Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Lyenyo.2891


With festive town clothes, wintery weapon skins, and chests full of holiday treasures, The Black Lion Trading Company has everything you need to celebrate Wintersday! Check out the new items and much more in the Gem Store today!

in the Gem Store today!

Are they supposed to be going in today at 10am PST?

(edited by Lyenyo.2891)

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Berelious.3290


I would assume yes, on the 14th.

Corwin Grimjaw: Guardian (80)
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Lyenyo.2891


What I mean is, it says ‘Today’. So will it be today or today in 3 days time? if the latter then it will need clearing up.

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: skullmount.1758


What I mean is, it says ‘Today’. So will it be today or today in 3 days time? if the latter then it will need clearing up.

That is true, it does say check them out today. Can anyone confirm they are in there right now? (at work right now, so I can’t)
It could also be worded that way so they don’t have to change it come Friday.

Darkhaven server
Please give us a keyring…

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Lyenyo.2891


Nothing in the store at the moment..

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Alexander.1957


I noticed the same thing yesterday when the Wintersday page was updated.

It stated that the new items are on the Gem store… “Today!”

Can any of the developers confirm, please?

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Kalizaar.4729


The cool thing about the word “today” is that every day is today at some point. They should probably clarify if they really meant today today, or tomorrow’s tomorrow’s tomorrow’s today.

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Field Marshal.7946

Field Marshal.7946

Today could be someone’s tomorrow depending on where they are currently located in the world in reference to where you are located.

A better idea would be to have a date specified.

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Siphaed.9235


Are you guys really that oblivious? It’s clearly a typo and the “today” is meant for the 14th. Nothing related to the Wintersday patch is going in until the 14th. This kind of incapacity for comprehension of things is just astounding. I’m honestly not trying to be rude at all, but obvious things are very obvious.

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Hope you all stocked up on gems as best you could. The price on them is about to go up again xD

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Alexander.1957


Maybe it is a typo, but previous events have had the gems store updated before the days of events, one could only assume the same right? Or is this thinking to oblivious..

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


Are you guys really that oblivious? It’s clearly a typo and the “today” is meant for the 14th. Nothing related to the Wintersday patch is going in until the 14th. This kind of incapacity for comprehension of things is just astounding. I’m honestly not trying to be rude at all, but obvious things are very obvious.

“You guys are idiots, Im honestly not trying to be rude, but your idiots cause you read a page and expected what it said to be true.” Thats all I got out of that post. To counter your statement, most likely portions of the Wintersday update is already proloaded to help keep the size of the new build as minimal as possible. So its not out of the realm that these items could be in the BLTC before the 14th. Now the fact is the page was advertised to contain information about the event by Arenanet. It would then be ‘obvious’ to assume that the information given is correct. The page states ‘today’ so why is it obvious that they mean the 14th.

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Field Marshal.7946

Field Marshal.7946

It is pretty obvious when they say today, they mean the 14th. It seems some people are getting pretty upset about the sarcasm going on in this thread.

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Regina Buenaobra

Regina Buenaobra

Content Marketing Lead

We’re sorry about the confusion, all. The items will be available when the Wintersday game update is live. We’re having our team correct the web page text so it’s clearer.

Content Marketing Lead
Twitter: @ArenaNet, @GuildWars2
In-Game Name: Cm Regina Buenaobra

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Beorn Saxon.4762

Beorn Saxon.4762

We’re sorry about the confusion, all. The items will be available when the Wintersday game update is live. We’re having our team correct the web page text so it’s clearer.

Thanks! I quickly logged on yesterday to check them out only to not find them there.

Tarnished Coast
Critical Impact [Crit]

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Turial.1293


For once I just wish I could see a Dev respond viciously, “Of course we mean the 14th you bloody morons!” You see, these kind of threads are the reason this game should not have been made into a PG rating to cater for children, amongst many other things within the game. It is not rocket science to deduce that the page is built for the 14th so they don’t have to waste time on updating when they need to be focusing on the actual game on the 14th…. SIIIIGH!

