Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
What you have to do is to lure the boss as far as possible from his crew and kill him without killing MOST of the crew
Just did it. Did not work for us. *shrug*
extremely bugged -
after doing it successfully 27+ times and not getting it – i went to try it again with a decent group and ended up (DIEING) 3 times before we beat the boss then his crew. by some miracle we ended up getting it and i finally have my mini clockheart
After many tries I finally got it – here’s what we did:
1). First killed the watcher and then a few mobs in back – we pulled to a pipe at back of the ‘two pipes area’ and stacked/killed there.
2). Pulled boss through the two pipes (eventually fighting him in the open space in back of room). We made sure to kill any adds that followed boss into the two-pipe area.
3). During boss fight we had two peeps go down (no deaths), and all were fully rezzed when boss died.
4). Also, during boss fight a few mobs in back were aggro’d – we made sure to kill them while fighting boss.
5). After killing boss, we aggro’d the rest of the mobs on floor and once killed got the achievement.
6). Also, I don’t believe we had to kill the two patrolling mobs walking on the raised area around room.
Now this group was incredibly pro (not a single wipe during run; and a complete pug group to boot). So that made possible all the pulls we did with no deaths.
Fyi we had one Mesmer (me), two Guardians and two Necros.
Good luck!!
(edited by Day Trooper.3605)
Bugged for sure.
We tried several times, in different ways, without getting the achievement.
This time we died two times, we lost the aggro and we got the achievement at the end.
Please ArenaNet, when you put out a content, test it in several ways to avoid situations like this one, Ty.
I just finally managed to get 17/17 (5th try).
I lol’ed so hard. During previous 4 tries, we have been just perfect (no deaths ~ yes downed), no disengaging, followed Dulfy’s and coronaas’ strategies, etc. But we didn’t get achievement, noone of us.
Last try:
The secret is: DO ALL WRONG! DONT BE PRO!
(edited by Aliatis.7836)
Did it 2 hours ago. It’s working, but the achievement is poorly worded. What you have to do is to lure the boss as far as possible from his crew and kill him without killing MOST of the crew – if some of them get lured in the process just kill them, we’ve killed around 5 or 6 mobs that way. The best moment to do this is when the watcher is near the 2 silver mobs that are behind the crew (also, you don’t need to kill them).
Additionally, some of us died during the fight with the boss and after the boss was killed, but we revived them before we killed the entire crew and everyone got achievement.
Thanks so much for this. Yours is the only way I tried that worked for everyone I know.
Thanks again for helping me get my long-lost 35 AP.
The secret is: DO ALL WRONG! DONT BE PRO!
We pulled him after clearing most of the room, 8ish mobs left on the left. We wiped.
I managed to finish him after the rest of the party was down on the 2nd go around, and we all scored. Go figure…
LOL this is soooo sooo bugged.
it was a total noob group, 3 of us died just jumping down, we were trolling around, we wiped(meaning the whole party died) cuz one of ours just ran in and pulled all the mobs + spur and steamwaatcher, so that was the first wipe, so we go back, we kill the watcher, we leave the two on the railwak, we kill 5 of his crew, we pull boss accidently, all of us die(the 2nd full party wipe), all 5 of us wp back, run, jump down again, 2 of us die from fall damage including me cuz we were trolling and lolling, as i said nub group, so they rezz us, then we pull some more of his crew, killing everyone except 1 single mob on the far back left corner, so we pull boss and 4 of my group die from the axes on the floor and the spin attack, they all wp back while I manage to get away and survive because I was on my alt thief and used stealth. So that was the third wipe, i disengaged, they all did, out of combat means disengage i guess cuz boss reset and regenned. So we pull him, for the fourth time between the pipes, and somehow he glitches and resets back to his position, we all go ooc because of it. Then we wait for my cooldown, i make the pull guy invisible, he pulls, we go straight at him, we finally kill him, with 3 people completly dead and me and the other guy downed spamming 1 killing the boss, and as the boss died we rally, the other 2 use the wp, one guy was lazy and we rezz him, then we all kill that mob we left, not for the achievement but 4theLULZ and we all got the achievement. the two mobs on the sidewalk were still alive and untouched… I mean…just..ridiculus
so basicly… disengaged and died and wiped and somehow just got it…. so…so..bugged….
