[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sennis.9604


The Remnants of Hope
Tarnished Coast, North America

About The Guild
Remnants of Hope was founded on June 7, 2009. Originally a Star Wars Galaxies guild, we have since moved on to play GW2, SWTOR and Wildstar, while continuing to have an active, positive presence in our games. In GW2, we currently have a group of about 15 – 20 members who play daily, with many other more casual players who pop in a few times a week, and we are looking to expand our ranks.

Tyria is a big world…a big, lonely, dangerous world. Remnants of Hope is like a beacon of…..well, Hope! You don’t have to face the elder dragons alone when you have guild mates to guard your back and pick you up when you’re knocked down. The people you adventure with are more important than the adventure itself.

We’re more than just a gaming guild – we are truly a community made of members who enjoy playing every single aspect of the games we enjoy, from PvE to RP to chattering socially with each other over our expansive forums and Teamspeak. We’re made up of hundreds of members from all over the world, with a wide variety of ages, backgrounds, genders and play styles. Even with our large member base, because we’re community-oriented you’ll never feel like just another cog in the wheel. We’ve only got one common goal – to enjoy our favorite online games together. Come join us today!

~ Remnants of Hope Community Leader

You might like our guild if you enjoy…

We not only help guild members enjoy the PvE content of GW2 but to assist them in improving and advancing their characters and personal skills within the game. We are always willing to provide advice/guidance on gearing and traiting different professions. Keep in mind that we don’t have all the answers, but we will help find them! We hope to see you in-game and in our events soon! We do dungeons, fractals, guild missions weekly, jumping puzzles, casual levelling groups, farming runs and living story content.

We encourage fun and friendly competitive gaming to both the fans of PvP gaming, and those curious about it. We are always willing to lend a hand with builds, classes, and general information about how the various forms of PvP are handled. Whether it be World vs World, Team Player vs Player, or just some mini games, the PvP Department is always striving to be a welcoming, fun, and laid back place for people to smash in a face or two!

We provide our members with an immersive and fun experience for the new roleplayer to the seasoned writer alike. Whether it be in-game or on the forums, we want to promote imagination and storytelling that spans beyond just the Remnants of Hope guild borders. By working closely with other guilds, as well as our other GW2 Departments within RoH and organizing events with them, we aim for a continuous living story that people can get involved in and help to continue shaping.

Playing GW2 Socially or Casually
Although we have members doing progression fractals and working on legendaries, we also have many members who play when they have time, or enjoy the simpler pleasures in GW2 like levelling slowly or going on random adventures. We also have a very inviting approach when it comes to difficult content: many of our members are happy to bring along a “newbie” to dungeons or new content, but there’s no pressure for you to join events you aren’t interested in!

What we offer:

1. Very active forums
2. TeamSpeak 3 server
3. Freedom to play your game the way you want
4. Scheduled events on the calendar as well as “pop up” events put together through guild chat
5. Friendly community and environment
6. A structured leadership, with officers for each of our departments (PvE, PvP, RP and Recruitment)

What we value in our guild members:
Postitive Attitude
Friendly Nature
Team Player
How to join:
Visit us at remnantsofhope.com to apply and learn more!

Please view your application as our first meeting! Take your time and fill it out as thoroughly as possible. We like to get to know you a little bit in it. Give us a feel for who you are in those answers and let us see how great of a person you are!

(edited by Sennis.9604)

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: dragonborne.4376


We have a great crew and a good core officer group scheduling regular events in both PvE and PvP!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: cypher.8359


We had our Adventure Hour for roleplay today! We were continuing on our guild story, of raising an airship to travel and help Tyria in. All members were welcome to this RP.

View the photo album and some of our RP here: http://imgur.com/a/l9yfg

While finishing up the repairs on the ship and adding the necessary magitechnology to make it airborne, a nearby group of Inquest found out about the Remnants’ plans and started to attack. By working together (and employing the help of a humpback whale) Jolan Griffin, Vandris Sendaris, Maibh, Caetrine, Araav, Tayhaai, Jaso Wayris, and Fenris successfully repelled the Inquest attackers just in the nick of time. They even took down a large assault golem and took an Inquest prisoner. The modifcations finished, the Criterion triumphantly was raised from the waves and flew to the port in Rata Sum. The Remnants of Hope had made their official return to the world of Tyria!


[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: cypher.8359


We also did guild missions afterwards! We started with an easy Bounty, Rush and Puzzle where we ran into another guild. It was really interesting… by the time we got to Challenge, we had about 9 people left, not quite enough to do it easily. so we split into three groups and with some patience and communication we downed it with seconds to spare! We also stopped for random photo time.

