Returning noob looking for a guild
Hi Rioku,
We cater to both beginner and experienced players—although the more committed or “hardcore” players might find our guild a bit too casual for their tastes. We enjoy bringing in new players and helping them understand the game and welcome those players with more experience who are willing to share it as well. We are located on JQ server.
We strive to be 100% Drama Free. As a result, we don’t care about your religious or political beliefs or sexual orientation; we only care about how much you enjoy being a part of our guild. This is a game, a recreation to take a break from the world so please leave your baggage at the door.
Here’s a few features of the guild:
*Fully upgraded guild which maintains an around the clock magic find boost
*A feature rich website boasting comprehensive forums and many utilities to reference and help organize events
*A guild for gamers over 25-30+ years old
*A medium -sized membership which usually has around 30 people logged in on weeknights and often 40+ on weekends
*Our own private Teamspeak 3 server
*Guild missions every weekend
*A loose command structure where officers are there to assist rather than control.
*No rep requirements—rep us when you’re running with us, that’s all we ask.
*Real life always comes first. Life getting in the way with your gaming? No worries…we’ll be here when you get back.If you have any questions feel free to contact me WolfieBlitz.9583. If you’re interested in joining fill out an application on our website.
Keep in mind this guild is NA and not EU. Just want to point that out. =)
Still searching
Check this out:
Main characters: Jarni The Catmander (1) / Jarni Goes Wild (2)
Gank Me Harder [FURY]
You can check our guild post here.
Have fun!
Commander Roy Maverick