[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]
5v5s happened all the time on lower tiers before the advent of the leaderboard. I’m sure they are still going on but no one reports them.
Sacrx, Ogro and a duck commenting Scnd vs VII.
(edited by Pryda.8257)
Sacrx, Ogro and a duck commenting Scnd vs VII.
1195 peak viewers for a GvG
Support this model anet!!
[VoTF] www.votf.net
Sneak peak at the new leaderboard, what the [VII] vs [Scnd] match did to the rating (using the new formula)
Ratings are all really close, can’t wait for the [GD] match
(only 20v20 matches are taken into account on the screenshot)
(edited by MartyPartys.9187)
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/wuv/WvW-news-at-the-GW2-Anniversary-Bash-Panel/ I bet I know what we’re all hoping for…..
Should probably have a serious discussion about spectators and advertising games in advance.
The sheer number of trolls at the VII vs Scnd match, made it take twice as long as it should have. Should also be noted that having 60+ spectators on the hill creates a significant FPS drop for those GvGing. If the match wasn’t advertised in advance, and wasn’t streamed live, but instead recorded and uploaded later, then I’m pretty sure the match would’ve gone alot more smoothly.
That said, I can see the merits of having lots of spectators to create a “party” atmosphere, and advertising in advance to get lots of viewers on streams helps the community grow.
I’m not sure what the answer is tbh.
(edited by Ragnar.4257)
To second Ragnar, also the issue where we had tons of spectators on the hill while some of our guys were waiting in queue. It’s so much easier if you can just watch the stream – I know it loses the novelty of “being there”, but if you’re stubbornly sat there cuz you wanna watch, you’re not gonna be able to watch anything while our team is in queue.
We wouldn’t normally have queue issues but there was a trolly crakitten 19:55 BST where about 5 of our guys had to restart so it was painful trying to get them back into a full zone.
Second Law.
Yeah, that’s a good call. Letting people know it’s going on is sure to attract the less savory types.
As far as FPS goes, I generally crank down my culling settings so it renders only the “low” number of players. That should allow the fighters to see those on the field, but just names of those on the hill.
Maybe a solution is to start making a ring of players around the whole arena to intercept known trolls before they get to the fight. Might also help on the FPS front if they’re spread out in a wide circle instead of one big clump. Dunno, just an idea.
Would there be any guilds available in lower tiers to get some practice matches going in and against Gate of Madness?
Would there be any guilds available in lower tiers to get some practice matches going in and against Gate of Madness?
Im sure ET and GoM servers will meet up again at some point. Two guilds on ET, IoM and BS are always up for GvGs and duels.
FC has [deth] strong group for the larger 15v15, FC also has our old dueling friends in [Yarr] a 5 man roaming guild that is expanding they can field 10 I think.
HoD has [VLK] fine group of players 10 range.
DR has [OHai] impressive 5 man group they might be able to fill to 10 I’m not sure.
I have to ask…
We’ve seen GD in action this week against multiple guilds.
We’ve seen VotF in action this week, against multiple guilds.
I have to ask…
We’ve seen GD in action this week against multiple guilds.
We’ve seen VotF in action this week, against multiple guilds.WHY NO VOTF VS GD?
Unfortunate coincidences. :P
We already planned a few GvGs.
VoTF already planned a few GvGs.
VoTF lacked on core members on thursday.
kitten happens. Simple as that.
At least we had some scrims against VoTF to get back into GvG routine since a month.
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]
Hey everybody,
In the best interests of all involved, we have decided to move the GvG organizational thread over to the In-game events subforum instead of its usual home in the WvW discussion forum. The impetus for this change is primarily due to the ongoing, negative conflict between the WvW and GvG communities. We feel the hostility between these two groups detracts from both the GvG thread and WvW topics and requires a disproportionate amount of moderator attention.
The In-game Events subforum will be a good fit for the GvG organization thread, as it is an ongoing, player-organized in-game activity and therefore fits well into the intended purpose of that forum. For other related discussion of GvG that does not fall under the general organization thread, please use the Guild Wars 2 Discussion subforum.
