Guilds: Activate Recruit Mode!
We Are Mighty [WAM] is a new, casual, guild with view to expanding our ranks.
The guild currently has an international flavour with Irish, English, Finnish, German and Portugese players. English is the main language as it’s the only common one.
The guild was formed by active players in inactive guilds wanting to start a guild which is a bit more active, without being hardcore.
We have people on Aurora Glade, Gandra and Desolation, which limits WvW, but we are hoping that once we expand the ranks, we can have a presence across servers.
Other than that, we focus primarily on PVE, with HoT and fractals being a common.
We are happy to teach new players as much as we know and are also willing to learn new approaches to the game. We have also started dabble in PVP and have a very good guildie who is willing to develop this area.
We have a variety of experience in the guild with dungeons, guild missions, fractals and we are also hoping to start experimenting with raids and are about to go for our Guild Hall.
We currently use Teamspeak for chatting about the current mission, the weather and really bad jokes. We also have a basic website, facebook page etc etc
We arent looking to be one of the 500 member guilds, although that would be fun, but more hoping to have 50-100 members who play together, can be chatty and become friends.
Guild repping isn’t enforced, but would be required during guild activities. And the more people repping, the more we can buy for the Hall.
We would players over 18 just in case an inadvertant dirty dirty word slips during a crazy battle…
If you are interested, shout in-game….Greedy Git
Uranus Squad [US]
Hardcore WvW raiding guild
EU – Whiteside Ridge server
We kept things simple, make sure to read more in our recruitment thread or website:
- Recruitment thread on GW2 forums.
- Official website.
In-game contact: Aviator.4382
(edited by Aviator.4382)
Hello before I start stating any General info about a New guild i started. Lemme just say i was organizing my other one i had for awhile now though i wasn’t much satisfied and wasn’t exactly sure how to promote it or anything so im doing a clean slate.
Anyways the New Guild is called “Celestial Birds [Sky]”
PvE Guild mostly i hope to make this more than just PvE but over the time ive played i really enjoyed PvE as a major aspect of this game
Fort Aspenwood < Server. I might consider changing Servers to Sea of Sorrows. but im not 100% sure yet. will re-update this if i end up doing so.
There aren’t any requirements as its an open concept Guild i am hoping to see if I can find some players who can organize a Teamspeak or perhaps a Skype chat for Officers or so. (im not very fond of Teamspeak though, due to past experiences and i just refuse to use it a majority of the time)
Representation isn’t a highly enforced rule for this new Guild but if you don’t want to rep i completely understand. just make sure if u wanna participate in Guild Events for rewards and such to tag on for that.
All are Welcomed to Join regardless if your a new player browsing the thread or a veteran player looking anyways.
How to contact me? Sometimes im offline or online. my personal life comes first anyways > Canada timeframes anyways or U.S however that works, Aside from that u can Mail my charecter “A Birds Soul” if needed if your interested ill send ya a Guild invite and read the mail while im at it (if im offline) thats prob the best way to contact me, Or you can pm me if im online either way it works.
About me: Im a huge Bird Lover and very passionate specifically about Ravens although i spend most my time on games I do enjoy company from time to time but never really anything to discuss though.
I play a varity of Charecters 1 for each class atleast. but i Prefer my Druid that i play although my stats are often critisised for playing a Soldier based stat than the usual Berserker or what “others highly reccomend” but my playstyle i feel works for me and comfort. Another thing about this Guild is that u have the freedom of thought to experiment and enjoy ur own Builds w/o too much dis-respect for it.
I don’t think i have anymore to Type. so if your Reading this give my new Guild a consideration. ur allowed to join 5. so if my guild happens to be one of them then I welcome ya into the flock
~ Freedom is as high as you can fly but once ya reach the Heavens your truly home ~
Guild Name: Suicidal noobs [Sn]
Guild Website: (we are using facebook )
Home World: Piken square
In-Game Contact: Eteroox.2567 or furkich.3509 ( if we are offline you can alawys contact us via facebook ) or you can mail me here
Focus: PvX ( main focus PvP)
Teamspeak server ip and channel : , Suicidal noobs
Our Guild
Sn is new PvX guild with main focus around PvP . We are looking for players who are experienced in PvP . We are planning to form ranked teams and are looking for ppl who can play multiple builds on single class.
We are looking for:
3 rangers2 rangers- 3 warriors
- 4 necros
- 4 eles
- 2 thieves
- 2 mesmers
- 4 guardians
3 revenants2 revenants
You need to be at least in emerald and have lvl 30+
We prefer mature players and are looking for 18 + players . We are looking for polite and active players which can respect our rules:
- when you enter the guild introduce yourself in few words
- people who are AFK more then 3 days will be kicked unless they announce it to leader or co-leader beforehand ( this rule does not apply to holydays ofc
- the most important rule is to behave . We are not playing this game to feel uncomfortable and ppl who are rude will get instant kick from guild
- you must have teamspeak installed
If you need any additional info you can ask in post on facebook reserved for it
See ya in game !
(edited by eteroox.2567)
Fuzzies is a small/medium sized guild searching for quality players for it’s raid team. We are a friendly based guild, whom are extremely helpful and the majority of us play daily. We mainly focus on pve related content however at times we do occasional pvp/wvw, as there are a few of us whom are very interested in both types of content. The guild’s main focus currently however is raids. Our goal is to create a dedicated community of raiders to defeat the bosses weekly to develop a looting process of raids.
We mainly run fractals on a daily basis and our raids are conducted Friday and Saturday evenings. We have a guild hall, and encourage doing events together, world bosses, map exploring etc. Our general raid times are currently 7:30pm est, and around 1:30am gmt for UK players. There are also a few players playing the gmt 10 zones which ranges from around 11:30am -1:30pm.
Our requirements are as follows:
1. Respect everyone in the guild, its all fun and nice to have a joke but please do not get carried away.
2. We would much prefer mature players so 18 age is ideal
3. We are using vent atm however – plan to move to discord, TS3 the reason for this is that our vent channel is a paid version.
4. YOU MUST BE FRIENDLY AND WANT TO HAVE FUN! we are fuzzballs after all
5. We would much prefer our raid team to have ascended gear, however it is not a huge deal at this time, if you do not currently have a set DO NOT WORRY. We encourage working towards them and we hope to get at least 1-2 raid bosses down each week to help gear our team faster. Please do note however that ascended gear – does make a difference as we progress through the raid wings and we do encourage our members to work towards gearing their toons as quick as possible.
6. It is strongly recommended and encouraged our raid members – Research boss fights etc. That means videos, guides and so forth. We also encourage getting some practice in! So if you can get a pug in if you play daily, do so! the more practice the better! If you get a boss down with a pug great! You do not need to worry as you can still attend our raids.
7. We do not have a 100% rep policy however it would be nice to see players rep during our raids.
8. It is strongly required players, come prepared for raids – please ensure you have checked your foods/oils and have them ready, builds etc before entering. That way we can begin immediately.
9. If you plan to take part in the raid – please try to be on 10-15mins prior.
10. Adaptation to boss mechanics, we understand that some people may be new to raids, so we will tell you exactly what to look for. It is however encouraged you research the mechanics or know how to adapt very quickly, at the same time keep up your dps rotations.
11. -COMMUNICATION – If you are playing an important class like druid, call out where your heals will be. If on chrono, call out your alacrity wells and so forth. Don’t worry we aren’t going to yell at you if you forget callouts or forget to move somewhere you are needed, however we encourage friendly communication and guidance. DO NOT ABUSE MEMBERS FOR ERRORS – instead help guide them and explain how they could of improved the situation so they perform better the next time.
