Please listen to the WvW comunity
Please listen to the WvW comunity
in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test
Posted by: snarfrificus.4230
Sorry but i like it and i am hardcore WvW, it gives more potential if you actually tried and search more around and also get yourself updated on the latest stuff that they are bringing in, this will bring up a lot more.
If you are also part of an community i can only say talk with your community to keep yourself focused on fighting on that map, there are tons of good fighting spots everywhere on the map.
It also shows they are quite anti blobbing with it and they really tried that out!
NOBODY likes this new map
Speak for yourself.
i would agree with rampage but he is being a bit blunt. players are “hardcore” WvW’ers for different reason. Some are hardcore PPT, others fight oriented, this map does however only accommodate the PPT/Defenders. i roamed all places on this new map and only found ONE good even place a well sized group could fight another well sized group and it happened to be next to a spawn point. PPK please, YES! it would help all types of the WvW player and stop a lot of internal drama over fight guilds being on servers.
This map is set up to accommodate the PPT/Defender/Capper WvW’er, thats just one side of the coin representing the WvW population it also seems one sided, borderline selfish and neglecting the other side of the coin representing the WvW population.
So i think a good question can be raised here.
What is going to be done for the other side of the coin?
(edited by Deemo.6094)
Bit aggro. I like this map, even though my guild probably won’t run on it.
I absolutely agree with Deemo though, this is a PPT/Defender/Capper style map. I think they’re trying to give fighters a place, though, or at least mitigate the ktrain – it’s especially notable that you can’t treb keeps or towers from the safety of a nearby keep or tower. So no more ‘Oh, we just flipped this tower, but they’ll just open it from Hills in 5 minutes so let’s just leave.’ going on. Plus all the objective-tied walls everywhere impeding movement.
Combine that with the elevation and the relative abundance of supply (since it’s not used for upgrades anymore, it seems) and I can definitely see some guilds knocking down a tower or building an open-field treb to draw opponents out.
Please listen to the WvW comunity
in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test
Posted by: Entenkommando.5208
Combine that with the elevation and the relative abundance of supply (since it’s not used for upgrades anymore, it seems) and I can definitely see some guilds knocking down a tower or building an open-field treb to draw opponents out.
Finally someone thinking positive ^^
Even though I think that if you can’t move fast enaugh over the map they’ll simply place 5-6 ac inside the tower since you have to pass the choke points.
Thinking about all the chokes you have to move through…remove the numbers cap on portal again pls
People will find the enemy somehow. No matter how.
All we wanted was a GvG.
Amazing map, i want to belive, when new borders coming, all of zergs/blobs and guilds like this disappeared :P
lol i hate when ppl talk for " all " meh …….
and i like the map in fact it has alot ALOT of potential but need adjust somethings given the community feedback.
Please listen to the WvW comunity
in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test
Posted by: Lewis Burnell.2493
NOBODY likes this new map make a freaking public pol and see it by yourselfl, if you feel like you really need to add this garbage to the game just make it optional like EoTM. Do not force WvW players to play on this map since we all dislike it please.
Unlike you may think there are actual players who ONLY DO WvW and we do not care about karma training we want to fights and kill people. Do not ruin this game mode, if we want to PVE we will just go to the silverwastes please, listen to your players.
We want maps that force you to fight insteand just hiding on walls, we want points per kill, we do not want more siege please. LISTEN to your players.
What you’re basically saying is your guild, or those like yours, want an open stretch of land where they can just fight blob verus blob?
Many that I’ve spoken to in game love this new map because it’ll force the need to use objectives.
It’s not that we dislike it. Personally I do like it.
What worries me is just that I don’t want to see it transform into a generalized version of Eotm but for regular WvW henceforth removing your last WvW players in favor of silverwastes farmers who wanted diversity in the terrain they farm.
I am much more eager that they would listen to us about how they’re destroying their WvW population and doing nothing about it tho…
(edited by DiscoJacen.1590)
NOBODY likes this new map make a freaking public pol and see it by yourselfl, if you feel like you really need to add this garbage to the game just make it optional like EoTM. Do not force WvW players to play on this map since we all dislike it please.