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


For once I just wish I could see a Dev respond viciously, “Of course we mean the 14th you bloody morons!” You see, these kind of threads are the reason this game should not have been made into a PG rating to cater for children, amongst many other things within the game. It is not rocket science to deduce that the page is built for the 14th so they don’t have to waste time on updating when they need to be focusing on the actual game on the 14th…. SIIIIGH!

If it was built for the 14th, why was it released yesterday? For all those kiddies you seem to be raging against you are no better.

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Siphaed.9235


We’re sorry about the confusion, all. The items will be available when the Wintersday game update is live. We’re having our team correct the web page text so it’s clearer.

As much as I appreciate you actively working on things, why apologize to the very few that don’t get the obvious in a typo?

The big banner at the top of the page reads:

The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx
December 14 – January 3

To not understand that all the content there contained within the details is meant for the 14th and no sooner is to mean that they have some educational flaws. It makes this thread a waste of space on these forum, a waste of your time to come in here and answer it (A.Net guy), and just an all around sense that the community is that dense to not understand things.

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


We’re sorry about the conkittension, all. The items will be available when the Wintersday game update is live. We’re having our team correct the web page text so it’s clearer.

As much as I appreciate you actively working on things, why apologize to the very few that don’t get the obvious in a typo?

The big banner at the top of the page reads:

The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx
December 14 – January 3

To not understand that all the content there contained within the details is meant for the 14th and no sooner is to mean that they have some educational flaws. It makes this thread a waste of space on these forum, a waste of your time to come in here and answer it (A.Net guy), and just an all around sense that the community is that dense to not understand things.

This is actually wrong. For consistency sake it wouldnt say December 14 – January 3. Instead it would say something like "Starting Today through Jan 3 for your argument to be correct. So again, get off your high horse and accept the fact that the page was vague and the misunderstanding from some of the community is justified.

On a personal note, thank your for taking a shot at my, and the rest of the communities education.

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Alexander.1957


Thank you Regina for clearing it up.
Some of us are just excited for the event/items; nothing wrong with wishful thinking that gem store items could have come early…
But of course it may all be too oblivous, kiddish, dense tobe wishful

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: JakHammer.7094


My spouse is a professional proofreader/copywriter-editor for a very large company. If a bad coupon or special offer gets by my spouse it could literally cost that company thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. In some cases it can result in lawsuits. In parts of Canada it can result in a store being forced to close. In addition to the potential monetary loss there is the erosion of customer trust and goodwill that bad copy always engenders.

While this flub is not all that serious, it is part of a pattern of constant failure to communicate effectivly, even with what should be a carefully prepared statement. The extemporaneous gobbledykitten that is sometimes present in the forum responses would be downright comical if it was not so important to some people.

Your company needs someone who can work with/across all departments as my spouse does, to insure that your public staments actually say what they mean to say, and are accurate and timely. It would save you and your players so much wasted time and grief. It would also build rather than tear down franchise goodwill.

PS: Using only spellcheck and grammar check automated tools is a recipe for disaster! (My spouse suggested this add on .)

(edited by JakHammer.7094)

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Turial.1293


If it was built for the 14th, why was it released yesterday?

I will answer by quoting myself since you did not read my post before responding to it..

It is not rocket science to deduce that the page is built for the 14th so they don’t have to waste time on updating when they need to be focusing on the actual game on the 14th.

As much as I appreciate you actively working on things, why apologize to the very few that don’t get the obvious in a typo?

The big banner at the top of the page reads:

The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx
December 14 – January 3

To not understand that all the content there contained within the details is meant for the 14th and no sooner is to mean that they have some educational flaws. It makes this thread a waste of space on these forum, a waste of your time to come in here and answer it (A.Net guy), and just an all around sense that the community is that dense to not understand things.

On a personal note, thank your for taking a shot at my, and the rest of the communities education.

Actually Siphaed is very correct, the fact that a large portion of the player base cannot put 2 and 2 together is the reason for this waste of time over a simple misreading of a webpage. Also, have you ever tried to read map chat in LA? Definitely wasted college degrees there.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


If it was built for the 14th, why was it released yesterday?

