goes live. And if there is one thing we’ve learned about the GW2 playerbase, it’s that people do the farms that are most efficient/profitable. Teq will no longer fit that category. And no, adding some new loot items with a 0.00000001% chance of dropping is NOT a big enough incentive to do Teq on a regular basis (and is honestly a slap in the players’ faces by Anet).
Calling it now……after people have gotten their Teq achievements or fail it the first few times, they will start to ignore Teq all together and take it out of their world boss farming rotation. Just like everyone did when the Orr Temples were updated to be harder and more time consuming. People just said screw it, it isn’t worth the extra effort with the current reward system.
Jormag takes about 10 min to do and it’s still being farmed regularly. Megadestroyer doesn’t even reward bonus chests and it’s on farm. Fire ele has a 8 min pre-event that’s a complete waste of time and even that has players.
Furthermore, with the 17 sep update, the world bosses are getting buffed and may no longer be the 1 min DPS fests that we’re used to. Who knows if the new fights will take 5 min or more to complete?
If a 15 min Teq fight gives rewards at 25% intervals it could very well overtake the other bosses in terms of appeal.
This is what I keep saying. The reward you get from the amount of time, effort, and coordination you have to put in is way out of balance. Do people honestly think the majority of people will do Teq every time he is up (with a very, VERY good chance at failing him still) when they could do 2, 3, or 4 other world bosses in the same time frame?
I can’t follow you. Tequatl offers the same reward as a normal dragon encounter every 25% of his healthpool. On top of that a bonus chest. So 5 chests instead of 1, which lasts not longer than 15 minutes.
Coordination? Just use the lfg-tool, join a team (e.g. finger killing group) and do that stuff… a 10 year old child from one of my classes could do this.
sorry OP but i disagree with u saying invasions fail when my bags is filled with 60 aether boxes
Wait and till you see the fight before kittening r_r
Dear god people and their whining, I am probably more critical than 90% of the people on this forum but even I wait and see how things are implemented or clarify my statement’s before jumping into pointless hyperbole.
Karka and SI events aren’t comparable either as many have said before and the unique loot will keep people coming back again and again especially for stuff like the dragon mini, if it is tradeable and rare people will want it and it will sell for a lot.
Hare content only ever puts people off when it isn’t rewarding (KQ for instance, and even then the event isn’t hard… the lead up to it is just long and annoying for next to no reward)
If say you got a reward akin to a scarlet invasion run (for the average player) and a chance at rewarding objects? sure people would partake in it and learn how to play a little better.
Unrelated, god kitten I remember people talking about their “SI farms” and then laughing at the pitiful amounts of boxes that they were getting for their “farming”, I mean if you aren’t getting 40+ chests an event you have no reason to want the event to fail…
Tequatl will take as long as a temple event with the addition of having the best rewards in the game, i fail to see how that won’t be enough to bring everyone there when its up.
Yet another troll thread complaining about content that hasn’t even been implemented yet.
Give it a chance, and THEN complain if it is warranted.
This forum, as someone else said, is full of Seers.
Yet another troll thread complaining about content that hasn’t even been implemented yet.
Give it a chance, and THEN complain if it is warranted.
Troll thread? No
Typical idiotic drivel which has become common from the OP and many others? Very much yes.
Tequatl will take as long as a temple event with the addition of having the best rewards in the game, i fail to see how that won’t be enough to bring everyone there when its up.
Temple events only take 5mins each and that is only cause of timers what are you complaining about they already made it so you don’t need to do gates of arah to get in. Come to maguuma we do all world bosses in 2 hours every single day. We also want more people for wvw we are 7th and rising and that is only because we have no daytime players. If it was an easy event rewards from it would quickly become worthless and no one would do also. To kittenly an army can do which is what you expect from a fricking dragon.
hard is aparently a curse word
Tequatl will take as long as a temple event with the addition of having the best rewards in the game, i fail to see how that won’t be enough to bring everyone there when its up.