You have literally no idea about this community.
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2
any1 tried using the eternal JP as a place to do the matches?
what game we playin next?
any1 tried using the eternal JP as a place to do the matches?
After seeing this I thought I’d check out the JP to try and find a suitable place to GvG. Besides the fact there’s still the issue of a queue during most servers prime time (although it may be our only option after Orbaggedon hits us) I found 2 particular, interesting spots.
First is a stream of water in the first area, its not deep enough to swim in and is relatively flat and long, its the most similar area to the windmill as I could find.
Second is a weird quadrant also in the first area which has a short, flat (somewhat) strip of land to the right half and on the left half includes some terrain and obstacles. Its different to the current land GvG is held on but I think it holds potential for sharpening the meta but not everyone likes change and I doubt many guilds would agree to use it.
Myrmidon Elite [ME]
Seraphim Martyrs [BURN] – Maguuma
just had a look at the Obsidian Sanctum spots. The problem here is that those areas are too small and the ground not even enough. It would be an ultima ratio if there wasn’t the queue problem. To enter Obsidian Sanctum, you need to pass EB which is probably the worst thing during prime time.
Staff Elementalist, Ultimate Dominator
Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/chemsorly
An Eternal JP GvG is going to be a hammer warrior’s worst nightmare but compromises have to be made if orbs are going to ruin the current state of GvG.
Myrmidon Elite [ME]
Seraphim Martyrs [BURN] – Maguuma
Also, water – even if let you walk/fight on it – makes fields like lava font (w/o a “vertical” tell) very hard to see.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
An Eternal JP GvG is going to be a hammer warrior’s worst nightmare but compromises have to be made if orbs are going to ruin the current state of GvG.
This (maybe selfishly) is my biggest problem with anything without flat ground. Even the current area can be a nightmare towards the edges for warriors.
IDK if the “orb” bonus will carry over to the JP, any1 know? also,the place w/ the shallow water makes it hard to see AoE rings, and the other place might have a few too many terrain issues(especially 20v20). also i’m on Ehmry bay so when we get stuck in a top tier we dont have a keep.. lol.. i found 3 other spots that have some potential… try to visualize the windmill spot as if it was walled off and the spectator area didnt exist.
pay no attention to my other monitor….
what game we playin next?
IDK if the “orb” bonus will carry over to the JP, any1 know? also,the place w/ the shallow water makes it hard to see AoE rings, and the other place might have a few too many terrain issues(especially 20v20). also i’m on Ehmry bay so when we get stuck in a top tier we dont have a keep.. lol.. i found 3 other spots that have some potential… try to visualize the windmill spot as if it was walled off and the spectator area didnt exist.
pay no attention to my other monitor….
Don’t know how I missed that area… also yeah I tried testing a few skills in the water and thought it could add more options in terms of “plays” (for example maybe a hidden portal flank? idk)
Myrmidon Elite [ME]
Seraphim Martyrs [BURN] – Maguuma
IDK if the “orb” bonus will carry over to the JP, any1 know? also,the place w/ the shallow water makes it hard to see AoE rings, and the other place might have a few too many terrain issues(especially 20v20). also i’m on Ehmry bay so when we get stuck in a top tier we dont have a keep.. lol.. i found 3 other spots that have some potential… try to visualize the windmill spot as if it was walled off and the spectator area didnt exist.
pay no attention to my other monitor….
Don’t know how I missed that area… also yeah I tried testing a few skills in the water and thought it could add more options in terms of “plays” (for example maybe a hidden portal flank? idk)
yea i suppose, i’t would just be a case by case basis, not every1 will want it
what game we playin next?
We should have people at PAX with signs for devs to add a standard square room with blank terrain so we could have our GvGs…srsly, this is getting stupid. We couldn’t finish our match yesterday because Fear brought a 50-men zerg to wipe our GvG multiple times..
Suggestion for gw2gvg.com: hide from rankings guilds that have been inactive for over 1-2 months. It’s pointless to have in the rankings guild that are not currently playing.
