[Suggestions] Gemstore Items
- Hair (+horn…) style kits when a new NPC is introduced. (People would have bought both Lady Kasmeer’s and Marjorie’s hair like crazy)
- Same for armour (make it special edition, one race/one gender; just make sure that future NPCs cycle through all races and genders)
- Unlimited tools in different styles
- Unlimited crude salvage kit
- Individual armour pieces (to mix and match)
- NPC town clothes
- More toys (like the dredge drill) and musical instruments – they are fun
- emotes, I’d totally pay for them
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Can make the unlimited mining, scythe, and axe to be sold forever in the shop? why the need to make it for limited time only?
for the future unlimited item please sell it forever in the shop so we player can have many choices. Thanks
Something that opens all the waypoints for all your characters. Leveling alts and getting to their story stinks! And you would still have to work for your world explorer with this because you would still need hearts and pois.
I guess the Aetherblade weapons would have been very popular, same as the consortium whips.
As a general rule, we want what the NPCs have (armour, town clothes, hair styles, weapon skins).
The NPCs create fashion, fashion creates demand, demand creates supply, suppy means money for you and satisfaction for us.
And the great thing about fashion is that it constantly changes. I may want Kasmeer’s hair today and Marjory’s tomorrow. Unlimited moneys for ANet!
The missing link standing in between you, ANet, and all my money right now is “demand creates supply”.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Unlimited harvesting tools please SELL I T NOW!!!!
my wicked lost mind cant think now. I need to have all 3 tools for my character, please make it available forever before i go mad.
I really feel my character kitten by not having all the 3 unlimited tool, please sell it ALL for week end?
Sadly I didn’t see this post before I created a new topic, however my topic is based on one thing only. A race change feature. I’d be more than happy to pay to change my race and have my cultural armor changed to my new race at the same time. Also on a side note, LESS RNG!!
Have we mentioned the holographic pirate stripper enough yet?
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
More instruments, so that we can the variety nessisary to make a marching band in lions arch ( a really fun, but probably horribly annoying and uncoordinated marching band!)!!!
Edit- Don’t forget the cow bell!
Edit 2- and town clothing to have a properly dressed marching band
More human female hairstyles! please! People NEED them!
Kitty golems from Uncategorized fractal
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
I guess the Aetherblade weapons would have been very popular, same as the consortium whips.
As a general rule, we want what the NPCs have (armour, town clothes, hair styles, weapon skins).
The NPCs create fashion, fashion creates demand, demand creates supply, suppy means money for you and satisfaction for us.
And the great thing about fashion is that it constantly changes. I may want Kasmeer’s hair today and Marjory’s tomorrow. Unlimited moneys for ANet!
The missing link standing in between you, ANet, and all my money right now is “demand creates supply”.
Add Maddie’s hair to the list
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
I’ll be happy if you make Maddie’s hair (Belcher’s Bluff) available!!! Pretty please!
edited by moderator
(edited by Moderator)
^I second that. Best looking hair in game ever.
Fun thread
Keep the talking going folks . Not everything can be done.. but also not everything has been suggested yet. Of course we love to know what you’d love to play.
And we get funny stuff like Taco’s, Waffles, and Clippy. <3
Sylvari kids… quaggan carrying a seed pod?.. just sayin it’s not impossible.
Quaggan with a seed pod as a hat is better.
Or a mushroom ala Mario
oooh duude!!! quaggan with a mushroom hat! insta-buy
So heres my List: Part 1
1) More different designed permanent Gathering Tools.
As Example: Wing of the Phoenix" > Fire themed Axe for cutting Wood unendlessly which could let burning feather fall from the air, while hearign a screaming phoenix each time you hit the wood
*Claw of Leviathan > Ice based Pick for example that creates some kind of ice coffin that breaks when you hit some ores liek mthril/gold ect.
