Tarnished Coast
Yaks Bend Alliance Commerical
Tarnished Coast
00:30 seconds — Glorious news, Tarnished Coast! Yak’s Bend has adopted our faith! Golem God be praised!
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
All hail the mighty golem!
I love Yak’s Bend players. Just sayin’
Such a classy bunch of players.
I love Yak’s Bend players. Just sayin’
Such a classy bunch of players.
We miss you guys, too! Don’t worry, we will eventually catch up to you! By the way, AWESOME job you guys are pulling in T2. I don’t think BG or SoR saw you guys coming!
[Rawr] – HoD
Thanks Patricide! And yea, we’re pulling for you guys to gain more numbers and face us again eventually. You guys definitely deserve to be on the top, am sure you’ll get there soon enough!
Nothing but Respect for you guys…
Tee See
Just trying to recruit as many people as we can. Dragonbrand has a HUGE night time force, so that’s what’s giving up some trouble this week, but overall, it’s been a great fight down here in T4. We just want to be up with servers that play without exploits :P
Tarnished Coast
I enjoyed the match up we had with the toasters and hope to see you all again soon. It will come down to the after holiday crowd as these few weeks are a wee bit thin with a lot of people doing the family things. Have a good holiday and keep the battle going!
Or any of the Wingnut family.
(One) Yaks Bend.
Our guild was so impressed with YB, that when we were forced to migrate servers from TC due to an influx of friends and family getting the game over the holidays (and TC is full), we chose YB as our new home. We are small, so we likely won’t be changing how WvW is, but we hope you will enjoy having us anyway!
Norn Warrior Teun Vallensson – Human Thief Roland Whelan
Guild Creator of Born of Ice and Fire [BIF]
Our guild was so impressed with YB, that when we were forced to migrate servers from TC due to an influx of friends and family getting the game over the holidays (and TC is full), we chose YB as our new home. We are small, so we likely won’t be changing how WvW is, but we hope you will enjoy having us anyway!
Welcome please don’t take this week as the norm we’ve been badly affected by xmas.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
I support this message. Yaks Bend is where any sensible player from TC wants to either retire or vacation!
Great Video, Great Server , Great Game.
Thanks for the support guys!
Tarnished Coast
Come join Yak’s Bend!
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Our guild was so impressed with YB, that when we were forced to migrate servers from TC due to an influx of friends and family getting the game over the holidays (and TC is full), we chose YB as our new home. We are small, so we likely won’t be changing how WvW is, but we hope you will enjoy having us anyway!
Don’t be fooled, small guilds with coordination and a goal can make a huge difference.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Yak’s is a great place to WvWvW.
Aye, can be speakin’ fer YB. I remembrin’ ‘da fight wit’ da YB lads. Ye be a great challenge and a dastardly crew o’ surly dogs at that.
Tarnished Coast [TC]
Glad to be a Yak! Hope to see some new faces on the battlefield!
It’s Friday! Join us!
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
If community is what you look for in an MMO, Yaks Bend has the best I have seen in the last 10+ years of playing MMO’s. Truly an amazing group of leadership and people there.
http://teamriot.org/riot-media/videos/ • http://www.twitch.tv/teamriottv
If community is what you look for in an MMO, Yaks Bend has the best I have seen in the last 10+ years of playing MMO’s. Truly an amazing group of leadership and people there.
Thank you boulder! Nice to see you post. Good luck in T1 this week, Grats! We miss ROIT in yaks bend last 5 weeks. But I hope you guys do well this week.
Alliance founder/Yaksbend.com
“Winter is Coming”
Do you want to be in Yak’s Bend’s next commercial? Of course you do! Come join Yak’s Bend!
PS: Next up – Yak’s Bend Infomercials featuring Pirate Peg Legs! You know you want some. We can’t be doing this all day folks!
Join us!
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
nice recruitment video! i love the spirit, go yak’s bend!
Why thank you.
Now Join!
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Lots of folks on the server had input into the production of this video. Dethroat put a lot of work into it, and it was a big topic of discussion in the leadup to the Winter’s Day event. Stuff like this happens all the time on our forums.
Check out one of the commanders’ version of “’Twas the Night Before Christmas”:
Officer – War is Hell [WAR]
Yak’s Bend
Great bunch of people on Yaks Bend….. Check out www.Yaksbend.com
Once you go Yak you’ll never wanna go back
Very good and quallity server yaks, I left about a month ago because of bad opponents, I might come back, starting to miss familly, friends and organization.
Good luck on recruiting, best match we had was TC/CD/YB.
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows
Very good and quallity server yaks, I left about a month ago because of bad opponents, I might come back, starting to miss familly, friends and organization.
Good luck on recruiting, best match we had was TC/CD/YB.
TC/CD/YB was really a great week. That was when we really started to gel as server alliance.
With the paid transfers coming, sooner would be better (just saying). We welcome all, especially prodigal sons and daughters. Check out http://www.yaksbend.com if you want to look around again.
Officer – War is Hell [WAR]
Yak’s Bend
Paid transfers aren’t going to be a barrier for the individual, I don’t think. But for guilds, yeah, now is the time to really make a decision. Moving an entire guild might not be feasable, so they will have to ask themselves if they are really happy where they are.
Myself, my main PVE guild, and my WvW guild are all really happy where we are, so I’m feeling good about that. (Shameless plug time = Yaksbend.com)
I just hope guilds don’t find themselves less than satisfied with where they are, so they either dissolve because individual members head out looking for greener pastures, or they stop logging in so much. Paid transfers didn’t seem to kill WoW, even at 25$ per toon, so we’ll see.
Back on topic, everyone should check out that ‘Night before Xmas’ link. Pure gaming gold right there! Pretty rare these days.
I have a question as to why this posting was moved from the WvW forum to the “Linksville” forum:
Was it not a “Linksville” posting for the first 26 days, or were the moderators of WvW wrong for 26 days?
If it wasn’t a “Linksville” posting for the first 26 days what changed?
If it was a “Linksville” posting, why did the moderators miss it for 26 days?
I understand that you have to keep the forums cleaned up, but doing it so long after it was originally posted makes me question the decision making process behind it.
This video is not showing off a “Guild Wars 2 related websites, tools, videos and other resources around the internet”. It is talking about a community that is WvW oriented. Using this resource as a tool to draw people into our community through the WvW forum seems entirely legitimate to me.
Directing traffic to http://www.yaksbend.com is just incidental to that goal.
If I understand the logic behind the decision to move this post, then the WvW moderators should also be moving every post that links to a server website.
May I also suggest the following WvW postings:
If the issue is that it is linking to a video, may I suggest that you also move the following posts:
For starters. I’m just looking for some consistency and fairness.
Officer – War is Hell [WAR]
Yak’s Bend
(edited by Hubris.7039)