Save the whales
Maybe they don’t WANT to go back… i mean, whatever’s in the water must be pretty scarey for the whales to take their chances on land with the rest of us
Garnished Toast
I find the cries of the dying whales on the beaches very disturbing.
The Whales make me sad I want to help them Anet!!!
Clearly, we need to bring an army of players with knockback skills, and go nuts.
Bonus points for elementalists using Tornado.
on my server, there is no whale …
The whales are gone! kitten I wanted to save them. I’ll never forget you Lord Quaggalopolis.
I would assume this is build up to the lost shores
Yes, it might be build up but it still saddens me, I spent the whole day standing there and watering the whale with the bucket but she dind’t get better.
(1) What scared them to run onto dry land,
(2) What then came and got them anyway!
(3) Where did you get the bucket of water from and why did it not help (even a little)
Yes, it might be build up but it still saddens me, I spent the whole day standing there and watering the whale with the bucket but she dind’t get better.
I saw that water bucket and did the same! I also found it very sad…
Maybe it was bubbles?
Clearly, we need to bring an army of players with knockback skills, and go nuts.
Bonus points for elementalists using Tornado.
Or a group of engineers:
Or a group of engineers:
Heh, I made reference to that incident too on Tarnished Coast but just got the weirdest looks, I guess not everyone has heard of _that_incident :p
Garnished Toast
Or a group of engineers:
Heh, I made reference to that incident too on Tarnished Coast but just got the weirdest looks, I guess not everyone has heard of _that_incident :p
Yep, that incident was also referenced by some members in my guild. And another one wanted to throw a big BBQ!
Maybe we need a few people to splash water over the whale at the same time in order to save it? shrug
Maybe they don’t WANT to go back… i mean, whatever’s in the water must be pretty scarey for the whales to take their chances on land with the rest of us
Methinks that, before all this is said and done, we’re going to see “Bubbles”, Tequatl, and the entire krait nation also scrambling for dry land along with the whales. A hard rain’s gonna fall on you Quaggan haters.
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
(edited by Moderator)
The whales appear to have been removed in tonight’s dye fixing update At least they are on Tarnished Coast. Several players are mourning the whales on the beach and hoping they are safe.
They are perfectly safe. Us charr made absolutely sure of that. We took over the shift for the nighttime waterers, and we watered them and they all got up and thanked us before going back into the ocean. It was wonderful.
Really it was.
Why are you looking at me like that? We’ve always had these big slabs of meat in our storage rooms... Its...uh...dolyak...yea, giant dolyak. They’re everywhere in Ascalon.
(edited by Greiger.7092)
Can anyone confirm that they are still there on any servers? I desperately needed a few more moments of footage for a video I’m trying to get done but now they’re missing…. : (
Ive got this wonderful new perfume called LA Beach. got it from an Asuran charlatan named Gadd if i remember correctly or was it Vekk
or, you know, get some whale oil and fat and have a feast
Quaggan eat whales,
I would like to see whale hunts where we help Quaggan go on icelandic style whaling events. Icelandic whaling involves herding whales to a beach them and kill them for food.
I tried too to use the water buckets!
I think this is definetly going to be about Bubbles/DSD. Only something THAT scary would make Whales flee to LAs shore.
Oh, and I haven’t seen in game that awesome Leviathan from one of the trailers… maybe this is when he shows up?? The one right at the end of the manifesto trailer:
I think it is time for that thing to show up!
I made my Ranger stand on one of the Whales mouth and cry.The +5 regen salt tears did nothing.
Just logged on with my Asuran mesmer…the whales are indeed gone. Also, although I had read that one of the Asura gates in Corolis (sp?) Plaza had become active, none of them were.
In any event, it’s further evidence of the approach of UberQuaggan.
Are YOU ready?
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
But most importantly, why are they so small?
Clearly, we need to bring an army of players with knockback skills, and go nuts.
Bonus points for elementalists using Tornado.
This would be an AWESOME idea for an event chain.. some sort of animal conservation type event.. no fighting involved because it’s in the town but have a meter and all the players trying to knock them back into the water and because the skills all have relatively long cool downs (and we’d want it to take a while so that a lot of players can gather to participate) also have water buckets around so other players can try to keep the whales wet while we push it back into the water.. so a meter showing how long until it’s back in the water and one measuring the whales well being (not health, we shouldn’t let them die) and we get rewarded for the well being of the whale once it is once again back in the water.
That’d be cool ^.^
Some people were saying that whales weren’t showing up on overflow servers. Maybe they are still there but you were in overflow?
I haven’t checked yet today, but they were there last night on TC.
Playing a various Stormspire alt – if it’s Stormspire, it’s probably me
Guilds: Elder Prophets [EP], Principality of New Katulus (PiNK)
Save the whales; collect the whole set!
This message was brought to you by a Kitten with a Keyboard
They were all…sent to Dunwall. hint hint
Sea of Sorrows
The whales appear to have been removed in tonight’s dye fixing update
At least they are on Tarnished Coast. Several players are mourning the whales on the beach and hoping they are safe.
They are safe well … sort of …ok i confess there not safe but i got cooking from 290 to 365
The whales appear to have been removed in tonight’s dye fixing update
At least they are on Tarnished Coast. Several players are mourning the whales on the beach and hoping they are safe.
They are safe well … sort of …ok i confess there not safe but i got cooking from 290 to 365
So safely inserted into someones fulfilled stomach?
That’s too bad they took them out.. I still think it’d be cool to have some in town (non combat) dynamic events that reflect current changes going on in the world / nearby… not a lot, just one or two (per town, they should be unique).
They are perfectly safe. Us charr made absolutely sure of that. We took over the shift for the nighttime waterers, and we watered them and they all got up and thanked us before going back into the ocean. It was wonderful.
Really it was.
Why are you looking at me like that? We’ve always had these big slabs of meat in our storage rooms… Its…uh…dolyak…yea, giant dolyak. They’re everywhere in Ascalon.
I was about to post that they must have returned safely since we don’t see any bodies but you have a point about all the charr in Lion’s Arch :o
It would have been neat if there had been some kind of event around returning them. Oh well, it was still a nice touch.