Unlike you may think there are actual players who ONLY DO WvW and we do not care about karma training we want to fights and kill people. Do not ruin this game mode, if we want to PVE we will just go to the silverwastes please, listen to your players.
We want maps that force you to fight insteand just hiding on walls, we want points per kill, we do not want more siege please. LISTEN to your players.
As others have said. Speak for yourself. Im in bloody love with this map. The keeps don’t have to be within treb range of eachother to be interesting. And im looking forward to a spread of fights depending on where the engagement is. I also don’t mind the idea of PURSUING people to kill them rather than two grps being forced into eachother cause theres no way around. I enjoy sieges. I enjoy open field. I enjoy using siege in open field sometimes (sue me I know) I enjoy ripping people off walls and shooting eles that are raining meteors down on my team. I enjoy watching a memser portal bomb a zerg the second it thinks its one. And this map takes NONE of that away from me.
NOBODY likes this new map make a freaking public pol and see it by yourselfl, if you feel like you really need to add this garbage to the game just make it optional like EoTM. Do not force WvW players to play on this map since we all dislike it please.
Unlike you may think there are actual players who ONLY DO WvW and we do not care about karma training we want to fights and kill people. Do not ruin this game mode, if we want to PVE we will just go to the silverwastes please, listen to your players.
We want maps that force you to fight insteand just hiding on walls, we want points per kill, we do not want more siege please. LISTEN to your players.
As others have said. Speak for yourself. Im in bloody love with this map. The keeps don’t have to be within treb range of eachother to be interesting. And im looking forward to a spread of fights depending on where the engagement is. I also don’t mind the idea of PURSUING people to kill them rather than two grps being forced into eachother cause theres no way around. I enjoy sieges. I enjoy open field. I enjoy using siege in open field sometimes (sue me I know) I enjoy ripping people off walls and shooting eles that are raining meteors down on my team. I enjoy watching a memser portal bomb a zerg the second it thinks its one. And this map takes NONE of that away from me.
i agree.
I love the new map too. There are so much new places to fight with interesting mechanics. The new map have a higher difficulty and thats what i want.
Please listen to the WvW comunity
in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test
Posted by: Khezekiah Bellamy.5016
I can relate with the OP in some sense. I enjoy the siege type gameplay of wvw, but I love the running into other players and putting my earned/crafted gear, personal player ability, and build to the test against theirs much more. It really hurts my feels when I see a player sitting in a tower on a siege weapon firing it at me when I am one player or small group not even threatening or attempting to threaten the structural stability of their superb fortress. All I want more than anything is the ability to force that player to come down off his siege and put my ability to fight against another human controlled enemy to the test. There is a sense of accomplishment that most people long for when you succeed against a challenge, it is human nature, and the best challenge in most online video games is other players. I can relate to OP wanting to have fights, even if I am losing those fight, and not run around and every player you come across quickly scurries into the nearest structure they own and wait for you to leave or die to siege.
All that being said it would be nice if there was place where players could fight each other to effect the outcome of WvW while there not being places that one team can go hide in and the other cant follow. A place where the only safe spot is spawn and once you leave spawn you are ‘in combat’ and cant go back unless you die(going to character select/closing game will also kill you and reward anyone in combat with you). Perhaps just add a pvp mode that used pve stats and gear.
The feature I am looking forward to the most right now from HoT is the Guild Hall Arena so I can skirmish/duel people in my earned PvE equipment that is way more customizable and upgradable then what you can obtain in sPvP.
Plain and simple peeps play wvw for different reasons. Some guilds play wvw to do organized pre arranged fights against other guilds and they should have a place to do it in the new map. The map should also cater to other playstyles as well.
On a side note though if the above is what your all about atleast when the guild halls come out you can set up pre arranged fights all day eryday.
NOBODY likes this new map make a freaking public pol and see it by yourselfl, if you feel like you really need to add this garbage to the game just make it optional like EoTM. Do not force WvW players to play on this map since we all dislike it please.
I liked the map. And no, I’m not an arrowcart lover. Actually if they removed arrowcarts this map would be even better: you could have decent fights inside the towers/keeps without arrowcarts showering on everything.
