Unbalanced Heal Skill
Yes thats why I hope its Pve only
Anet is slowly moving towards removing conditions completely. Since they can’t fix them they will just slowly phase them out until no one uses them anymore.
I WAS thinking the same thing but you have to factor recharge radius how much it actualy heals for and the fact it only removed Toxin torment poison and confusion and Toxin mite be a new condition if the heal dosent heal that much its not that big a deal also the conditions it dose remove can be applied in rapid succession and i think threre only a few skill and a rune set in the game that give torment
i obviously don’t know the stats of the skill yet, but after what i’ve read i agree with john dean for now. This will mess some world v world action up if thist will be available in wvw…
~ Desolation
(edited by LampGhost.9658)
Not really. Mesmers already have 2 skills like that, Null Field and Power Cleanse, and those aren’t even healing skills. Guardians can also group cleanse with PoV.
You gotta also remember that this is a healing skill, and you can only have one of those. You can’t just pop your main source of healing whenever you feel like it, and you’ll have to give up the benefits of another healing skill to use it (eg Warriors would have to give up their precious OP Healing Signet).
Not really. Mesmers already have 2 skills like that, Null Field and Power Cleanse, and those aren’t even healing skills. Guardians can also group cleanse with PoV.
You gotta also remember that this is a healing skill, and you can only have one of those. You can’t just pop your main source of healing whenever you feel like it, and you’ll have to give up the benefits of another healing skill to use it (eg Warriors would have to give up their precious OP Healing Signet).
that just proves why its OP.. its universal, so everyone just pops that and woop… mesmers become even more useless.
Don’t want to sound like a total whine. Just trying to provide feedback stating that the general idea of the skill sounds a bit overpowered and making certain other classes/spells pointless rather then this spell adding something renewing. I hope the release will prove me wrong
~ Desolation
(edited by LampGhost.9658)
We don’t know the heal amount and CD of the skill. If the heal is low and the CD is high enough it wouldn’t be that OP.
Not really. Mesmers already have 2 skills like that, Null Field and Power Cleanse, and those aren’t even healing skills. Guardians can also group cleanse with PoV.
You gotta also remember that this is a healing skill, and you can only have one of those. You can’t just pop your main source of healing whenever you feel like it, and you’ll have to give up the benefits of another healing skill to use it (eg Warriors would have to give up their precious OP Healing Signet).
that just proves why its OP
.. its universal, so everyone just pops that and woop… mesmers become even more useless.
Don’t want to sound like a total whine. Just trying to provide feedback stating that the general idea of the skill sounds a bit overpowered and making certain other classes/spells pointless rather then this spell adding something renewing. I hope the release will prove me wrong
First of all, Mesmers aren’t just there to condition cleanse, that’s actually mainly the job of PoV Guardians amongst other things.
And like I was saying before, you don’t just pop your healing skill to get rid of some conditions unless it’s THAT urgent. Also, you’ll have to give up other benefits for it, and I can’t think of any Warrior who would give up Heing Signet for that.
Not really. Mesmers already have 2 skills like that, Null Field and Power Cleanse, and those aren’t even healing skills. Guardians can also group cleanse with PoV.
You gotta also remember that this is a healing skill, and you can only have one of those. You can’t just pop your main source of healing whenever you feel like it, and you’ll have to give up the benefits of another healing skill to use it (eg Warriors would have to give up their precious OP Healing Signet).
that just proves why its OP
.. its universal, so everyone just pops that and woop… mesmers become even more useless.
Don’t want to sound like a total whine. Just trying to provide feedback stating that the general idea of the skill sounds a bit overpowered and making certain other classes/spells pointless rather then this spell adding something renewing. I hope the release will prove me wrong
First of all, Mesmers aren’t just there to condition cleanse, that’s actually mainly the job of PoV Guardians amongst other things.
And like I was saying before, you don’t just pop your healing skill to get rid of some conditions unless it’s THAT urgent. Also, you’ll have to give up other benefits for it, and I can’t think of any Warrior who would give up Heing Signet for that.
This there so many other options for condi removal its not funny light fields alone can remove kitten tones with out a second thought. The skill dose help some classes lacking a nice way to remove condition’s tough hint hint rangers so it will be gold for them to use and probably expected of them to run this now.
