Screenshot Thread
Dragon Bash forum doesn’t seem to have screenshot thread so I will just post these here.
Hey guys, just wanted to share 2 screen shots that I like. The first one is PvP related but I thought it was an awesome score and wish I could get more games like this.
Post these in the my guild forum all the time so I thought I’d pop some in here :-)
SB is my current background because I love the shot. But my deep love is the Shatterer. Whoever designed that dragon I <3 their face!
Here’s a screenshot of my PC’s desktop. I run two 1080p monitors on top of each other so I had to find a 1920×2160 picture to set as my wallpaper. I remembered you guys released the GW2 asset kit a while ago with .psd files in HUGE resolution. So I trimmed the logan picture a bit and there it is! This was made possible using DisplayFusion!
My first and only character so far but might make more just for the purpose of shooting pictures, love to do that on Guild Wars . The scenes are breathtaking. I didnt use photoshop tho i edited it a little so put fire texture over it and messed a bit with the colours.
Some pictures from Twilight Arbor and Aetherblade Retreat. Also one downed picture from Crucible of Eternity (poison wasn’t good for us).
^ Clearly elder dragon is trying to control you. XD
I have only one new picture. I was doing 100% map in Iron Marches, so here is Bria’s Manor.
Heart of the Mists during Dragon Bash is pink
GW2 gets pretty sci-fi sometimes (plus one shot of the Mystic Forge).
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Pre-launch, Colin listed things that make MMOs bad. They are all now in GW2.
I was bored today and so I decided to make a desktop for myself with my 3 main chars I play. Vizekki my ele on the left, Ethiko my guard middle and Vehiera my ranger on the right.
(edited by Aequitas.6402)
Watermill in Village of Shaemoor and Temple of Ages within Godslost Swamp
I just did Victory or Death yesterday and I crashed, so I had to start over. Which meant I was prepared to get a screenshot when this moment came by.
I’ve decided to share my character – two screen shots.
One, in the War Room with other Charr
Another, an attempt to out maneuver one of Dwayna’s Statues.
Attempted to screen shot with my girlfriend’s character, then tempted to photoshop it, and voila!! Looks like it was taken from a movie or something, haha.
Hermès Kelly – Warrior
Snagged this screenshot the other day. I’m using it as a desktop background now. Definitely worth the repair bill.
Here is a few screenshots of my character. Zoozuu Deus who I am happening to be writing an fan-fiction story line about her past and how she became who she is today.
If you want to read what I have written so far, please click on this link.
Thought this was funny, you turn into a glowing ghost after this skill point (can’t remember where it was)
Also, Coco pops my bear
Ikohn, please tale more of those.
Some combat shots from me:
Snagged this screenshot the other day. I’m using it as a desktop background now. Definitely worth the repair bill.
my new background image, too! wow.
I just started guild wars 2. I am hoping to get my friend to buy it, I know he would love this game (who wouldn’t). This is the picture I showed him of the great character creation of a human necromancer. I told him about the personality and story line traits you can choose which we think is an amazing idea.
P.S. I love PvP and he loves PvE, lore and story line. I’m hoping this game will get him into PvP since it has the best of both worlds.
Color schemes to help you stand out!
Just some random screenshots :-)
Killing my minions? I’ll make more!
(edited by solrac.4973)
Some times i set my game setting to higher appearance just to say wow… i look good xD
My full album
(edited by Rev.5836)
Here is a set of all my characters (didn’t want to upload all of them onto the thread lol)
One here is my Warrior.
New ‘Scarlet’ is coming!
It’s my boyfriend’s Sylvari thief, I very like his dark appearance
Varri – Asura, necromancer
[EU] Blacktide
“Do you feel lucky? well, do yah… punk?”
“And also… I can kill you with my brain.”
~River Tam~
So with the advent of Lion’s Arch triumphant extinction (until the pirates rebuild)… I took the theme and created a new armour set, themed around being one of Scarlet’s less seen henchman. Something along the lines of a scout or spy that observes from afar!