Make WvW Eventful! – WvW, 4 years in
Yes, I have 5 lv 80 mesmers – Funny Puns
many, like myself, have not tried the new map, so to say that nobody like this map is an obvious exaggeration. points per kill can be arranged.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
This map is basically a larger version of EOTM with less flow and more stupid gimmicks that get in the way of game play. Also, why why why are their NPCs all over the place.
Are there going to be any public tests for the map before it’s too late to adapt things according to the feedback?
Cause while the map is going to be released at the same time as HoT, it’s not really part of HoT since it’s being released to everyone. Would be unfortunate if the only way to test is with special invites, or in BWE open only to people who bought HoT.
Luna Solares – Mesmer
Are there going to be any public tests for the map before it’s too late to adapt things according to the feedback?
Cause while the map is going to be released at the same time as HoT, it’s not really part of HoT since it’s being released to everyone. Would be unfortunate if the only way to test is with special invites, or in BWE open only to people who bought HoT.
I was Curious on this as well, I’ve since been corrected but I was very excited for this beta as I thought I could test out the new WvW Bl. From what I hear and the footage I see If this map is indeed full of choke points it sounds like its going to be hell playing on it. I enjoy the open fights, It’s rewarding to take on a blob with your small guild group and win. I fear that if these maps are implemented on all the bl’s most guild groups (along with most commanders) will simply ignore them and fight to stay in EB all the time, leaving the bl’s a ghost town. especially on all the servers not in tier 1,2, and 3.
This would in turn kill off WvW as people would simply just stop caring about the ppt and rankings of any given server. If you (continue to) kill off WvW you’re going to lose a good portion of your hardcore player base. I’m sure PvErs make up most of your player base however they do everything in a few months then leave. Most WvWers play and have been playing for well over a year. At the same time Anet is trying to build PvP as an e-sports. A good portion of WvW people actively participate in PvP, and PvP isn’t what’s keeping them in GW2.
(edited by sydney.4901)
The sad thing is its probably to late to change anything, they already designs and created the map i dont think they will rework it much, that would mean months if not years of work. Sadly i think we are stuck with EOTM 2.0 RIP WvW and GW2
by the way is the WvW on Elder scroll online any good? seem like that is going to be the only option, go to ESO
NOBODY likes this new map make a freaking public pol and see it by yourselfl, if you feel like you really need to add this garbage to the game just make it optional like EoTM. Do not force WvW players to play on this map since we all dislike it please.
Unlike you may think there are actual players who ONLY DO WvW and we do not care about karma training we want to fights and kill people. Do not ruin this game mode, if we want to PVE we will just go to the silverwastes please, listen to your players.
We want maps that force you to fight insteand just hiding on walls, we want points per kill, we do not want more siege please. LISTEN to your players.
You want to kill people? go to PvP or wait for GvG guild halls. This new borderlands will bring a new competitive edge to WvW
Founder of War Brigade [WAR] -[MERC][TF]
Sea of Sorrows. Crystal Desert.
Not tried this new map yet. But if it’s anything close or atleast closer to WAR where tactics were needed to win, instead of Blob vs blob i’m all in, even if it means making me run even more…..
Right now WvW is fun, but it’s missing something really big, and that for me is tactics and good leadership (granted we have some good coms out there) but i’m talking about using tactics to try and win, tagging keeps to lure our enemy, splitting our force to try n fool them, etc etc etc.
Hopefully defending a keep will be available, maybe even using oil without insta dying
There are alot of things they need to fix in WvW to make it more entertaining to me atleast, but this sounds like a big step in the right direction.
A question, this new map, if the castles/towers/etc looks different like higher walls, will they put that in the old maps aswell or will it just be this one map?
Please listen to the WvW comunity
in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test
Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375
I think they plan on revamping the old maps (alpine borderland) once HoT comes out and then bringing them back in some way. I would assume they will change the old maps to be more in line with how the new ones work including some small map adjustments and redesign.
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]
how can you represent ALL wvw player?
i dont think zerg around the map is fun, old map do not have objective to fight each other.
if you want to fight, do gvg.
i love the new map. freaking beast. will put better feedback when i won’t feel tas waisted as right now, sry.
I’m mixed. I want to run across the map to get to a fight. I don’t want to have to fight the map to get to a fight.
NOBODY likes this new map make a freaking public pol and see it by yourselfl, if you feel like you really need to add this garbage to the game just make it optional like EoTM. Do not force WvW players to play on this map since we all dislike it please.