12. Know your class and try to learn as much about it as possible. eg. Chrono should know how to use continuum split, and using it in optimal situations, Druids could run entangle for red seeker control.
We sometimes have more players than needed for raids on at 1 time so with new recruits we would hope to form another team to raid each week alongside our current team.
Currently seeking:
Condi wars/ engis
PS wars
Healers (prefer druid, however eles – other classes more than welcome)
Tank (we currently have a few however in the event that 1 cannot show it is always nice to have another)
If you do not meet 1 of these types we are after, do not worry as we are happily accepting all classes and we will definitely push to fit you into the team.
Please note: If you play multiple classes/roles – inform us! we’d love to know so that we can fill roles faster. HOWEVER WE WILL IN NO WAY FORCE ANYONE TO PLAY A ROLE THEY DO NOT WISH TOO. We strongly disagree with elitist attitudes and encourage different options and opinions from our members.
Because our guild is small we have not had a lot of time to make progress through the raid due to having some players unable to play at certain times due to work/study etc. However all of the current members who have participated in our raids are all experienced. As a group we have almost defeated VG many times, and are hoping to have it completed soon and eventually downed on a regular basis.
Note however: We do have members who have defeated VG and Goreseval and our main raid leader whom has defeated VG on multiple occasions. Some members of our guild have had past experience in raiding for different games 3-5 years worth. So you do not need to be discouraged in relation to progress.
If you are interested in joining our guild please contact our Raid leaders:
If none of the leaders are on, feel free to post on our forum Fuzzies is a small/medium sized guild searching for quality players for it’s raid team. We are a friendly based guild, whom are extremely helpful and the majority of us play daily. We mainly focus on pve related content however at times we do occasional pvp/wvw, as there are a few of us whom are very interested in both types of content. The guild’s main focus currently however is raids. Our goal is to create a dedicated community of raiders to defeat the bosses weekly to develop a looting process of raids.
We mainly run fractals on a daily basis and our raids are conducted Friday and Saturday evenings. We have a guild hall, and encourage doing events together, world bosses, map exploring etc. Our general raid times are currently 7:30pm est, and around 1:30am gmt for UK players. There are also a few players playing the gmt 10 zones which ranges from around 11:30am -1:30pm.
Our requirements are as follows:
1. Respect everyone in the guild, its all fun and nice to have a joke but please do not get carried away.
2. We would much prefer mature players so 18 age is ideal
3. We are using vent atm however – plan to move to discord, TS3 the reason for this is that our vent channel is a paid version.
4. YOU MUST BE FRIENDLY AND WANT TO HAVE FUN! we are fuzzballs after all
5. We would much prefer our raid team to have ascended gear, however it is not a huge deal at this time, if you do not currently have a set DO NOT WORRY. We encourage working towards them and we hope to get at least 1-2 raid bosses down each week to help gear our team faster. Please do note however that ascended gear – does make a difference as we progress through the raid wings and we do encourage our members to work towards gearing their toons as quick as possible.
6. It is strongly recommended and encouraged our raid members – Research boss fights etc. That means videos, guides and so forth. We also encourage getting some practice in! So if you can get a pug in if you play daily, do so! the more practice the better! If you get a boss down with a pug great! You do not need to worry as you can still attend our raids.
7. We do not have a 100% rep policy however it would be nice to see players rep during our raids.
8. It is strongly required players, come prepared for raids – please ensure you have checked your foods/oils and have them ready, builds etc before entering. That way we can begin immediately.
9. If you plan to take part in the raid – please try to be on 10-15mins prior.
10. Adaptation to boss mechanics, we understand that some people may be new to raids, so we will tell you exactly what to look for. It is however encouraged you research the mechanics or know how to adapt very quickly, at the same time keep up your dps rotations.
11. -COMMUNICATION – If you are playing an important class like druid, call out where your heals will be. If on chrono, call out your alacrity wells and so forth. Don’t worry we aren’t going to yell at you if you forget callouts or forget to move somewhere you are needed, however we encourage friendly communication and guidance. DO NOT ABUSE MEMBERS FOR ERRORS – instead help guide them and explain how they could of improved the situation so they perform better the next time.
12. Know your class and try to learn as much about it as possible. eg. Chrono should know how to use continuum split, and using it in optimal situations, Druids could run entangle for red seeker control.
We sometimes have more players than needed for raids on at 1 time so with new recruits we would hope to form another team to raid each week alongside our current team.
Currently seeking:
Condi wars/ engis
PS wars
Healers (prefer druid, however eles – other classes more than welcome)
Tank (we currently have a few however in the event that 1 cannot show it is always nice to have another)
If you do not meet 1 of these types we are after, do not worry as we are happily accepting all classes and we will definitely push to fit you into the team.
Please note: If you play multiple classes/roles – inform us! we’d love to know so that we can fill roles faster. HOWEVER WE WILL IN NO WAY FORCE ANYONE TO PLAY A ROLE THEY DO NOT WISH TOO. We strongly disagree with elitist attitudes and encourage different options and opinions from our members.
Because our guild is small we have not had a lot of time to make progress through the raid due to having some players unable to play at certain times due to work/study etc. However all of the current members who have participated in our raids are all experienced. As a group we have almost defeated VG many times, and are hoping to have it completed soon and eventually downed on a regular basis.
Note however: We do have members who have defeated VG and Goreseval and our main raid leader whom has defeated VG on multiple occasions. Some members of our guild have had past experience in raiding for different games 3-5 years worth. So you do not need to be discouraged in relation to progress.
If you are interested in joining our guild please contact our Raid leaders:
If none of the leaders are on, feel free to post on our forum
Lobster Lords [LLS] is an Australia(AEST) based PvE guild. Raids are a big focused at the moment but dungeons and fractals are also on the table. There are some members into PvP so that’s also something we do to but mainly focusing on PvE Raids. Since we don’t do WvW much servers don’t really matter but we do prefer people in the Australian Eastern Standard Timezone. We have Lost Precipice guild hall and Dischord voice chat (working on getting TS with enough players)
Contact Bobfish or NormalNormy via mail or PM for any additional info or invitation.
(edited by NormalNormy.4261)
Long Charr Style [LCS]
A new guild ready to build up with players new and old to the game. We are mostly active during night time in American time zones, but everyone is welcome to join us. We are currently a small guild but we are working to grow into a good community of players who can be called on at anytime. Most players are on Borlis Pass server.
PvE – you can whisper anyone in the guild for help or ask for help in the guild chat, and one of the guild members will be more than happy to help out. Doesn’t matter if its Fractals,Dungeons, or World bosses we help out.
PvP – We welcome guild members to team up and dominate in PvP. If you want to team up ask in the guild chat or whisper.
WvW – 2-3 of us party up on WvW on Borlis Pass server. It’s nothing major for us at the moment, but if your a player that loves WvW come join us and team us a few things about it.
Guild Missions – We try to work out times that work for everyone. If we have enough people who want to do guild missions at the moment we’ll launch one but we are still working on set times.
Leave your GW2 username here or drop an in-game mail to sage.1473 for an invite!
We look forward to the new members
About Elite Tryhards
Elite Tryhards [ET] is a new guild based in Aurora Glade looking for PvPers and socials available for PvP orientated guild missions on Sundays around 5pm Greenwich Mean Time.
No requirements needed!
TeamSpeak (
(edited by Astral.2658)
Hi everyone!
My new small and casual guild Crimson Scars [CS] is recruiting and looking to grow.
Pretty much anyone is welcome but a bonus would be a LvL 80 character.
