[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: galebird.6310


I just wanted to bump this to let people know we have having a little forum glitch (okay, it’s about the size of a VW bus) where Hotmail addresses do not receive verification. This impedes sign up and applying, so if you wish to apply please use a different address. Our technically savvy behind the scenes wizards are aware of the issue and I’ll post an update when it is resolved. Thank you to the wonderful player who brought this to my attention!

So it turns out the problem is more on the end of Hotmail and the fact that they are viewing any email from our forums as spam. Why? Hate and woe, or someone once upon a dream marked an email from us thus. If you are using a hotmail account to sign up, please message me and I’ll work on getting you sorted. I’m sorry about this glitch! Thank you again to those who pointed this out to me.

(edited by galebird.6310)

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Droghan.4830


Sunday’s Double Feature!!!
Open RP!!
Come join us, in-character, for an evening of shenanigans! All are welcome, no experience necessary!

followed by

Level Up! – Lowbie Night / Map Completion
Join us on your level 79 and under characters for some map completion that’ll get you closer to level 80!

Bump for Open RP and Lowbie nights!!!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Bump for pal-ing around with friends on Teamspeak in the middle of the day. guild=love.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Droghan.4830


Tonight’s feature!!

Guild Missions!
Join us as we..
-Jail up Guild Bounties!
-Shimmy our way through a Guild Puzzle!
-Burn our way through a Guild Rush!
-Explore Tyria in a Guild Trek!

Bump for Guild Missions nights!!!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Droghan.4830


Tonight’s feature!!!
sPvP Tutorial and Shenanigans!!
Come one come all, tonight’s the night to do whatever. Should we play a color coded Power Rangers team? A team of only turret engi’s and minion mancers? Whatever suits our fancy at the time!

Bump for sPvP nights!!!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: galebird.6310


Last night we had our inaugural Sunday world boss train event and it was a smashing success! We conquered Megadestroyer, Great Jungle Wurm, Ulgoth, Golem Mark II, Fire Elemental, Frozen Maw and Claw of Jormag.

Fractal groups are forming now for fractal nights to assist progression as we gear up for Heart of Thorns. Social events are building behind the scenes… Come join us!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Bump up the jam, bump it UP!
Cheers for hyperactive forums!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: galebird.6310


What, you mean you haven’t heard from this post in a few days?! Well pull up a chair!

World Boss Train Sundays is going strong! Casual RP events surrounding the (mis)adventures of several characters are weekly! You want to do fractals? Dungeons? We’ve been on a roll with both lately. We even have a casual semi-randomly meeting of lousy leapers (Tyria’s Resplendent Order of Lousy Leapers, at that) taking on the jumping puzzles of Tyria when time and energy allow.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grim Rogue.6259

Grim Rogue.6259

I am recently a member in this guild. I recommend it to anyone looking for a cool bunch of people to hang out with. I love this guild… I hope you will too.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: galebird.6310


Do you want to join a guild, man? Would you like to join OUR guild, man?

Recently Remnants of Hope welcomed a new social officer who intends to get our RP side ship-shape and rolling full steam ahead towards the much anticipated release of Heart of Thorns. PvP department is offering tutorials to help players hone their skills and the PvE department has fractals, dungeons and world boss train. We are keeping busy at [HOPE] and would love new faces to join in on the fun!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grim Rogue.6259

Grim Rogue.6259

Loving this guild. Come join us.
I am glad I did.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Bumping for the bump of it!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Am I the only one bumping up in here?


[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: galebird.6310


I’m here, I’m here.


This weekend, Mordremoth’s reach is rumored to grow beyond what the Pact could have expected. We need YOU to join us for World Events! Come join a fun, friendly and active guild eager to guide you through your time in Tyria.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grim Rogue.6259

Grim Rogue.6259

Looking for a guild that is supportive and helpful? Come join us! We are based on Tarnished Coast, but many of us are on other servers since TC is full for now. This doesn’t hinder us a bit from being able to PVE, do Dungeons, Fractals, etc (the only limitation is WvW) so if you are not on TC, come join us anyway.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grim Rogue.6259

Grim Rogue.6259

I had a great time running dungeons tonight with some great guildies. I love the patience and understanding of our members extended to a dungeon novice like myself. It makes all the difference to me.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grim Rogue.6259

Grim Rogue.6259

Remnants of Hope is recruiting! We are a community based PvX guild. We have weekly events such as Dungeons, Fractals, WvW, SPvP, RP Adventures & More! Visit remnantsofhope.com/gw2 for more info!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: whtkntassassin.1048


I’m definitely looking to join a group that engages in all aspects of the game. What caught my eye, really.. was the fact that you also accept people who enjoy RP. That’s a big plus with me. So, that being said.. I think I’m going to head on over to your website and apply!