Temple events only take 5mins each and that is only cause of timers what are you complaining about they already made it so you don’t need to do gates of arah to get in. Come to maguuma we do all world bosses in 2 hours every single day. We also want more people for wvw we are 7th and rising and that is only because we have no daytime players. If it was an easy event rewards from it would quickly become worthless and no one would do also. To kittenly an army can do which is what you expect from a fricking dragon.
hard is aparently a curse word
What? o-o
I wasn’t complaining about anything, all i said was that Tequatl would be comparable to temple events time-wise and would give even better rewards which should be enough to get ppl there to do it. And i’m not wrong about that, because just like temple events Tequatl will have periods where you wont be attacking the boss itself but making sure other objectives get done(in this case protecting the batteries for the cannon) which will roughly take ~6min(~2min every 25% of his hp) away from the fight itself.
Anyways, i think the changes to Tequatl are very welcome and i can’t wait to see the unique skins that will come from it.
People will be doing it for the dragonite ore.
What i think will happen is;
1) Alot of player join the event at the start.
2) Some will kill a few mobs,dmg the boss a little bit and then start slacking off.EG,Go afk or do something else in the map whilst waiting for event to complete(daily gathering,variety kills etc)
3) Come back collect rewards.
U need 160 to start the event if 50% going to slack off during the event.
This already happened in the scarlet event, will happen again in this event especially since there is no champ farming.
New rewards exclusive to Teq will possibly draw in players the first few weeks after release. The problem with this community is that people only want to loot shinies the quickest way. The easier the better.
True. As somebody said, and it wouldn’t surprise me, once people get out of it what they need, they’ll go find other things to do, especially as the chance at getting something unique isn’t any better. Like most shinies, it wears off and then it’s back to the good old fashioned Grind Wars 2. Well, this event will end up being part of the grind in itself.
Oh, no, I’ve gone cross-eyed.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
This topic My Lord in Heavens!
Already crying a week before the event starts that is too hard and you can’t complete it.
Well played.
Improving Tequatl is good. He was easy and boring. Dragon that just stands and let players to do him manicure until death…
But i don’t belive the rewards will be worth it. Even if it will give something like 1 rare for every 25% HP……salvage garbage.
Wings of the sunless….How many backs i already got?…no matter i won’t transmute my capacitor anyway..
And now to the big one…..Specific ascended weapons. Anyone think there will be bigger chance to get those weapons then to get hit by lightning on way to shop?
Or bigger then survive plane crash twice per live? Or win a billion in lottery? Or be kidnaped by aliens and then become their emperor and rule over galaxi?
It is always same.
daros: Whats the solution then? What rewards do players want? Rares are no good. Back pieces are no good. Ascended is good because you can skip having the gather anything or craft. But then the complaint is they are going to be too rare. Yet if it was a common drop players would have their fill within the week and this would be more perma content no one ever does. So what is the solution then? Honestly asking.
As for those saying you’ll never have enough players. I don’t know what to tell you about your server if this is true. Blackgate had no issue completing scarlet events. Even with farming for boxes. Perhaps in a few weeks when the hype dies down there will be less people but you’ll get some sort of reward every 25%. If that 25% is roughly = to the current normal bosses then I don’t see an issue.
Right now we simply have to wait and see. Another day or so.
daros: Whats the solution then? What rewards do players want? Rares are no good. Back pieces are no good. Ascended is good because you can skip having the gather anything or craft. But then the complaint is they are going to be too rare. Yet if it was a common drop players would have their fill within the week and this would be more perma content no one ever does. So what is the solution then? Honestly asking.
As for those saying you’ll never have enough players. I don’t know what to tell you about your server if this is true. Blackgate had no issue completing scarlet events. Even with farming for boxes. Perhaps in a few weeks when the hype dies down there will be less people but you’ll get some sort of reward every 25%. If that 25% is roughly = to the current normal bosses then I don’t see an issue.
Right now we simply have to wait and see. Another day or so.
Reliable chance of getting ascended gear. Hard content together with good chance to drop ascendeds.
If players are good enough to do something hard they deserve to be rewarded. And reward they want, not some ,,rare garbage"
I dont need any carrot on the stick in this game. If 90% of players would be good enough to get every ascended weapons they need in week then they deserve to have it.
And if someone needs that carrot on the stick, farm and gring for months to get one thing then he choose wrong game. This game was supposed to be free of it completely.
(edited by daros.3407)
I have a question that ties into the topic, I think, so I won’t open another thread for it.
Does defending the cannons for example qualify you for the 25% increment rewards? Or do you actually have to go for Sunny itself?