6 tries, coordinated, organized, well thought out – no achievement
2 tries just completly random, disorganized, unorgazite, with fails and lols and trolls – achievement completed
(edited by Shpongle.6025)
I just finally managed to get 17/17 (5th try).
I lol’ed so hard. During previous 4 tries, we have been just perfect (no deaths ~ yes downed), no disengaging, followed Dulfy’s and coronaas’ strategies, etc. But we didn’t get achievement, noone of us.
Last try:
- we didn’t kill the two on the ramp;
- we killed the Steam Watcher (and his adds);
- we killed only a small group around the Taskmaster near the boss, right side;
- we pulled the boss and lured him BEHIND pipes ~ wiped ’cause too many mobs came (= whole group dead);
- we pulled again the boss and lured him BEHIND pipes ~ killed the few mobs that came with him;
- at a certain point, boss lost his aggro, and resetted;
- we pulled again the boss and lured him BEHIND pipes (third time);
- finished the boss with 2 players on the ground, completely dead;
- cleaned the whole room, disengaging more than once the different groups of mobs;
- got the achievement.
The secret is: DO ALL WRONG! DONT BE PRO!
lmao my thought exactly
Today a guy in my party said he got the achievement but I didn’t. We left 4 of his adds and pulled him to the corner below the pathway up and killed him, then finished off the adds. A couple of us were downed but no one died.
Ok, so bullkitten success story here. My group on the 11th+ attempt for “whos in charge” tried a different strategy from what we had been, mostly consistent with whats been discussed here. With all the posts along the lines of “we royally failed this but still got the achievement” we had a theory to use the supposed wiping resetting the criteria for the achieve.
So we went under the wp to the pipe, killed the watcher, pulled the corner closest to us and killed them. Then we pulled Spur and killed every single mob that pulled with him, ignoring those that reset before getting to the pipe corner. When Spur was the only one left that pulled, we wiped intentionally. Upon returning, we pulled Spur (and this time nothing came with him) and killed him, then cleared the rest of the room, and achievement unlocked.
So by that logic, the achievement does work according to its description, if you take into account that wiping fully resets progress/failure of the achievement, because post-wipe, we DID kill Spur (and only Spur) before clearing the rest of his crew. Its really stupid, but it worked, so hopefully this helps you guys that still need it.
(edited by Burkid.4178)
I was able to obtain the achievement with killing the steam watcher, and 3-4 mobs close to where you fall down at the start and then pulling the guy along through the back under where the waypoint would spawn. So I think that method has a high success rate.
I would really like to see a statement from Arenanet.
Either its bugged like hell, or we are just doing it wrong or missunderstanding the complete achievement.
I did the 16 other achievements and this one is still open.
I would really like to know, if I should try it in my limited spare time or just to wait for a fix and do something else worthwhile.
I dont want to express the negativity of the dungeon or something similiar. I really like the whole boss mechanics and the design.
My first attempt was directly 2 hours after patch launch, I have done it with a pug in approx. ~3 hours, that was a very nice experience.
Just did the encounter – no wipes/deaths, boss killed before the rest of his minions – no achievement.
Same story with master of baubles – RNG to get the achievement…
(edited by Karalaza.6021)
we got this ach the first time we tried this dungeon (we knew there was an ach about killing him first, so we wanted to do it). our plan:
go around the right side behind the pipe.
one person walked along the wall toward Spur until he was agro’ed (also agro’ed about 6 of his soldiers). then they ran back to the corner.
we targeted only him and fought in between the wall and the pipe, careful that no one died.
when he died, there was only 1 of those 6 left.
then we killed the other mobs, again without anyone dying.
we got the ach
I believe these are the criteria: no one dies (pretty sure down is fine, just no dead), kill him before killing the majority of his lackies. possibly have to keep all vets alive.
When i got the achievement one player in party died. We ressed him before cleaning rest of the mobs.
1. Kill all the mobs.
2. Let the boss tear your whole group apart.
3. Use waypoint and run back to the boss.
4. Kill the boss.
5. Enjoy achi.
1. Kill all the mobs.
2. Let the boss tear your whole group apart.
3. Use waypoint and run back to the boss.
4. Kill the boss.
5. Enjoy achi.
That’s the wrong achievement.
