(edited by Minigrump.4961)
Please delete. thread no longer current
Grump, Bubbles and Arome are some of the nicest people I have met in Guild Wars 2.. If you fit the criteria then I suggest you submit an application.. you would be missing out on a great opportunity if you didn’t.
bumping this
Form filled. trial me please :p
either myself or another officer will get you when you are on
bumping this majestic piece of art up :P
this guild is such a friendly place to be. such lovely and kind members. and so fun to run with.
shamelessly bumping this
yo we have a bunch of good members that have recently joined. really fun to play with
Keep applying. The members we have gotten recently have all been amazing to play with
bumping this post
once again we have a few new amazing members that have applied and joined this guild. keep applying folks!
bumping this thread
HOLD THE PHONES!!!… Ray is playing again???
he was meant to be playing again. he came back for like 2 days then left again
still recruiting
bumping this thread
bumping this thread
bumping this thread
bump, keep applying, we have got some good members and always hoping and excited for another.
Bumping this thread, lets pvp!
REN is happy to accept new members, we are looking forward to hearing from you.
Still eagerly accepting new members.
Bumping this post, liking the chill people where getting ^^ keep trying out, bring the milk
[REN] is currently looking for more recruits interested in repeatedly running Arah 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Join today!
Bumping this post, and No Slothy not everyday all day, there’s more to life then just arah slothy
my sweet Slothy. We need to take you #ArahAddictionAnonymous<3
(edited by isabellasmileXD.5304)
just once again saying this is such an amazing guild to run with
Bump. Just guested for an Arah p2 run with them. They were both helpful and efficient.
Bump. Just guested for an Arah p2 run with them. They were both helpful and efficient.
yeah that was a fun run
recruitment is still happening
recruitment is still happening
If you don’t know now you know
Do you guys do aetherpath daily? Looking for one that does it daily.
sadly that is one of the few dungeons we do not do daily
bumping because #ifudon’tknownowyouknow
Bumping, join the darkkittypvp
Hijacking this thread BUMP! (yes, I’m back for good and going to make this one of the best guilds around).
Good to have ya back Ray
Bumping this post, " yes we do PvP and dungeons"
keep the apps coming. we got a bunch of great new members
Bumping this post so much good fun here ^