GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bas.7406


I am setting up a TS3 server for the Academy as well so we’ll have even more TS3 space to coordinate things. Also, I bought the domain I am designing some key features that we could use as tpvpers for grouping/tournies. If you have anything that you’d particularly want, let me know. First inititiave is creating a simple public chat system for people to talk in as opposed to going to threads 24/7 and whispering.

This would be great. You are correct. I will try and get ahold of both of you with shawn so we can get everything together, and make this really easy to do.

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Michael.7382


IGN: Islindur X
Main Profession: Mesmer
Alternate Professions: Thief/Ranger/Warrior/Necro/Engie
Account name: Michael.7382
Practice Availablity: Depends of day/weekend, best to msg ingame, mostly on evenings.
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 43
Level of Desire: Active Tournament Play

NA or EU: EU

Champion: >| Illusionist | Shadow | Phantom | Legionnaire | Magus | Hunter |<
r[5x] tPvP onlY.
|>>> 2000+ Tournament Matches won, still rising <<<|

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: PWNcakesAndROFLs.8263


IGN: Atoma
Main Profession: Engineer
Alternate Professions: N/A
Account name: PWNcakesAndROFLs.8263
Practice Availablity: US, 6PM – 6AM PST
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 19
Level of Desire: Casual play, but if I can find a good team/people I would be interested in serious tourney play.
NA or EU: NA

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bas.7406


Wow, the sheer amount of volume in signups is incredible. There are some slight adjustments that will need to be made. We will be working closely with the Academy of the Mists and Android of gw2esports Guild to get everything put together.

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


Wow, the sheer amount of volume in signups is incredible. There are some slight adjustments that will need to be made. We will be working closely with the Academy of the Mists and Android of gw2esports Guild to get everything put together.

We should probably google doc this information on all players.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: loper.9034


IGN: Rae Carlene
Main Profession: Mesmer
Alternate Professions: Ranger/Engineer/Guardian
Account name: loper.9034
Practice Availablity: In the evenings after 5 PM Eastern time. However, weekends are best.
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): rank 37
Level of Desire: Active Tournament Play with a team to practice weekly or twice a week. I’ve doing tournament play where you find people you know available, and I would really love to make a step towards team play.

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


Still looking for a team, guys. Anyone wanting to join up with me on one?


GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bas.7406


Still looking for a team, guys. Anyone wanting to join up with me on one?

We are doing what we can today to put together something better than just a guild for people who want to play. Android has a guild where some of the best players are there to help coach some of the newer players we will be merging Practice Squad with the GW2Esports reddit guild, and Academy of the Mists will be setting up some stuff through their website to further help the member of the GW2 Esports Reddit Practice Squad.

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


Still looking for a team, guys. Anyone wanting to join up with me on one?

We are doing what we can today to put together something better than just a guild for people who want to play. Android has a guild where some of the best players are there to help coach some of the newer players we will be merging Practice Squad with the GW2Esports reddit guild, and Academy of the Mists will be setting up some stuff through their website to further help the member of the GW2 Esports Reddit Practice Squad.

Cool, thanks.


GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: JimmyJazz.7943


Hi there. We’re a team from Europe. Quite good individually (35-42 ranks) , but really need some Teamwork improvement.

We’d love to play with any other teams, including scrim teams… or else.

I know this guild is for players to find other players to team up, and scrim against each other. But if you guys need a team to play against, and practice together. We’re there for you.

Talk to me in game, or invite me to the guild if possible. Thanks, and nice iniciative!

IGN: Pitüfo Genio
Main Profession: Engineer
Alternate Professions: N/A
Account name: JimmyJazz.7943
Practice Availablity: 21:00 – 24:00 gmt +1
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 36-42
Level of Desire: Looking for other teams. We’re up for a fight against anyone for now, we really need the Team work practice.
NA or EU: EU

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: sephyranna.3095


I play tankier classes better because I main a necro for the longest time. I need practice on teamwork and tips on roaming classes.