I remember that originally just defending cannons could award you gold status and the chest for the event. Was a nice way to avoid the skillag in the beginning and still get gold for the event. But since these days almost nobody bothers to use/defend the cannons I’m uncertain wether this still applies.
I certainly hope so however, because that might motivate people to not attempt to brute force the dragon and try to coordinate.
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.
Reliable chance of getting ascended gear. Hard content together with good chance to drop ascendeds.
They can’t possibly give out ascended gear like candy from an event though. Too many people have sunk a ton of gold crafting to 500 and making ascended weapons just to have it invalidated by a few runs of an event. It desperately needs to stay a rare drop.
If players are good enough to do something hard they deserve to be rewarded. And reward they want, not some ,,rare garbage"
Giving rewards for zone events isn’t about players being good at all. Essentially, you simply show up and get your prize for hanging around for 10 minutes. It’s simply a carrot developers use to keep people showing up for things.
And if someone needs that carrot on the stick, farm and gring for months to get one thing then he choose wrong game. This game was supposed to be free of it completely.
The playerbase of this game DEMANDS carrots and the developers have been responding to that. Chests here, materials there, the developers have realized that no one will do anything in this game without rewards to draw them in.
Reliable chance of getting ascended gear. Hard content together with good chance to drop ascendeds.
They can’t possibly give out ascended gear like candy from an event though. Too many people have sunk a ton of gold crafting to 500 and making ascended weapons just to have it invalidated by a few runs of an event. It desperately needs to stay a rare drop.
If players are good enough to do something hard they deserve to be rewarded. And reward they want, not some ,,rare garbage"
Giving rewards for zone events isn’t about players being good at all. Essentially, you simply show up and get your prize for hanging around for 10 minutes. It’s simply a carrot developers use to keep people showing up for things.
And if someone needs that carrot on the stick, farm and gring for months to get one thing then he choose wrong game. This game was supposed to be free of it completely.
The playerbase of this game DEMANDS carrots and the developers have been responding to that. Chests here, materials there, the developers have realized that no one will do anything in this game without rewards to draw them in.
It could be something absolutely else what would give reliable chance of ascended drop. Some hard duogeon maybe…or something that will really test players skill…
Yes players invested a lot to crafting and it is clear now that last update was total fail according to their feedbacks.
Reward does not mean carrot on the stick. If this is their responce on no rewarding game then it is bad.
If they will continue this way i will stop playing this. This game was awesome as grind free game, but as average mmo with ,,carrot" it will be one of worst.
It is sad but it’s true.
Well, perspective, after 5000 items into the mystic forge, weekly guild events since they released it, dungeon master, many fractals, many champ boxes, world bosses, average of 7 hours a day play, I have yet to see any precursor drop, heck only last week in the wiggle chest did I see an ascended jewelry piece drop (not infused).
So omega rare minis and Unique Ascended weapons sort of kitten es me off, it insults my intelligence. Ive given up on the gear treadmill, I may do the Tequatl event, but surely it wont be for loot, heck, at the end of the day, it will prolly cost me money doing the event.
And if its anything like SS, where you dont get rewarded til the end succeed or fail, it will more then likely steer me away. Several times during peek (which is my play schedule), I crashed to come back in an overflow, forefeiting my rewards for pass or fail.
Massive fights that have lockouts don’t work unless you have culling again. And my computer is on the max side of system requirements.
I like new content, not changing the existing fights. Nobody knows how it will play several days after release, but history (clockwork, southsun etc.) makes me a bit pessimistic.
I’d rather they add new bosses then change the existing one.
I admit I am slightly concerned how this will play out. After all its rare my server pulls out more then 30 to a boss fight at any given time. At non-peak times it is even lower though, sometimes rarely being over 10. I’ve done the current Tequatl with only 2 other people before as well. :/
But considering the rewards and what I saw at the Scarlet Invasions, I know my server can pull the numbers it people want to come.
I just hope people feel the rewards are worth it and continue to come often (time vs reward is a serious plague for something that lasts a while like Claw of Jormag). Guess we shall see. :P I know overflow and other things will plague this for a while, so hope everything goes smoothly. knockonwood
I have a question that ties into the topic, I think, so I won’t open another thread for it.
Does defending the cannons for example qualify you for the 25% increment rewards? Or do you actually have to go for Sunny itself?
