Empty guild/friend list
You might try the ‘Looking for…’ sub-forum.
Welcome return, and good luck.
Also, https://www.reddit.com/r/guildrecruitment/ for GW2 guild recruitment.
Hey there! If you’re NA, feel free to check us out:
Good luck
Hey! You sound like you may fit the Nude way. We are very social guild, we like new and returning players and we are running training raid groups! If you’re over 18, and an opened minded person put us on your list of guilds to consider. Our recruitment post is found here in these forums:
Hi HokeyPokey,
If you meet our age requirement (over 30), I’d like to extend an invitation for you to join our guild, Just Us Grownups.
We’re a small guild that’s built on the principle that older, mature and well-mannered gamers don’t need an extensive amount of structure to play the game together. What really sets us apart is that we don’t have officers and it’s the membership itself that runs the guild and protects itself from drama.
Here are the basics:
- We’re on the Jade Quarry server (NA) but since we’re PvE all North American servers are welcome.
- We’re a small guild that would like to remain relatively small (for the sake of manageablity)
- We have a fairly equal balance of both male and female players
- We have a fully upgraded guild hall
- We have a Teamspeak 3 server and a comprehensive and active website
We’re looking for members who are going to interact with the guild both game-wise and socially.
If this sounds like something that you’d be interested in, you can read more about us by visiting our site and reading
You can also view our recruitment post here
If you’d like to join, we have a simple application which can be found here
We look forward to hearing from you and whether it’s with us or another, we wish you best of luck in finding a guild!
Contacts: Archranis.2375 // Neksis Syxx.6983