[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


Updated: 8/19/15

Looking for a guild to give you the community you always wanted in Heart of Thorns? Check us out now!!!

EG Website – http://etherealguardians.com

EG Youtube Recruitment Video! – http://tinyurl.com/EGyoutube

MLG Tequatl Jokez – http://tinyurl.com/mlgteq

Guild Name: Ethereal Guardians [EG]

Guild Vision: We are looking for ACTIVE members (both new and experienced) who want to be part of a large and diverse gaming community! We have a philosophy of self improvement & teaching: we look for players who will challenge themselves and are always trying to improve their skill in the game. We will provide assistance to them via information and builds for just about everything in the game. The goal is to develop well rounded players who are interested in participating in any aspects of the game. We also want players who are interested in being part of an active voice chat community. This attitude extends in everything we do and it shows via the growth of our players!

Guild Home Server: Now accepting players on all servers due to megaserver changes! (We would ask you to be on SOS if you want to participate in guild WvW)

About Us: We are a well-established guild with roots on Sanctum of Rall from the early days of Beta testing. We have since grown into one of the largest and most active guilds in the game. We are a PVX Guild that leans towards PVE content with a laid back but involved attitude that promotes overall guild unity, teamwork and personal improvement. We also have a presence in sPvP for our more competitive players. Guild WvW events are currently conducted on SOS. We would encourage members to transfer to there if they would like to participate (not mandatory).

Historical Highlights of the Guild (In Chronological Order):

- Cursed Shore Farming / PVE Farming

- First in SOR to complete Guild Challenge (Southsun Crab Toss)

- First in GW2 to complete Langmar’s Estate Guild Puzzle

- Lead SOR community to be the third server in GW2 to beat Tequatl The Sunless

- First PVX Guild (non special interest community) to do Guild Run Tequatl Kills

- First PVX Guild (non special interest community) to do organized Triple Trouble Wurm Kills (Shoutout to DEAD
and ZOS)

- Multiple Prior Records for Tequatl Kill times in game.

- Assisting in the writing of Dulfy’s Guild Puzzle Guide & Triple Trouble Guide.

Guild Rules:

1) 100% Rep, all toons in PVE and WvW content. Temporary Rep for league PVP teams, bank guilds in LA & TTS-type special interest exceptions are OK.

2) No kittenbaggery (We have a ZERO tolerance policy regarding general misbehavior towards fellow guild members, as well as any action that reflects poorly on EG as a whole)

3) Notify us for extended absences of 2+ weeks (forum post)

4) Teamspeak 3 is required for Guild Missions, Tequatl, Wurm, Tutorials and other organized Guild Events.

*You do not need to have a mic and speak (although we encourage you to!) but please listen when we conduct missions and out give instructions during events that require high levels of coordination.

Our guild currently offers a wide range of benefits:

• Voice Chat: TeamSpeak 3

- There really is nothing better than a good community of members in VOIP. Most active in the early to late evenings in NA primetime, we often have multiple channels going for dungeons and FOTM in addition to a bustling lounge hangout. Upwards of 50% of our online members will often be in teamspeak during this peak time of the day. You’ll just have to join and see!

• 24/7 Guild Buffs

- Receive 6 permanent guild buffs daily for representing the guild, and occasionally up to 10 on weekends. Honestly, you will be hard pressed to find another guild offering this many perma-buffs to its members!

• Extremely Active Roster (500 members)

- One of the highest [active : member] ratio guilds in the game with members online in every time of the day from different regions of the world. Many guilds profess to have 500 members but how many of them have 50%~ logging in daily? Find a party or just hang out with our Guild chat and TS3 community.

• Organized Guild Missions

- Our main Guild missions are done every Saturday starting 6:30 PM EST (7:30 PM EST with Daylight Savings) by our experienced officers.

- Make up missions are on Thursdays at 10:30 EST, Sunday 3PM EST & can be done anytime upon request if 15+ members gather together!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

(edited by CHiLLiN.9265)

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


• Daily Tequatl Kills

- Our guild does a Daily Tequatl Kill on Monday to Thursday Nights @ 9:30 PM EST. (10:30 PM EST Daylight Savings) We spawn it ourselves on Saturdays after Guild Missions are completed. 100% kill rate with guild participation over voice chat! Tequatl farming has been our pride and joy for almost 2 years!

- Our Guild holds the current North American record Speed Tequatl kill with 12:03 left on timer and has posted other previous records before the FGS nerf.

• Weekly Triple Trouble Wurm Kills

- Saturday @ 10 PM EST our guild spawns Triple Trouble Wurm and kills it regularly with our dear friends and allies from [DEAD] on Blackgate and [ZoS] on Northern Shiverpeaks. Runs are coordinated over TS3 and maps are opened to LFG after we are done getting guildies in.

