I’ve been playing with a handful of friends since launch but over the year most have quit and the few that made it to 80 and the “end game” are playing less and less so now our guild is pretty much dead. Sad times, I know. I’m trying my luck on the forums now, in game recruiting/spam just feels so impersonal.
I am a PvX type person. I enjoy dungeons but still haven’t gotten dungeon master title, some paths are just not pug friendly. I give advice on paths/skips if I know any, I welcome similar advice that I didn’t know about, and I am not an elitist/full optimization dungeon runner. If you find a build that you like and works by all means go nuts, but if you’re gonna tell me “run X build with X weapons or gtfo” then we’re not gonna get along lol (and yes I have had guilds tell me I had to do that if i wanted to join them).
PvP is fun but I find it hard to take it seriously with all the current imbalances and single game type, but I do like to group up and do arenas with other people. I’m both hoping and afraid of the upcoming patch in December, but I’m hoping to get back into PvP more if the “balances” don’t create new, even worse, stronger imbalances.
I was also in a large WvW guild for a while and it was fun but they changed their rules to 100% rep time, which was an issue at the time since my IRL friends were still fairly active (they just weren’t big into WvW). But since the start of these new league things, and all those achievement points, I started to get back into WvW and have been roaming around but miss running with people. I’m not a fan of super large Zerg v Zerg and PvD, so a small-medium presence in WvW as roamers sounds great.
I dont know what else to really put in. I have Teamspeak, but I dont always use my mic, there’s a lot of dogs and airplanes and junk in the background that are picked up every now and then. I live on the west coast which is server time and only know english, if that matters ¯\(°_o)/¯ lol. I main warrior, have a ranger thats zerked out, and a necro and guardian that still need gear, but all are 80’s. I have a 40 somethin engi too, it’s slow leveling though.
I dont know what else i should put in here, these things always feel weird to write. Like a dating profile on meetsingles.com or something, SWM looking for friendly social guild…not that I’ve used a site like that before…(<_<) lol. So send me a msg on here or an in game mail if you have any questions, need more info, or just want to say “Hi” lol