That’s the wrong achievement.
My achi log begs to differ. Besides, didn’t you see the massive “[BUGGED]” in the thread title?
[edit] never mind, it was the not in charge here anymore achievement I saw. Yay for similar names -_-
(edited by eldris.8461)
That’s the wrong achievement.
My achi log begs to differ. Besides, didn’t you see the massive “[BUGGED]” in the thread title?
Well that’s all well and good for you; however, the predominant sentiment of the people in this thread are about the bugged nature in acquiring it through difficult means, not the obtainment through what would appear to be sheer luck.
8th time doing this path. Still havent gotten it. Ive tried multiple combinations of killing the 2 on the platform, then the watcher, then some of the big group, then the boss. or some of the big group, wiping, then the boss. Or all of the big group, wiping then boss, or all of the big group then boss. Hell ive even tried boss fight with no adds killed. Still nothing.
Is there any official response to this? Even a “we’re aware that it’s bugged as kitten and we’re looking into it”? Because it’s obviously not working correctly.
That’s the wrong achievement.
My achi log begs to differ. Besides, didn’t you see the massive “[BUGGED]” in the thread title?
Well that’s all well and good for you; however, the predominant sentiment of the people in this thread are about the bugged nature in acquiring it through difficult means, not the obtainment through what would appear to be sheer luck.
Until you have verified that it is in fact sheer luck and not the method we are looking for, cut him some slack? Have anyone done it like described?
Bugged here too, we did a run against him last night and, although it was messy, we didn’t do any worse than some of the posters here who have been successful. Foreman died leaving a group of adds in the far corner which we mopped up after the fight but no achievement.
Bugged here too, we did a run against him last night and, although it was messy, we didn’t do any worse than some of the posters here who have been successful. Foreman died leaving a group of adds in the far corner which we mopped up after the fight but no achievement.
I think most of the mobs must still be alive to get the achievement. I was in two runs that did this successfully – first time I got it, second time some friends did who weren’t present on the run I got the achievement previously.
That first run we managed without a wipe. We killed that steam watcher and a few adds. Then we pulled Spur behind that pipe and killed him there without killing anyone else. Then we cleaned the mobs and the achievement popped.
Second run when others got it, we did the same but wiped on the first attempt. Second attempt was much the same but successful, after we cleaned the mobs afterwards achievement popped for those who didn’t have it already.
What these two tries had in common is that both times a vast majority of the mobs was still alive when Spur died. I think that is the condition and the achievement is just worded poorly. I do not know if it is supposed to work with a wipe included, but I have seen it work after a wipe with my own eyes. Bugged? No idea, but if you kill him without killing the majority of the mobs you should be able to get it. If you manage perfectly clean, wipeless attempt where you only kill like 5-6 of the adds, then Spur, then the rest, and still no achievement, then you should probably file a support ticket.
I got it 2nd attempt after the 1st one wiped with only 6-10 mobs on the far end of the room. So, I’m not sure it’s a majority that’s required.
As I said in my earlier post, I believe that people are getting the achievement because they’re wiping repeatedly , not despite it. If wiping resets the achieve, then pull Spur, kill everything that pulls with Spur, then wipe. When you go back to Spur, pull him and no mobs will come with him because you killed them, so you kill him, kill the rest of the room to finish the achieve.
As of this posting, I have tried this strategy with 3 separate groups (my first attempt with this then two following) and all of them have received the achievement.
It’s stupid, but it works thus far.
Sorry for the confusion surrounding this achievement. It is a bit complex, which makes it difficult to qualify in the sentence we have available in the description. So to help out anyone currently stuck on this one here are some clarifications:
Clarification on who is included in the Foreman Spur’s crew:
You can get the achievement by aggroing Spur and then attacking either Spur or his crew.
You can fight some of the crew without losing out on the achievement. Here’s how:
The intent is to first engage and kill Foreman Spurr while fending off his crew, after he is dead then you should be able to wipe/disengage. To allow for some flexibility in the difficulty we allowed the crew to be thinned out some. Unfortunately, this flexibility also allows the achievement to be completed using alternate strategies which makes it difficult to summarize in a sentence and has, unfortunately, ended up causing confusion in how the achievement can be earned.
Hope this helps.