A person will have to carry this ability in most new PvE content I would guess. This will make this person the “healer.”
Trinity incoming!!!
I’m actually lead to believe that this could be the first PvE-only skill we would get and that this shouldn’t severely skew the WvW meta in a bizarre way.
GW1 has had its share of PvE-only non-seasonal abilities: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/List_of_PvE-only_skills … it would only make sense that GW2 could have some of those as well.
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .
A person will have to carry this ability in most new PvE content I would guess. This will make this person the “healer.”
Trinity incoming!!!
How is this a trinitys when any one with a light combo field can do better condition removal and not have to sacifice a powerfull self heal skill for a probably small AoE heal similar to healing spring probably and if this skill roots you in place like the picture suggest it dose this skill will have no place in WvW
We don’t know the heal amount and CD of the skill. If the heal is low and the CD is high enough it wouldn’t be that OP.
This. Honestly, it’s really too early to start complaining. All we know about it is that it heals and removes conditions, nothing else.
You know, I understand why people might feel this way, but you all seem to forget a very important factor about existing heal skills that have functions outside of their active heal: Said active healing kittens the kittens of elder dragons through a garden hose.
Load up malice signet on a thief or signet of healing on warrior, get into a fight and actually click the heal. Go on, I’ll wait.
Didn’t do much to help the fight, did it? Now try a sylvari using healing seed or an engie’s healing turret.
Certainly stabilized you and friends, but when the going was rough it still didn’t save you, did it?
Oddly, I can foresee the new anti-toxin is going to bring something I remember from City of Heroes: mez protection, or in this case, condition protection. And it would seem fairly balanced that the heal aspect of it will kitten elder dragon kitten through a garden hose in exchange for being a wide-area condition cleanse, so condition builds will probably be safe in the respect that the damage their conditions do will last.
Also, there’s still a slew of conditions this does not cure, like burning, bleed, crippled, chilled, weakness (makes me sick), and vulnerability.
Admittedly though, I do not play WvW, so perhaps the game functions quite different there, and to be honest, if there was ever a search for as way to balance conditions, I would have probably just had Vitality and Toughness have the secondary components of reducing condition duration by up to half, and each one handles a different set of conditions. And maybe make it so you can reduce burning duration by evading (teach kids the valuable lesson of stop, drop, and roll too!), though requiring two whole rolls to completely snuff out a burning condition. (and thus, if you’re fighting a fire elementalist, it might not help as all but to take the edge off the alpha for a few moments)
We don’t know the heal amount and CD of the skill. If the heal is low and the CD is high enough it wouldn’t be that OP.
^ Ding ding ding! We have a winner. You can’t yell OP until you know the heal amount and cool down. Maybe it is only condition remover and zero heal? Who knows?
Well, I’m not so sure treb poison clouds would be completely worthless. After all, the clouds would just re-apply the poison again in a second.
As others have said. it’s too early to start smashing the panic button. We hardly know what it does yet, much less whether it’ll be usable in non-PvE, much less what state conditions will be in after the update.
No use worrying about it until there are more details.
8 coordinated necros can keep a group impervious to conditions (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Well_of_Power).
8 coordinated mesmers can keep a group impervious to conditions (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Null_Field).
Now any group of coordinated players can do this with the new skill, which may require more or less players depending on CDs.. and this isn’t a cleanse that continuously occurs like the two previously mentioned skills, so with wells that deal conditions or fire fields or poison fields this new skill is actually less useful than the current skills (because they constantly remove conditions.. ALL CONDITIONS not just the ones mentioned for the new skill.. for 5 seconds).. so the new skill is not OP, not unbalanced.
While I agree that we have no idea how much this new skill will heal, how long its cool down is, or other details, I do find it interesting that it says it will remove toxin, this new coming condition. Curious to see how this new condition works. Also the release page says Antitoxin Spray will remove poison, torment, confusion, and toxin. If we go by how MOST other class healing skills work, either doing more healing or less healing plus other effect(s), then I assume this Antitoxin spray will not heal for that much.
