Looking for a Guild (Level 63)
Hi Rozy
Have a read of my recruitment post and see if we would be a good fit for you
Any questions drop me a PM or contact me ingame
Hiya Rozy,
Congrats on getting to 63! Before too long, you’ll be fast-approaching the max level. =) Since you’re interested in things like dungeons and map exploration, Ember Solace might be a good fit for you. We really like helping people out with things like personal quest stories and going through dungeons. We’re also pretty friendly and approachable. I’m not sure which server you’re on, but we’re on Tarnished Coast, and you can always guest over to hang out with us if you don’t want to switch servers completely. We’re really small at the moment, but we’re looking to grow and we have a core player base of active members who enjoy helping newbies and levelers. If we sound like we might be what you’re looking for, you can check out our recruitment post and our forums (we have a small application to filter out unfriendly people and trolls). I hope you find what you’re looking for! =)
Hello here is our guild info:
From Our Ashes [Rise] is a PvX guild on BlackGate that emphasis community and togetherness. We enjoy all aspects of what Guild Wars 2 has to offer and we play pretty much all of it. Having an atmosphere of friendship will make the game more enjoyable while still having a competitive attitude. Most of us have come from different backgrounds and areas of the game, but we are all here together now and we will Rise to new levels.
We run a two week guild schedule of events that focus on different aspects of the game. We want to experience all the game has to offer and want to play through it together.
Whisper Obran, Greggerz, Bruzie, Tiffany Lockheart, or Rotti for more info or for invite. http://fromourashesrise.enjin.com/
hi there
we would like to count you in our ranks,see our site and forum and apply when you can,PM me here or in game to Berengir,Seni Zi or our site aswell,we have site/forum and ventrillo/skype and daily fractal runs and weekend guild bounty,we are the answer to the trend in the guilds now where your level and gear count more than you do,we are in Ring of Fire and one of the top 5 older guilds still active,we average 15-30 memebrs always online and ready to help out
For the vanguard
Beer n Peanuts [BNP]
Server: Eredon Terrace
Hello! We are a PvX guild, which means, we focus on PvE, PvP, and WvW. Beer N Peanuts is established to let people enjoy their gaming while offering a community to support their efforts. We’re aware that not everyone has the same gaming interest, skill level, and play availability. This is what we’d like to call “Life” and it will be supported within our Guild.
About Us:
• New to the game? – We are very friendly, helpful, and fun.
• Active – We are an active guild, most members online in the evenings EST, but recruiting all time zones.
• Website – beernpeanuts.guildlaunch.com
• Voice Communication – We use Ventrilo and Teamspeak
What We Do:
• World Bosses – We link information when bosses are up and group up to complete these meta events nightly.
• Missions – All guild missions unlocked and are done weekly by the guild.
• Dungeons- We do story and explorable modes.
• Living Story- We enjoy doing the living story.
• WvW – Guild WvW Wed/Fri 8pm ET (attendance optional)- have a small group that also runs regularly
• PvP – Some PvP activity
• Fractals – guild groups for fractals
Hopefully this answers any questions you may have. Otherwise feel free to contact me in game at: Jadefire.7642 or BeerNPeanuts.4573 or submit an application at
Also see our latest video:
Zero Negative is recruiting. We are currently on Blackgate!
We have NA / Oceanic / SEA players. We focus on WvW but do PvE in down times. Our Oceanic GvG team is undefeated and we daily pushes!
We are looking for all classes to join us. Take a look over at www.zngaming.org