Unlike you may think there are actual players who ONLY DO WvW and we do not care about karma training we want to fights and kill people. Do not ruin this game mode, if we want to PVE we will just go to the silverwastes please, listen to your players.
We want maps that force you to fight insteand just hiding on walls, we want points per kill, we do not want more siege please. LISTEN to your players.
You want to kill people? go to PvP or wait for GvG guild halls. This new borderlands will bring a new competitive edge to WvW
This is the type of comment that scares me. If you aren’t fighting and killing people, what is WvW? It basically it just a karma train and PvE map. Aren’t there already maps for that?
Please listen to the WvW comunity
in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test
Posted by: Eirian Direstorm.9748
I love the map; I think it may need some adjustment. Once a tower/keep is held, it’s really hard to take. Just a few defenders can hold a larger group at bay. This made things actually boring at times whent there just weren’t enough people around (say 20) to capture objectives.
I say this without having the oasis event available; I guess it was turned off because it was crashing the map. Maybe that event changes everything, but I couldn’t judge. :P
I really like tower and keep lords being tougher, and having interesting mechanics. Those were much more interesting.
The “marking” by sentries seemed to last too long on some people. I think if you kill the sentry, it should time out pretty fast—that only makes sense!
In some places, I felt like walls were too high because as a defender, I couldn’t jump out to figh without risking death from falling, and on top of that, it was sometimes really hard to get back in to the keep or tower. They might need some more friendly entrance, and some terracing on the sides, here and there.
On this last point, I don’t think any change is good if it discourages people from going outside the tower or keep to fight. —here I reveal my bias for fights over ppt.
Also, yaks didn’t seem really any harder than before. I thought they were supposed to be tougher now?
As an assist to feedback; could you list what features are disabled for the test and what effect they would have (or that you intend them to have)?
LOL @ WvW Community.
You’re more likely a GvG focused community, do not mix one with the other…
That said, i have to say, i hate GvG guilds with a passion.
If you want fights, go to HoTM or wait for the new GvG thing that will come out. If you’re really itching for it, abuse Obsidian Sanctum as much as you want.
WvW isnt GvG …blobbing each other, killing each other, trying to make it look like that winning a GvG is actually worth something. LOL
Fights guilds, whats the point? Nothing in the end really. Win a GvG, then what’s next? You dont get a medal for it, so stop your whining.
LOL @ WvW Community.
You’re more likely a GvG focused community, do not mix one with the other…
That said, i have to say, i hate GvG guilds with a passion.
If you want fights, go to HoTM or wait for the new GvG thing that will come out. If you’re really itching for it, abuse Obsidian Sanctum as much as you want.
WvW isnt GvG …blobbing each other, killing each other, trying to make it look like that winning a GvG is actually worth something. LOLFights guilds, whats the point? Nothing in the end really. Win a GvG, then what’s next? You dont get a medal for it, so stop your whining.
I don’t really care if people don’t like gvgs or gvgers for whatever reason but what I was interested about in your comment is it does sound like you don’t like fighting of any sort? Are you suggesting you like the idea of wvw not having to require you to fight other players at all?
Btw disclaimer – I’m not saying I think the wvw map should be reduced in size and although I haven’t played on it yet, despite being a for the fights player I think it’s a good idea that it’s big as this would reduce theeffectiveness of the mother blob tactic in the long run.
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia
LOL @ WvW Community.
You’re more likely a GvG focused community, do not mix one with the other…
That said, i have to say, i hate GvG guilds with a passion.
If you want fights, go to HoTM or wait for the new GvG thing that will come out. If you’re really itching for it, abuse Obsidian Sanctum as much as you want.
WvW isnt GvG …blobbing each other, killing each other, trying to make it look like that winning a GvG is actually worth something. LOLFights guilds, whats the point? Nothing in the end really. Win a GvG, then what’s next? You dont get a medal for it, so stop your whining.
I don’t really care if people don’t like gvgs or gvgers for whatever reason but what I was interested about in your comment is it does sound like you don’t like fighting of any sort? Are you suggesting you like the idea of wvw not having to require you to fight other players at all?