[AoD]- Commander Vars Wolf
(edited by Fallout.1798)
Well, I’m excited for the skill. And I’m hopeful it makes its way into WvW. I can see where it probably won’t be in sPvP though, similar to how racial skills are inaccessible there.
Out of the conditions listed there, krait currently only apply poison. So, the LS update will probably include monsters with these conditions (especially the new toxin). If not, then it makes sense for Antitoxin Spray to end up in WvW to balance out some of the condition meta.
Just my wishful little dream.
I expect this condition cleanse will have almost zero hp recovery, so there is that big tradeoff.
that said, it does further reduce condition’s effectiveness.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
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Not really. Mesmers already have 2 skills like that, Null Field and Power Cleanse, and those aren’t even healing skills. Guardians can also group cleanse with PoV.
You gotta also remember that this is a healing skill, and you can only have one of those. You can’t just pop your main source of healing whenever you feel like it, and you’ll have to give up the benefits of another healing skill to use it (eg Warriors would have to give up their precious OP Healing Signet).
that just proves why its OP
.. its universal, so everyone just pops that and woop… mesmers become even more useless.
Don’t want to sound like a total whine. Just trying to provide feedback stating that the general idea of the skill sounds a bit overpowered and making certain other classes/spells pointless rather then this spell adding something renewing. I hope the release will prove me wrong
First of all, Mesmers aren’t just there to condition cleanse, that’s actually mainly the job of PoV Guardians amongst other things.
And like I was saying before, you don’t just pop your healing skill to get rid of some conditions unless it’s THAT urgent. Also, you’ll have to give up other benefits for it, and I can’t think of any Warrior who would give up Heing Signet for that.
This there so many other options for condi removal its not funny light fields alone can remove kitten tones with out a second thought. The skill dose help some classes lacking a nice way to remove condition’s tough hint hint rangers so it will be gold for them to use and probably expected of them to run this now.
I’ll bet $10 that like all the racial heals it won’t heal your pet and thus will be absolutely useless for a ranger to have.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
But Durz, it’s AoE heal. Meaning it’ll effect the pet.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Who cares if it effects the pet or not Learn 2 switch pets and your troubles are over
Who cares if it effects the pet or not Learn 2 switch pets and your troubles are over
Uh… That doesn’t save you all the time bro….
@Ryu, the condi cleanse is AoE, we don’t know if the heal itself is, and IF the heal itself is it’ll likely be minor for allies, like how Healing Spring and Healing Turret.
If it’s like the one heal that’s an absolute monster of an AoE heal (Healing breeze) it’ll have like a minute CD because it’d have the universal tax, AoE heal tax, condi cleanse tax, and AoE condi cleanse tax all in one.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Im quite worried that Anet will go way of EotN with pve skills universally available to anyone. I’ve seen what it did to to gw1 and I didn’t like it. Instead of going for diversity among classes, they are narrowing differences by inserting OP skills that everybody will want to use.
Im even more worried that this shared skills will find its way into wvw, and honestly it terrifies me.
My main being an engineer, I totally agree.
Looking at what that skill brings, it basically is a direct version of the healing turret overcharge.
Sigh … I really liked the fact that I was bringing the cleansing skills in the party. It’s one of the rare things that the engineer can do better that other classes. Now, every class will have access to the same kind of heal.
Plus, it’s really a step in the wrong direction, since universal skills are only narrowing the variety between classes.
I, for one, really hate that decision.
You guys don’t even know the exact description yet.. just calm down and give a little more respect to Anet’s development team. I think they can handle one heal skill.
I’m not feeling a great deal of danger from this skill, probably because I’m a guardian and I eat everyone’s conditions already. Aoe condition removal isn’t a rarity in this game, it’s just not on everyone’s bar.
As others have said in this thread, builds already exist to cleanse conditions. I mentioned this in the living world forum, but what we’re probably looking at here is some kind of “gap filler” skill that will allow other professions the ability to carry some of that load. I could see more of these skills sneaking into the game to solve problems Anet is struggling to cover in their skill balances. Kind of a way to shore up profession weaknesses without having to add 100 skills to the game (Oh delicious skills… Must focus!)
