Looking for NA PVX/WvW guild, will Xfer
“I would also prefer a guild that uses Mumble over teamspeak and Vent. " I’m stealing you. That’s just all there is to it :p Really like the rest of your post as well.
Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP] is an international PvX guild on Tarnished Coast. Currently NA is our largest time zone population-Pacific coast-, and our WvW events start at 6pm pacific on Mondays and Fridays; looking to bring back Thursdays as well. You’d just have to check the roster for anyone roaming during other times. ESP is involved in TC WvW running with other guilds during their raids as milita or helping to set up events and server coordination.
We do use the server mumble that we use for WvW and have a guild ventrilo for special events (trying to work on the leader to keep that for a rainy day and just go all mumble >.>).
espguild.com is our website if you’d like to check us out or have any questions
Welcome back to the game
Edit: Apparently the GL and I don’t talk since he just texted me after seeing my post that he already sent you an inbox too :p ha.
Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP] Co-Leader/WvW Commander
(edited by Missy.6803)