Portions of the crew can be defeated before engaging the foreman (aka getting Spur to turn hostile and attack), but you must avoid killing a complete row.
OK that is basically what all we needed. Thanks for the detailed response.
Thanks for the explanation. I have to say that this is really a ridiculous Achievement, since it is intuitive and vague. It would have made more sense of his crew consisted of less entities.
Thanks for the explanation, Regina! That really clears up the situation. So individual party members can die and be ressed/respawn without losing the achievement as long as the entire party doesn’t wipe?
Thanks for the explanation, Regina! That really clears up the situation.
So individual party members can die and be ressed/respawn without losing the achievement as long as the entire party doesn’t wipe?
there have been comments here that even if whole party wiped they got the achievement so i guess wiping on boss is ok
Yeah, I noticed that too. From Regina’s explanation it sounds like that’s not intended (and the achievement description backs that up), but from the experiences of others here, it sounds like people should try anyway even if they all wipe at Spur because the achievement might still be granted.
Last night me and two of my guildies finally got the achievement. What we did was go through all the pipes to the east of where you fall down, they stood while I pulled the Foreman. By the time he’d got to where we were, the amount of Aetherblades still following was perhaps 5-10. Sadly, we had 2 pugs with us and they’re weren’t the best of survivors, but at least they knew “Stay here, I’m pulling”. Anyway, the foreman and adds seemed to be too much for them so they went down quite easily, which meant me and my guildies also did while in the process of trying to save them. And so we wiped. And then again. And then again. Each time using the same method, getting the Foreman and a few adds.
So finally, on our last attempt, we managed to pull him and adds came. The pugs decided they would actually dodge the attacks this time and so they didn’t get downed within 10 seconds. We defeated the Foreman and when I went to look, there were about 60-70% of his crew still there. After aggroing all them, we got the achievement!
Therefore I’m really unsure about the whole not wiping thing. Perhaps it didn’t affect my team as we killed less than half his crew before killing him. (As for “rows” does that include columns as well, because we must have completely killed 2 or 3 of his crew’s columns).
In the past we’d left maybe 20-30% on the far side, and that didn’t work, so perhaps it’s about keeping over 50% alive after the Foreman is dead. I’d like to retry the method that worked for us with a full guild team, in the hopes of not wiping and then we can test if wiping actually helped in getting the achievement or not.
The achievement is currently bugged in a beneficial way to the player, actually. Even if you die/wipe/disengage, you’ll still get it after you kill him and finish off his crew.
Thank you for the reply, and the clarification; the uncertainty and perceived silence, or perhaps indifference, was even more frustrating than thinking you should have gotten the achievement half a dozen times but didn’t.
I’m all good now and I’ll even start buying gems again as thanks.
This still does not work as explained. Had a party of five, none of us had the achievement. We killed all but four of the crew, the four in front of him. Pulled the boss back to a corner so those four would disengage. During the boss fight I went into downed state once, everyone else in my party completely died at least once. Only two of us were alive when the boss died, me and one person I managed to rez from death during the fight. After the boss was dead, we rezzed the other three. We then engaged the remaining four crew. After they died ONE party member got the achievement! Please, explain how that isn’t bugged. None of us went down while killing the four crew, and the one person who did get the achievement was not the only person to not die all the way during it all.
Forgot to add, the person who did get the achievement had done the dungeon before and got the other achievement associated with this boss fight. So he did not mistake his earned achievement for that one.
(edited by kevkelsar.9507)
We killed all but four of the crew, the four in front of him… Please, explain how that isn’t bugged.
Portions of the crew can be defeated before engaging the foreman (aka getting Spur to turn hostile and attack), but you must avoid killing a complete row.
OK that is basically what all we needed. Thanks for the detailed response.
You left a portion of 1 row up and killed all other rows.
i found you can wipe as much as you want but you CANT disengage. im the guy who gets to aggro him on my runs (since 1500 range). when i hit spur and immediately run away to the corner, i can get out of leash range for him and he will kind of stutter a bit while a bleed and a burn tick on him, but wont actually run to me. that counts as a disengage, so make sure hes always running at someone when you pull him. if he stops youll probably need to wipe and reset (although admittedly i havent wiped when ive pulled him wrong so i dunno if the achieve is still attainable after a disengage).