We are a PvX guild focused on PvE. We are located on Gunnar’s Hold server in EU.
Our activity is pretty varied but we are active mostly on weekends and weekday evenings. I’m planning on doing weekly guild missions on Saturday evenings around 6-8pm Gmt.
Most of what we do in game is farming, world bosses and fractals. Raids will be a thing as we gain strength. I’m also hugely into PvP and I do that a lot. We have also started an expedition to Gilded Hollow but have not managed to clear it because of the lack of manpower.
Discord is what we use for voice comms.
Feel free to ask me anything about the guild!
Contact Info: hullux.1487
We are the Royal Order of Fun Lunatics [ROFL].
We are a small, casual guild located on Henge of Denravi. Our focus is primarily PvE, and a couple of us have played a little bit in PvP. We may add WvW if/when there is interest in doing that.
We want to build a community of friends who are happy to support and encourage each other. We’re an adult guild (18+), and we welcome newcomers and veterans alike. We currently have 4 members, and we’d like to eventually have around 30 to 50 members at most.
As our name says, our guild is about having fun! It’s nice to win, but we believe the fun is in the adventure and the experiences along the way. We don’t attack, embarrass, or hassle people about their gear or stats. We just hope everyone will do the best they can and have a good time.
We don’t have any rep requirement for members below officer level, but we hope those who join us will want to represent as often as possible. All leadership ranks require 100% representation (except for a personal guild bank), and we do require all members to represent the guild during our missions and activities.
We’re based in the U.S. in the Mountain Time Zone, but players from any server or time zone are welcome to apply to join us. On weekdays we’re active at different times throughout the day. Evenings and weekends are more active, and we do weekly Guild Missions on Sundays at 1:00 PM MST (8:00 PM GMT).
We currently have a Guild Vault, Armorer, and Weaponsmith, and we’re doing our best to claim our guild hall. We use TeamSpeak 3 and have our own server.
Some of our goals and vision for the guild’s future include: having fun guild activities – such as lotteries, games, parties and celebrations; building up our guild hall; and eventually, forming groups for raids, fractals, dungeons and world bosses.
If we sound like the sort of guild you’re looking for, and if you’d like to be a part of helping us grow, please visit our website at
If you have any questions you can contact the guild leaders, Little Leota.5849 or cyberfew.2054, via in-game mail.
(edited by Little Leota.5849)
Christian Guild: Legend Of the Risen Dead [LORD] is recruiting
PVE Mostly Guild looking for relaxed, casual, and respectful players.
Missions, Raids, Fractals, Dungeons, Jumping Puzzles, and anything else.
-Lvl 21 Guild Hall with lots of buffs, conveniences, and more
-Teamspeak 3 up 24/7 IP:
(Website/forum’s with; facebook coming)
-Played Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 for over 10 years experience
-450+ Members (Regulars growing fast, usually 10-30 on at one time.
-Trying to bring back Cantha with the Guild Theme (hey, we can all dream..)
Poke me in game for an invite to come check us pressure to stay
Risensoul Shockwave: Guild Leader
(edited by Risensoul Shockwave.1564)
Knights Who Say Eh [KWSE] is a casual guild for adults who don’t always have time to play. It started off as a small group of seven friends who have been playing off and on since head start. We’ve decided to focus more on the guild with the new content and have begun recruiting and have grown a little bit. We do a little of everything and are mostly-based on Tarnished Coast. We have a guild hall and have been working on upgrading it.
We are laid back and helpful group of players, and just enjoy having fun playing the game. You don’t have to rep 100%. We’re a bunch of adults (late 20’s-early 30’s) so sometimes life happens and you don’t get to play as much and we understand that but when you do have time to play- it’s nice to have a group of people to play with.
We primarily play in the evenings and weekends EST. PvE, Guild Missions, Dungeons and even a little PvP and WvW. We just unlocked the arena in our guild hall so we have been beating up on each other because, why not?
Come join us, have some fun and relax! Contact me in game for more info or an invite.
Hope to see you soon!
Tyrs Paladium is a renowned multi-game, drama free, zerg free guild for gamers 30 years of age and older (most are early 30s-70s+) that has expanded to the Guild Wars 2 game and community.
We are an American guild with an international/Euro flavor. We are happy to arrive in the Guild Wars 2 community, and are seeking new blood. We plan to have members on at all times, but left & right coasters (from California to New York) in the US should find plenty on during peak hours.
Here’s your chance to start with a known guild with a household name in DDO, Neverwinter, and Sword Coast Legends (8+ years old guild) and help build our Chapter here in Guild Wars 2 from the ground up.
Demographics: We are looking for Americans and Eurozone players who are:
- seeking great adventure and camaraderie with like-minded players.
- looking for a NO DRAMA GUILD.
- who enjoy teamwork.
We will be a decent sized guild, yet we’ll run it tight knit. We believe in helping each other, and most of all having as much fun as possible while we play.
“We play hard, laugh hard, and play it old school, with much respect to the
camaraderie found in tabletop D&D of years past.”
We have one of the most active guild websites possible, created by and for guildies only. On this site, you will find plenty of game tips in the Tyrs Library, sign up for scheduled raids in the Tyrs War Room, shoot the * in the Tyrs Tavern, or listen to our esoteric MP3 player in the Tyrs Mosh Pit! And that’s only a mere taste of Kargon’s Tasty ham! You will ALWAYS find good times and a helping hand in Tyrs Paladium.
If you’d like to join, head over to Tyrs Paladium Guild Site and submit an application.
- Aandre
We enforce our drama free policy.
PS: We will have a contingent of current military and veterans. We are a patriotic guild, and are proud of it! We always appreciate and remember our heroes who fight for freedom all over the World, regardless of country of origin. We sincerely thank you. /salute
(Naturally, you do not need to have served to join our guild. We just like to appreciate those who risk their lives to protect our freedoms that we enjoy, and to remember those who gave it all.)
No Drama. Cameraderie. TEAM Focus. Ages 30-70+
That’s the TYRS way.
(edited by Aandre the Giant.4615)
- Ascalon Shiverpeak Alliance, looking to form a large empire!!*
We are a PvX guild, looking for players new and old, the only requirement is that you represent the guild on your main character at the very least, 100% rep is preferable. We are mainly based in the Sea of Sorrows server and work around the EST Zone, we have a Teamspeak room in the official Sea of Sorrows Teamspeak server.
Please, don’t hesitate to join, add and message me in game if you’re interested in helping form an amazing guild; ChristKicker.1067
I am willing to give instant promotions to people who can show good leadership and willingness to recruit and make the guild a better place for newcomers and veterans alike.
| | Ascalon Shiverpeak Alliance | Sea of Sorrows/ EST Zone | PvX/Everything and Anything | 100% Rep (Preferable)/Main Character Rep | Voice chat is available! | | |
Sinister Empire [Sin] is a small international semi-hardcore PvE guild with members who enjoy playing the game while clearing any type of group content fast and with ease.
We are looking for some more active as well as ambitious players for PvE – especially raids and high-level fractals. An interest in guild halls is a plus, our current guild level is 20.
Raiding happens on a fixed schedule and mostly fix setup so you can always plan the week ahead.
We intend to keep the guild small and while we don’t have a 100% rep rule (WvW, PvP and Bank guilds are fine) Sinister Empire [Sin] should be your main guild.