Btw disclaimer – I’m not saying I think the wvw map should be reduced in size and although I haven’t played on it yet, despite being a for the fights player I think it’s a good idea that it’s big as this would reduce theeffectiveness of the mother blob tactic in the long run.
No – i hate the fact that fights guild just focus on fights and nothing else. I’ve had a share of people in guilds obsessing about builds and winning fights and getting everyone an earful every time their driver could not defeat a 1v5 odds.
I like fighting for defense and pushing enemies out as much as the next guy, but being GvG focused only is something i really dont like, as they dont contribute to overall server stability and no loyalty at all. I’ve seen these types of guilds come and go as word reaches their ears of better fights in a certain server. Just done with them.
With this new map, and with the GvG function coming up, i hope i never see a group of people who call themselves “fights guild” and pretend they give two sharts about WvW at all.
Please listen to the WvW comunity
in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test
Posted by: Zxavier Augistine.7312
@ OP, i see where you are coming from but in the future please dont generalize “all” players. i like this map, sure its big and very open and spacious but its a nice change of pace for server boarder lands we need to have the actual map open to everyone before we hold a poll or judge.
Guild Wars 2: waiting for content simulator.
I love the map; I think it may need some adjustment. Once a tower/keep is held, it’s really hard to take. Just a few defenders can hold a larger group at bay. This made things actually boring at times whent there just weren’t enough people around (say 20) to capture objectives.
What an odd thing to say, considering one of the main complaints of current WvW is that a small group have trouble defending against a large group.
It makes sick reading most of these comments who don’t want to fight enemies in WvW.
You wanna say we destroyed your game mode? Ok, well thanks for turning WvW into another regular PvE map.
….. And Elementalist.
It makes sick reading most of these comments who don’t want to fight enemies in WvW.
You wanna say we destroyed your game mode? Ok, well thanks for turning WvW into another regular PvE map.
The bigger the Blob, the less your personal skill counts towards the victory. If you want to be proud of your PvP Skills (talking about all those GvG Guilds), dont throw 30 man blobs at each other. Go into sPvP and fight 5v5 Customs or if 5v5 is too small for your Guilds taste, go to OS and fight 8v8 GW1 Style or 10v10 or whatever.
In those places you don’t interrupt the flow of the WvW Matchup of your Server with taking 30 Spots of People that care about the score instead of useless killing.
It makes sick reading most of these comments who don’t want to fight enemies in WvW.
You wanna say we destroyed your game mode? Ok, well thanks for turning WvW into another regular PvE map.
I love fighting enemies. I like fighting them in open field with a proper guild raid setup, and I like fighting while laying siege on a objective. They are 2 different type of fights, both of them are interesting and have their pros and cons.
I like to use my brain and use what is my tactical advantage to keep an objective or wipe an enemy group, and not always rely on brute force. And yes, even guild groups rely on brute force (based on group skill and coordination, I’m not denying that) to win fights on open field.
Why WvW has to solely be one of this aspect completely denying others? It has potential to present a lot of different scenarios depending on the situation.
I don’t like karma training. I don’t like big blobs that conquer a border in 20 minutes just because they are 40 and we are 10. If anything this map seems to work in a way that this won’t happen that much.
Whiteside Ridge
No – i hate the fact that fights guild just focus on fights and nothing else. I’ve had a share of people in guilds obsessing about builds and winning fights and getting everyone an earful every time their driver could not defeat a 1v5 odds.
I like fighting for defense and pushing enemies out as much as the next guy, but being GvG focused only is something i really dont like, as they dont contribute to overall server stability and no loyalty at all. I’ve seen these types of guilds come and go as word reaches their ears of better fights in a certain server. Just done with them.
With this new map, and with the GvG function coming up, i hope i never see a group of people who call themselves “fights guild” and pretend they give two sharts about WvW at all.
Meh, most of the EU for the fights people (I hear there’s a lot of map chat drama back and forth between the two communities in NA) share a general mentality of promoting the idea of doing what you enjoy regardless of what that is and not doing what is boring out of some meaningless duty. I don’t really care what you think of us to be honest, as long as you don’t try to interrupt other people’s fun such as scrims on the island north of south camp being a vulnerable position when they don’t effect your fun in any negative way (no queues).
