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Everyone here needs to watch this again

in Community Creations

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


No, we don’t.
Especially not since people overall is fully aware about what a manifesto actually is and have also checked out the other bits of information that was released soon after said video and long before release.

Why get that people don’t like the game, but why not just move on instead of posting pointless stuff over and over and over and over and over again?

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Everyone here needs to watch this again

in Community Creations

Posted by: FalconDance.1637


This is the game I waited for for years. This is the game I beta-tested.

It is not the game we have now.

BirchFlower [RBW] – Sylvari ranger, Isle of Janthir
Lili BirchFlower, Adjutant, Royal Black Watch

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in Community Creations

Posted by: Bernie.8674


You are rescuing a village that will then stay rescued

I think the denizens of Silverwastes would take exception to that declaration. If only…

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in Community Creations

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


This is the game I waited for for years. This is the game I beta-tested.

It is not the game we have now.

You must have beta-tested a completely different game then. Because the game that the rest of us beta-tested was quite similar to the game we have now, with quite a bit of improvements thrown in.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

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in Community Creations

Posted by: WEXXES.2378


No, we don’t.
Especially not since people overall is fully aware about what a manifesto actually is and have also checked out the other bits of information that was released soon after said video and long before release.

Why get that people don’t like the game, but why not just move on instead of posting pointless stuff over and over and over and over and over again?

I like the game, but it could be a lot better.

A lot of the systems they talk about, especially with the world, is pretty much either impractical or ridiculously hard to implement or mostly both.

Also, a manifesto is basically what you are declaring something will be. So them saying that and almost doing half is very… meh.

And also, if no one posts anything about these “pointless” things, which is pretty much everything in the collective eyes of everyone, we wouldn’t need a forum.

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in Community Creations

Posted by: SlothBear.9846


Caithe’s hair at 0:40 is not what was delivered in game.

Unacceptable betrayal.

e: “The MMO has lost the ability to make the player feel like a hero, everyone around you is doing the same thing you’re doing, the boss respawns 10 minutes later,”

ummmmmmm good description of the LS I guess?

(edited by SlothBear.9846)

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in Community Creations

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


You are rescuing a village that will then stay rescued

I think the denizens of Silverwastes would take exception to that declaration. If only…

If only it worked like that! Then we could play new content for exactly 5 minutes after its release, followed by months of living the peaceful life of an adventurer without adventures (or a day job), feeding cows in Queensdale hoping that the farmer will invite us in for a slice of home-made cake, lest we starve.

Everyone here needs to watch this again

in Community Creations

Posted by: CMM.6712


No, we don’t.
Especially not since people overall is fully aware about what a manifesto actually is and have also checked out the other bits of information that was released soon after said video and long before release.

Why get that people don’t like the game, but why not just move on instead of posting pointless stuff over and over and over and over and over again?

I like the game, but it could be a lot better.

A lot of the systems they talk about, especially with the world, is pretty much either impractical or ridiculously hard to implement or mostly both.

Also, a manifesto is basically what you are declaring something will be. So them saying that and almost doing half is very… meh.

And also, if no one posts anything about these “pointless” things, which is pretty much everything in the collective eyes of everyone, we wouldn’t need a forum.

So instead of posting a years old video we have all seen, usually more than once… why not post something constructive about how to fix x or improve y or add in z? Posting this is kinda like a subtle dig against Anet and not necessary or needed.

Everyone here needs to watch this again

in Community Creations

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


So instead of posting a years old video we have all seen, usually more than once… why not post something constructive about how to fix x or improve y or add in z? Posting this is kinda like a subtle dig against Anet and not necessary or needed.

You know, sometimes people just want to yell and shake pitchforks and vent their frustration, and no amount of logic and reason and constructive dialogue will convince them otherwise.

Everyone here needs to watch this again

in Community Creations

Posted by: Bernie.8674


You are rescuing a village that will then stay rescued

I think the denizens of Silverwastes would take exception to that declaration. If only…

If only it worked like that! Then we could play new content for exactly 5 minutes after its release, followed by months of living the peaceful life of an adventurer without adventures (or a day job), feeding cows in Queensdale hoping that the farmer will invite us in for a slice of home-made cake, lest we starve.

First, let me say that I’m impressed by your ability to burn through new content in just five minutes.

Personally, I wasn’t a huge fan of spending 5 minutes to fend off an attack on a fort so that I could chest farm in peace, only to have it come under attack again 4 minutes later. Repeating this ad nauseum until breach time isn’t particularly fun, either. Most of my guild mates spent the last two weeks server ferrying each other to breached instances just so they could farm nightmare pods. I guess some players enjoy that style of play, but I prefer something like the WoW phasing system, which works just like the video described: players progress through the storyline and permanently change the landscape for better or worse.

In terms of the Silverwastes this means that you repeat the cycle of defending and repairing for about a half hour and then progress to a new phase where you can battle a variety of challenging Mordrem bosses in a post-breach-style setting without having to trudge through the repetitive defense/repair cycle over and over again. Imagine if dungeons worked like Silverwastes, starting you at a waypoint on the other side of the zone and making you battle your way to the instance every time.

To each their own, I guess.

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in Community Creations

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


I like the game, but it could be a lot better.

A lot of the systems they talk about, especially with the world, is pretty much either impractical or ridiculously hard to implement or mostly both.

Also, a manifesto is basically what you are declaring something will be. So them saying that and almost doing half is very… meh.

And also, if no one posts anything about these “pointless” things, which is pretty much everything in the collective eyes of everyone, we wouldn’t need a forum.

And yet most of those systems are in the game. Maybe not as you thought of them, but they are still there.

A manifesto is a declaration of intent. A declaration of intent is basically a plan. Plans can (and should) chance when more information becomes available.

People HAVE been posting it over and over and over and over again. People have already seen it. There is no point to keep spamming it.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Everyone here needs to watch this again

in Community Creations

Posted by: WEXXES.2378


No, we don’t.
Especially not since people overall is fully aware about what a manifesto actually is and have also checked out the other bits of information that was released soon after said video and long before release.

Why get that people don’t like the game, but why not just move on instead of posting pointless stuff over and over and over and over and over again?

I like the game, but it could be a lot better.

A lot of the systems they talk about, especially with the world, is pretty much either impractical or ridiculously hard to implement or mostly both.

Also, a manifesto is basically what you are declaring something will be. So them saying that and almost doing half is very… meh.

And also, if no one posts anything about these “pointless” things, which is pretty much everything in the collective eyes of everyone, we wouldn’t need a forum.

So instead of posting a years old video we have all seen, usually more than once… why not post something constructive about how to fix x or improve y or add in z? Posting this is kinda like a subtle dig against Anet and not necessary or needed.

I have, multiple times, and got like 0 responses from anyone. Same goes for many people.