Sylph’s Prelude > Wind/Sonic themed Sickle for gathering plants and fruits…
In overall, just more different designed permanent gathering tools over time, the first batch of them were all just not something for my personal taste. Didn’t liked their designs, nor their visual effects
2) Chronicles of the Past-Pack (CotPP) (Tome Items similar to the History Books of GW1 that came with the BMP)
These 3 Books should be based on the 3 novels of GW2
1. Ghosts of Ascalon, entering that book lets the player replay all the stuff that happened in that book as DOUGAL KEANE
You are Dougel Keane in that personal book instance with specific skill that Dougal posses. When you are successful in that chonicle of Dougals past, you’ll earn
- Achievements
- A Title
- Gold, Karma, Exp, the typical stuff
- A ticket for a special Ghosts of Ascalon Weapon Skin
- The Characters from Ghosts of Ascalon as Minipets
Same/similar content them with Chronicles of the Destinies Edge, just with the difference, this tome would be playable content for a group this time, where everyone could decide as to play as Logan, Rytlock, Caithe, Zojja or Eir. Parts of their story, when characters were alone, are played as single instance
And now with Sea of Sorrows coming soon, the 3rd n last Chronicles Tome which should let us play the story of the book as playable content in GW2 …
3) More different styled special skinned Ranger Pets (For example take a Raven with its skilsl and reskin it as a fiery Firebird (Phoenix) or instead as a lightning bird (Quetzalcoatl), or take a Mountain Wolf and reskin it as a bigger more aggressive/wild looking version (Fenrir)
Same way you could do with other class specific features:
Elementalist > Buyable Skins for different looking summoned elementals that look mightier ect.
Necromancer > Buyable Skin for different looking summoned undead minions (Demons)
Engineer > Buyable Skins for mightier looking different towers, when they create some-
Guardian > Buyable Skins for different looking summonable weapon aspects of virtues
Thief > Buyable Skins for different/mightier looking summonable thiefs
Once these class relevant skin packs are bought, players could activate/deativate them in the options menu then
4) More Acount Features as “Upgrades” !!! if you don’t use all the potential for the new accoutn point reward system, then let us at least upgrade over the gem story our accoutn with more new account features like
- Theatre Mode – Enables us to listen to all of the GW2 Songs, lets us review all found vistas, without having to be with a character at their points.
Lets players see the personal stories of their characters, as if they were told to someone like some kind of legend as a small movie and in regard of the unlocked living story achievements, what they have done over all the time, while not fighting against the elder dragons….
- Changeable Background Themes for the Character Select Screen
For those of us, which can’t see anymore this permanent white themed standard background and want to see somethign new there
- Minigame Mode
The comfort option to have access right from the login screen to all of GW2’s Minigames to have from there a Quick Start-Option to all of them, without having to run with your characters first to the silly NPCs in the game just to be able to start a round to play them …
- Photographer Mode
A kind of feature, that allows for players to receive some tools ingame to make better pictures of their characters and to let them make “poses”, being able to change also the backgrounds if wanted agaisnt some premade backgrounds, if you just don’t find ingame some nice spots to make pictures of your character ^^
And Part 2
5) More Emotes!! (Group Emotes/ Partner Emotes)
In overall, please finally overwork the Emote system and give us more, together with a good Emote Icon Window, where our characters juts use instantly the emotes right as we click on the icons, so that we don’t have to type in silly chat commands anymore.
its much more easier to use emotes over icons, where you can see by the icons, what the character will do once you click on them, as when you have to try for several words as chat commands and seeing in the end all the time only that the stuff that you typed in was no valid chat command for an emote …
But maybe that would be just also awesome as a normal patch content change and not as part of the gem store …
For the sake of this game, bring back the NOSTALGY of GW1 to this game, even if its only via weapon7armor skins, but that would be awesome enough to make the gem story sales go make like BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM rising into the sky
7) Changeable Underwears/Swimsuits!!!
8) Transmutation Stones, that are FINALLY able to transmute also ACCESSOIRES for their item Names/ Item Icons, so that we can make finally accessoires that have the stats that we want together with the name that we want and the item icon that we want!!