I do find it funny that the hate on fights guild that is becoming popular again which used to be a thing a while back before dying out (whether that’s because many people warmed up to the meaninglessness of ppt at once or because they realized they needed people to wipe enemy blobs I can only imagine) you cry when they leave and blame them for the servers population dying out despite wanting them gone. In a game mode where the population is already struggling I don’t think the new fights guild haters understand how badly it would dwindle if you deleted all the for the fights players. In other words I’m not sure you fully grasp the size of the percentage of wvw players who don’t care much for ppt. Just food for thought .
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia
(edited by Zetsumei.4975)
No – i hate the fact that fights guild just focus on fights and nothing else. I’ve had a share of people in guilds obsessing about builds and winning fights and getting everyone an earful every time their driver could not defeat a 1v5 odds.
I like fighting for defense and pushing enemies out as much as the next guy, but being GvG focused only is something i really dont like, as they dont contribute to overall server stability and no loyalty at all. I’ve seen these types of guilds come and go as word reaches their ears of better fights in a certain server. Just done with them.
With this new map, and with the GvG function coming up, i hope i never see a group of people who call themselves “fights guild” and pretend they give two sharts about WvW at all.Meh, most of the EU for the fights people (I hear there’s a lot of map chat drama back and forth between the two communities in NA) share a general mentality of promoting the idea of doing what you enjoy regardless of what that is and not doing what is boring out of some meaningless duty. I don’t really care what you think of us to be honest, as long as you don’t try to interrupt other people’s fun such as scrims on the island north of south camp being a vulnerable position when they don’t effect your fun in any negative way (no queues).
I do find it funny that the hate on fights guild that is becoming popular again which used to be a thing a while back before dying out (whether that’s because many people warmed up to the meaninglessness of ppt at once or because they realized they needed people to wipe enemy blobs I can only imagine) you cry when they leave and blame them for the servers population dying out despite wanting them gone. In a game mode where the population is already struggling I don’t think the new fights guild haters understand how badly it would dwindle if you deleted all the for the fights players. In other words I’m not sure you fully grasp the size of the percentage of wvw players who don’t care much for ppt. Just food for thought
Exactly why i said the fight guilds cause server instability, is because of this. WvW isnt GvG. Thanks to the ANET people for coming up with GvG portion so we can be rid of people who think they are the lifeblood of WvW but does very little WvW-ing themselves. (read: wvw isnt just fighting blob vs blob)
After that, GvG arena is out, we can build a stable and proper WvW community that cares about something else apart from getting fights. :p
No – i hate the fact that fights guild just focus on fights and nothing else. I’ve had a share of people in guilds obsessing about builds and winning fights and getting everyone an earful every time their driver could not defeat a 1v5 odds.
I like fighting for defense and pushing enemies out as much as the next guy, but being GvG focused only is something i really dont like, as they dont contribute to overall server stability and no loyalty at all. I’ve seen these types of guilds come and go as word reaches their ears of better fights in a certain server. Just done with them.
With this new map, and with the GvG function coming up, i hope i never see a group of people who call themselves “fights guild” and pretend they give two sharts about WvW at all.Meh, most of the EU for the fights people (I hear there’s a lot of map chat drama back and forth between the two communities in NA) share a general mentality of promoting the idea of doing what you enjoy regardless of what that is and not doing what is boring out of some meaningless duty. I don’t really care what you think of us to be honest, as long as you don’t try to interrupt other people’s fun such as scrims on the island north of south camp being a vulnerable position when they don’t effect your fun in any negative way (no queues).
I do find it funny that the hate on fights guild that is becoming popular again which used to be a thing a while back before dying out (whether that’s because many people warmed up to the meaninglessness of ppt at once or because they realized they needed people to wipe enemy blobs I can only imagine) you cry when they leave and blame them for the servers population dying out despite wanting them gone. In a game mode where the population is already struggling I don’t think the new fights guild haters understand how badly it would dwindle if you deleted all the for the fights players. In other words I’m not sure you fully grasp the size of the percentage of wvw players who don’t care much for ppt. Just food for thought
Exactly why i said the fight guilds cause server instability, is because of this. WvW isnt GvG. Thanks to the ANET people for coming up with GvG portion so we can be rid of people who think they are the lifeblood of WvW but does very little WvW-ing themselves. (read: wvw isnt just fighting blob vs blob)
After that, GvG arena is out, we can build a stable and proper WvW community that cares about something else apart from getting fights. :p
Many solo roamers like myself, group roamers and duelists are for the fights only as well ^^.