What we can offer you:
- Daily Fractals
- Guild Hall (max. Guild Enhancements)
- Fast Guild Missions every week
- Raiding on a fixed schedule (4 times a week)-Teamspeak
- Small, helpful community
- Spirit Vale Progress: 2/3
Our requirements:
- Be friendly, fun and always try to improve
- Activity in raids and other group content (PvP, PvE)
- Some prior experience in dungeons/fractals
- 2-3 Characters with minimum ascended weapons and trinkets
Want to join?
If you’re interested in joining us you can either reply here in the thread or simply send an ingame message to:
- JudasCarnage.2850 (Judas Carnage)
- Bull.4532 (Tannassa)
Tempest [PvX] [NA]
Tempest is a newly formed guild as of the date of this post. Looking for fun, active, English-speaking players to help build and shape this guild to be one of the best. The goal is to be the greatest bunch of people you’ll ever meet and to have a non-trivial presence in the gaming community. New, returning, and veteran players are all welcome.
I am extremely active and resourceful, and I will be devoting much of my time to building this guild. Together, I’m sure we can build something extraordinary.
I’m starting fresh, so people interested in being a part from the very start, mail me quick!
If you’re interested in starting something awesome, let me know in game!
Whisper or mail me.
sihrc.5487 [Sihrcx]
(edited by sihrc.5487)
Confederacy Of Wintersday [CoW]
This is a small guild just looking for more active players to join in and help acquire a guild hall soon.
When we get enough people we will start actively participating in guild missions.
Send me a message here or in game. I will invite you.
Thanks from the Snowman!
Greeting players! Since the release of the Heart of Thorns expansion we have seen an influx of old and new players returning to the game. For those of you like myself who would like some company on the day to day events and adventures I would like to introduce you to Chronocide. [Chro]
Chronocide was established as a place for players new and old to come together and flourish into a humble and active family. This small but friendly group of oddballs, anti-social nutjobs, and misfits have collaborated and synergized to forge the sturdy basis on which to evolve and enhance. This is a PVX guild. Anything we can do, we will.
If this sounds remotely like what you are interested in or are just interested in taking a chance at something new then I would urge you to shoot xFirstsight.2439, celesticidal.1097, CJ the viking.1847 or Twisted.9285 a message.
(edited by Twisted.9285)
Name: Sugar Rush Gone Turbo [SRGT]
Gameplay Choice: PVE with a bit of PVP, WvW,
Server: Darkhaven (Required to join)
Active Time: 6pm till 10PM MST is a standard time frame most days
Contact info: Xrrann.3750
Number of members: Just started recruiting 3 members
Anniversary: Guild has been created for a while, just did not want to invite until now.
Other Info:
Must have cute candy or food like name, just like the racers in Wreck It Ralph
Casual gamers, but serious about our game time.
This guild was founded on the ideals of having fun. No Cuts! No Butts!, No Coconuts!!!
Don’t be a Stink Brain!!!
Guild Goals: Guild Hall and Sweet Fun
Name: The Tyra Champions [tc]
Gameplay: PVX
Server: All!
Membership: Now over 100 members
Guild Ethos: We are a friendly fun loving guild who are always willing to help new players, but also have a strong core of veteran gamers. We welcome new and experienced players.
Guild hall: Gilded hollow: Currently working on pvp arena upgrade
How to join: Send me a mail! inch.3769
[HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We may be small (for now), but we have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead.
We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together!
This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize lots of guild missions, raids, etc and also eventually get our own guild hall.
If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!!
Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it.
Guild Name: End Game [Crew]
The site in which you should apply to join us at!!
What do we do? Whether its dancing naked, running events, fighting reddit trolls with pixelated weapons or benefiting the community we do it all!
Main areas we focus on: PvE, Raiding, PvP, Fractals, Community
Hello!, End Game Crew is a level 52 pvx guild with a current roster of 90 members (all under a month active). We strongly believe that quality of members is better then a guild with overwhelming numbers. We have unique monthly events, Weekend Meta-map runs, Tons of Giveaways, Pvp Events and is currently branching into WvW on Jade Quarry. If you wish to apply for WvW it is recommended you are from Jade Quarry!. Keep in mind we are 100% Rep to ensure and support a strong community! Please visit our site for more! Website information
Please fill out an application on the site in order for us to contact you! Replying below will not get a respond to a request to join as we wish to select from a specific application process thank you! and hope to see you ingame!
(edited by Bulwark.2386)
The Nuinqua [Nuin] is a small, casual guild housed on Tarnished Coast, but we accept applicants from all NA servers. We are headed by Darkahn and Silvaria, a husband and wife team who have been around Guild Wars 2 (and Guild Wars 1) for years.
As a guild, we offer a fun, mature, laid-back environment in which to enjoy Guild Wars 2. Some of the important features of our guild include:
- Dungeon mentoring
- Stress-free Fractals, with no pressure to push our fractal levels higher
- Helpful members willing to mentor newcomers to the game
- Veteran players looking to explore more group-oriented end-game
- Exploration and Jump puzzles
- Hero Point unlocking
- World Events, Map Metas, and Boss Farming
- Varied play schedules, as we have members in a variety of time zones
- Arena game nights, 1 v 1+ training, and WvW for Tarnished Coast members
- Competitive Arena team forming (Application required)
- Mature dialogue in chat
- Privately hosted Teamspeak3 server for voice chat (login credentials in Guild MotD in-game)
- No Represent requirement or Participation quotas
- Currently approximately 80 members
- Forming a casual Raid group
If this sounds like a good fit and you would like to be considered immediately for a place in our guild, please visit our website and put in an Application. This will give us a good chance to get to know you before sending the invitation. Alternatively, get in touch with one of our leadership in-game and we can bring you along with us during a guild activity, and the application may not be necessary. We offer Forums on our website, but require registration for an account in order to view and use them.
We’re proud to announce that we have captured the Gilded Hollow guild hall successfully! Our guild hall is now Level 15 and climbing quickly! Our typical weekly events include Jump Puzzles on Wednesdays, Map clearing on Fridays, Dungeon Running on Sundays, with guild missions coordinated on the same days (guild missions usually take place before we begin the weekly event). At this time, most guild events begin between 7-8pm EST and last until about midnight.
Check our website for a few more helpful tools! We now feature a Heart of Thorns Map Timer that can be set up to chime when a particular event is about to begin. We also have a list of Helpful Links with plenty of Guild Wars 2 resources, and a Structured PvP/Arena 101 guide for anyone starting out in this PvP game mode!
In-game Contacts
WulfgarRavenhand.2047 (PvP Officer)
Name: Stellar Remnant [SR]
Focus: Casual PvE
Home World: Ehmry Bay
Language: English
Time Zone: Central
Most Active: During Weekends and Evenings
Contact: Moxar.7561 (Mel)
Additional Info: We’re a small guild looking to expand a bit. We’ve recently obtained the Gilded Hollow guild hall and are currently focusing our resources on it. Once we have enough people, we’ll possibly move into doing raids on occasion, otherwise we’ll be doing other PvE content; such as collecting HP and MP, world bosses, meta events, Fractals, etc. We may also get a voice chat going at some point once we start raids. I’m currently working on scribe, so we can get some furniture going, but anyone else further along than I am will be welcomed to help as well. Once there’s enough people, we’ll host different events with prizes, like who can defeat a champ one-v-one the fastest, Arena battles, racing, costumes fights and so on. If you’re interested on becoming a Stellar Remnant, send a message asking to Moxar.7561.
Hurts Doughnut [HURT] is a new guild seeking members from all walks of life. We’re a casual guild, leaning more toward [PvE]. Our primary goal is simply to enjoy the game with good people We aim to be helpful and inclusive to any and all players.
Our only requirement is “Be excellent to each other.”
