Mystical Cogs
I’m not sure cogs are involved this year, since they don’t seem to be doing the frame+cogs+stuffing+glue=mini thing again. People still have those materials, but they don’t seem to be obtainable anymore.
Sorry about your luck, if that’s the case! You can get a mini by finishing the meta-achievement, at least.
Yeah I have 200 rotting in my bank from last year, as well as 2 Frames. Wondering if they’re going to let us get more.
Aw man, I saved all that stuff from last year. Think I need stuffing and glue… have cogs and frames.
Aw man, I saved all that stuff from last year. Think I need stuffing and glue… have cogs and frames.
There’s still stuffing and glue available on the TP from what I saw. For me it seems my toy frame is useless though as I only have 200 cogs and apparently no way to get more this year.
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Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Aw man, I saved all that stuff from last year. Think I need stuffing and glue… have cogs and frames.
There’s still stuffing and glue available on the TP from what I saw. For me it seems my toy frame is useless though as I only have 200 cogs and apparently no way to get more this year.
Oh really? Dang, I need to check that out then. Thanks!
So you need what, 50 more then? I don’t recall, are they account bound?
Yeah you need 250 cogs, which are account bound. I forget why exactly but last year a lot of people ended up with an extra 200 after making the 3 minis.
It seems I wasn’t the only one to hang on to them just in case they have a use this year. I’ve still got them sitting in my bank but if they don’t have a use by the end of Wintersday I think I’ll sell them for the 2 silver or whatever it is.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Yeah you need 250 cogs, which are account bound. I forget why exactly but last year a lot of people ended up with an extra 200 after making the 3 minis.
It seems I wasn’t the only one to hang on to them just in case they have a use this year. I’ve still got them sitting in my bank but if they don’t have a use by the end of Wintersday I think I’ll sell them for the 2 silver or whatever it is.
I’ll be holding onto mine until they hopefully become useful again. I was only able to make 2 and have 200 left over. I thought that was the cap per year tbh.
Same, I actually have 450, but I didn’t want to spend the prices on glue and stuffing. I figured if I waited to this year I could probably get them for free. Silly me for thinking they’d actually remember.
they gave everyone an extra 200 because there was some bug which meant that a lot of people didn’t get all the cogs they were due on one of the stops. enough to make up for the bug, not enough to make an extra mini.
i am sad that we can’t make the other minis this year, tho.
An Officer and a Gentlewoman
Please add the ability to finish the 3rd or 4th mini that we need. Last Wintersday exceeded my expectations with the mats for minis emails. This year? Umm…no email present? No more making minis?
I suspect Anet may email us all a piece of coal this Christmas.