[Closed] Looking for a Guardian
When you ask for “games played as Guardian” are you asking for the number of tPvP/sPvP games played or are you looking for streams/recordings of actual games we’ve played?
Just go with a warrior bunker.
R.I.P. Guardians.
I’m asking what your experience is on Guardian, if you can provide recordings of gameplay then that’s even better.
Looking for a bunker.
I can dedicate three nights (after 6:30 EST) a week – pretty flexible as far as which days those are.
A little information about myself: I work as a developer and I’m in my 20s. I’m in the central time zone. That’s about as much personal information as I feel comfortable giving out on the forums – please contact me in-game if you want to know more.
Personality-wise, I’m pretty open minded to criticism as long as it comes with reasonable explanations. I get frustrated with teammates sometimes, but I’ve never showed disrespect because of it. I try not to let trash talk lure me into making decisions I wouldn’t make otherwise.
Experience/skill-wise, I used to run a team that usually placed between top 1000 and 500. I’m rank 39 and have about 650 team arena games played. I could probably type a wall of text describing my general strategy, build choices, and tactical use of skills, but I will take some time this weekend to record some of my games instead. I will update this post when those games are uploaded.
Feel free to play a game or two with me!
Hey man,
I’m available to play usually after 7-8 PM PST as I do engineering work during the day and tutor at night.
I have roughly 1000 games total (70% team q, 30% solo q) and am pretty solid at what I do. Guard is my only 80 so I know the class really well and do a bit of WvW/PvE as well. I usually play altruistic healing bunker with pure of voice but I have been running alot of DPS guard recently and can run any other build you’d like. I can’t really commit to a strict schedule but I would be down to do some games.
BTW my guard name is Macdizzla
(edited by FausT.5482)
Hey, I’m generally available starting 7pm EST on weekdays and weekend times are much more open. I’m a grad student so setting a schedule won’t be a problem as I will be able to plan school around it as needed.
Total, I have 1267 tournament games total (of which 484 are guardian matches with 350 wins) as well as 508 yoloQ of which probably 75% were as guard . For tpvp I typically play the bunker role but could play a dps role if needed. English: check, TS: check, rotations: check, class knowledge: check.
I’ve been doing more PVE/WvW recently while looking for people to play with so my ranks will be decayed a bit if you look into those but I remember ending up in some yoloQ with you prior to my PVE hiatus if you remember my guards name Necitor. Hit me up if you want to talk more.
Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/cmm5bx
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_UD_X2dBqSul3NhKWNwRBQ
I have played with all of these guardians. And by my account of them, they are all super solid guardians.
Team Lead For Radioactive [dK] B Team
What about me? :O hahah XD
Just Joking mass
and you as well joker
Team Lead For Radioactive [dK] B Team
Will be contacting people about playing as time goes on, may take a few days to get back to you. Anyone else is still welcome.
I have over 3000 games on guardian. Does that account for anything? Gw2Esports
It gives me an idea for how quickly you learn based on your current level of proficiency at the class and amount played.
-available on weekends and any day after 5pm server except Tuesday and Thursday.
-I’m a college student studying computer science. I mainly play WvW where I run in small man havoc groups, but I play PvP a lot as well and typically hover around the top 500 NA team q.
-currently about 400 games on guardian, playing both bunker and dps meditation, but mainly bunker.
Anytime after 7 Eastern
R 50 Guardian / Warrior main
1105 games played on guardian (Bunk / DPS / Support)
VOIP – Ts3, Ventrillo and mumble
Let me know thanks.
hi i am guard i play mostly in spv
i have play 75 game on my guard but friend tlel me i am good at it. i would like a lot to play with a good team can you let me play with you? i have also play mesmers and elemental so i have known of other classes.
thanks you
hi i am guard i play mostly in spv
i have play 75 game on my guard but friend tlel me i am good at it. i would like a lot to play with a good team
can you let me play with you? i have also play mesmers and elemental so i have known of other classes.
thanks you
Oprah.1357 is very skill indeed i can personally recommend him 4 ur team
-To provide me a schedule
My school schedule is M-F 7AM-3PM PST, except on Tuesday I get home around 9PM PST, but after that i’ll be home before 4PM PST. I’m free on Weekends and such. I am trying to maintain a better sleep schedule on the weekdays, so I plan to sleep before 2 AM PST at minimum. School is important.
-Give me a little information about yourself
I like to dance, and I don’t rage. Currently ranked 68 in pvp. I have a positive attitude, and i’m open to criticism.
-Provide games played on Guardian/what you did in the game (if not sPvP)
1,167 games played as a Guardian, 702 games won with tourneys. I can multi-class as well, so I have experience with every other class. I know their pros and cons to provide with the team.
-Be able to speak English (at an understandable level)
Check [x]
-To use TeamSpeak 3
Check [x] Fixed my mic, so it’s more clearer.
-To understand rotations
I’ve had enough experience to understand rotations, and can adjust to what you want me to do.
-To be proficient at the mechanics of the class
I know how guardian works and it’s capabilities.
[NA]Rank 71 before April 15th, 2014 Feature Patch OG Moltres, 10k Champion Brawler, Team PZ
(edited by YourFriendMarvin.4127)