We do not care if you represent us, and we don’t mind if you only log in once a month.
If you have any interest please send either Fredricko.9475 or Slivzsvensv.9805 a message/whisper!
So how about it. Do you want a hurts doughnut?
2 Veteran Players Decided to start from scratch a Gaming Community and Guild
Zone of Danger [ZoD]
We are starting from scratch, no guild hall, no favor we start from 0.
We are aiming to grow into a large Gaming Community that will span over many games, and possibly into e-sports.
ALL PLAYERS WELCOMED, F2P, NEW OR VETERAN. Currently we have Recruiter Positions available and as our membership grows Officer positions will open up to Veteran Members Interested
Our Guild will focus primarily on Developing the Guild and Guild Hall, then we can head into any direction the community wants. (hell we can do everything if we have enough people)
- Have a dirty mind
- Be reasonably active in the community.
Server: Fort Aspenwood (used for WvW only, if you don’t plan to WvW then this doesn’t matter)
Language: English
Time Zone: North American Evenings/Nights
VoIP: GameVox (It’s free, better and more secure than TS3 and Mumble)
Official Website:
We will be working out of a Steam Group as it has everything we need.
Contact: SqualZell.7813
Shoot me a whisper or a in game mail.
Welcome to the elite, even though me and my SO mainly focus on the main game and dlc. we do it all – PVP, WVW ect ect. I want to get more in the PVP and WVW then he does but alas, to each they’re own.
We aspire on having zero tolerance for trolls, haters, those who dont accept ALL diversity. I welcome age 18+ members to the clan and guild, experience doesnt matter, level doesnt matter, being in another guild doesnt matter to me. As long as your friendly, enjoy some banter and have some form of humor.
Though me and my SO have built this all on the grounds of being ruthless, fast, brutal and loud……that doesnt mean stealth based styles arent allowed, I welcome all class types as I’m sure most guilds do, course I may sum it up easier – open recruitment.
You may contact us via the methods below -
Skype: loveheart1988 (even if its just a quick messege, dont need to add me)
Whisper in game or mail:
Guild Leader: Toy Foxy Mangle
Officers: Glitch Scrapmaker
PVE (EU) The Forgotten Vanguard wants to remember you
Do you have a dirty mind? Do you like to pretend you’re the pinnacle of modesty?
The Forgotten Vanguard, the home of sensual hypocrites. Join us, we have suggestive chandeliers.
Are you a casual player wanting to nibble at the bite sized wonder of the fractal ladder? Do you just want to munch on those wooden steps until you reach the top and then slide your way down like a fireman just for the heck of it?
Are you still a dungeon pioneer despite the drop in monetary gain, all for kittens and giggles and the company? Are you tired of being a pug, and just wants to join in a ts channel where everyone’s an adult, but fart jokes are still a reasonably acceptable form of humor and no one can say the word “boob” without a round of applause?
Do you enjoy strange analogies and disjointed conversations? Do you enjoy weekly schedules with evening activities on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays with a pleasant romp in the middle of Sundays for guild missions?
You might be looking for us. Here at the Forgotten Vanguard we are all those things, and more. After something of a snafu around Christmas where we had to fight both Christmas stress, relatives, old fat guys with a taste for house breaking and our own battered memories, some of us lost the battle and perished into the purgatory we like to call real life. However, we, the resilient few, are back, and more than ready to start anew with you in our midst.
We have a 2 week trial period. Be ready.
Valid Invalidations [Err] is recruiting!
We are a brand new guild focused around casual PvE and occasional PvP who wants you! Right now we are just a small guild, however as we do have plans to grow and branch out into more hardcore PvE like high level fractals and raids. We may also delve into PvP if there is enough interest among members of making teams!
Current Goals: Recruitment, Guild Hall Upgrades
Future Goals: Raid teams, PvP teams, Organized Guild Events
Current Guild Size: 15+
Active Hours: Nearly all hours of the day, and usually lasting through the night!
Guild Hall Level: 10
Voice Coms: TeamSpeak3
Rep %: We only ask that our members chat and participate in the guild, this includes material donations to the hall or even just staying active in chat logs.
We accept new and veteran players alike. To us, it doesn’t matter if you’re a new player (with room to grow) or a veteran who’s soloed Lupi naked without a keyboard. You’re welcome to us.
Just whisper or mail any of the leaders and we’ll tell you more about us if you’re interested
Guild Leaders: Ridkal Enrealm.3280, Sinful Acts.7561, Demonic.9156
(edited by Ridkal Enrealm.3280)
The Midnight Renegades (ReN) is a brand new guild looking for active players interested in a social environment that’s both competitive and friendly.
Type of People We’re Looking for
• Any level is welcome, as well as new or seasoned players
• Friendly, welcoming, and open minded people. We’re a non-discriminatory group, we welcome people despite their gender, sexuality, race, or creed.
• Team-Oriented and active players. A type of player who wants to participate in guild events.
• Preferably People who are willing to talk in teamspeak(coming soon), willing to rep the guild (only because we’re new and would love exposure) and those who are willing to help others, as well as mature players (16+)
• People who are willing to take on more than just a player role (such as officer)
What The Guild Does
• With two leaders, someone is nearly always on to help or play the game with, as well as planning guild events.. Me (Main Koadex) and my co-leader (Main Atlas Castor) are mainly PvE players, though we both get on PvP & WvW at least a couple times a week, and are open to playing any type of game style.
• We have big plans for when our player base is larger. Such as scheduled raids, World Bosses, Guild Missions, Fractals, Dungeons and especially getting a Guild Hall. A website and team speak is also in the works for when our player base is ready.
• A social guild, interested in talking and meeting new friends.
• A discrimination free environment.
Leaders Timezone/Server
• Both leaders are in Eastern Standard Time (EST)
• Our primary server is Crystal Desert. All Servers are welcome, but Crystal Desert servers will help with a larger group for WvW
How to Contact Us
• We can be contacted for any questions or guild invites through mailing our mains, or messaging if online. Sending a message to either Koadex or Atlas Castor will be fine.
In short, we are looking for a group of fun people who are interested in competitive play with with a good attitude and a willingness to participate and help others.
Thank you for your time, I hope to see you in game
(edited by Taytortots.8612)
Hello everyone
Name: Hallow Edge [HE]
Gameplay Choice: We’re doing it all!
Home Server: Desolation (doesn’t matter which server you are from, this is just where I am)
Contact: mail Alkarinez.9380 in game
No requirements to join, everyone is welcomed, new players included. It doesn’t matter if you can’t represent 100% or if you can’t be online a few days. Most activity (unplanned as it is) is happening in the evening of european-ish time.
If you want to join a laid-back guild, where you can learn a lot from someone who spends too much time on the GW2 wiki (cough cough), mail me or whisper in game (contact written above)
See y’all in game
Hey everyone
Name: Asguardian Legends [AGLS]
Gameplay: PvX (mostly WvW)
Home Server: Sorrow’s Furnance
Contact: Mathias.4678 in game
Aside from the 18+ age requirement, we require rep during WvW and guild missions.
We’re a small guild going through the server transfer to Sorrow’s Furnace and looking to add to our roster with varying skill levels of players for WvW. We’re quite laid back overall. If you’re interested in joining or have any questions feel free to send me an in game mail or whisper.
Thank you,
Team Blank [TB] is a relatively new guild looking for active players interested in a fun and friendly guild environment which aims to provide a roster of players keen to help each other and excel together.
Who can Join Team Blank?
Team Blank accepts members of all levels and experience. Our current roster consists of both veteran players who have been with guild wars 2 since day one and completely new players who have only just started. We aim to provide a friendly and helpful environment with a roster of players that can run content and excel together.