We killed all but four of the crew, the four in front of him… Please, explain how that isn’t bugged.
Portions of the crew can be defeated before engaging the foreman (aka getting Spur to turn hostile and attack), but you must avoid killing a complete row.
OK that is basically what all we needed. Thanks for the detailed response.
You left a portion of 1 row up and killed all other rows.
You missed the part where I said one person in our party got the achievement while the rest of us didn’t.
We killed all but four of the crew, the four in front of him… Please, explain how that isn’t bugged.
Portions of the crew can be defeated before engaging the foreman (aka getting Spur to turn hostile and attack), but you must avoid killing a complete row.
OK that is basically what all we needed. Thanks for the detailed response.
You left a portion of 1 row up and killed all other rows.
You missed the part where I said one person in our party got the achievement while the rest of us didn’t.
It’s bugged in the opposite (beneficial) sense: occasionally, people who do not fulfill the requirements will still get the achievement.
You missed the part where I said one person in our party got the achievement while the rest of us didn’t.
Yes, I did. Sorry about that.
Maybe he was only mostly dead?
Miracle Max: Whoo-hoo-hoo, look who knows so much. It just so happens that your friend here is only MOSTLY dead. There’s a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there’s usually only one thing you can do.
Inigo Montoya: What’s that?
I can now confirm that Regina’s method works. Remember the description of how the rows are! I think many people are leaving the 4 mobs near the boss, rather than the.. 7? on the long row.
Sorry for the confusion surrounding this achievement. SNIP
Hope this helps.
This does not help… The achievement is bugged. I know for a fact. As myself and a collective of other players simply cannot obtain it no matter how the instance plays out.
I have killed him without killing his his crew, killing all but the first 4 in front of him, left each lane in different attempts, left half the room, tried with adds in combat/out of combat, etc. I am officially done trying, if you guys wana remove -or change- the achievement—that would be nice for those of us who have found no success with everyone’s solutions.
I’m also very disgusted by the fact I’ve done this dungeon literally 40-50 times, and I have yet too seen a new Blue Plant weapon…No one in my party has ever gotten one, Why is that? I play the new content and I cannot get achievements and do not see new rewards.
I wish the people who worked on this patch were as responsive as the people who fixed the issues with the SAB patch. Problems were solved when there were issues. It was also nice to have an actual way to obtain rewards. This most recent patch was decent PvE content but from my experience I will not play it again or think of it as rewarding content.
I can now confirm that Regina’s method works. Remember the description of how the rows are! I think many people are leaving the 4 mobs near the boss, rather than the.. 7? on the long row.
Based on Regina’s description the ones to keep alive are the +
- – - – - – +
- – - – - – +
- – - – - – + B
- – - – - – +
I have tried this method, and it did not work.
Sorry for the confusion surrounding this achievement. It is a bit complex, which makes it difficult to qualify in the sentence we have available in the description. So to help out anyone currently stuck on this one here are some clarifications…….
Hope this helps.
THANK YOU. Did it on first try. Worked like a charm.
I can now confirm that Regina’s method works. Remember the description of how the rows are! I think many people are leaving the 4 mobs near the boss, rather than the.. 7? on the long row.
Based on Regina’s description the ones to keep alive are the +
- – - – - – +
- – - – - – +
- – - – - – + B
- – - – - – +I have tried this method, and it did not work.
Incorrect. Based on the description, you’ve marked one complete row. What you need is to keep one enemy alive in each row, not keep one complete row alive.
I did this following the guidelines from the dev and it worked. Wiped about 5 times on the boss, but it didn’t matter because we left 1 enemy alive in each row until the boss was dead.
(edited by Niodyne.7085)
Yeh tnx to Regina’s post finally got the achievement. We went straight for the boss pull and got him in the corner area under the entrance to the room (ignored the watcher – he didn’t aggro there), killed him then cleared the rest of the room.
Before, we were killing from behind and leaving some alive and most likely killed a couple of entire rows.
Excellent. Glad to hear that the explanation helped you all.
we have done this left 2 crew in end of each row plus all 4 of the ones right in front of spur pulled spur to back corner killed no downs even still nothing it is buggy only thing we had was one dced whilst pulling some mobs he came back we killed boss 0 nada big ol goose egg
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.