We do our guild missions weekly, usually on Saturday in the evening EDT.

See the photo album here: http://imgur.com/a/XZm3K


[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


Anyone interested in finding a community where members are treated as family instead of just another number on the roster would do well to apply here. We are in the process of some really exciting things within the guild and more events are being added each and every day.

When I applied I was almost at the end of my rope. I had been looking for a place where I felt like part of a greater community, where I could chat, laugh, and enjoy the game with people that felt like a family rather than an association of random people playing the same game. Applying to Remnants has re-energized my love of the game and I find myself always excited to log in and see what new adventures and fun await me with my new guild family.

You have a group of officers and a guild leader that truly care about the players and want to see each person succeed in their goals, whether they are as lofty as crafting a Legendary, or as simple as relaxing RP in Divinity’s Reach. There is something for every type of play style in Remnants of Hope.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sennis.9604


Had a lot of fun in tPvP today! Had great fun! Everyone learned how to play new classes today O.o was a very fun and relaxed environment! Certainly a great place for new, and experienced players looking for a more casual and friendly environment with a community feeling to it!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sennis.9604


Adventure Hour went well last night! Was followed by Guild Missions that was followed by some small WvW havoc squading! Casual Role Play today!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: cypher.8359


Welcome to our newest Recruitment Assistant Darksilklips! She goes mainly by Anasztasya ingame, so if you have any questions about joining feel free to message her.

We’ve also had two more Adventure Hours ingame! There’s much roleplay afoot with airships and asura and anomalies…

Doctor Captain Jolan Griffin, Vandris Sendaris, Maibh, and Araav joined together to rescue Tayhaai from the Inquest Complex in Metrica Province. They charged in with their stolen assault golem and managed to fight off an Inquest ambush, but sadly they only found that their asura was in another complex. Jolan hacked the computers to find out Tayhaai’s new location while the others protected her from more Inquest attacks. They managed to escape, and will have to regroup and prepare to try a sneaker approach to getting their friend back next time.

And as always.. when in doubt… pink quaggan is the only way to go.


[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aravail.6429


I wasn’t much of an RPer until recently, but I’ve been having a blast with the current Guild RP storyline. Raising the Criterion was awesome, and now we have to rescue Tayhaii from the clutches of the Inquest. After that, it’s off to protect Tyria from the dragons and their minions!

Our fractal group has also been going really well (level 39! Though the hammer went and bugged on us on Monday…) and there’s talk of getting another one up and running. And be sure not to miss any of our new late-night WvW rallies!

If you’re interested in RP, PvE, PvP, or all of the above, you should definitely check us out!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Karaoke Night was a blast! Who knew so many people would want to step up and sing? =)

At the moment, enjoying World Boss Thursdays!!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: cypher.8359


Thinking about trying out GW2 and joining us in Tyria? Now would be the perfect time! Once you pay $25 to buy the game (til Aug 24), it’s free forever after that! Tarnished Coast is one of the hardest servers to get onto, but with some patience it’s worth it.

As one of our guildmates said on our forums…

Definitely a phenomenal price. Story updates every other week, and no subscription or tiered services. It is a game that you can jump in and out now and then or continue progression….all with ease!


[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


We aren’t a huge guild, but we have a vibrant community and we really care about one another. If you’re on TC — or if you’re on another server but open to transfer (or if you don’t WvW), definitely check out our website. We put a lot of time and effort into making our guild strong and alive, and we will welcome you with open arms.

(edited by darksilklips.3165)

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Bumping this wonderful guild.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Bumpity bump de bump….

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


One thing about our guild… we’re the kind of people who tend to be super active on guild forums. And we especially love to make new applicants listen to a stream of welcome messages. So if you do apply, yes we have an application form on our website… and yes, it does have several questions. But you can fill it out with the confidence that you will soon have many comments and questions appear below your app from guildies interested in meeting our newest recruit!

(edited by darksilklips.3165)

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


We held our usual Saturday Guild Missions and Saturday Casual RP this evening. Lots of fun for the whole family.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: cypher.8359


Guild Missions this week were great! We managed two bounties together, and a spider crawl. Thanks to those who came

We will also be holding a GW2 Division meeting this upcoming Monday, all members and trial members are welcome to attend!


(edited by cypher.8359)

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: cypher.8359


We have a bunch of trial members right now, welcome to our guild Yami, Butterfly, Sarnax and Ripoff Monroe! Good luck with your trials!