What does Team Blank do?
Team Blank runs a majority of currently relevant PvE content such as Dungeons, Fractals and Meta events. The guild also often runs casual PvP matches and has a guild team. We will often decide what to run based on the needs of our guild members and try to make events into a fun time with voice chat and banter being provided. We also run weekly guild missions and have obtained a level 16 guild hall with multiple upgrades which you can utilise.
Time Zone, Players and Server
A majority of current members reside in Australia on the Kaineng Server however players from all countries, backgrounds and servers are welcomed however do keep in mind however that the guild will operate based on (UTC +10) Brisbane time. Most organised guild events happen around 9pm but many improvised events occur between these events as well. Many current players are college students or around the 20-25 ages group however members of all ages are welcomed.
How to Contact Team Blank
I can be contacted for any further questions or guild invites through mail or messaging if I’m online. My username and character name is Noctrios
TL; DR: Team Blank welcomes all players and provides a fun and friendly guild environment which aims to provide a roster of players keen to help each other and excel together.
Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.
Name: Vietnamese United [VNU]
Gameplay Choice: PVE
Home Server: Sea of Sorrows
Preferred Language: English
Contact Info: iChick.8350 or Irene.3681
Hello everyone,
Vietnamese United [VNU], Sea of Sorrows, PvE guild is recruiting. We are a newly formed and casual guild looking for fun and active players from all servers. 100% representation is not required. We welcome both new and experienced players.
If you are interested, whisper or mail me
Hope to see you in-game!
Name: Falling Knights [WHOA]
Gameplay Choice: PvX
Preferred Language: English
Contact Info: Rubiks.8125
‘Falling Knights’ is a small LGBT friendly guild. We provide a place for people to make friends, hang out, chat and often organise fractals and dungeon runs. You don’t have to partake in any events if they aren’t your thing and you don’t have to represent the guild. Experienced and non-Experienced players welcome!
We have a Discord server for people to use for said events, or just as a place to hang out (
Feel free to join us if you’re interested!
If you have any questions just add me in-game (Rubiks.8125) or join the Discord server, I/We will be happy to answer.
Hope to hear from you!
Hello everyone!
My small and still new guild is Order Of Morrigan (OoM)
We enjoy doing everything from PVP to World Bosses to HP Hunting in HOT. So PvX would cover it, we like to do what our members do whatever game style that may be.
We’re EU, Underworld but all EU are welcome. Mostly English speaking but any language is ok.
We’re mostly active in the evenings, between 4 and 11pm GMT time.
My in-game contact is Warrioress.2750 and here’s a link to our website
We have a FB group where events are posted weekly.
The only rules are to be respectful to all players and never rude.
New and Veterans alike are welcome, please remember we are still starting out and may not always be very active. We are ready to claim a guild hall so once that is accomplished i hope to start more regular meet-ups.
Rep is not mandatory but very welcome.
Hope to see you in-game.
Are you new to the game, and need help leveling and understanding all there is to learn? Are you a veteran who would rather play with a close-knit group of friends than be on your own or lost in a crowd? Order of the Grey has been evolving with Guild Wars 2 and continues to welcome both new and experienced players as we explore all that GW2 has to offer! As we return from our first live Guild Meet-up in Orlando, we are looking to welcome new members.
[OrG] is based on Ferguson’s Crossing (although members can join us from any NA server) and have a presence in PvE maps, WvW battles, PvP competitions, and Raid exploration. We offer a judgment-free, laid back experience among friends. The only requirements for maintaining membership are to participate at least weekly, and to be a part of our website community. We have a self-imposed cap of 50 members, so you’ll never be just a number to us. Unfortunately, we are not able to support members on EU servers at this time.
Here’s what we offer:
*Celebrating 3 years as an active guild!
*A growing guild hall offering bonuses, items, and player created content
- A useful, informative, and active website
- A Mumble server for great planning and communication (even if you just want to listen)
- An expectation of maturity and camaraderie in a non-judgmental setting
- Friendly, knowledgeable members to assist you in your character progression, whether you’re level 1 or level 80
- Allowance for multi-guilding (although you must represent us when you run with us)
- Traditional content completion free of gimmicks and speed clear tactics
- Average membership age 25+ (minimum age 18)
- Small-team, regular WvW presence on Ferguson’s Crossing
Are we right for you? Visit our website to look around, fill out a brief application, talk to us, and decide. We look forward to welcoming you!
About Us:
Fuzzies Anonymous (Fuzzies) is a medium sized semi hardcore pve/pvp guild situated in the North American Servers. Many of our players have a laidback and friendly/outgoing personality but can become strict and serious during particular events such as raiding. All of our guild members are proactive with each other and participate together in events both related to pve and pvp. Our primary focus at the moment however is raids and fractal dungeons along with all HOT related content.
We use a discord channel for organising our events/raids but also as a way to simply hangout and have a chat. We also use a website to provide all important information regarding our raid times, events, guild missions etc, along with forums regarding all typical matters such as class builds.
The Guild chat is always lively and has a friendly atmosphere. The guild was formed by a group of friends with the idea of keeping a friendly social aspect to our guild channels along with a semi hardcore aspect.
There are a variety of players from different timezones but the majority play in EST and are very active throughout the day.
Fuzzies does not expect 100% rep however it would be nice if you repped us during our raid nights, guild missions and so forth. Afterall we want you to be proud to be in our guild.
Most of our guild members are experienced and at high levels in the fractal scales running them on a daily basis, however should you need help understanding certain levels of fractals please ensure you ask, all of us are happy to assist!
Our raids are done on different nights throughout the week and a list of our schedules and times can be found on our website forums along with the outline of what we require from our raiders and a policy.
However as most guilds we have the same basic requirements. We require our raiders to be in full ascended, have some experience with the raid, and to use Discod. Positions on all raid teams are static, which means notice is required from you if a raid night cannot be made. Those that are no-shows without notice will be removed from the team schedule and subbed for someone else. We have a guild forum which we use to organize the various teams, discuss strategies, give constructive criticism to each other, and also give an absence notice.
More important information
Our guild missions are held each Friday at 2pm EST. Our Guild leaders like to run special events each month where everyone can place in certain challenges such as a screenshot contest. Prizes can also be won from these!
If you’d like to do boss events, meta events, etc feel free to ask in guild chat you are highly likely to find someone who would also like to attend the event! Many of our members form groups in order to complete dailies each day.
We are currently in development of forming a new system to assist players in getting into their Ascended gear for raiding. The idea is to create a list of materials required for players to make certain pieces of gears and those whom have any spare can provide these at lower prices or for free for those players in need of the materials.
A new Guild’s raider policy has just been posted to our forums and it is extremely important you read and understand this policy before applying for a team. Raid leaders also have discretion over parts of the raid and therefore can set their own expectations which can also be found in the guilds forums.
It should also be understood that Fuzzies is a guild that raids, not a ‘raiding guild’ therefore we expect guildies whom raid to also turn up and participate in other events not simply show up for raids.
Tired of the same old grind guild wars? Are your neglected alts crying themselves to sleep at night? has Mossmans need for nightly hugs started giving you nightmares?
Behold (insert witty name here) Thursdays!
We will soon be having a dedicated event’s night on Thursdays! for you to have the most fun ever had before in a game! So grab your faulty gliders for some classic jumping puzzles. Choo choo choose your forgotten alts for some HoT Hp Zerging, give Dhuum a hug and apoligise for not visiting more often in GW1, Unleash your competitive side in adventures, Dare to bare naked in dungeon runs and many other traditional shenagins!