I for one want for example use the stats if my ascended accesspoire stuff, but with the names and icons of my self crafted accessoires for example so that i will have actualyl really some rings and earrigns at those slots and not some weird stuff that is just used only, due to their best stats ….
9) More Stuff for Housing, once this feature will be in GW2 one day …
10) Items that allow INGAME MARRIAGE and a ceremory instance around that feature (no cross racial marriages possible, just unfitting if a charr and human would marry or an asura and a norn >.<, each race could have their own individual marriage ceremony rituals, so that each racial marriage instance could look/work different ^^, but the end features of this, would be for all races the same marriage skills that would be performable, if married characters are in a group together in towns)
11) If ever (hopefully) Mounts as playable feature will come, then special Mount Skins
12) If ever (hopefully) stuff like Sea Battles /Craftable Ships/Air Ships will come, then buyable different Ship/Air Ship Skins
13) More different playable MUSIC INSTRUMENTS. Please for the sake of that, let us show that GW2 can beat LotRO in this and imrpve the feature around playable music instruments, implement more of them. Stuff like guitars, flutes, drums, violins and the like so that we will see one day in GW2 whole orchestras of players playing together music ingame!!! That would be my dream to see happening one day in GW2 and watching it then on Youtube as often as i like ^^
14) More Boosters
For Example:
A Booster that increases temporarely the Gold Income, we have one for Magic Find, so why not also one for “Gold Find”??
A Booster, that temporarely decreases Fall Damage to 0 (useful for doing JP with deathly falls alone, when nobody is there to revive you in case of you falling to death)
A Booster, that heals over time conditions or gives just stability over time
A Booster which lets you buy from NPCs with some discount, like 15 to 33%
A Booster which lets you sell items to NPCs better with 15-33% bonus on your profits
(The last two things would be also awesome account bonus things for account point rewards!!!)
15) more visual customization stuff for our characters in overall, be it more hair styles, be it more faces, be it more tatoos, more back items ect.
PvP to PvE transmutation stones/crystals. Want these so badly!
Orpheal: Lovely ideas. Especially about the novel replay.
I had similar thoughts, but I thought of making parts of the books into fractals.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
An animation to actually sit on chairs… Tired of seeing all these comfy chairs and not being able to use them… :C
I second this!
I would have liked to see chair-sitting as part of the normal mechanics really, but buyable/sittable chairs would be the next closest thing.
A wardrobe system, badly needed.
A wardrobe system, badly needed.
Wont happen. The current system works as a great gold sink, so they are never going to change it imo.
1 thing I want to see so badly in the gemstore: race change. That is all.
A wardrobe system, badly needed.
Wont happen. The current system works as a great gold sink, so they are never going to change it imo.
1 thing I want to see so badly in the gemstore: race change. That is all.
Not sure what you mean by a gold sink. A gold sink means money is exiting the game. What money is leaving the game and from what?
A wardrobe system, badly needed.
Wont happen. The current system works as a great gold sink, so they are never going to change it imo.
1 thing I want to see so badly in the gemstore: race change. That is all.
Not sure what you mean by a gold sink. A gold sink means money is exiting the game. What money is leaving the game and from what?
The money we trade for gems so we can buy bank tabs and transmutation gems.
About the race change, that’s one of the few things that the devs said that it is really not happening.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
A wardrobe system, badly needed.
Wont happen. The current system works as a great gold sink, so they are never going to change it imo.
1 thing I want to see so badly in the gemstore: race change. That is all.
Not sure what you mean by a gold sink. A gold sink means money is exiting the game. What money is leaving the game and from what?
The money we trade for gems so we can buy bank tabs and transmutation gems.
About the race change, that’s one of the few things that the devs said that it is really not happening.
If they made a wardrobe system that required a gem store item to ‘attach’ the skin to the wardrobe, then they would be selling those as well as transmutation stones and bank tabs.