Sarnax is also hosting a dungeon delving event this Sunday! "How about some morning dungeon running! If you are interested I’ll be online and would love to run one of those neglected instances like Manor or something. Hit me up! " Sounds like it’s time for a party with the Minister.


[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


How many bumps does it take to get to the center of a bumpity pop?

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Wow!! It has been a week of Dungeon Madness!! We have a wonderful new member who is super dedicated to dungeon runs, and has led us — in his own quirky wonderful way — through all of AC, CM, and TA in two days… moving right down the list!

So great when new people come and bring their own flavor and spice.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sennis.9604


I feel we have fallen to the second page again… I feel like that should be fixed.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Thanks Danata, you’re a gem!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aravail.6429


Our many months of service to the guild, and facing growing real life time constraints, Scya (aka cypher) has decided to step down as High Elder and pass on the leadership torch. I think I speak for all of us when I offer her a HUGE thank you for all that she’s done for our community as HE (and beforehand as well) and hopes that things in real life settle down a bit so she can spend more time roaming around Tyria!

When a High Elder steps down or their term ends, we hold an election to determine who next will hold the position. This go-around we have three very promising candidates: Shepherd, Scoobs, and Nadalyne, three very dedicated and active members of our community, who are currently answering member-submitted questions in anticipation of the big vote! It won’t be long now before the election itself begins and a new High Elder is determined, so stay tuned!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Khasandara.4196


Dungeons, events, bounties, jokes, active and friendly community in Forums, own dj system and Karaoke nights.. I love this guild, honestly, I love it.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


Lots of events being run this week! Now would be a great time to join us!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


With Halloween almost upon us, Remnants has been running lots of events this week. Come join us and help us cleanse the Labyrinth!!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


We are currently enjoying all of the Halloween festivities. Last night was RushLoween, and a few full guild groups took over the Labyrinth for fun and shenanigans.


We have a great core group of players on running events all the time, so now is a great time to join the fun!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


I would like to congratulate our new PVE Officer Raiko! Also, we have an opening for RP officer currently.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sennis.9604


Do not send questions/inquiries about this community to me, send them to darksilklips.3165.

Other than that, if you’re looking for a laid back community I’d recommend RoH.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


Thanks Sennis! Also would like to congratulate Brandily and Tyr on becoming full members of the ROH team and also welcome our new trial members!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


Lots of new trial members lately, means lots of people to explore the game with! Exciting things coming down the pipes too from our PVP and PVE teams!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Tyr.1965


An awesome guild with awesome people, part of an ever-growing awesome gaming community. Apply now if you want to be awesome too!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: omaniakc.6243


Been having really fun guild events lately! Had lots of fun doing small scale WvW roaming last night!

Come be part of a growing community!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Just a generalized bump.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


You can join us just in time for Saturday RP this weekend! Also we are having Guild Missions every Wednesday and various other PVE and PVP events are popping up left and right on our calendar! Now is the perfect time to join us!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


This week we have lots of events, ranging from WvW training night, tonight at 7pm EST. A tour of Tyria tomorrow evening, and Guild Missions on Wednesday night. Now is a great time to join the fun!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


The weekend is fast approaching, we have lots of exciting things happening! Come join us for some dungeon runs, or maybe get in on the new Fractals group we are organizing!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


Back to the front page with you!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


We have so many people interested in Fractals lately we are forming a third dedicated group. Lots of RP events happening as well as lots of PVP events also. Now is a great time to join as we have lots of newer members!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


Lots of new faces in game means lots of new people to group up with! We have had successful WvW, RP, PVP, and PVE events going on all week. Now is a great time to join!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


Bump for the new forums! Lots of new members are leveling up and lots of veterans running content. Come join us today for any number of RP events, PVE events, and WvW and PVP nights.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


Some new members over the weekend and lots of events going on. Join now and be ready for Guild Missions, RP, and PVP events later this week!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Gearing up for the guildie games!! Spirits of the Wild FTW

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


Congrats to all our new members and new trial members! Now is a great time to join in on all the fun!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: omaniakc.6243


World vs World event was so much fun! Join us! Every Monday night is WvW night!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Am I a broke record?! H to the N I am loaded with amazing tracks and all of them have to do with how perfect Remnants of Hope is.

Why? Because we love every single person in Tyria. Period. Like, it’s actually almost ridiculous how wonderfully amazingly delirium-inducingly awesome the guildies are here.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Bumping, bumping, and more bumping.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Tyr.1965


I like lots of bumping

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: monsieurduck.9048


It’s funny you mention that Tyr, I too enjoy the bumping!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


I also enjoy a little spin on the bump machine! :-D