We ask our members to know their class and the combat mechanics of the game. This means we expect people to have the correct food and utility buffs on them, run the correct builds useful to the party composition, and to know your rotations, and to always be working toward improving personal playstyle and gear.
What We Are Looking For in Potential Members
1. People that want us to be their primary guild and represent us the majority of the time.
2. Are fine running the meta and can quickly adapt but also understand that metas are not always perfect and if not running the meta should be able to argue their point as to why.
3. You should be actively working toward improving your skills through the use of reading guides, watching videos, and practising rotations. Our members and raid leaders have posted suggested class builds for all types of gameplay along with raid boss guides. If you are applying to raid for our guild you must read all of the guides posted and have a general idea of all the boss fights.
4. Will be vocal in guild chat and/or Discord and socialize with their co-guildies.
A willingness to be helpful.
5. Most importantly, Respect your fellow guild members. We’re all people and we all share feelings it is important you understand this before mouthing of something that can have a horrible impact on someone.
Recruitment Team Blue:
OK now that has all been sorted lets get down to business. The team you will be applying for is Team Blue – The raid time for this group will be on a Friday evening at 6pm EST. I will leading this group with the plan to make it a full clearing group therefore I am only looking for strict and committed raiders. YOU MUST MAKE ALL RAID TIMES – unless you have provided a reason as to why you will not be attending, two strikes and you’re OUT.
A guild raid policy and my team’s expectations are both posted on the website forum as referenced above, you must read this before applying. I am currently seeking all roles and classes – you must have at minimum a set of full ascended gear for your main class and it is your responsibility that you are running the correct build, food set-up and so forth. All other rules and expectations can be found in the guilds forums.
As your leader I have fairly high expectations – I have raided for a few other hardcore and elite teams having earned my eternal title in Spirit Vale, I have participated in and lead raids in other various games such as WOW having raided with many of the top raiding guilds in this game. I have gained an insightful knowledge and skills when it comes to raiding. However keep in mind that raiding is still new to Guild Wars and I may not be perfect on immediate start! But I do know my stuff
For this groups applicants I would like members to have the same skill and knowledge of Spirit Vale as I, therefore I do require players to have either also gotten their Eternal title or have experience with Goreseval and are comfortable with Sabetha’s mechanics that said you don’t need to be an expert at Sabetha but you should understand how the cannons function and each of the mini bosses, basically you should have had a look at the guide. This helps to ensure an easy full clear each week leading up to the new raid wing and puts less pressure on me and other members of the group to continuously explain mechanics to team members. This group is going to be a full clear group from it’s early stages therefore I would expect all members to have the knowledge and experience to complete the wing. Keeping in mind certain mechanics can be explained again if need be.
There are currently a few members of the team whom have been committed to showing up to all of our previous raids and are highly skilled in their class roles and are up to Gorseval currently in the raid with a strong knowledge of the Sabetha mechanics. Therefore, I am willing to let applicants into the team if I can see they are committed to learning and excel at their class so long as these players learn quickly and progressively. Although I will post new information on boss mechanics, guides etc it is your responsibility to do your own research. Our guild actually suggest players to do pugs when they can to get some practice on mechanics as this will help us help you to become better.
At minimum you must have experience with Gorseval and a generally strong idea of the Sabetha fight.
Since the makeover of the SQUAD UI I am also seeking one or two other members of the group to help with raid leading – Basically you will be helping with calling, forming the group or taking charge should I be absent if you feel up to this task please specify in your application.
You must have discord and show up for the raid 15mins prior to start. All of your food/oils, builds should be set and ready so that we can begin immediately. These rules and policies are explained further in the forums.
I in no way tolerate elitist attitudes. You must respect all of your team members and guild members or you will find yourself out of the guild.
If you’d like more information on joining the team please contact myself Bloodspill.4052. For general recruitment into the guild and you do not have a insight into raiding, you can contact me or contact our officer Kytirra.1372 and GM’S eclectic.3891, ScoobyDoo.4639.
- Sons of Redemption (SoR)
- We do a little of everything, our preference is just hanging out together having fun!
- Focus on Fractals, WvW and Guild Missions and building our level 27 guild hall.
- We are a “do it all” guild! As long as everyone is having fun, we are happy!
- Home world is Fort Aspenwood and our preferred language is English.
- Guild Missions are every Wednesday at 8:00 CST. Other events will be added as we grow!
Feel free to contact Melira Jofri Pern (SLloyd.7629), Gia (Gianavel.3189) Guild leaders or Qoko (Deedrick.4372).
Do u like Smurfs? O_0
Dimensioneers [DIM] We are a PvX guild but mostly we gonna aim for a raid group and start building the guild from that point. So if i wanna raid is this right guild for you.
We are international guild an have Discord channel!
The leaders of the guild are me Lurvid.5108 and Aet.1908. so wanna more info and raid contact ING. cya there! girls and boys!
Valid Invalidations [Err] is recruiting!
We are a brand new guild focused around casual PvE and occasional PvP who wants you! Right now we are just a small guild, however as we do have plans to grow and branch out into more hardcore PvE like high level fractals and raids. We may also delve into PvP if there is enough interest among members of making teams!
Current Goals: Recruitment, Guild Hall Upgrades
Future Goals: Raid teams, PvP teams, Organized Guild Events
Current Guild Size: 15+
Active Hours: Nearly all hours of the day, and usually lasting through the night!
Guild Hall Level: 10
Voice Coms: TeamSpeak3
Rep %: We only ask that our members chat and participate in the guild, this includes material donations to the hall or even just staying active in chat logs.
We accept new and veteran players alike. To us, it doesn’t matter if you’re a new player (with room to grow) or a veteran who’s soloed Lupi naked without a keyboard. You’re welcome to us.
Just whisper or mail any of the leaders and we’ll tell you more about us if you’re interested
Guild Leaders: Ridkal Enrealm.3280, Sinful Acts.7561
Drogons Hell (GOT) is recruiting!
We are a small casual guild made up of close friends focused around casual PvE. Even though we are just a small guild we are trying to grow as we can’t do alot anymore with the size of guild that we have.
Current Goals: Recruitment, Guild Hall (if we can get enough members)
Future Goals: TBC
Current Guild Size: 4 active, 4 inactive (due to real life reasons)
We accept new and veteran players alike. And only ask for you to rep when doing guild missions or running with us. We are on Aurora Glade (EU) and only speak english
Just mail in game if you’re interested
Guild Leaders: solidus omega.2056 , chiana d argo.8713
(edited by solidus omega.2056)
Hello! I’ve been hoping to start inviting people to my guild (Moon Child [MC]).
We are mainly PvE, with some enjoying world bosses and others that enjoy exploring and personal quests, but some of the members are interested in PvP. We have not explored WvW. I don’t know what fractal is. Most of the guild is VERY social.
We are on Devona’s Rest, and mostly only speak english, however hablo poco espanol.
We are fairly active during the week around 6-10pm PST and most of the weekend, I would really like to start on some guild events, helping new characters level and learn to play, and generally just building a family friendly guild.
Guild leader: Max.4296
If this sounds like a fun guild to you, please, add me and ask to join when you’re next on.
Happy gaming!
[FMLY] Teaghlach is recruiting! We are a new player friendly, mainly PvE guild (though we do some PvP) looking to make good friends and have fun helping each other out. We do not require representation though it is appreciated. We have a guild hall in the gilded hollow in the process of being upgraded. Our guild’s current lvl is 6, so any contributions to help us grow is greatly appreciated but ,again, optional. The only real requirements are respect and a willingness to make new friends.
