(edited by Skrairgee.5870)
Darkhaven - Ascension (Server Recruitment)
I had a fun time during our last server event! Especially the borderland races and red light green light games~ were hilarious to watch/participate in.
Our WvW guilds are fun to run with, and during the 3rd tournament and beyond proved they got a lot of fight in them.
Keep fighting Darkhaven
The Tantalus Theatre Troupe [LOOT]
Darkhaven’s WvW players are one big family, We really do work good together as a team.. Currently our guilds carry the server, which isn’t a problem for us atm but it would just give us that extra push if we could get some Pug Commanders to take over the main zerg. Our Guilds do a great job on helping the commander with anything he would need to keep moral and the tick high.
So if you think you can take over DH blob fights or are just wanting to jump on the train then come join us! We need you!
[Qrew] Leader
I recently transferred to Darkhaven with our guild [NERD]. I honestly could not be more happy to be in such a good community. The facebook page, the server forums… These guys are really dedicated. Very happy to be here. Bump for Darkhaven, and bump for the Quaggan!
(edited by Chariot.5240)
Been on Darkhaven since day one and it’s never been better. No bandwagoning, just legitimately devoted, cool people who know how to work together and love the server they fight for. A lot of talented WvW guilds that have a really strong relationship working together. Communication is excellent between commanders and zerg-busting groups.
Also pound-for-pound, we have more GvG guilds in bronze than any other server. And we’re ready to bring the fight to silver (which at this rate, should happen soon).
Also we have Zephy. WE. HAVE. ZEPHY.
Get on Darkhaven and you or your guild will never look for another home ever again. EVER. AGAIN. * eyes grow wider *
(also pls notice me zephy senpai)
(edited by Tryden.6738)
Also we have Zephy. WE. HAVE. ZEPHY.
Get on Darkhaven and you or your guild will never look for another home ever again. EVER. AGAIN. * eyes grow wider *
(also pls notice me zephy senpai)
tryden say whut ? .__________.
* goes into hiding *
The Tantalus Theatre Troupe [LOOT]
Also we have Zephy. WE. HAVE. ZEPHY.
10/10 can confirm our server has Zephy. WE. HAVE. ZEPHY.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
Also we have Zephy. WE. HAVE. ZEPHY.
10/10 can confirm our server has Zephy. WE. HAVE. ZEPHY.
Pls. Pls. Y u do dis Jorek.
I knew I felt the presence of Darkhaven’s PvF Extraordinaire somewhere. * shivers * Always lurking aren’t you?
The Tantalus Theatre Troupe [LOOT]
(edited by crudum.3278)
Been on DH since the beginning, but really only discovered WvW several months ago. What a great group of new friends I’ve encountered as I play more in WvW, in addition to PvE. DH players help each other to look good and play better.
There’s opportunity to zerg with the best, and to run small havoc groups. Play how you want is what it’s all about.
We have Zephy!
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West
Love Darkhaven! What a great community, especially in the WvW realm. Our guild [MGW] is an awesome PvE guild but we support the server and have made some great relationships with the WvW regulars. Biggest thing i can say about Darkhaven WvW is dedication and fun people to be around!
Bump for Zephy.
I mean Darkhaven. BUMP FOR DARKHAVEN.
Morning? Papered keeps!
We have Zephy, come join us! (its a girl on internet like Ana)
Hey there fellow Darkhavians. Just want to say sorry I haven’t been on much the past few weeks. I just moved and still working on settling things in at my new place. I’ll also be on during the Early NA hours 8am-1/2pm cst to pugmanned since my current shift changed to 3pm-12am. I can’t do it alone though so bump for any and all pugmanneders willing to help out!
Also i believe we do have zephy.
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
Thread updated. Darkhaven would like to welcome [Hero], [Orr] and [oops] to the server!
Welcome to Darkhaven [Hero], [Orr] and [oops]!
also… guys pls. pls.
The Tantalus Theatre Troupe [LOOT]
Congratulation to us fellow Darkhaven members we finally got in T5 (For a while)
Let us all continue supporting our server and serve it well whenever you have time.
And another thing, Darkhaven needs heavy OCX/SEA guilds/people come and join us!