Though, I do have one question.. what’s the represent requirement for your Guild?

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


Sorry it took so long to answer this. All the recruitment team have been either sick or busy. Our multi-guilding policy allows you to be in one other guild to either maintain connections or to allow you to participate in content that our guild simply can’t offer, but you would like to participate in.

In addition to this you can maintain a personal guild for banking and storage purposes.

Hope that helps. This is really a great guild and I can’t recommend it enough. I am really looking forward to all the changes with HOT and the new influx of players we will see!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grim Rogue.6259

Grim Rogue.6259

We had a great time last night doing RP with our RP Officer. That is just one aspect of the guild. Feel free to come by the website and check us out.

remnantsofhope.com/gw2 for more info!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Guild missions were a big success! Thanks everyone for coming — and great job to our new PvE Officer, Shant!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Bumping once more!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grim Rogue.6259

Grim Rogue.6259

I hear “The Bump” was a popular dance in the 70’s, Evidently all you did was BUMP hips together or something.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Happy, sleepy, sneezy, bashful, doc, dopey, and BUMPY!!!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Razyel.4395


Posting just to say that we are still, will always be recruiting new people who wants to enjoy their time doing all kinds of crazy guild wars 2 things! From high level fractals to Jumping puzzles and crazy Lion’s Arch speed courses, we do it all!
Also mentioning that we are accepting all applications of people who want to raid in HoT. If you wanna find a good bunch of people to raid with, have fun with, crack some jokes with and tell your stories from the crazy things you do around Tyria, we want you, apply today!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


Now is a great time to apply and get to know a great group of people and to get prepared for HoT together!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


This weekend we have some fun events planned. Come apply today and participate in map exploration events, hero point gathering, a social event, as well as a pvp tutorial on the Ranger class!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: galebird.6310



Remnants of Hope is going full boogie tilt heading for Heart of Thorns later this month. We’re rocking HoT Beta Weekend the Last this weekend, we have events every day and a simply fantastic bunch of people eager to welcome new guildies. Please check out our site at http://www.remnantsofhope.com/gw2 and consider applying!

**Please note that the server location is NOT a barrier to joining us and having fun! We accept members on all NA servers. The only restriction on non Tarnished Coast members is the inability to WvW as a guild.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Razyel.4395


Join RoH if you want to play with us. We have great plans for when raiding is a thing and we do tons of events during the day and evening. Come and join us if you wanna have fun!

http://remnantsofhope.com/gw2 if you want to apply!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Everybody bumps… Sometimes.

Or else…

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: galebird.6310



That’s right. We’re under the 2 week mark until Heart of Thorns. Are you ready? Do you have a guild? CHECK US OUT TODAY!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


8 days!! 8 days left until the expansion! Come find a great group to enjoy it with!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


7 days! Come find a great group of people to enjoy the expansion and farm the Labyrinth with!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: BoogerSammich.7189


Hi i checked your schedule.
Looks like you guys are playing Pacific time zone?

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


Most of the guild plays in the EST time zone. We do have a few PST Players though.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lagerfueled.5324


Just 2 days left until HoT! Come join us today and get ready to have a blast in the new content!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Taliesien.2416


Have to say, am really glad I found these guys. Very large gaming community that spans several games, but doesn’t loose the close knit feel. Organized events, friendly leadership and helpful members make this an amazing guild in my opinion. Not just a great guild for new players, but even those that are returning to game after time off. If your looking for a great group of people to experience GW2 with and see the new content coming, check out HOPE.

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: velvethomicide.8359


Join us tonight at 9:30PM EST as we run through the labyrinth stealing all the Mad King’s candy!

Remnants of Hope
Recruitment Officer

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165



[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Inguiomerus.1504


Bump! Getting hyped and ready for Wintersday!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Droghan.4830


Bump for Guild missions night!!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: scarecrow.4385


Looking for more cool peeps

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: ThatGuyTheres.8519


This guild is what keeps me playing the game!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: ThatGuyTheres.8519



Because more people should know about this guild!!!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: ThatGuyTheres.8519


Bumpity bump-bump bump!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: ThatGuyTheres.8519


Don’t you forget about me!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: ThatGuyTheres.8519


We are now one of the largest WvW guilds on our server!! Come join the fun and support the cause!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: ThatGuyTheres.8519


Bumping stuff so more people can see how awesome we are!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: ThatGuyTheres.8519


We now supply all gear/armor for “sponsored” builds for those who wish to join us in WvW free of cost!

In addition, to newer and veteran players alike, we now have an infusion bank so you can hop-in and enjoy fractals all the sooner and get in on all the fun the game has to offer!

[TC]Remnants of Hope[HOPE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: ThatGuyTheres.8519


Bumping stuff so more people can see how awesome we are!