I don’t think you’ll see a real problem until these skills move into the general utility part of the bar. That’s where it’s going to get trickier to balance.
Also this might be a sign they have found a way to take the leash off conditions, instead of a way to finish them off. :p
Sorrow’s Furnace
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
So ANet promised new skills and this is what we get. 1 healing skill for everyone. Sad, but I’m not disappointed at all…
+ I won’t feel like my profession is special and original, when everybody can use it :/
So ANet promised new skills and this is what we get. 1 healing skill for everyone. Sad, but I’m not disappointed at all…
+ I won’t feel like my profession is special and original, when everybody can use it :/
Uh, they said we would get new skills that’ll be unlocked in PvE via skill points and will be in sPvP just like every other skill, something about a universal PVE ONLY heal doesn’t scream “these are the skills we said we’d add!” To me..
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
So ANet promised new skills and this is what we get. 1 healing skill for everyone. Sad, but I’m not disappointed at all…
+ I won’t feel like my profession is special and original, when everybody can use it :/Uh, they said we would get new skills that’ll be unlocked in PvE via skill points and will be in sPvP just like every other skill, something about a universal PVE ONLY heal doesn’t scream “these are the skills we said we’d add!” To me..
So what is purpouse of universal pve healing skill?
Keep in mind that this is only beggining, i hated EotN for grinding pve so my pve only skills would work better, because they were far better than alot of class skills, especially with max rep points, which is why you couldnt find any pve build without ursan’s blessing, pain inverter, drunken stance or whatever…
I just don’t like the smell of this update…
complaining about this before we have tried it out is pointless.
Not sure why people are thinking it will clean up all conditions its pretty obvious its only poison, torment, confusion, and toxin. And we wonder why they don’t tell us what’s going on early. We need a head start for all the moaning and groaning…
| 80 (Mesmer) Brook Envision | 80 (Thief) Kuro Rin |
I’m just going to throw this out there. Where in the description does this say it heals at all? The fact that it’s a healing skill only means its in the 6 slot. That doesn’t mean it necessarily actually heals anyone, or else anyone other than you.
complaining about this before we have tried it out is pointless.
Not sure why people are thinking it will clean up all conditions its pretty obvious its only poison, torment, confusion, and toxin. And we wonder why they don’t tell us what’s going on early. We need a head start for all the moaning and groaning…
Because this is system already familiar to them, already used in their previous game releases and aparently they are opening that can of worms again.
“Toxin” is likely going to be a new condition that we’ll only see from new content, so that won’t even affect WvW.
A minor heal that can remove poison, torment, and confusion from yourself and up to four adjacent allies will be next to useless in WvW, because that would never be worth trading your actual heal skill for. Every class (except Thief) already has better condition removal than that from at least one utility or heal skill.
This thread is ridiculous.
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
So ANet promised new skills and this is what we get. 1 healing skill for everyone. Sad, but I’m not disappointed at all…
+ I won’t feel like my profession is special and original, when everybody can use it :/Uh, they said we would get new skills that’ll be unlocked in PvE via skill points and will be in sPvP just like every other skill, something about a universal PVE ONLY heal doesn’t scream “these are the skills we said we’d add!” To me..
So what is purpouse of universal pve healing skill?
Keep in mind that this is only beggining, i hated EotN for grinding pve so my pve only skills would work better, because they were far better than alot of class skills, especially with max rep points, which is why you couldnt find any pve build without ursan’s blessing, pain inverter, drunken stance or whatever…
I just don’t like the smell of this update…
Its to deal with the new condtion added with the new content toxin and at the same time be a alternative heal skill for classes that lack a hard condition removal heal. I dont see warriors guardian Thief’s or necromancers or elementalist replacing any of there already powerful healing skills with it i am sure mesmers will make use off it and rangers thous the only two classes that mite make the most off this healing skill. if it heals that ranger pet also then its mite be a total replacement for heal as one.
“Toxin” is likely going to be a new condition that we’ll only see from new content, so that won’t even affect WvW.
A minor heal that can remove poison, torment, and confusion from yourself and up to four adjacent allies will be next to useless in WvW, because that would never be worth trading your actual heal skill for. Every class (except Thief) already has better condition removal than that from at least one utility or heal skill.
