Looking for Guild on Ehmry Server

Looking for Guild on Ehmry Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: ScienceTom.9237


I’ve had the game for a while now but had a small (6 month) break so I know my way around the game for the most part just looking for a small/medium sized guild that is more general fun and gaming rather than PvP as i’m not a big fan of that stuff really.

Looking for Guild on Ehmry Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: LLunatic.5280


Check your PMs

Guild Master Forbidden
Come check us out!

Looking for Guild on Ehmry Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Galliard.5768


Hey there ScienceTom,


Feel free to ask me or my co-leader about our guild – we’re happy to answer any questions you may have.

Looking for Guild on Ehmry Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Visear.7154


Hey what’s up? Lamina Scale is a relatively small and casually laid back guild. We are based mainly in emrhy bay but we do have a couple members from other severs to join as well. Due to the guesting system. We understand that there is a life outside of the game that can and will take up time so we don’t worry about how active our members are. We love helping each other out when someone wants/needs it and our only real requirement is no drama. We aren’t sure how common our idea is but we believe that you shouldn’t have to wait for an officer to be online if you know someone who wants to join with you so we allow everyone to invite members. After all, having a friend have to wait to get an invite can kinda suck, so we make sure you can invite them yourself! If you have any questions feel free to send me a msg here or in-game.

If we don’t seem like what you are looking for, feel free to ask me any questions you may have about the game in general or add me if you need help in-person, so to speak.

Learning to fly is easy. Just make sure you miss when you fall.