Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
What do you guys hope the update will bring?
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
I want to see underwater content, because it is a huge untapped world, long overdue. Plus I kind of like the added complexity of a third dimension.
Unfortunately, what is happening at the underwater Lair of the Seawitch appears to be just another above-the-waves tower. Ho-hum.
Hand-in-hand with underwater content should be a new, FULL selection of aquabreathers (finally) to match the available stats of their land combat counterparts.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
An option to disable aqua breathers. They look silly on Charr, like a muzzle.
At least, better underwater helmet options than breathers… Augh, I hate how they look soooo much! Why do I need a breather to breath underwater, in a game with magic?
Know what? Just remove them from the game.
-More bugs
-More grind
-More time-gated content
-More Rush or Lose content
-More useless items in the Gem Store
I’d be happy as long as it’s a champ grind, actually. I have terrible standards.
What do you guys hope the tower of nightmares will bring? I personally hope it brings some soloable story instances. Those are my favorite part of the LS releases.
Same. I like solo content that is relatively challenging.
When I overcome it I can feel accomplished rather than just having that excuse: “Oh the other 4 people in my party FINALLY figured it out.”
“I felt really carried that time.”
That’s actually what I liked about gw1 pve. I did my hardmode mission and vanquishing titles by myself with hero and hench. It’s fun to experiment and nail that perfect build combo that clears the area with minimal micro-managment. I can do that on my own schedule and don’t have to put up with having to deal with others.
I want it to make sense right away, then another sense later. Murkiness =/= quality "
- CCP Abraxis
-Scarlet’s death!!!
-Scarlet’s death!!!
-Scarlet’s death!!!
we can only hope.. followed closely by: Scarlet’s Retcon. If they could retcon the gods to be glorified bosses, they could just make Scarlet a horrible nightmare!
I hope we have an open dungeon where you got a group of 20 and if you die you have to start over. Only the strong have the will to survive. Sorry zerkers your time is over.
Ascended armor, earlier it’s out, earlier its done
Balanced difficulty instances.
In-game obtainable skins that do not involve exagerate amounts of inventory-clogging event tokens or RNG-based boxes.
Consistent ways to obtain ascended weaponry beside crafting and the (inconsistent) pure luck.
I’ll keep my expectations low, however.
Two words:
Krait metamorphosis .
If its going to be a dungeon, I would like a dungeon designed purely around fun instead of challenge. TA Aetherpath is probably my favorite dungeon in the game, but it does get rather frustrating and definitely not something I would play if I’m tired from work.
I hope the kraits summon leviathans out of that tower and blast their way into Dominion of Winds and fire krait magic towards Isgarren’s Tower. I want to see those Tengu flee to Lion’s Arch. Or just something worth it like Guild Wars 1 story telling like seriously… where are the Elder Dragons?
Following daimasei.4091
-More grind (farm x0000 amount of useless item to get random bad or mini is so much fun)
-More time-gated content
-More useless items in the Gem Store
-More zerg farm fest
-More CC on mobs (i love to be perma crippled, immobilized and pulled/pushed around everywhere)
-An open world boss that requires guild like coordination
-Disable all skills but auto-attack on wvw (no need for them on blob fights anyway)
-More achievements for failing events
-A JP that has WP hours away and every time you fail you have to start from the beginning
-More bugged achievements that can’t be gotten afterwards (i’m looking at you “invasion canceller” or i would be if it was on my achieve panel)
-Nerf to condition damage (it’s so OP in pve and it’s killing world bosses too fast)
-All mobs be turned to structures so my necro can kill them faster
-Remove some bank tabs, i got so much space i don’t know what to do with it
-Don’t touch the new target system (makes so much sense that “target closest” makes the champ half a mile away the priority target)
-Remove the giant from the inquest event since there are way to many giants around the world
I’m probably forgetting some more stuff but i’ll leave it for the rest to fill in…
I don’t get why so many people believe that this update will be a dungeon patch. All the pictures and videos have shown scenes from outside the tower. This suggests that the inside of the tower either won’t be accessible this patch (maybe possible next patch) or will be a minor story segment. Not only that, but we had a dungeon patch 1 month ago and know there will be a FotM update within the next 1.5 months.
If I had to take a guess about what the patch would be I’d place my bets on it having two moderately long instanced story segments, with the main focus of the patch being on open world events.
What would I want personally? Like several people have said an open world multilevel dungeon. However, very little evidence points to this being the case. I don’t really care what type of content it is though as long as it ends up being interesting and fun.
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant
(edited by GoldenTruth.2853)
Halloween is not over! Mad King Thorn is just introducing us to his new home outside of the Mad Realm.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
Halloween is not over! Mad King Thorn is just introducing us to his new home outside of the Mad Realm.
Hello Tyria. I am Oswald Thorn and this is my crib.
- Fun, more mature-ish dungeon with cool lore
- Balance to OP/UP professions
- Temporary and grindy content
- No balance changes to OP/UP professions
Want/wish would happen:
-New lore
-no Scarlet involvement
-cool/fun dungeon
-no grindy content
-solo story instances
-storyline going back to being about Elder dragons
What will probably happen:
-Grindy content
-no leviathans
-no Elder Dragon ties to new storyline
-no new lore
I have such high expectations, and I’m probably about to be let down by the patch… anyhow; my hopes for this tower story and lore-wise are:
- Krait linked with Mordremoth as the whisperer of promises and madness.
- Thus, a new Elder dragon appearing in GW2 with new lore and some dazzling twist to the story to make me really appreciate the LS and see how pieces fit.
- If these two happen, I don’t care if Scarlet is linked in some way as a villain with a conflicting plan or interest in all of this.
If there’s 6 elder dragons; having one appear and being center of attention per year would make sense if they want to go for a 6-year longevity of GW2. GW1 enjoyed that success, or actually 8? But Anet should really show us another Elder Dragon now.
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
Nothing good. Just another lackluster update. If there was something Anet would tease us, so we are looking forward to it and actually log in.
All I hope is that they do this because they are working on some bigger updated and reassinged devs.
If this is not the case then devs are jumping ships already…
(edited by WilliamDaBloody.2591)
I’m hoping for lots of soloable stuff.
It seems that the living story has started to go more and more towards only group content.
Last two updates before halloween (tequatl & twiligt assault) had pretty much nothing for soloers.
“What do you guys hope the update will bring?”
Something that’s NOT instanced, open world content.
If they add more and more instanced stuff it just makes the game like GW1, and then you just get speed runs, farming and elitism.
Maybe could be done solo, or in a group, something that scales.