IGN: Alethea Snow, Snowflakeoffury, Alana Seere, Athena Sterling, Arienne Stark
Main Profession: Necromancer, Guardian
Alternate Professions: Thief, Ranger, Elementalist, Engineer
Account name: sephyranna.3095
Practice Availablity: Weekdays at night, Pacific
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 29
Level of Desire: Active Tournament Play
NA or EU: NA

Officer of [STRM]

(edited by sephyranna.3095)

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ryan.9387


Main Profession: Ranger only
Alternate Professions: None
Account name: Ryan.9387
Practice Availablity: Days vary but online from 6-12pm est when I log in.
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 29
Level of Desire: Competitive Tourney Play
NA or EU: NA

Ranger | Elementalist

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lixion.8457


Main Profession: Thf
Alternate Professions: Ele, Necro, Ranger
Account name: Lixion.8457
Practice Availablity: Day, times, time Zone: EST 7pm-?? S,M,T,W,Th
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 36
Level of Desire: example (Active Tournament Play, Casual Play, Leaderboard hogs): Active, Hardcore tournie play
NA or EU: NA

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Synecdoche.5327


IGN: Synecdoche / Syngenesis
Main Profession: Mesmer
Alternate Professions: Ranger
Account name: Synecdoche.5327
Practice Availablity: Haphazard, evenings, GMT -10
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 11
Level of Desire: example (Active Tournament Play, Casual Play, Leaderboard hogs):
Casual play/Tournament
NA or EU: NA

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bas.7406


I believe Shawn Buell has been inviting all of you. He will be helping you work with some of the gw2esports subreddit guys to learn the basics of high level teamwork and team play!

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kasrios.7548


IGN: Kasrios
Main Profession: Elementalist
Alternate Professions: Mesmer Engineer
Account name: Kasrios.7548
Practice Availablity: No exact specific time but it would be from 7am-9pm GMT
Current PvP rank: 30
Level of Desire: example : Active tournament play
NA or EU: NA

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gadimal.7145


IGN: Gadd The Bright One
Main Profession: Engineer
Alternate Professions: Mesmer, Guardian,Warrior
Account name: Gadimal.7145
Practice Availablity: Day, times, time Zone: EST 7pm-??
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 25
Level of Desire: example (Active Tournament Play, Casual Play, Leaderboard hogs): Active, Active tournament play
NA or EU: NA

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bas.7406


shawn is inviting the people to gw2esports group, he has maxed out his invites so we need people to accept it.

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Leonschiggen.1860


IGN: Deathknight
Main Profession: Warrior
Alternate Professions: Thief, Mesmer
Account name: Leonschiggen.1860
Practice Availablity: Day, times, time Zone: Weekdays: CST 5pm-12AM Weekends: Whenever
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 35
Level of Desire: Tourneys, Casuals, Practice Practice Practice
NA or EU: NA

Deathknight NA

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: EightyEs.5873


IGN: Mayra Venia
Main Profession: Mesmer
Alternate: Professions: Engineer, Guardian
Account name: EightyEs.5873
Practice Availablity: 9 pm (GMT) – open End (usually 2-3 am)
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 37
Level of Desire: Active Tournament Play
NA or EU: EU

[TBR] Team Bierrat | Elona Reach [DE]

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Bas, find me some people who know what they are doing. I can’t sit dormant for another 4 months.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Puffo Killer.6893

Puffo Killer.6893

I’m sorry for reposting my data but I made a mistake the first time XD…anyway I was still waiting for the invite even though my account name was correct ^^…let me know ehehe ^^

IGN: Puffo Killer
Main Profession: Elementalist
Alternate Professions: Engineer (but still training XD)
Account name: Puffo Killer.6893
Practice Availablity: ITALY, and usually I’m online from 19:00 to 20:00 and then from 21:00 to 23:00 (Monday-friday), some sundays also.
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): rank 35
Level of Desire: I’d love to enter the leaderboard with a personal team (I’ve got an occasional 5 guild member team but not often), anyway I love learning in spvp and so let’s start with an active tournament team ^^
NA or EU: EU

