Recruiting for all low WvW pop servers
Just seems hard to determine what servers are Low WvW vs, overall population. NSP has a High – Very High population, But we are lucky to have our own borderland, and EB Queued on reset. That’s the only night either maps has a Queue. I would bet those of us left have no interest in leaving the server either. We have pride in what we do accomplish despite the final score. (+37 points last I looked vs DH and SF)
If the Dev’s would post data sheets on WvW activity more often that might help guilds that are looking.
PB Officer
Anet could easily publish the WvW average players by server numbers. I think they’re not because they don’t know how to fix the problem…
Problem is that even when we did get transfers and we actually had similar numbers to the servers we were fighting, it didn’t last long because those transfers left the server within a couple of weeks. Only way to fix the current WvW population issue is to just remove the server requirement and make it a full on matchmaking system where the matches only last 6 hours or so. This way people can play with their friends and no one should ever be so vastly outnumbered again. Its nice being able to fight for your server and all, but it just screws up the “fairness” when some servers just don’t have a very high wvw population, and no one WANTS to join the last place server/s so it’s not like those servers are going to get any help in the numbers department anyway.
Keep WvW as is but change it to a matchmaking system where you can funnel players into even matchups. Make it so commanders can reserve spots for their guild if they want or something like that, but as it is now WvW is going to stay just as broken as it has been this entire time.
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald
They should offer discounts for transfers to low ranking servers based on how many WvW achievement points the player has. Say, 10 x WvW points off the gem cost or something.
thing is with wvw pops when ur winning u have a ppl everywhere it seems but as soon as it gets hard u find urself ona island facing the horde alone