Edit: the money that we trade for gems is not a pure gold sink. The majority goes to the players who are selling the gems for gold.
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
Infinite salvage kit, though I suspect this might never see the light of day.
I still vote for infinite taco tonic.
Anet, please make it so
Racial dance change contract!
I want my asura to dance the humans shuffle dance.
Shuffling asura is pure epicness!
Please!!! I know I sound bland and boring, but just a regular (present day) T- Shirt! Or even a hoodie, with …. you know… sleeves?
This would make me real happy!!
I’d literally pay $10 for each
I’m usually typing on my phone
(edited by LumAnth.5124)
Some quivers skins would be nice. I know quivers are craftable, but for the ones that do not want to close themselves in fractals or spend all their gold in materials it would be a great gift
New hairstyles and hair colors.
New armors.
Extra inventory and bank slots.
Stack size increases.
Glasses that are not town clothes.
Tarnished Coast
- More armor. (In the store or through dungeons like it is now idc, just more!)
- Mounts. I. Want. MOUNTS! Nothing to do with mobility, the waypoint system works awesome. I just want to ride a might Dolyak on my Norn or something steampowered on my Charr. Purely cosmetic and NOT BOUND TO TOWNCLOTHES! <3
- More hairstyles, horns, fur. Whatever. More customization!
Back pack as a cape that we can put our guild logo different cape designs a lot of players is waiting for this and more armor skins please like gladiator armor skins or spartan for heavy armor toons i like balthazar armor skin why don’t you guys put it in gem store dwayna , balthazar , melandru , dhuum armor skins
(edited by jayson.6512)
I would love to have dhuum’s outfit being released ( We hardly have any outfit that fits the necro ) aswell as the other gods outfit via the gemstore in memory of them
I want new hair styles, new wings and new dance moves, but complete dance moves, not just small loops like the dance book.
I’d love to have them
Hairstyles kit:
a pack of 10 new hairstyles (races for each entry.)
Face Kit:
a pack of 10 new faces (races for each entry.)
Gw1 armor (all)
Dress human queen, Countess Anise dress.
suits racial cities.
- Moore, Faces, Horns, Hair Of course other "special for other not-charr races)
- perhaps Purchaseable pets… From exotic places far and wide… Or maybe new pets such as Griffons, Raptors and Dolphins will be introduced later in the World.
- Owl Griffon mini
- Charr cub mini
- More emotes or dances… Whatabout “meditate”, “pray” “scratch”….
- Tribe Inspired armour with Feathers, bones, leather patches and pearls…. Our Guild is a Tribe and even have a Shaman…
- everlasting salvage kit (make it EXPENSIVE)
I guess I’m repeating much of what ppl have said already… Havnt read every post here… Thanks A-nat!
(edited by Frostfang.5109)
>Glasses that are not town clothes.
Yes. Please. I would cheerfully pay 800 gems for a combat-wearable set of reading glasses. More if we can dye the frames. (And lenses too, though I’m not so interested in that.)
A portable portal to your own home would be nice too, since it seems that we’re actually getting additions there now, and how many people actually head over there? Most people I know just park an alt there for the daily quartz nowadays.
I start to be annoyed by your gem-store actions. I like many thing out of the gem store. I like the armor skins for heavy and medium and want to buy them someday. I like to obtain more bags, slots for my bank. I also need two more charakterslots. Furthermore, after I am crazy for skins, I totally need fine transmutation stones. But the rest? These gem-store buffs are not that bad, but I would never pay for them. The keys, I used them not very often (only the ones, I got for free ingame) and even with a rare chance for something good out of the chest, no, I will never buy them! The many items like revive orbs lie useless around in my bank, I can understand, why people keep using them mindless only to get their free slots back… Soo a couple of suggestions to make the gem store more interesting:
monthly abo
No, I am absolutly against a fee, but what about a “free fee”? Players can decide to pay a choosen amount of money (5, 15 or 50€)and get some bonus each month:
- 5€ per month gives 50gems, 3 mystic keys, 1 bag with random buffs and you gain +1% for this month (gold, karma, ep and mf).
