(edited by escalantek.2586)
Free Character Drawings
Sure, the personality is a devil-may-care, laid back Asura Guardian. Still a brilliant egomaniac of course, he IS an Asura. Thank you for your time, I appreciate it.
Give you some screens of my charrs then if you want to do anything with them
Kagera Shadowstrile is a thief that only do things for he’s own benefit. The only people he truly care about his those he consider family. He’s always plotting and would have no problem to kill he’s own people if he got something out of it. But he’s not totally heartless and can show kindness from time to time.
Rhaygan Ironclaw a kind hearted warrior that rather die then fight dirty. He got no hatred towards anyone. And think everyone got the same worth even humans which most charr still don’t fully accept.
you could draw my guardian
Or my ranger :d
Sorry couldn’t resist, hehe.
And just to keep it on topic, maybe I can have a pic of my Norn Ele? http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c219/Chessrook44/gw011_zps529f847e.jpg
Hi there, could you draw my human ele? She is hot-blooded and impulsive. Her favorite element is air, so feel free to add some lightning effects.
And then there is my Norn engineer, he lost his sanity a long while ago, but it isn’t too noticeable, unless he equips his flamethrower and goes all nuts. (yes he should have the flamethrower equipped^^)
Both can appear in the same pic if you like.
That’s very nice of you ! Here’s my loved Guardian (only toon so far). Haven’t yet been able to find a fitting armor (I love paladinish stuff. Had a Paladin in Dungeon & Dragons, a Captain in Lotro…) so maybe I’ll save up for cultural armor.
He’s what you would expect from a Paladin. Also has some lonely moments, gazing at the area, thinking about the life he has, his lost friends and his far-away wife.
Even though I mostly use hammer & greatsword ingame, he’d be more like sword & shield / greatsword
Thanks again !
Edit : loving your work so far !
I finnaly got the cultural armor, here’s a few screens
Just draw the set you want to
(edited by Tysefol.2017)
hey here is my engi -she is a bit cyper-punk and very boom, boom grenade and bombs.’kinda Nick Cave- Loretta. except , her eyes ain’t green and her hair ain’t yellow,
also pink
(edited by Morrigan.2809)
holy frijoles! I better get started on these now!! Thanks so much guys! I’m way excited to do this!!
Yaaay, free art!
Here’s my Elementalist Albacus Uruz, latest in a line of nobility from Cantha. He’s a continuation of my character from GW1 Abacus Uruz, an Elementalist/Assassin, so naturally I leapt onto Dagger/Dagger Eles. He’s primarily Fire attunement in combat, with forays into using Lightning and Earthquakes. I’d love a kind of Assassin-y pose, daggers out and ready to strike with flaming blades (I plan on dual Incineraters.. Eventually).
Thank you ever so much for the thread, free art is always appreciated in these parts
Can you draw me and some of my guildies? My Mesmer Professor Flapp is some kind of insane genius, the Mesmer Aaltje Shrimp is crazy, the thief Vanessa Rubystar is really naughty, the warrior Tessje really proud and the Sylvari ranger is a… well kind of a love and peace hippy. Thx in advance :P
Yay, arts ^^
Here’s my norn thief. She’s a playful yet sneaky type, knowing how to get the job done but also have fun with it.
Whooooaah, free arts! Guess we, players without an art-making ability (o.O), love players like you, offering free drawings. XD
So, here’s Floriee, I’d be pleased if you’d draw her.
Update 1.
Added lists so people know what I’m up to.
Uploaded first drawing in my first post – I think I’ll just do that with all my drawings so people can see it in one spot (Note on that first drawing..: Didn’t really colors on my iPad looked different than computer, so I colored it completely wrong. So sorry. I’ll be more careful from here on out, I’ll try to add the purple still >_<)
Sorry I fail at code stuff so my Working on list heading isn’t perfect lol.
debating if I want to upload these to deviantart. Eventually I probably will, once I get back to my tablet and can do a pretty signature. They’ll be on stargirlkim.deviantart.com when I get to that.
Probably will post these on my tumblr too http://laylaestrella.tumblr.com
(edited by escalantek.2586)
It looks amazing! Thankyousomuch
Update 2.
Added one of Drigori’s awesome charrs! The background is supposed to be light orange though. :/ Scanner likes to torment me.
Wee it’s Rhay thanks for drawing him ^^ Keep up the good work
Do you still take requests or am I too late? I hope Im not late. This is my charr engineer, Chandra Steelfang.
You are not too late I don’t have a sign up limit for now. However I cannot guarantee how fast I can work through these, but my goal is to do as many as possible.
oh take your time just glad your doing it your amazing
I’d be thrilled if you had the time to interpret two of my characters, no need to hurry!
The first on is my norn ranger named Kendrak Shiverfang, he is a follower of Wolf and strives to live by three virtues(represented by the white lines in his face): Loyalty, Honour and Valour. His closest companion is a white wolf named Amarokk.
My other character is charr warrior named Mardiok Goremaw, his personality is dominated by aggressiveness and impulsiveness. He is very impatient and enjoys inflicting pain to his enemies.
I don’t have any particular desire for a pose for Kendrak, but I would love if you could draw Mardiok with his weapon drawn (like the attached screenshot).
Update 3.
Added FSnowZombie’s beautiful guardian. I apologize for moving slightly out of order. Sometimes I go back and forth between drawings so I don’t get too frustrated from one and I can take a break and come back.
Thanks for so much response guys. It makes me happy
Cool character sketches! Looking forward to the others.
And good idea to have multiple drawing to rotate when hit that creative wall. I’ve been having that same problem and realized I needed to do something different.
thank you very much! she looks quite nice <3
With how well this is going I’m glad I slipped in on the ground floor.
Update 4.
Seby’s ranger added. I apologize for the fat 3 legged bear. I’ve drawn cats, dogs, a few small birds but this was the first time I drew a bear. Proportions are way off but…^^"
I was going to add Drigori’s other charr up along with the ranger, but um -cough cough- I’m going to add possibly a little surprise with it…plus I think I can still make it better.
@ Dr. O, Snow Zombie, and Desraedos, thanks for your support and nice comments. ^^
I’m scared now…. Donno what to expect out of this xD
GJ on Sebys ranger and pet
Hihih, Haribo looks sooo cuuute
I really love it, thanks!
Update 4.
I totally lost the bonus sketch I did T.T but I’ll put it up when I find it. But here is Drigori’s other charr
Glad you guys like my artwork ^^
My Norn necromancer Chipsy. See what you can do. ^^
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs
(edited by CHIPS.6018)
What a lovely style and use of traditional media! If you’re not overwhelmed, I’d love a piece of my Charr, Nipp Mousetrap! I’ve also followed you on Tumblr. I hope you don’t mind the reblogs!
Awesome work as always- and I am soon Whoop Whoop!
Hey guys.
I’m really sorry to do this to you guys. I love drawing and I love GW2. Unfortunately, It’s time for me to go for a while. I’ve enjoyed this forum and making friends with some of you. It will be at least a year before I’m back. When I’m back, I promise to finish up the drawings that I owe you guys, and will continue this event. Anyone can still request here, but I can’t do any fan art until I’m back.
I wish the best for all you guys. Take care. Until next time.
Np m8. You doing this for free so do what ya want Thx for drawing both my charr’s and i will send ya a mail when i’m done with yours currently working on it ^^
See ya ingame if you still are going to play if not gl and see ya when i see ya