This thread is ridiculous.
Its more about principle than one healing skill. You should take a look at Anet history of adding new skills thru each gw1 release concluding with EotN. There wassn’t any powercreep thru gear but there sure was via skills.
I’ve seen how they handle introduction of new skills and i beleve that my fears are justified.
So ANet promised new skills and this is what we get. 1 healing skill for everyone. Sad, but I’m not disappointed at all…
+ I won’t feel like my profession is special and original, when everybody can use it :/Uh, they said we would get new skills that’ll be unlocked in PvE via skill points and will be in sPvP just like every other skill, something about a universal PVE ONLY heal doesn’t scream “these are the skills we said we’d add!” To me..
So what is purpouse of universal pve healing skill?
Keep in mind that this is only beggining, i hated EotN for grinding pve so my pve only skills would work better, because they were far better than alot of class skills, especially with max rep points, which is why you couldnt find any pve build without ursan’s blessing, pain inverter, drunken stance or whatever…
I just don’t like the smell of this update…
Its to deal with the new condtion added with the new content toxin and at the same time be a alternative heal skill for classes that lack a hard condition removal heal. I dont see warriors guardian Thief’s or necromancers or elementalist replacing any of there already powerful healing skills with it i am sure mesmers will make use off it and rangers thous the only two classes that mite make the most off this healing skill. if it heals that ranger pet also then its mite be a total replacement for heal as one.
Do you know something rest of us don’t? Plz do share.
“Toxin” is likely going to be a new condition that we’ll only see from new content, so that won’t even affect WvW.
A minor heal that can remove poison, torment, and confusion from yourself and up to four adjacent allies will be next to useless in WvW, because that would never be worth trading your actual heal skill for. Every class (except Thief) already has better condition removal than that from at least one utility or heal skill.
This thread is ridiculous.
Its more about principle than one healing skill. You should take a look at Anet history of adding new skills thru each gw1 release concluding with EotN. There wassn’t any powercreep thru gear but there sure was via skills.
I’ve seen how they handle introduction of new skills and i beleve that my fears are justified.
I played GW1 for 8 years, I think I know its history and evolution fairly well. This skill seems to be experimental more than anything. It seems that they’re adding just this one skill, primarily aimed at removing “toxin”, and seeing how players react to the addition of a universal skill (aside from Mistfire Wolf). I’m sure it will undergo some changes in the future, but it seems more like Lightbringer Signet than Ursan Blessing.
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
(edited by EnemyCrusher.7324)
So ANet promised new skills and this is what we get. 1 healing skill for everyone. Sad, but I’m not disappointed at all…
+ I won’t feel like my profession is special and original, when everybody can use it :/Uh, they said we would get new skills that’ll be unlocked in PvE via skill points and will be in sPvP just like every other skill, something about a universal PVE ONLY heal doesn’t scream “these are the skills we said we’d add!” To me..
So what is purpouse of universal pve healing skill?
Keep in mind that this is only beggining, i hated EotN for grinding pve so my pve only skills would work better, because they were far better than alot of class skills, especially with max rep points, which is why you couldnt find any pve build without ursan’s blessing, pain inverter, drunken stance or whatever…
I just don’t like the smell of this update…
Its to deal with the new condtion added with the new content toxin and at the same time be a alternative heal skill for classes that lack a hard condition removal heal. I dont see warriors guardian Thief’s or necromancers or elementalist replacing any of there already powerful healing skills with it i am sure mesmers will make use off it and rangers thous the only two classes that mite make the most off this healing skill. if it heals that ranger pet also then its mite be a total replacement for heal as one.
Do you know something rest of us don’t? Plz do share.
I know that your goacking on about power-creep from a condition removal skill that’s universal to all classes that most classes probably will not run cues they have stronger options and that Light combo fields cant already do. I know for a fact i will not run this over hide in shadows on my Thief Or Ether Renewal on my elementalistIf it dosent heal my ranger pet along with me i most def will not run it on my ranger over heal as one maybe on my mesmer of its a heal comparable to ether feast with condition removal to make up for the lose of extra healing via clones.
