Would like to join a casual PvE guild

Would like to join a casual PvE guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Martin Fallon.7845

Martin Fallon.7845

I am pretty new at this. Lv39 ATM. I am on Northern shiverpeaks. Looking for people to help me learn this game more. I can do voice coms, or whatever you require. I do have a RL as well although I’m able to be on a lot for a working family guy. Eastern time zone of usa. My character is wilderness hunter dude. Lol can’t think of the class right now. This game is great fun, but I’m quite lost as to big bosses and never done dungeons. Still have a lot of exploring to do as well. Thanks for looking.

Would like to join a casual PvE guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jevati.4328


Hiya Martin,

Welcome to GW2! Sounds like you might be playing a ranger. =) I know you’re on Northern Shiverpeaks, but if you’re willing to guest over to Tarnished Coast (guesting is free, and you can do everything but WvW when you guest), I think Ember Solace would be a good fit for you. We definitely understand people having lives outside of the game, and many of our players have families or work or both. We also have a guild officer devoted specifically to helping new people who aren’t sure what to do in the game or need some extra assistance with things like personal story quests. If you’d like to know more about us, you can check out our official recruitment post, which has our Purpose and Principles (what we’re all about), and you can visit our forums (we have a short application to weed out trolls and unfriendly people). Hope you’re having a great start of the week!

~ Aidyn

Would like to join a casual PvE guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Hi Martin,

Have a look at the guild Alchemy Incorporated on the Sorrows Furnace server, you sound like a perfect compliment to our form of lunacy, although we mostly type instead of using voice coms. We’re a social guild and have quite a lot of people leveling up right now. We’re dungeon friendly, and quite willing to play through with people who don’t know the dungeon yet. Usually we preface forming dungeon groups with either “quick run” or “kill all the things” and we’re happy to show people either way.

We play Fractals, Open world exploration, dungeons, and living story, and we oftentimes team up for things as mundane as getting in the daily requirements.

Take a look at our recruitment post and give a shout if you want to join.

Sorrows Furnace

Would like to join a casual PvE guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: ValKere.1645


We’d be glad to have you! I have a small but growing guild on Darkhaven (with members on Desolation as well -contact Yukidaruma.3269). Warriors of United Darkness in a casual PvX guild, we’ve started doing Bounty Training and Dungeon Runs with more events coming as soon as possible. We focus on helping players with tactics and just learning different mechanics of GW2. PM if interested, and we do allow guests if you’d like to see how you like the group. You can contact me (ValKere.1645 or Leiyoria in game) or the Sergeant Dragoril (Dragoril.7356)

Would like to join a casual PvE guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: doanokay.1865



I’m Nick, co-founder of Too Easy [EASY] in Darkhaven. Based on what you’ve told me, I think you’d make a great addition to our community. I’d first like to state that as of right now we only have two members, so if that doesn’t deter you, please read on.

We are a very new guild with the following mission statement: we want to be a casual, medium-sized guild (75-100 people) that focuses on but is not restricted to PvE. Our doors are open to everyone regardless of level or game experience, and we would be happy to show you the ropes if you have any questions or are unfamiliar with some aspects of the game.

We are a very small guild right now but we are striving to become a happy and healthy community. We would like you to help us build that future, and if you’re interested or have any questions, PM or mail me at doanokay.1865 or at Anhvu.4025. You can also reach us and find more information about the guild at our website: http://tooeasy.guildlaunch.com/

Also, we be hella fly.

Would like to join a casual PvE guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Redivivus.9253


Looking for a witty and fun group to hang out with that can spank some mobs one moment and WvW invaders the next? Then come join the fun with UM! We are a FULLY upgraded guild.

We are currently looking for more active members to join our ranks. Must have an interest of any level (at least some or full) in PvE and WvW as we are a PvX guild. You don’t necessarily have to be good, that part will come ;D Just have a love for chatting and killing some nerds!

Scheduled Events across all platforms of the game! (all optional but encouraged)
– Daily Dungeons. Fractals. Guild Missions.
– sPvP and tPvP
– 2 WvW Nights

Fully upgraded
– All guild missions available
– 3 guild bank tabs for sharing mats, dungeon potions, food for lvling, siege etc.
– 24/7 Magic Find and Gathering Bonus buffs
– Scheduled crafting, gold, and experience buffs!

Extremely Social
– Website with Forums
– Teampseak with users on usually at all hours
– Monthly movie/drinking nights and games (UM favorite)
– Contests with $$ prizes
– 99.9% drama free We are here to have an enjoyable experience!
Leave the dirt outside.
– We are friendly, love to joke, and socialize creating long term friendships

Have Questions? Msg any one of our mods or leaders and we would be more than happy to help! Rits.4036, Jinxey.4173, Redivivus.9253, Hellfire.3591 or check out our recruitment threadwith more details.

Sounds like we are the perfect fit for you?
Check us out at theunholymackerels.enjin.com to apply!

NA Fort Aspenwood
Héllkaizer UM’s #1 officer in the whole world

Would like to join a casual PvE guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: HaloaOhana.2073


Hi there!

The Remnants of Hope is based on Tarnish Coast and offers PvX, RP, and WvW while maintaining a fun and social atmosphere in ts3 and guild chat. We don’t really have a mold for you to try and fit to. The biggest asset in the guild is the community. We have several different aspects that you can play in or just hang out with us in guild chat and/or ts3 and do nothing. Whatever makes the time that you have to game the best!

In our guild real life and family ALWAYS come first. We understand that real life happens and so we don’t require you to log in everyday, have so many hours per week etc. We want you to come and have a good time when your life permits it. However, if you are going to gone a long time then we do like for you to keep in touch with us on the forums and a shout in game every now and then just to let us know you are ok. The members of RoH are like a family and when we don’t hear from someone for awhile we start to worry

If you would like to know more please visit http://www.remnantsofhope.com/gw2 and/or send me a message in game.

Recruitment officer for Remnants of Hope

Would like to join a casual PvE guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: kelica.8406


Hi there Martin! MadCast Gaming on SOR would be more then happy to have you. We have a family friendly community and our guild has no requirements, only that you have fun. We love helping people discover Guild Wars 2 for the first time and myself I’m a pve junky! We do just about everything here and We also go out of our way to create new and exciting events for our members every week. So if you’re slightest bit curious please feel free to send me an in game message kelica.8406 or go check out our website madcastgaming.com. Hope to hear from you soon