I will answer by quoting myself since you did not read my post before responding to it..

It is not rocket science to deduce that the page is built for the 14th so they don’t have to waste time on updating when they need to be focusing on the actual game on the 14th.

As much as I appreciate you actively working on things, why apologize to the very few that don’t get the obvious in a typo?

The big banner at the top of the page reads:

The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx
December 14 – January 3

To not understand that all the content there contained within the details is meant for the 14th and no sooner is to mean that they have some educational flaws. It makes this thread a waste of space on these forum, a waste of your time to come in here and answer it (A.Net guy), and just an all around sense that the community is that dense to not understand things.

On a personal note, thank your for taking a shot at my, and the rest of the communities education.

Actually Siphaed is very correct, the fact that a large portion of the player base cannot put 2 and 2 together is the reason for this waste of time over a simple misreading of a webpage. Also, have you ever tried to read map chat in LA? Definitely wasted college degrees there.

The way it was worded, and based on their actions of when they released the page to the public, seems to indicate the page was intended to be seen before the start of the event and be relevant throughout the event. That being said, having information on a page designed this way, having a statement saying something is available ‘Today’ generally means that it is available TODAY. Not in some future time frame.

I dont see how you can be so offended by the education of the player base for believing something that was officially released to them. The paragraph clearly stated “today” and had no indication that this was to be a feature added later. The fact of the matter remains, a user base should not even have to draw conclusions based on poor grammar. As the saying goes, “when you hear hoof beats think horses, not zebras”. It said today, why would it mean something different. And since you seem to think the player base, and thus myself, to be uneducated or poorly educated how about we consider Occam’s razor in this case. Today is generally assumed to mean the current day, not a day in the future and thus its more than valid that people would be confused about why items where not being offered in the BLTC.

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Turial.1293


Semantics my friend, just semantics.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Alexander.1957


But how are those with wasted degrees and dense logic suppose to understand semantics…?

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: takatsu.9416


Can I just add a point? Do you realize the usage of today in these kinds of advertisements/promotion content doesn’t necessary even talk about a specific date or time despite the actual meaning of the word?

Advertisements and companies use things like grab a copy of this today, check this out today etc very loosely and vaguely, although you might think it is actually accurate for the most part, it was never used in a way that says the actual absolute day of today when u really think about it

I don’t think there was a mistake at all or miscommunication, it is quite clear that I wouldnt even consider it a statement about time but simply a catch phrase promotional statement to say check it out ASAP (before its too late sort of implication)

The only time we need to see is the dec 14 to jan 3 for all our events

I think we shouldn’t be talking about people’s education, that’s surely not nice but just the very nature of some parts of gw2 culture and gaming community that things are absolute and can’t be more open minded and also the feeling of entitlement that everything needs to be flawlessly printed in big bold words and spoon fed and also entitled to items and other goods at the best possible way for the good of self. Like people complaining about how halloween events was so unclear and confusing and they didn’t know what to do… It just takes a little thinking and investigation, research and asking around and onwards, like learning about how to do fractals and play or do anything in game at all…. How did the pioneers who figured out crafting guides, forge recipes, and put up walkthroughs and stuff figure it out? It doesn’t need to be spoon fed or written out…. Just understand it with common sense and wisdom everyone has.

Whether or not it is today or tomorrow’s today, it really doesn’t matter and we shouldn’t even ask. When it’s available it’ll be available and you’ll see it for sure

(edited by takatsu.9416)

Wintersday Items in Gem Store?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Zaith.9132


Thanks Regina for the fix of admitted vagueness. No one’s angry. But I love how the thread stayed so classy and impersonal after ANet acknowledged the simple request for verification. Keep it up, trolls, and you you could get hired as a grentch

PS: Interpretation of wording or expression, grammar and spelling don’t make a person “educated” in the slightest

EDIT: Weird bug, as soon as I posted this it tells me I posted it 3 hours prior

/me tips transmuted tier-3 crafted hat

(edited by Zaith.9132)