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia
Many solo roamers like myself, group roamers and duelists are for the fights only as well ^^.
yes, but you’re not a guild group you’re straying away from our little off-topic segue :p
Many solo roamers like myself, group roamers and duelists are for the fights only as well ^^.
yes, but you’re not a guild group
you’re straying away from our little off-topic segue :p
Well I was referring to your comment on wvw not only being about zerg fights and my point on how much of the wvw population is made up of for the fights only players, that roamers make up a significant portion of.
I want to ask, what is the server instability you’re talking of if there are no queues? If you mean the glicko rating of the server being rocked by large amounts from gvg guilds leaving that only means that they did passively largely contribute to the ppt and so they will be missed. Gvg guilds leaving will not be magically replaced by ppters, you cant make the argument that if they didn’t exist people could ppt more efficiently because there are no queues in this situation. If you’re angry that they do not care enough to respond to defense calls, again if there are no queues and the gvgers didn’t exist there would still be no one to respond to defense calls. You also need to remember how much of pug blobs are made up of gvg guildies and guild raiders outside of raid times and how much their size would dwindle if they left.
Or are you saying if they were gone you could better cull the mentality of wanting to be just for fights.
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia
(edited by Zetsumei.4975)
WvW is both fights + tactics.
It makes sick reading most of these comments who don’t want to fight enemies in WvW.
You wanna say we destroyed your game mode? Ok, well thanks for turning WvW into another regular PvE map.
The bigger the Blob, the less your personal skill counts towards the victory. If you want to be proud of your PvP Skills (talking about all those GvG Guilds), dont throw 30 man blobs at each other. Go into sPvP and fight 5v5 Customs or if 5v5 is too small for your Guilds taste, go to OS and fight 8v8 GW1 Style or 10v10 or whatever.
In those places you don’t interrupt the flow of the WvW Matchup of your Server with taking 30 Spots of People that care about the score instead of useless killing.
Wait wait wait, WHUUUUAT?
30 vs 30 is easyer than 10v10 pff ok! Shure buddy! Coordinating 30 players in a fight is shure easyer than coordinating 10 players all 1v1 ing in the smal scale shure. I finaly realize how wrong i was with believing that it takes more effort and time to train and form a proper 20 25 player WvW guild than just going 5v5 (1v1) spvp.
So far, I’m having a blast on the new map. I think it will really shake up wvw.
The time zone that I have been playing on has found very low population on the map, and our little groups of 5 or 10 were still having good fights, and able to take objectives.
But, can’t talk now, back to the beta.
It makes sick reading most of these comments who don’t want to fight enemies in WvW.
You wanna say we destroyed your game mode? Ok, well thanks for turning WvW into another regular PvE map.
The bigger the Blob, the less your personal skill counts towards the victory. If you want to be proud of your PvP Skills (talking about all those GvG Guilds), dont throw 30 man blobs at each other. Go into sPvP and fight 5v5 Customs or if 5v5 is too small for your Guilds taste, go to OS and fight 8v8 GW1 Style or 10v10 or whatever.
In those places you don’t interrupt the flow of the WvW Matchup of your Server with taking 30 Spots of People that care about the score instead of useless killing.
I’ve been a solo roamer for the last 2 years, running around a map killing people is what I do… I don’t know why people think it doesn’t help, but the commanders I report zerg movements too seem to like the info, I think the word is scout. And I think scouts were a huge part of warfare in medieval times, so was raiding and killing people.
Do you go to maccas for a salad or go to a brothel for a hug? Then why come to WvW and treat it like another PvE boss train? There is already like 30 maps for that.
It makes 0 sense why you would go to an open world pvp area and say things like “we dont want to fight, only PPT”, That’s essentially saying “I’m only here to fight tower lords and if 1 person tries to kill us for taking the tower or a guild wipes our group then they are bad and interrupt WvW flow”… SERIOUSLY!!!!???