We should have people at PAX with signs for devs to add a standard square room with blank terrain so we could have our GvGs…srsly, this is getting stupid. We couldn’t finish our match yesterday because Fear brought a 50-men zerg to wipe our GvG multiple times..
Remind me never to take FEAR seriously again….
We should have people at PAX with signs for devs to add a standard square room with blank terrain so we could have our GvGs…srsly, this is getting stupid. We couldn’t finish our match yesterday because Fear brought a 50-men zerg to wipe our GvG multiple times..
Remind me never to take FEAR seriously again….
If Bg continues this behavior I dont think it would be logical for any guild to xfer up there for gvgs. just for the risk of it being interrupted.
(edited by mekkanic.4759)
We should have people at PAX with signs for devs to add a standard square room with blank terrain so we could have our GvGs…srsly, this is getting stupid. We couldn’t finish our match yesterday because Fear brought a 50-men zerg to wipe our GvG multiple times..
Remind me never to take FEAR seriously again….
If t1 NA continues this behavior I dont think it would be logical for any guild to xfer up there for gvgs. just for the risk of it being interrupted.
I think most guilds already have no intention at all of going THAT direction for more GvGs. t2/t3 seems to be something of a sweet spot at the moment. Would love to fight some guilds from the lower tiers though.
Solution for everything:
Take all the WvW guilds and GvG guilds and spread them out across about 6 EU servers. You will always have people to play, you will be able to GvG and you’ll have fun.
Just don’t bring that silly ppt game with you.
7.2k+ hours played on Minesweeper
I think most guilds already have no intention at all of going THAT direction for more GvGs. t2/t3 seems to be something of a sweet spot at the moment. Would love to fight some guilds from the lower tiers though.
To totally go Paxa on you guys…what about creating a gvg tier? I would suggest the lower tiers but I have the feeling that any gvg guild transfers would immediately shove the server up a few ranks. I’m opposed to T1 because of queues and trolling though it is the most stable tier.
Solution for everything:
Take all the WvW guilds and GvG guilds and spread them out across about 6 EU servers. You will always have people to play, you will be able to GvG and you’ll have fun.
Just don’t bring that silly ppt game with you.
This, pretty much.
It’s interesting how EU for the most part has been super conscious of NOT stacking any one server so there’s guaranteed fights. Not sure how everyone managed to coordinate that, but it makes for interesting match weeks.
Sneak peak at the new leaderboard, what the [VII] vs [Scnd] match did to the rating (using the new formula)
Ratings are all really close, can’t wait for the [GD] match
(only 20v20 matches are taken into account on the screenshot)
I don’t believe this ranking shows anything. I agree that a leaderboard creates competetion and sets up a goal for guilds/players to climb ranks, but the GvG system in its current state is not really comparable. I actually hope guilds don’t take this to seriously and start playing GvG the way they were intended. Have good fights with even numbers, nothing more. We see guilds refusing GvGs, because they don’t want to lose rank points and hurt their reputation and that gets in the way of the actual GvG spirit. When this ladder starts making things complicated and constrain fights, it’s something to worry about, at least in my opinion.
Also, many guilds see GvGs as a one time thing. They fought Guild X once, end of story. I don’t know why so many guilds have problems with fighting the same opponent more than once. Thats the point were you actually can improve, and see and feel that improvement too. Hopefully we can put that mentality behind us and move on to a more competetive, but also fight oriented environment..
I think most guilds already have no intention at all of going THAT direction for more GvGs. t2/t3 seems to be something of a sweet spot at the moment. Would love to fight some guilds from the lower tiers though.
To totally go Paxa on you guys…what about creating a gvg tier? I would suggest the lower tiers but I have the feeling that any gvg guild transfers would immediately shove the server up a few ranks. I’m opposed to T1 because of queues and trolling though it is the most stable tier.
I doubt you could get significant buy-in for a GvG tier from the guilds. That’s a massive resource-sink.
I would love the bottom 6 servers to be designated the GvG tier, though. That’d be sweet.
Suggestion for gw2gvg.com: hide from rankings guilds that have been inactive for over 1-2 months. It’s pointless to have in the rankings guild that are not currently playing.