I remember that originally just defending cannons could award you gold status and the chest for the event. Was a nice way to avoid the skillag in the beginning and still get gold for the event. But since these days almost nobody bothers to use/defend the cannons I’m uncertain wether this still applies.
I certainly hope so however, because that might motivate people to not attempt to brute force the dragon and try to coordinate.
This should be the case. This was what they thought was the case when the game was released: you do stuff aside from hitting boss and you still get the status for your participation in the event. However, hitting the boss and mobs prior to the upcoming patch was way easier to ensure gold status that’s why everybody and their dogs are wearing zerker gear. Tagging is stupid. Support roles are kidding themselves if they want to heal, buff, and ress allies. Anyways, now that the mobs will no longer drop loot on kill, this MAY encourage doing the other side mechanics of the event other than hitting Teq and giving him some foot scrubbing. And prior to the upcoming changes, mechanics like lasers can be easily ignored since Teq can drop faster when being DPSed by players. Now, they revamped the Bone Walls, laser and canon mechanics so that merely DPSing him won’t ensure you a win. In theory it sounds fun, but let’s wait til players come up with the most optimal solution to defeating Teq be it through player coordination or loophole/bug abuse.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
You might see 10 to 15 people doing an event. Sometimes if you are really luck you can see 30+ doing an event.
Errrr, really? More often than not, i see 60+ people zerging world bosses. It’s even more apparent now that culling is gone. I’ve never once seen only 15 people doing a world boss, though i usually only log in during the evenings.
I know it’s like that on some servers. I have to guest to tc/bg etc. There are a few that you can guest to. The good thing is we won’t have to worry about overflow. I just wish they would go with a better form of scaling that could support a minimum of 5 and then whatever as the max.
My point was that on many servers, I would guess everything except the top 5, it’s going to be MUCH harder to get a group of that size together. To be honest the only way I (on Borlis Pass) will ever get to complete this is through guesting. I know that someone will come to this thread saying “no, we have 50+ doing every event”. Those people are incapable of providing any screens of this magical army, and when I post screens showing the exact opposite it’s because culling is somehow on super high or some other excuse. I know it bothers people to admit, but without server mergers most of the servers will not be able to complete this. I’m not sure if it makes a difference but I’m on NA servers.
Come to IoJ at 5 pm server time on daily reset. We overflow maps on bosses and have a great group of people that lead the daily boss train. I can promise you we’ll have plenty.
It could be something absolutely else what would give reliable chance of ascended drop. Some hard duogeon maybe…or something that will really test players skill…
Yes players invested a lot to crafting and it is clear now that last update was total fail according to their feedbacks.
The problem is that this approach will inspire mass rage. If you make a new tier of gear with the best stats and then only people with “leet” skills can obtain it, there will be an utter kittenstorm in the community. For aesthetics, this is great. For higher stats, the populace will rage.
Reward does not mean carrot on the stick. If this is their responce on no rewarding game then it is bad.
If they will continue this way i will stop playing this. This game was awesome as grind free game, but as average mmo with ,,carrot" it will be one of worst.
It is sad but it’s true.
The community has spoken and carrots on sticks is what they want. They will ONLY show up to event en masse if there is a good reward. No carrot, no participation. It doesn’t matter what utopian dream game anet has imagined, players have shown that they react to rewards above all else.
It could be something absolutely else what would give reliable chance of ascended drop. Some hard duogeon maybe…or something that will really test players skill…
Yes players invested a lot to crafting and it is clear now that last update was total fail according to their feedbacks.The problem is that this approach will inspire mass rage. If you make a new tier of gear with the best stats and then only people with “leet” skills can obtain it, there will be an utter kittenstorm in the community. For aesthetics, this is great. For higher stats, the populace will rage.
Reward does not mean carrot on the stick. If this is their responce on no rewarding game then it is bad.
If they will continue this way i will stop playing this. This game was awesome as grind free game, but as average mmo with ,,carrot" it will be one of worst.
It is sad but it’s true.The community has spoken and carrots on sticks is what they want. They will ONLY show up to event en masse if there is a good reward. No carrot, no participation. It doesn’t matter what utopian dream game anet has imagined, players have shown that they react to rewards above all else.
And yet most of players dislike crafting ascended weapons and every time i write suggestion like this it will become highly rated in 30 minutes….
Eventualy everyone is able to do everything in game no matter how hard it is. This would actualy be much better for casual players.