Puffo Killer – Elementalist PEAR

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kabangers.7263


IGN: Kabangers, Celvavi, Kalisetha, Sneakey Ice Cat
Main Profession: Engineer
Alternate Professions: Mesmer, Ranger, Necro
Account name:Kabanges.7263
Practice Availablity: Weekdays: after 1am EST, Weekends: varies depending on family obligations
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 43
Level of Desire: Active Tournament Play, Casual Play
NA or EU: NA

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bas.7406


Shawn is sending out the invites as best he can. Interrupt I pm’d you a list of players!

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: twity.4732


IGN: twity
Main Profession: Mesmer
Alternate Professions: Ranger
Account name: twity.4732
Practice Availablity: Day, times, time Zone: Most Days and Times – PST
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 40
Level of Desire: Be the best
NA or EU: NA

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: BakiSaN.9281


IGN: Vatreni Traktor
Main Profession: Elementalist
Alternate Professions: None
Account name: BakiSaN.9281
Practice Availablity: All week, currently playing in the afternoon mostly, can adapt; zone GMT+1
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 35
Level of Desire: Active Tournament Play (I’m playing seriously but I don’t like chasing LB ranks cuz I like to actually play and not spend 90% of my time making a group that would dissolve after 1 loss)
NA or EU: EU

Sta ce biti s’ kucom!?

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bas.7406


I would highly recommend that a few of you signing up contact each other and put together some team practices, but we will do what we can!

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


I would highly recommend that a few of you signing up contact each other and put together some team practices, but we will do what we can!

Sounds good.

I’m going to get researching on these here guys, and develop a strategy that’ll work to make a good team.


GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


I’ll post this here again with a bit more explanation.

IGN: Arctu Spackle Yarba
Main Profession: Thief
Alternate Professions: Mesmer
Account name: Arganthium.5638
Practice Availablity: Every day (best on weekends though), 3-5, MST
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 14 (used to be a big WvW player, have since moved to PvP, so my rank is still rather low. I have clocked far over 300 hours on my thief, though, the last time I checked)
Level of Desire: Tournament play
NA or EU: NA

Hey all, I’m Arctu Spackle Yarba of the thief community. I tend to play a tankier thief spec that focuses on a less aggressive but overall more successful playstyle that has a good mix between dynamic and static advantages.

Here’s some of my play. I’m the little asura teleporting around, holding off some 2v1s and the occasional (albeit not very long-lasting) 3v1s and keeping points neutral.

I’m currently looking for the following setup for my team (may be subject to change):
- 2 Necros
- 1 Mes
- 1 more Thief

Thanks all, see you on the battlefield.


GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Canchin.5837


IGN: Repairing Data, Ohm Jah Lem Eld
Main Profession: Guardian
Alternate Professions: Ranger
Account name: Canchin.5837
Practice Availablity: Every day, except on Saturday
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard) 34
Level of Desire: Active Tournament
NA or EU: NA

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Desir.9438


IGN: Deiis
Main Profession: Necro
Alternate Professions: Engineer
Account name:Desir.9438
Practice Availablity: After 5pm EST Mon-Fri. Late night
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 43
Level of Desire: Active Tournament Play
NA or EU: NA

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: stratosphere.9401


IGN: Twistedgun
Main Profession: Engineer
Alternate Professions: Elementalist
Account name: stratosphere.9401
Practice Availablity: Around 7pm – 2am PST on most days
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 33
Level of Desire: Active tourney play/casual play
NA or EU: NA

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lukrath.6982


IGN: Lukrath, Luxrath, Ashes of Lucifer
Main Profession: Thief
Alternate Professions :all but ele
Account name: Lukrath.6982
Practice Availablity: every weekday from 7 am to 3pm for sure. rest of the day is flexible but I need to know about later times beforehand. EST
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 36
Level of Desire: Active Tournament Play, Casual Play
NA or EU: NA

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: sploosh.3601


good idea.