Rankings will be displayed per month in the new design.
Solution for everything:
Take all the WvW guilds and GvG guilds and spread them out across about 6 EU servers. You will always have people to play, you will be able to GvG and you’ll have fun.
Just don’t bring that silly ppt game with you.
I wonder how avoidable that is. I personally agree with the theory that coverage creates PPT meta. And while a lot of us like to GvG, a lot of us also play WvW “normally” still, as well.
I think most guilds already have no intention at all of going THAT direction for more GvGs. t2/t3 seems to be something of a sweet spot at the moment. Would love to fight some guilds from the lower tiers though.
To totally go Paxa on you guys…what about creating a gvg tier? I would suggest the lower tiers but I have the feeling that any gvg guild transfers would immediately shove the server up a few ranks. I’m opposed to T1 because of queues and trolling though it is the most stable tier.
I doubt you could get significant buy-in for a GvG tier from the guilds. That’s a massive resource-sink.
I would love the bottom 6 servers to be designated the GvG tier, though. That’d be sweet.
Right now T2-3 is a prime spot for GvG in NA, not lower tiers. I think this is a fine spot to be in because this is the area where people start to have real coverage, and you’ll have a lot of trouble breaking past T3 without it. Though I guess the other issue is that the other T3 servers do have night coverage (SoS and CD, though I heard CD lost even more recently?)
Suggestion for gw2gvg.com: hide from rankings guilds that have been inactive for over 1-2 months. It’s pointless to have in the rankings guild that are not currently playing.
Rankings will be displayed per month in the new design.
Solution for everything:
Take all the WvW guilds and GvG guilds and spread them out across about 6 EU servers. You will always have people to play, you will be able to GvG and you’ll have fun.
Just don’t bring that silly ppt game with you.
I wonder how avoidable that is. I personally agree with the theory that coverage creates PPT meta. And while a lot of us like to GvG, a lot of us also play WvW “normally” still, as well.
I think most guilds already have no intention at all of going THAT direction for more GvGs. t2/t3 seems to be something of a sweet spot at the moment. Would love to fight some guilds from the lower tiers though.
To totally go Paxa on you guys…what about creating a gvg tier? I would suggest the lower tiers but I have the feeling that any gvg guild transfers would immediately shove the server up a few ranks. I’m opposed to T1 because of queues and trolling though it is the most stable tier.
I doubt you could get significant buy-in for a GvG tier from the guilds. That’s a massive resource-sink.
I would love the bottom 6 servers to be designated the GvG tier, though. That’d be sweet.
Right now T2-3 is a prime spot for GvG in NA, not lower tiers. I think this is a fine spot to be in because this is the area where people start to have real coverage, and you’ll have a lot of trouble breaking past T3 without it. Though I guess the other issue is that the other T3 servers do have night coverage (SoS and CD, though I heard CD lost even more recently?)
I only suggested the lower tiers so we could avoid server congestion. Would suck if some guilds couldn’t get in due to servers going full. Anyway, I think it’s all chasing the wind. I can’t see a day when GvG guilds en masse would be willing to do this.
Lower tiers would be better to avoid queues and skill lag. If there was a large enough zerg on the bl, it affects gvgs on the windmill.
I agree with Hickeroar that it would be too difficult to get most GvG guilds to agree to transfer. Most guilds are pretty entrenched in their current server and would want WvW like normal as well.
Lower tiers would be better to avoid queues and skill lag. If there was a large enough zerg on the bl, it affects gvgs on the windmill.
I agree with Hickeroar that it would be too difficult to get most GvG guilds to agree to transfer. Most guilds are pretty entrenched in their current server and would want WvW like normal as well.
I rarely see skill lag or queues affect GvG on Maguuma And yeah, we will never see a complete convergence anywhere. But if a guild is looking to transfer for decent GvG/WvW, IMO T3-4 are good choices.