Proud member of The Avant Garde [TAG]
Welcome [Hero], [Orr], and [oops]! Great to have you guys.
I also believe we do in fact have zephy. So you should definitely transfer cus of that.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
(edited by Arius.7031)
NSP would love to see Darkhaven in T4. They are one of the more skilled (actual skill, not blob-skill) servers we have faced.
Definitely consider DH, especially if you are EU. I agree with the OP’s assessment of DH’s coverage.
Northern Shiverpeaks – NSP Pride!
If we continue to do as good as we have been we will reach rank 14 by the end of this week. That will be the highest this server has ever been (maybe rank 13 at one point. not sure so i’ll check mos in a minute then edit this. lol)
Keep it up mates!
Edit: Nope rank 12 was the highest we ever hit and that was because it was the 4th week the game was out. lol We got rofl stomped by FA pretty hard then.
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
(edited by Actium.8765)
Im sorry to announce this, but members of Darkhaven, are trying to snipe the best guilds off the low tier EU servers, for there night capping and pug commanding , you dont see EU server members coming to NA to steal guilds , we cope with what we can instead of trying to make a bandwagon to a server.
Im sorry to announce this, but members of Darkhaven, are trying to snipe the best guilds off the low tier EU servers, for there night capping and pug commanding , you dont see EU server members coming to NA to steal guilds , we cope with what we can instead of trying to make a bandwagon to a server.
Sorry but my server lost some guilds to SFR before… Your statement is false.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Im sorry to announce this, but members of Darkhaven, are trying to snipe the best guilds off the low tier EU servers, for there night capping and pug commanding , you dont see EU server members coming to NA to steal guilds , we cope with what we can instead of trying to make a bandwagon to a server.
It’s patently false that EU don’t try to snipe NA guilds. In most EU threads, the first thing they announce is they’re looking for NA guilds. Where do those NA guilds come from? NA… Whether a person/group of people goes to a server to try to snipe specific guilds or not, it’s irrelevant to be honest. No matter what, if you get an NA guild to transfer to EU, 9/10 times it comes from the NA servers. Whether you targeted them or not is irrelevant, you took them.
I’m not privy to the details of this myself though, so idk if it’s even true. Just saying, don’t make a bigger deal out of it than it is. Further, posting this in our server recruitment thread is really low.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
Calabit a member of darkhaven server that is me. Currently in Ring of Fire Eu server. I neither speak or represent the whole point of view of my whole server I only represent my own. Owner of the guild Fury most of them were originaly pve or very new to the game. Been training them and running wvw ops daily to help out in wvw I also command usually at the downtime of the server usually 10:00pm or so when no one is on. I have spoken to a guild about transfering to darkhaven RA just as a conversation popped up because they said they liked fights and gvg. Now here is the thing I dont see the problem also members of your council know of this matter.
Darkhaven has been my home server since I started GW2, we have a lovely social community and a huge WvW drive right now. Come join us, we’d love to have you!
Currently, the WvW scene of Darkhaven has been more than I expected! And with the current trend of guilds transferring over to join the battles, they have been welcomed with nothing but blood at the tips of their daggers and arrows! You can still hear the lament our enemies as they cower in their keeps and towers!
Long live Darkhaven!
Darkhaven has a lot of hot chicks. It is good to be here!
Grandpa Milk – Tempest
I make Frostfire Reaper WvW Montages: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcuCvzxe6z24VyoAdXQEaJQ
Join Darkhaven…and then join Qrew. We give you high fives =D!
Thanks to everyone who came out to Darkhaven’s first singles mingle night! We had some great eligible bachelors and bachelorettes introduce themselves on our server Teamspeak. Ghost Face Trilla was a fantastic emcee and his icebreaker rounds were very well received.
Anyway, whether you’re single and ready to mingle, or already in a happy relationship, you should join this server. YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.
(edited by Tryden.6738)
Thread have been updated. Darkhaven would like to welcome [RioT] to the server!
We are still recruiting casuals/guilds/commanders to our server. Do join us and be part of our community.
Come Darkhaven! Del sucks, we have Zephy!
You should also join DH for Team Triple Lazy : D
The Tantalus Theatre Troupe [LOOT]
After this week, we’ve proven we have what it takes to stay in silver and win. The next goal is to get into T4 and be competitive there.
