Updated: 8/19/15
Looking for a guild to give you the community you always wanted in Heart of Thorns? Check us out now!!!
EG Website – http://etherealguardians.com
EG Youtube Recruitment Video! – http://tinyurl.com/EGyoutube
MLG Tequatl Jokez – http://tinyurl.com/mlgteq
Guild Name: Ethereal Guardians [EG]
Guild Vision: We are looking for ACTIVE members (both new and experienced) who want to be part of a large and diverse gaming community! We have a philosophy of self improvement & teaching: we look for players who will challenge themselves and are always trying to improve their skill in the game. We will provide assistance to them via information and builds for just about everything in the game. The goal is to develop well rounded players who are interested in participating in any aspects of the game. We also want players who are interested in being part of an active voice chat community. This attitude extends in everything we do and it shows via the growth of our players!
Guild Home Server: Now accepting players on all servers due to megaserver changes! (We would ask you to be on SOS if you want to participate in guild WvW)
About Us: We are a well-established guild with roots on Sanctum of Rall from the early days of Beta testing. We have since grown into one of the largest and most active guilds in the game. We are a PVX Guild that leans towards PVE content with a laid back but involved attitude that promotes overall guild unity, teamwork and personal improvement. We also have a presence in sPvP for our more competitive players. Guild WvW events are currently conducted on SOS. We would encourage members to transfer to there if they would like to participate (not mandatory).
Historical Highlights of the Guild (In Chronological Order):
- Cursed Shore Farming / PVE Farming
- First in SOR to complete Guild Challenge (Southsun Crab Toss)
- First in GW2 to complete Langmar’s Estate Guild Puzzle
- Lead SOR community to be the third server in GW2 to beat Tequatl The Sunless
- First PVX Guild (non special interest community) to do Guild Run Tequatl Kills
- First PVX Guild (non special interest community) to do organized Triple Trouble Wurm Kills (Shoutout to DEAD
and ZOS)
- Multiple Prior Records for Tequatl Kill times in game.
- Assisting in the writing of Dulfy’s Guild Puzzle Guide & Triple Trouble Guide.
Guild Rules:
1) 100% Rep, all toons in PVE and WvW content. Temporary Rep for league PVP teams, bank guilds in LA & TTS-type special interest exceptions are OK.
2) No kittenbaggery (We have a ZERO tolerance policy regarding general misbehavior towards fellow guild members, as well as any action that reflects poorly on EG as a whole)
3) Notify us for extended absences of 2+ weeks (forum post)
4) Teamspeak 3 is required for Guild Missions, Tequatl, Wurm, Tutorials and other organized Guild Events.
*You do not need to have a mic and speak (although we encourage you to!) but please listen when we conduct missions and out give instructions during events that require high levels of coordination.
Our guild currently offers a wide range of benefits:
• Voice Chat: TeamSpeak 3
- There really is nothing better than a good community of members in VOIP. Most active in the early to late evenings in NA primetime, we often have multiple channels going for dungeons and FOTM in addition to a bustling lounge hangout. Upwards of 50% of our online members will often be in teamspeak during this peak time of the day. You’ll just have to join and see!
• 24/7 Guild Buffs
- Receive 6 permanent guild buffs daily for representing the guild, and occasionally up to 10 on weekends. Honestly, you will be hard pressed to find another guild offering this many perma-buffs to its members!
• Extremely Active Roster (500 members)
- One of the highest [active : member] ratio guilds in the game with members online in every time of the day from different regions of the world. Many guilds profess to have 500 members but how many of them have 50%~ logging in daily? Find a party or just hang out with our Guild chat and TS3 community.
• Organized Guild Missions
- Our main Guild missions are done every Saturday starting 6:30 PM EST (7:30 PM EST with Daylight Savings) by our experienced officers.
- Make up missions are on Thursdays at 10:30 EST, Sunday 3PM EST & can be done anytime upon request if 15+ members gather together!
Guild Leader of the Ethereal Guardians [EG]
(edited by CHiLLiN.9265)