Sneak peak at the new leaderboard, what the [VII] vs [Scnd] match did to the rating (using the new formula)
Ratings are all really close, can’t wait for the [GD] match
(only 20v20 matches are taken into account on the screenshot)I don’t believe this ranking shows anything. I agree that a leaderboard creates competetion and sets up a goal for guilds/players to climb ranks, but the GvG system in its current state is not really comparable. I actually hope guilds don’t take this to seriously and start playing GvG the way they were intended. Have good fights with even numbers, nothing more. We see guilds refusing GvGs, because they don’t want to lose rank points and hurt their reputation and that gets in the way of the actual GvG spirit. When this ladder starts making things complicated and constrain fights, it’s something to worry about, at least in my opinion.
Also, many guilds see GvGs as a one time thing. They fought Guild X once, end of story. I don’t know why so many guilds have problems with fighting the same opponent more than once. Thats the point were you actually can improve, and see and feel that improvement too. Hopefully we can put that mentality behind us and move on to a more competetive, but also fight oriented environment..
Very nicely put! Luckily the Anet Gods puts us in the right match-up in the right moment!
Will be a nice gvging with you guys! Can’t wait for it!
I don’t believe this ranking shows anything. I agree that a leaderboard creates competetion and sets up a goal for guilds/players to climb ranks, but the GvG system in its current state is not really comparable. I actually hope guilds don’t take this to seriously and start playing GvG the way they were intended. Have good fights with even numbers, nothing more. We see guilds refusing GvGs, because they don’t want to lose rank points and hurt their reputation and that gets in the way of the actual GvG spirit. When this ladder starts making things complicated and constrain fights, it’s something to worry about, at least in my opinion.
Also, many guilds see GvGs as a one time thing. They fought Guild X once, end of story. I don’t know why so many guilds have problems with fighting the same opponent more than once. Thats the point were you actually can improve, and see and feel that improvement too. Hopefully we can put that mentality behind us and move on to a more competetive, but also fight oriented environment..
Sup. So how about GD stopping refusing to GvG us for… let me count… 3rd time? Just asking, y’know.
edit: DAMMIT Jel, ninja’d :/
I don’t believe this ranking shows anything. I agree that a leaderboard creates competetion and sets up a goal for guilds/players to climb ranks, but the GvG system in its current state is not really comparable. I actually hope guilds don’t take this to seriously and start playing GvG the way they were intended. Have good fights with even numbers, nothing more. We see guilds refusing GvGs, because they don’t want to lose rank points and hurt their reputation and that gets in the way of the actual GvG spirit. When this ladder starts making things complicated and constrain fights, it’s something to worry about, at least in my opinion.
Also, many guilds see GvGs as a one time thing. They fought Guild X once, end of story. I don’t know why so many guilds have problems with fighting the same opponent more than once. Thats the point were you actually can improve, and see and feel that improvement too. Hopefully we can put that mentality behind us and move on to a more competetive, but also fight oriented environment..Sup. So how about GD stopping refusing to GvG us for… let me count… 3rd time?
Just asking, y’know.
edit: DAMMIT Jel, ninja’d :/
How about you stop talking bullkitten?
1st time we talked to your leader we didn’t refused to GvG you guys. I suggested we could do one but never ever accepted a challenge actually. It wasn’t our fault that you took holidays just for a GvG which wasn’t even clear that it will take place at all.
2nd time we met we just could GvG on a Wednesday and you just on a Thursday and said we don’t have to force anything and just let it be.
Today was the first time actually we refused a GvG against VII and we will refuse any other GvG invitation for this week and probably the upcoming weeks as well.
We are recruiting atm to get back in action again but there is no point fighting a guild while many core members are mia.
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]
Today was the first time actually we refused a GvG against VII and we will refuse any other GvG invitation for this week and probably the upcoming weeks as well.
We are recruiting atm to get back in action again but there is no point fighting a guild while many core members are mia.
I disagree. There is nothing better than a GvG for people who want to prove themselves. Regardless of core, not so core or completly new members.
TUP did the GvG without many “core” members and we accept our defeat. We have shown improvement in the later rounds/scrimms and this is all that matters. It has shown weaknesses in our play and we are more than glad to fix them in the future.