IGN: Sploosh
Main Profession: Thief
Alternate Professions: Ele
Account name: sploosh.3601
Practice Availablity: 7pm-11pm during the week; open end on weekend (gmt+1)
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 40
Level of Desire: +++tournament play.
NA or EU: EU

(edited by sploosh.3601)

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: mondo.9164


IGN: M O N D O / V E N T A U R / C O N S T A N T
Main Profession: Warrior/Engineer/Ranger
Alternate Professions: Elementalist/Thief/Necromancer
Account name: mondo.9164
Practice Availablity: Weekdays/Weekends/EST (GMT+5)
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 33
Level of Desire:Active Tournament Play, Casual Play, Leaderboard hogs

I really want to get into the competitive scene and this seems like a great opportunity to do so.

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sythes.7493


IGN: Zythez
Main Profession: I used to main Necromancer, but been playing alot of Elementalist lately so would consider ele my current main.
Alternate Professions: Necromancer
Account name: Sythes.7493
Practice Availablity: Day, times, time Zone: Will be pretty busy next week because of final exams, but after that i have summer break so will be able to play most of the time
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 22
Level of Desire: example (Active Tournament Play, Casual Play, Leaderboard hogs) Im mostly interested in Active tournament play.
NA or EU: EU

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: breakstar.6734


IGN: serenitie light
Main Profession: mesmer
Alternate Professions: ranger and guardian
Account name: breakstar
Practice Availablity: 1pm-8pm weedays and weekend
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): r38
Level of Desire: example (Active Tournament Play, Casual Play, Leaderboard hogs) active tournament play and leaderboard hog
NA or EU: NA

Anh Yeu Ehm /Serenitie Light
Ehmry Bay

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bas.7406


If you are having trouble getting the invite please let us know. We are doing what we can!

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


I will get a google document going for all the people who have listed their information here so we can organize a schedule. I highly encourage everyone to hop onto our ts3 server which should be listed on the guild message of the day. If you do not have a guild invite from Android, let me know or if you want to join AOTM, let me know as well, either way we will coordinate together and the TS3 server is shared among both.

I will be discussing with Shawn later today about making the TS3 more public, but we want to make sure we can handle high volume so it doesn’t crash.

Once you have the TS3 url, please invite any tpvp intrested friends or guildies to join! Loiter in the lobby, talk about stuff in general discussion or grab a room with your tpvp team. If you want a channel specifically for your team, let me know. And most importantly, NA AND EU are welcomed.

#gw2esports #letskeepitgoing

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Stof.9584


Nice initiative! This showcases how GW2 is in dire need for better grouping mechanics and communication in-game.

Main Profession: Thief
Alternate Professions: Necro, Engineer, Guardian, Ranger
Account name: Stof.9584
Practice Availablity: Weekends, GMT+1
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 34
Level of Desire: make top 1000 at least once!
NA or EU: EU

Desolation EU – Necromancer / Thief
Top 100 Solo Q for a full minute

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Exiiile.7340


IGN: Ember of Azula, Shard of Katara, Medium of Koh, Reaper of Hama, Silhouette of Mai
Main Profession: Elementalist
Alternate Professions: Necromancer, Mesmer, Thief
Account name: Exiiile.7340
Practice Availablity: Any day, any hour, -8 GMT
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 40
Level of Desire: Competitive/Pro/Active Tournament
NA or EU: NA

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ranko.2678


IGN: Ranko Hibiki
Main Profession: Guardian
Alternate Professions: Engineer/Mesmer
Account name: Ranko.2678
Practice Availablity: Sun-Fri Any time after 5 PM EST, earlier is negotiable. Sat- Any time.
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 33
Level of Desire: Available for Active Tournament Play or Casual Play, I can work with either type of team. I do enjoy competitive teams.
NA or EU: NA

Ranko Hibiki/Ryouga Hibiki

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


GN: Lovul
Main Profession: Necromancer
Alternate Professions: Guardian
Account name: Lorvul.5482
Practice Availablity: Any (for now)
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 11
Level of Desire: Active Tournament
NA or EU: NA

I’m only rank 11 for now, but I mainly did WvW. I finally found a solid build I like and I win 85% of the time in pugs (15% mainly due to having less then 5 players). Let me try out and you’ll see that I’m a solid player…..