I’m also going to point out, that scouts and small roaming groups help a hell of a lot more than you think, it’s the scouts and small groups who rock up to Ogrewatch and ballista all the siege down before telling comm it’s clear and easy to take before we move onto the next tower to ninja or we sit between enemy spawn and our pugmander to fight off enemies which essentially means less resistance for those people who “don’t want to fight”.
It’s mostly the scouts running around upgrading stuff, it’s mostly the scouts sieging things, it’s mostly the guild groups who switch maps to defend things and it’s mostly the scouts who make call outs and switch maps for help.
Now in light of all the help these people provide for killing stuff for you, are you still willing to say they interrupt WvW flow and don’t contribute? I’m sure guild groups wouldn’t mind watching 10 people zerg bust your 30 uplevels as you try and take a tower, would you then rage at them for not helping? Or are you gonna get angry you dont have these guardian angels on map for you anymore because you chased em all off to support your carebare embroided bag addiction?
….. And Elementalist.
(edited by sephiroth.4217)
Please listen to the WvW comunity
in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test
Posted by: PlatinumMember.5274
It makes sick reading most of these comments who don’t want to fight enemies in WvW.
You wanna say we destroyed your game mode? Ok, well thanks for turning WvW into another regular PvE map.
The bigger the Blob, the less your personal skill counts towards the victory. If you want to be proud of your PvP Skills (talking about all those GvG Guilds), dont throw 30 man blobs at each other. Go into sPvP and fight 5v5 Customs or if 5v5 is too small for your Guilds taste, go to OS and fight 8v8 GW1 Style or 10v10 or whatever.
In those places you don’t interrupt the flow of the WvW Matchup of your Server with taking 30 Spots of People that care about the score instead of useless killing.
Wait wait wait, WHUUUUAT?
30 vs 30 is easyer than 10v10 pff ok! Shure buddy! Coordinating 30 players in a fight is shure easyer than coordinating 10 players all 1v1 ing in the smal scale shure. I finaly realize how wrong i was with believing that it takes more effort and time to train and form a proper 20 25 player WvW guild than just going 5v5 (1v1) spvp.
Except that in 30v30 or 100v100 only a handful of people are doing the actual coordinating the other 25 or 95 are usually blindly following orders. There is less individual skill showcast, if you mock up you got another 29 or 99 people to cover up your mistake. That is why there is less INDIVIDUAL skill in Zerging than in small groups.
Also effort and time is not related to the skill level of the individual player other than the person who does the thinking aka leader(s). Not all member of the zerg do the thinking thus individual skill matters less.
already said that ages ago..
the map is crap, its not made for PvP its made for karma training yet another EoTM map..
Another dedicated WvWr and I love this new map. Sure, it will need balance tweaks, but it’s made so you have to think, not just roll over with a 60+ man blob. It has structures that are defensible. Sure some wish that all siege and structures would vanish and we would have just a big empty field for 2×60 to squirm around for hours spamming skills, but they do not speak for all, or even the majority of players. Bring it on!
(edited by Jong.5937)
Another dedicated WvWr and I love this new map. Sure, it will need balance tweaks bit it’s made so you have to think, not just roll over with a 60+ man blob. It has structures that are defensible. Sure some wish that all siege and structures would vanish and we would have just a big empty field for 2×60 to squirm around for hours spamming skills, but they do not speak for all, or even the majority of players. Bring it on!
My worry with the map is that those who like it are a vocal minority. During the last two stress tests, t he number of players have been minimal EXCEPT when ANET hosted an event that was supposed to award some prize. As soon as that event was over, pretty much everyone left.
So the big question: Why are so many people invited to test, but so few are actually playing it?
Please listen to the WvW comunity
in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test
Posted by: BrickFurious.7169
So the big question: Why are so many people invited to test, but so few are actually playing it?
At least for me, I spent a bunch of time learning the map (I think the map is fantastic and I’ve been almost entirely a WvW player since launch). After I felt like I got a good feel for the map and enough impressions to give some feedback, there’s not much more reason to play it. It’s beta, none of my progress is saved, things will change, etc. If they had hosted an event again they probably would have got more people testing. Also the bugs at the beginning that made it difficult for people to launch the test client probably turned a lot of people away from testing.