Something that requires skill doesnt have to be doable only for few.
Community has spoken but what anet did is absolutely agains what most people want. Or you are blinded and cant see their feedbacks? I could find 100 posts in 5 minutes that absolutely hates new changes especialy crafting. And in same time 10 that like it.
So yea community really wants it……Maybe you want it but it doesnt mean majority of players want it. And now it is clear they dont. People want rewards, but no unending grinding and faming that ..carrot on the sick" represent
(edited by daros.3407)
And yet most of players dislike crafting ascended weapons and every time i write suggestion like this it will become highly rated in 30 minutes….
I’m not arguing for the popularity of the crafting but the cat is out of the bag at this point. They put an expensive and grindy way to make ascended weapons in, so they can’t, in good faith, suddenly make them easy drops now without kitten ing the community off.
Eventualy everyone is able to do everything in game no matter how hard it is. This would actualy be much better for casual players.Something that requires skill doesnt have to be doable only for few.
There are people who still haven’t done dungeons. There are many people who haven’t been able to go past fractals 10. There are people complaining that the (super easy) SAB world one is too hard. It is absolutely untrue, and frankly sort of ridiculous, to claim that everyone can do everything and even wilder to claim that making harder content to gain the highest stat items is good for casual players.
Again, i’m for hard content for exclusive skins, but making that the most obvious route for BiS items is going to kitten off lots of people.
Community has spoken but what anet did is absolutely agains what most people want. Or you are blinded and cant see their feedbacks? I could find 100 posts in 5 minutes that absolutely hates new changes especialy crafting. And in same time 10 that like it.
Are you reading what i wrote? I’m not talking AT ALL about the popularity of crafting. I’m talking about rewards (carrots) for showing up to events. The community has overwhelming proved that they only show up to do content for rewards. The playerbase follows whoever has the biggest/most carrots in game.
And yet most of players dislike crafting ascended weapons and every time i write suggestion like this it will become highly rated in 30 minutes….
I’m not arguing for the popularity of the crafting but the cat is out of the bag at this point. They put an expensive and grindy way to make ascended weapons in, so they can’t, in good faith, suddenly make them easy drops now without kitten ing the community off.
Eventualy everyone is able to do everything in game no matter how hard it is. This would actualy be much better for casual players.Something that requires skill doesnt have to be doable only for few.
There are people who still haven’t done dungeons. There are many people who haven’t been able to go past fractals 10. There are people complaining that the (super easy) SAB world one is too hard. It is absolutely untrue, and frankly sort of ridiculous, to claim that everyone can do everything and even wilder to claim that making harder content to gain the highest stat items is good for casual players.
Again, i’m for hard content for exclusive skins, but making that the most obvious route for BiS items is going to kitten off lots of people.
Community has spoken but what anet did is absolutely agains what most people want. Or you are blinded and cant see their feedbacks? I could find 100 posts in 5 minutes that absolutely hates new changes especialy crafting. And in same time 10 that like it.
Are you reading what i wrote? I’m not talking AT ALL about the popularity of crafting. I’m talking about rewards (carrots) for showing up to events. The community has overwhelming proved that they only show up to do content for rewards. The playerbase follows whoever has the biggest/most carrots in game.
I am talking abou crafting becouse it is associated with it. They implemented horrible thing. Crafting you know.. And it is changing game in to some average mmo. And even worst..
So we need something that will turn it back. I see only one possibility. They don’t want ascendeds to be easily obtainable so some non easy content giving at least 10% chance of ascended drop could bring game to what was before. We all invested hundreds of gold in to crafting, but i would gladly gave it up if game would be what it was before. And things like new tequatl would be good start. Although i agree it would be problematic, becouse it is world event that anyone can tag and get reward without work. But even this possible to work out.
And you are right we need rewards but even ,,Carrot on the stick" guarantee you that you will eventualy get what you are aiming for ( in mmo..:-D).
But what is chance to drop ascended weapon from tequatl? I dont know it but i am pretty sure it is something like 0,001 or even worse. This is no reward at all. So they are implementing rewards that you will probably never get. Even everyone who posted something in this thread will probably never get it. No matter how well they participate in event. Maybe i am wrong maybe chace to get it will be much more higher but i dont belive it.
Do you understand me now? I just want to find the way how to save this game before unending grindfest they are making it now. At least i try to give some suggestions.