That’s going to require more coverage. That means:
WE NEED YOU. points at you
So get on Darkhaven. Loaded with a bunch of talented fight guilds, a really social, fun community (WE HAVE SINGLES MINGLE NIGHTS) and a lot of trash cheese roamers (just kidding, they’re not trash, but some are cheese).
What we really need are some PPT guilds and some pugmanders who want to take control of a zerg, many of whom use Teamspeak, and wipe the floor with the enemy. (We’ll be releasing a WvW compilation video of the Darkhaven Militia you THAT’S RIGHT, YOU could be pugmanding later this week.)
Whisper the people listed in this thread to talk about coming here. YOU. WILL. NOT. REGRET. IT.
I’ve updated the thread and updated person to contact for respective coverages.
We have an awesome community and a great bunch of folks, but lack coverage to stay competitive in the tier we are in.
Do consider Darkhaven if you’re planning to transfer.
Darkhaven has been such a good home for me, and my fellow guild-mates in [NERD]. The server has made it easy for me to tag up and command open guild ops, or main pug. Support keeps coming, in both kind words and followers.
Thank you Darkhaven
As of now we are loosing in T4, but only slightly. Two weeks ago GoM completely destroyed us but since then we have worked hard as a server to correct the mistakes we have made in the past. We are growing in confidence and in WvW players. I would alo like to thank all of those that have recently made the transfer to Darkhaven. Your contribution has most definitely been noticeable and though we may not say it all the time we do appreciate you giving Darkhaven WvW a chance to become your new home.
Now lets get out there and give CD and GoM a run for their money.
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
We’re giving GoM and CD a good fight. Darkhaven could use a little love still in order to keep pushing up the ranks. It looks as though T4 is where we are now. With some assistance to fill in our coverage gaps, we can move into T3.
Aerika [HoTR] – Necromancer
Dh competing very capably in tier 4, currently 8k ahead of 2nd place. We’re here, and we intend to stay. If you want an environment that is equal parts fun/light hearted and skilled/face-wrecking, Dh might just be the place for you.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
DH is a nice server, had lots of good fights against them, they are competitive, aggressive and determined
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
bump for the 15 characters.
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
DH is a nice server, had lots of good fights against them, they are competitive, aggressive and determined
Thanks for the kind words
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
thanks for the good times
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
Darkhaven is in T4 now and putting up the best fight that we can against SBI and GoM. Come and join us in an amazing matchup! We welcome all! Large guilds, small guilds, single players, and Commanders!
Also my guild could use some warrior lovin. lol
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
Oh here is our PUG zerg fighting SBI’s PUG zerg in EB. Thanks for the amazing night SBI and GoM hope you guys had as much fun as us!
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
the API doesn’t want to work. ;.;
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
DH is putting up a decent fight in T4 after many fights in T6 or below. Learning the ways of Silver as we speak. Come help with the transition. The community is super helpful and work together.
Check it out: darkhaven.us
Aerika [HoTR] – Necromancer
In terms of EU guilds here’s what we need: We need a PPT guild, in our current spot there isn’t many GvG guilds that fight during EU prime, this is do to our placement in the rankings. So if your feeling a bit outnumbered by all the EU gvg guilds you can come here and be assured your play style is sorely needed. Which also means name recognition for your guild, since you’d be the main force at that time. We would need someone who doesn’t mind being a “pug” commander as most of the EU prime spot are single players. This is a great opportunity for a EU guild to stand out amongst the crowd! My guild has about 10 EU players who would love to have more friends to play with! What are you waiting for??
EU please come help these Americans out, they need you here! We need PPT, Havoc/Roamers and just more bodies during EU time! Come be the off prime time squad!
you guys should have just told FSP to xfer over then we could all be happy. lol
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
you guys should have just told FSP to xfer over then we could all be happy.
Now there is a thought! But the GvG groups of FSP would be unhappy..at least until we bumped up DH’s rankings.
Thread updated.
Darkhaven welcomes [NUDE] and [SNKY]! Glad to have you guys here.
We are still recruiting to cover some holes in our coverage gaps! Do contact anybody in the list of contact if you want to find out more information about the server.