Whisper or note Biggabrudda.3641 if you’re interested. Hope to see you with us!
Uranus Squad [US]
Hardcore WvW raiding guild
EU – Whiteside Ridge server
We kept things simple, make sure to read more in our recruitment thread or website:
- Recruitment thread on GW2 forums.
- Official website.
In-game contact: Aviator.4382
Name: The Crimson Fear [FEAR]
Server: Northern SHiverpeaks
Owner: Diablo.3570
Co-Owner: Wolfpride.3506
3-Highest: Impirial.5903
Requirement: Maturity (Can’t handle: Dark Humor, and Swearing – then don’t join) and Discord Voice Chat (free) Add me as Diablo1290.8064
Have guild hall.
About: We are a newly created guild and aiming to expand and grow with old and new players.
(edited by Diablo.3570)
Thirsty and lonely? Join ”Make Tea Not War” today! Warning: High tea consumption may cause frequent bathroom breaks. Members also suffer from bad puns and jumping puzzle addictions.
Is a fun, laid back guild is your cup of tea? Are you able to multitask teadrinking with chat typing and adventuring? Then you’re welcome to join us! It doesn’t matter if you are a poor, single, bad smelling charr. We will listen to your life guildwars story… – if you pay some of your hard farmed materials to the guild treasurer of course.
Our weekly activities can change on demand. They are currently:
Dungeon Fungeon Monday
PvP Training/Team up Wednesday
Guild Mission Friday
Raid Practise Sunday
Shortly about us:
1. Casual PvX guild but organised.
2. We try to keep members around 100 (that were last online less than a month ago). This is to make sure that the guild remains a friendly community where everyone knows everyone. And of course to make sure that we have active members.
3. Website with tea corner, food recipies, lore talk, raid discussion etc
4. Discord (not a must for members to use – unless they want to participate in raids)
5. Members from all over Europe (you obviously don’t have to be brittish to drink tea…)
6. A friendly chat and guild environment (+ guild rules to keep it that way)
7. The members are the guild. We have plenty of officers and members that are helpful and organising/participating in guild activities.
8. The main rule at all times – Have fun and tea up!
We seek awesome looking and friendly fashioninstea’s that want to join our teaparties! Please contact me (Guldriel), Moira De Muerte or Arianna Mae for more information. Be sure you are awear of the side effects of high tea consumption before joining this guild.
Hope to see you in game! Tuddelues!
Saving Tyria Pte Ltd [SMLJ] is a new PVE Singaporean/Australian guild recruiting players to grow with us.
We have weekly guild missions, guild hall, daily fractals and spirit vale practice/aim to clear runs for members who want to experience raiding in GW2.
Our VOIP is Discord and we do live streams of our daily game plays!
Visit for more details!
Rakkenheid [RAKK] is an English speaking guild situated on Gate of Madness, NA, though we have people from many servers and nationalities who join us for non-wvw content. The peak hours are 9 pm through 1 am est, however; we would like to see people on around the clock. Rakkenheid has three requirements: 1) You must have team speak downloaded to participate in guild events (you do not have to speak, but hearing is a must!) 2) There will be zero tolerance for haters. We are an LGBT friendly guild, made up of many races and nationalities, and are looking for like-minded individuals. 3) Finally, you must be 18 or older to join. The RAKK community is an adult community, with adult language, and adult humor, typically with no filter. RAKK does not have a minimum or maximum rep policy, but would request that you rep when you run with us. Rakklings are semi-hardcore and hardcore players, with a hardcore focus primarily on Raiding and WvW. We do also complete pve content on a more casual basis.
Who we are looking for: Active players, who also have an interest in a semi-hardcore to hardcore focus on raiding and wvw. We incorporate people who are smart and determined, and we favor the “Do Et Des” system: I give so that you give.
For Guild Events, we form up at 9:45 pm Est, and begin at 10 pm Est. (See Below for description of events)
Sunday: WvW server event
Monday: WvW missions
Tuesday: Raid training / PvE Warm-up mission (9:30 Est)
Wednesday: Assist Sister Guild PvE missions, for those not on GoM or unable to make Mondays
Thursday: Core raid night
Friday: Secondary core raid night, times tba
Saturday: Real Life drinking games with various PvX events to facilitate inebriation
When asked to describe the guild, one of our members nailed it! He said, “Once you go Rakk, you never go back” Jinxy. This seems to be the case, as once members join, and become a part of the team, they stay. And though we do not have a rep policy, our regular players all rep a majority of the time. That says a lot about the caliber people we have. Above all, Rakkenheid is a gamer’s community! We were established in 2005, with a presence in many MMO’s and MMORPG’s, and have been around GW2 since launch. Our members focus mainly on GW2, but we still play other games and would love to have friends there too. Our guild hall is currently 57 and leveling, with all buffs at max. Rakklings are a great group of people, with an amazing capacity for friendship, dedication, and loyalty, as well as a wicked, if slightly twisted, sense of humor.
If you think this might be the guild for you, please check out our facebook page: or our Youtube Channel at:
You may also contact any of the following members in game: Our Guild Master – Hahn.6874, Zalura.5063, or Dreaminspace.2638
Description of events:
WvW and Missions: Monday nights at 10 pm est we complete our weekly WvW missions (for this you will need to be on the GoM server), though we also help our sister guild with PvE missions on Wednesday nights at 10 pm est, for those who are not on GoM or able to make Monday Missions. RAKK will also be hosting a server wide event in WvW on Sundays, whether it is Golem zergs, a thief’s assassination squad, or just a good old fashioned smack down, RAKK wants to increase our presence and GoM’s reputation in WvW.
Raiding: RAKK has a training/casual raid night on Tuesday nights. This group is for new raiders and our new members, and is comprised of both experienced and inexperienced raiders. There is no gear or class requirement to raid on Tuesday nights. We will introduce people interested in raiding to the mechanics of the fights and teach them what it means to work within a raid group dynamic. Slots are filled first come first serve, or by prior reservation with the raid leader. This provides everyone with an opportunity to see if they would like to pursue raiding on a more hardcore level, and allows raid leaders to evaluate players for slots in the Core Groups. Thursday and Friday nights we have hardcore progression groups, comprised of a core group of experienced raiders. This group has a very strict composition of classes, a minimum gear requirement and players must be flexible to meet the needs of the group. Our goal is to train multiple raid groups, and have some of the bosses on farm, to the point where people can log in and throw together an impromptu team and raid successfully.
PVX Content: RAKK hosts a private pvp room for dailies and training, typically has multiple fractal groups for dailies (at least tier 1 and 2, though we have several members with enough AR and a desire for tier 3), there are several members who run Dragon Stand, and were interested in getting organized lanes and DS leaders, members run for mastery points in both new content and Central Tyria fairly regularly, we have several members who pvp regularly and have shown interest in starting a league. We also do just crazy fun events, such as Quaggan or elixir parades, contests both in game and on our facebook page, and after a week of hardcore wvw and raiding, Saturday is our cut loose and have fun day! We typically coordinate real life drinking games with in game play using alternating pvx content each week. For example, jumping puzzles – the rules are simple, you fall you drink, you take a Mesmer port you take a three second chug, you don’t say “drink, drank, or drunk” or you drink, and if you drop an “f-bomb” you drink – try falling 15 times without saying the “f-bomb” >.< Needless to say, we have a blast. And we always have a spot for our non-drinking pals – because we need sober people to lead the way or be our designated rezers.
We look forward to meeting you!
Gate of Madness