- 15€ per month gives 150gems, 10 mystic keys, 3 bags with random buffs and you gain +5% for this month.
- 50€ per month gives 500gems, 25 mystic keys, 10 bags with random buffs and +20% for ths month.
Additional, there will be an unique set of minipets, and you will get one per month. These mini pets can only obtained through the abo. BTW, of course you cannot buy the abo inside the game store, but you have a new rider for it.
Also the gem store and the black lion stuff should get two different menus.
account upgrades
- additional bank slots, good, like it is. BTW, upgrade the bank pls, things already lying in there should become collectable stuff, or at least, let the item find existing stacks atomatically, if I transfer items with a doubleclick.
- additional bag slots, good, like it is.
- additional charakter slots are removed.
- upgrade to deluxe edition, make a last action around it and then remove it.
- additional pvp-slots, these cost you only 400 gems and the amount of charakter slots you can have at maximum stays 8
- upgrade your pvp-slot to a full charakter slot, costs you again 400 gems.
- upgrade your account with bonus (karma,ep, …. like the new achievements), each upgrade costs you 2000 gems.
- additional build slots, these are pretty cheap (50 gems maybe?), you can have 10 builds per charakter.
- A own rider for minipets. Later there will be added a really expensive tripple-set with all not anymore purchaseable pets like the anymal babys and rytlock.
- A own rider only for buffs.
- A own rider for special items, here are items like instant repair kit and revive orbs buyable, also the items out of the deluxe edition can be buyed here. These are overworked a bit. There will be a new H-rider below achievements. Now these items dont take place in your bags anymore, they are collected here and can be used over this rider (like gaining a zenith skin)
- A ownh rider for transmutation stones, make over kits, such stuff.
event items
event items, mystic keys, special action sets like the combinition of different special items,
A real useful option of the gemstore are the skins. But honestly, you have to overwork this. There should be more options like the fallowing ones and they need a own rider i think:
town clothes
- headpieces
- shoulders
- waist
- gloves
- pants
- shoes
- back slot
- toy weapons,
after all, it is really a pain to compare different headpieces, if they are departed over the whole list. Also no costumes anymore, the whole costum can be purchased during special actions (like winterday gives a winterday costume), the pieces can be buyed here each alone, but to a high price, especially the toy items!
armor skins
- headpieces
- shoulders
- waist
- gloves
- pants
- shoes
really, this is totally needed. I have interest in the top and the gloves of light, I want the top of medium twice, I could use top, legs and shoulders of heavy. Paying 500 gems for a whole armor set, from which I only want one piece, you should realize, that you would get far more players to buy these skins, if they can really only buy the skins they want. Also the new sets, beside me disliking them, there are always only a few good looking parts (I like boots of medium and light, top and legs of heavy). Furthermore, there are more “crazy” skins needed, if you give players hilarious stuff like Quaggan backpacks (and i really hate you for these skins), they should be able to wear also hilarious armor fitting to these things…
weapon skins
stop paying skins and stop granting tickets out of the mystic chest (or let them as an extra) add a ticket for each skin type. the ticke summons the NPC like the flame and frost gloves. - Skins like winterday skins are purchaseable with an rather cheap ticket (same price like the actual weapons)
- other skins like jade weapons or fused weapons tickets cost a lot of gems.
- special skins like zenith or pact weapons: After they are eaysy to obtain anyway, but limited through the ways to obtain them, there should be chance to obtain them in the gem store. I mean, if I buy 4 zenith weapons, from whom i think they look good, but than create a great look on one of my chars and zenith weapons fit perfectly to this look, but this profession cannot use these 4 weapons, there is no realistic way to give my charakter these skins in the near time.
profession upgrade
there is only one rider, depends on the profession you actually play. There are multiple choices aviaible in this part of the store:
- special animations like if you use a burst skill with warrior. These should be great for many players.