“Toxin” is likely going to be a new condition that we’ll only see from new content, so that won’t even affect WvW.
A minor heal that can remove poison, torment, and confusion from yourself and up to four adjacent allies will be next to useless in WvW, because that would never be worth trading your actual heal skill for. Every class (except Thief) already has better condition removal than that from at least one utility or heal skill.
This thread is ridiculous.
Its more about principle than one healing skill. You should take a look at Anet history of adding new skills thru each gw1 release concluding with EotN. There wassn’t any powercreep thru gear but there sure was via skills.
I’ve seen how they handle introduction of new skills and i beleve that my fears are justified.
I played GW1 for 8 years, I think I know its history an evolution fairly well. This skill seems to be experimental more than anything. It seems that they’re adding just this one skill, primarily aimed at removing “toxin”, and seeing how players react to the addition of a universal skill (aside from Mistfire Wolf). I’m sure it will undergo some changes in the future, but it seems more like Lightbringer Signet than Ursan Blessing.
So adding skills that will only really be useful in one place, to deal with new condition (which honestly i dont think we need, 9 conds on me while i try to survive 50 players blob is enough ty) is good design choice?
“Toxin” is likely going to be a new condition that we’ll only see from new content, so that won’t even affect WvW.
A minor heal that can remove poison, torment, and confusion from yourself and up to four adjacent allies will be next to useless in WvW, because that would never be worth trading your actual heal skill for. Every class (except Thief) already has better condition removal than that from at least one utility or heal skill.
This thread is ridiculous.
Its more about principle than one healing skill. You should take a look at Anet history of adding new skills thru each gw1 release concluding with EotN. There wassn’t any powercreep thru gear but there sure was via skills.
I’ve seen how they handle introduction of new skills and i beleve that my fears are justified.
I played GW1 for 8 years, I think I know its history an evolution fairly well. This skill seems to be experimental more than anything. It seems that they’re adding just this one skill, primarily aimed at removing “toxin”, and seeing how players react to the addition of a universal skill (aside from Mistfire Wolf). I’m sure it will undergo some changes in the future, but it seems more like Lightbringer Signet than Ursan Blessing.
So adding skills that will only really be useful in one place, to deal with new condition (which honestly i dont think we need, 9 conds on me while i try to survive 50 players blob is enough ty) is good design choice?
How about having all 10 conditions on you in guild wars one during an alliance battle stacked on top of 5 or more of the vast number of hexes the game also had. Personaly i will take the 12 conditions we currently have now probably going to be 13 and 8 control effects with stun breakers over dazed on top of backfire on top empathy migraine while your getting wastrel spammed by the mesmer next to you saying go head try and RoJ the shrine lets see how far you get though the cast. I will take 50 players and a zerg over complete and utter shutdown by a single person at least if i see a zerg theirs a chance at running away but with the mesmer he will snare you and wastrel you to death while you hexed up the wazoo with all his kitten.
I say we wait for the detail of the skill before we declare OP.
Isn’t there already a BUNCH of skills/healing skills that remove multiple conditions?
Heal Spring and elixer gun comes to mind. Doesn’t seem OP at all. An most likly those conditions it removes (if in WvW) will probably be restacked in no time.
You guys don’t even know the exact description yet.. just calm down and give a little more respect to Anet’s development team. I think they can handle one
Mesmer fall damage.
On topic: no one knows anything about it, it’s stats, or its usage restrictions. There are already better aoe cleanses in the game, this one is for toxin, which is leaning towards a pve only thing.
And for those already complaining/speculating that it will be like EOTN pve only skills….
- Racial skills
^^^^ any of the classes can access Human, Norn, Charr, Sylvari or Rat racial skills. Even if this new skill is universal, it is NO DIFFERENT to the racial skills which are also universal.
(edited by Have No Faith In Me.1840)
im pretty sure this new baseline heal is to help other builds with the new pvp condition meta
I sure hope Anet doesn’t point to this one new skill and say that they have fulfilled their promise of bringing in new skills in 2013.
GW2 is one of the easiest MMOs I have ever played. I don’t really see the need for a new heal skill unless they are planning to amp up the difficulty in the content.