- We are proud to be one of the first 3 organized groups and the first PVX guild (non special interest community) that has been downing the TT Wurm with regular success on NA servers!

• Dungeon Runs

- Many experienced members willing to run & teach ALL dungeons, including all paths of Arah & TA Aetherpath. There are groups for all types of players in the guild to learn and improve their play. Disclaimer: Members are expected to have teamwork and be on teamspeak in guild runs when asked. We aim to teach people optimal strategies, proper builds and class skills (ex: usage of food in dungeon trains, class roles, bringing more optimal party composition if possible, and meta for gear – berserker’s gear not clerics). Join your party in Teamspeak and learn to become a Dungeon Master!

• FOTM (Fractals of the Mist)

- For those who like challenging content, we have members who do daily high level fractals (Level 40+) and also members who are capable of teaching tips and tricks to newcomers (Teaching sessions with low level runs).

• WvW Raids / EOTM

- Originally from Sanctum of Rall, we have moved our WvW interested community to SOS. It had been a difficult decision as we witnessed the fall of SOR from tier 1 and attempted to help the server regain some footing at the bottom of tier 7. Although we have left SOR WvW behind, we will never forget our roots there and the times we spent in that server, wishing nothing but the best for their future. We Also have people running in EOTM often!

• Lottery, Poker, & Community Events

- Test your luck with a bi-weekly guild lottery ticket now and have a chance to win hundreds of gold or custom skins!

- Weekly Poker night with the guild in teamspeak via Pokerstars. Compete to win gold prizes against other guildies and enjoy the trash talking that ensues in poker!

- Play in our fashion contests, trivia, screenshots contests, hide & seek, races and more!

Our Previous NA Record Tequatl Kill video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AVqqjc4M6I&list=PLvRGvXRezbmcQhrPaj432lpOuiNd-IFFy

One of our Wurm kill videos – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj65s08j3Z4

EG Fashion Contest – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQC5UBtypAc

We aim to maximize our members’ gaming experience. Whether you are new and are looking for help and direction, or are a veteran player looking for a solid community, you will find your niche in EG. We hope to see you in game with us soon!

-Ethereal Guardians

If you are interested in joining, please mail or PM any of the following officers of our guild for more information & in game interview: CHiLLiN.9265, Aesur.1457, Minidagron.5376, Phineas Poe.3018, Alaska II.5819, Selphie.6734, Skywing.4836, EoNenmacil.2361, Danny Tsui.7840, TinyThibault.9216, MylesTheLionGomez.1496

DISCLAIMER: We are a VERY ACTIVE community and often reach the max 500 members cap. For people truly interested in being part of our guild, we expect steady activity in the game and in voice chat. We also clean up inactivity periodically, and it is your own responsibility to tell us if you know you will be inactive for any extended period of time. Removal from the guild via this method is never personal. AWOL members returning from hiatus is common. For new players interested in joining, we generally expect people to at least be level 80 before interviewing. Thanks and have fun playing!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

(edited by CHiLLiN.9265)

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread…

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread…

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread…

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread…

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

Lots of Exp with EG from my time on SoR. They are without a doubt the absolute best organized guild I have ever seen, and it never ceased to amaze me how they pulled it off so consistently with so many people, truly excellent leadership. For those who remember EG and liked to jokingly stereotype them as just pve’ers they are not, they stepped up big time in WvW and brought large forces of skilled players and like many of us tried hard to help SoR rebuild and stabilize.

If your looking for a big established, well organized, and well balanced community EG is a great choice.

Fionn long time no chat, hows SoS treating you guys.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


Hey X T D! good to see you still kickin’ in here. thanks for the kind words about EG, we have been doing really great things lately with triple trouble (you should come for our kills!).. WvW on a megaserver system is always a struggle but we are having some fun in SoS. gonna hit you up in game…

bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

Bump for my old friends, and happy to hear you guys are doing well and still kicking butt

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mini Crinny.6190

Mini Crinny.6190

Always good to see a decent PvX guild =] how is the fionn? <3

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


we are doing good bro! bump~

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: xivor.8754


Hey Fionn, just giving an old friend a bump, too. EG is a solid guild, top knotch in large organized PvE activities, and when they push into WvW, solid activity and a few competent drivers. Definitely look at them, if a large guild suits your style!

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] – http://christianfire.enjin.com
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks – http://northernshiverpeaks.org

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


thanks xivor! hope your doing well over with fire! bump

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Amaurosis.6981



[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Neonlike.2510


bump for old friends. Uracia here. Coming back to the game after a long hiatus. EG is the most organized, friendly, and fun guild I’ve ever been in across all MMO’s. Lots of laughs. Definitely check ’em out.

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


hey uracia bump

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Timiok.1048


A bump for my friends

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]

[PvX][NA]Ethereal Guardians [EG] (SOS WvW)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHiLLiN.9265


bumping thread!

Fionn Aithne
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]