- a unique set of exotic weapons, only useable with this professions (and only weapons of the type the profession can use).
- a unique armor fitting perfectly to this profession (only skins).
- other things like special pets for ranger (no new skills, same like with the HoM pets).
I start to be annoyed by your gem-store actions. I like many thing out of the gem store. I like the armor skins for heavy and medium and want to buy them someday. I like to obtain more bags, slots for my bank. I also need two more charakterslots. Furthermore, after I am crazy for skins, I totally need fine transmutation stones. But the rest? These gem-store buffs are not that bad, but I would never pay for them. The keys, I used them not very often (only the ones, I got for free ingame) and even with a rare chance for something good out of the chest, no, I will never buy them! The many items like revive orbs lie useless around in my bank, I can understand, why people keep using them mindless only to get their free slots back… Soo a couple of suggestions to make the gem store more interesting:
monthly abo
No, I am absolutly against a fee, but what about a “free fee”? Players can decide to pay a choosen amount of money (5, 15 or 50€)and get some bonus each month:
- 5€ per month gives 50gems, 3 mystic keys, 1 bag with random buffs and you gain +1% for this month (gold, karma, ep and mf).
- 15€ per month gives 150gems, 10 mystic keys, 3 bags with random buffs and you gain +5% for this month.
- 50€ per month gives 500gems, 25 mystic keys, 10 bags with random buffs and +20% for ths month.
Additional, there will be an unique set of minipets, and you will get one per month. These mini pets can only obtained through the abo. BTW, of course you cannot buy the abo inside the game store, but you have a new rider for it.Also the gem store and the black lion stuff should get two different menus.
account upgrades
- additional bank slots, good, like it is. BTW, upgrade the bank pls, things already lying in there should become collectable stuff, or at least, let the item find existing stacks atomatically, if I transfer items with a doubleclick.
- additional bag slots, good, like it is.
- additional charakter slots are removed.
- upgrade to deluxe edition, make a last action around it and then remove it.
- additional pvp-slots, these cost you only 400 gems and the amount of charakter slots you can have at maximum stays 8
- upgrade your pvp-slot to a full charakter slot, costs you again 400 gems.
- upgrade your account with bonus (karma,ep, …. like the new achievements), each upgrade costs you 2000 gems.
- additional build slots, these are pretty cheap (50 gems maybe?), you can have 10 builds per charakter.
I do not understand … we should pay so much a month for stuff that we interressent not necessarily?
If this is the case, it does not interest me.
There are tons of players paying for games (like WoW) and though i never would do so, this would be sure also a nice help for Anets Taem. Also, 15€ are not the world (especially for rich kids). If you have no RL (beside work), this wouldnt be a bad use for your money. I mean, I have RL and it depresses me a lot, how much time the game eats, but I enjoy playing games. But look at the society, not anyone has friends, especially older people often feel alone (I also already met this kind of people ingame). To life your life ingame is not what you should do, but it sure is better to play all day within a community instead of sitting bored alone in front of the TV. And at the point, the game is your life, there is nothing bad about paying for unessecary stuff ingame, I mean if I watch a movie at the cinema with friends or other RL-activities are not for free and there you also spent money also for stuff not neccessary.
There are mini’s to cover all of the elements except earth, which of course is the only mini I wanted. :/
- unlimited salvage kit
- skirts and dresses for town clothes (especially the dress that human nobles wear)
- bigger bags
- bigger bags
“Mystic Rune of Holding – 50 gems – Apply to your backpack to increase its size by one permanently.”?
What I want is this
We want the things we missed :]
What I want is this
We want the things we missed :]
Put past skins in the gem store PLEASE. Not only for those of us who tried to get them but couldn’t, but also for new players who want them.
I wouldn’t mind seeing the return of some of the classic 15k/Obsidian armor sets from GW1. However, that would be incredibly time consuming to make a set for each race.