Here is a video of me doing WvW on my guardian as a commander

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Saccharine.6513


IGN: Fullmoon Veritas, Saccharine Rose
Main Profession: Ranger
Alternate Professions: Mesmer
Account name: Saccharine.6513
Practice Availablity: PST, currently I’m available weekdays after 1600 and all day weekends.
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 14 (took a very long break after clearing pve and doing wvw early after release, been pvping pretty actively for last two weeks or so)
Level of Desire: Active Tournament Play
NA or EU: NA

I’m not committed to a specific class or role, I just listed the two classes that I’ve played the most. If the team needs it I can make, and learn any class that’s required.

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Copenhagen.7015


IGN: Mausser, Capt Havoc, Copenhagen
Main: Necromancer/Guardian
Alternate: Engineer, Thief, Warrior
Account Name: NA – Copenhagen.7015 EU – Mausser.7530
Practice: Weekends any time. Weekdays after 4pm Eastern (1pm PST)
PvP Rank: 31 (456 leaderboards)
Level of Desire: Active Tournament/PvP Guild
NA or EU: Both, mainly NA

I consider myself an above average player who is dedicated to mastering every class I play. My current guild has completely stopped doing PvP as they’re mainly a PvE guild. I’m looking to play, and even create my own team if necessary. Message me if you’d like to form a team or have me join your team.

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cellis.7846


IGN: Cellis D
Main Profession: Elementalist, Thief, Mesmer, Guardian, Engineer
Alternate Professions: Ranger, Warrior, Necro
Account name: Cellis.7846/Cellie.1625
Practice Availablity: You tell me when. EST
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 41
Level of Desire: I’m looking to join/start a team of players looking to practice together and start forming synergy to enter/win in future tournaments.
NA or EU: NA

(edited by Cellis.7846)

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: JohnnyZero.5619


IGN: Lynna Sora (Blast Liftlots, Clownshooz)
Main: Thief, Warrior
Alt: Engineer, Elementalist
Account: JohnnyZero.5619
Availability: EST, evenings and weekends
Current Rank: 30
Level of Desire: Active tourny, possibly PvP guild

I Lynna I – Thief / Clownshooz – Engineer
Turbo Seksophonic – Ele / Guitar Wolfe – Mesmer
Isle of Janthir

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: PurpleBackpackAttack.1462


IGN: infested Backpack
Main Profession: Necro (Condi)
Alternate Professions: Engineer (HgH), Guardian (bunker)
Account name: PurpleBackackAttack.1462
Practice Availablity: Most days 8pm-2am eastern
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 40
Level of Desire: Competitive tournament play, daily practise
NA or EU: NA

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: FunkyLobster.3864


IGN: gandalf skywalker
Main Profession: Thief
Alternate Professions: Engineer
Account name: FunkyLobster.3864
Practice Availablity: Mainly during 9pm-1am AEST but occasionally during the day
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 37
Level of Desire: Active Tournament Play, Casual Play

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: DumaSerap.7236


IGN: Duma Serapel
Main Profession: Mesmer
Alt Professions: Engineer, Guardian, Ranger
Account name: DumaSerap.7236
Practice Availability: Every week different as I work shifts.
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 32
Level of Desire: Active Tournament Play, Casual Play
NA or EU: EU

Also I’m currently a leader of PvP guild we have some people but missing steady roster to play. As we are all adults with jobs it’s not so easy to coordinate practice days etc. We have our own guild TS3 server, if anyone is interested in joining whisp me in game or send a msg on forum, I’m checking it everyday. Currently our roster consists of: Ele, Mes, Thief, Ranger… That is main team.