Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Looking for more girls to play with
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Think it’s great to have a guild for the ladies that like to talk openly about anything and not get judged by those immature males out there that think nearly every woman should be with them just because ….. {whatever}.
Kudos! Hope your Guild takes off and flourishes. Strange you never mentioned which server to have your girlfriends on. I have a few ladies in my guild (TSR) on Darkhaven, and as far as I know, none have been embarrassed or disgraced by our members. Which server are you located on?
Thirty-mumble mature married girl gamer here. I play most evenings (6-9pm, PDT) on Devona’s Rest with my husband – the couple that games together, stays together). Other girls who want to play with their own gender are free to look me up.
VEGA Guild
Think it’s great to have a guild for the ladies that like to talk openly about anything and not get judged by those immature males out there that think nearly every woman should be with them just because ….. {whatever}.
Kudos! Hope your Guild takes off and flourishes. Strange you never mentioned which server to have your girlfriends on. I have a few ladies in my guild (TSR) on Darkhaven, and as far as I know, none have been embarrassed or disgraced by our members. Which server are you located on?
Thank you (: . I’m on Sorrows Furnace, but you don’t have to be on my server to be in the guild. As long as your in NA servers, it’s fine. (:
Girl Gamer
Thirty-mumble mature married girl gamer here. I play most evenings (6-9pm, PDT) on Devona’s Rest with my husband – the couple that games together, stays together).
Other girls who want to play with their own gender are free to look me up.
I play with my husband too, lol. It’s just more enjoyable, isn’t it? That’s usually the times when I’m on, but maybe a little later some nights. I won’t be in game until around noon or later today, but I’ll definitely add you!
Girl Gamer
Thirty-mumble mature married girl gamer here. I play most evenings (6-9pm, PDT) on Devona’s Rest with my husband – the couple that games together, stays together.
Other girls who want to play with their own gender are free to look me up.
I play with my husband too, lol. It’s just more enjoyable, isn’t it? That’s usually the times when I’m on, but maybe a little later some nights. I won’t be in game until around noon or later today, but I’ll definitely add you!
Yay! I won’t be on until after work tonight (around 5:30pm PDT).
VEGA Guild