And you clearly had the numbers to GvG us + having 10 members watching.
Just not caring about the ranking is the key to long term success. Refusing GvGs while having definelty more than enough people to choose from is just meh.
Today was the first time actually we refused a GvG against VII and we will refuse any other GvG invitation for this week and probably the upcoming weeks as well.
We are recruiting atm to get back in action again but there is no point fighting a guild while many core members are mia.I disagree. There is nothing better than a GvG for people who want to prove themselves. Regardless of core, not so core or completly new members.
TUP did the GvG without many “core” members and we accept our defeat. We have shown improvement in the later rounds/scrimms and this is all that matters. It has shown weaknesses in our play and we are more than glad to fix them in the future.
And you clearly had the numbers to GvG us + having 10 members watching.
Just not caring about the ranking is the key to long term success. Refusing GvGs while having definelty more than enough people to choose from is just meh.
No sense in risking throwing off your rating just to appease a challenge. Best to wait for the core to be back available.
Scrimmage, sure. Actual GvG? No.
O wow Jinks gonna drop another piece of smart.
Register 2 teams an A Team and B Team
We have claimed this subforum as ours now. I like it. Could we like add threads per server matchup to discuss possible GvG’s and scrims. A public place to organize stuff seems like a good idea so there is no more of this whining about people backing out and others being untrustworthy.
It could serve as something that publically acknowledges some of the agreements between guilds (“official” or not and numbers you want). You can tell if you’re core is up to it or not unless people having to do it after the fact (be it true or not).
Better to not do it in the matchup threads because we all know how much vitriol and trolling is in those threads.
So good idea or just I just go to bed now?
Edited to clarify it is about server matchups not actual GvG matches.
7.2k+ hours played on Minesweeper
(edited by Caliban.3176)
Episode 8 baking… soon… in the meantime, let me tell you something about the gvg.com ladder:
Its a reference. Just that. Flawed as hell. Incomplete. You will notice I mostly disregard it when considering who to put the “crown” on… its all about street cred and men of the moment for me, not flawed Glicko.
Thought of this after hiting the render… but rly the gvg showdown crown is kind of a game in itself… since we have no tourneys and matches come slowly, consider it a King of the Hill mode… if no one has it, first crew to make merits for it grabs… then its all about killing the king to be the king… lets see if anyone can really hold on to it long enough, without dodging and laming through (instadrop).
Dunno, could be fun.
As Slomo pointed out, play for fun, play to learn and dont avoid fights because you dont have your core or are afraid of losing. Playing for rating is the most stupid bs you can think of, if for example TUP played for rating we wouldnt have tried new stuff on GD (no necros online too strong)
missing a few people isnt going to make you lose a game and your recruits will stay the way they are.
GvG or don’t GvG dont go like omg we need to scrim, just fight and you can fight again next time. You win or lose, backing off or saying maybe we miss core members just shows you are weaker or afraid.
Enjoy the fights, make others enjoy your fights
Ogre, keep up the good work man, loving it.
Also hoping to see more of those comentary streams!
(edited by Esuni.2498)
Sup. So how about GD stopping refusing to GvG us for… let me count… 3rd time?
Just asking, y’know.
What I posted is my personal opinion, not an official guild statement. I would GvG against VII 24/7 all day long, the current matchup we have is more than boring. I represent my opinion in my guild too, but it’s not my decision if and when and with whom we GvG.
the thing is, we want to perform at the limit. When several people which fulfill important roles in our setup can’t make it, we are not able to bring our best game. It’s not an ideal situation and i can understand that you guys are not happy about it, but that’s how our situation is right now.
You said to us before, that several of your people had to take holidays so you can GvG. It’s the same situation, isn’t it?
(edited by yiishing.9057)
GvG Showdown ep 8 — Enjoy! o7
i like the idea of a separate thread for some scrims and details because the fear of the glicko makes it hard for guilds in lower tiers to get official GvGs (imo). And it seems to upset guilds when u ask them to GvG your recruits or to for them to bring 5 more people to pressure us…
what game we playin next?