Feedback to the Valentines day Roses [merged]
This makes me very sad </3 I would love for my bf to buy these for me. I feel sad at the thought of having to buy them for myself ;(
Did the person at Anet who is responsible for the gem shop had a bad experience on Valentines day and wants the rest of us to suffer?
You could give the person the gold to buy one or buy them something that has more meaning then just some flowers. Made gifts have all the more feeling to them. Or even wright a poem that will make any one happy if you put a bit of work into it!
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
I had a feeling they would do this account bound garbage and they did it…
I joke about it, but they up and did it.
I used to have faith in them, but lately…
Remember all those movies/shows where the guy/girl buys themselves flowers to make everyone else jealous. Well, it’s probably not gonna work here.
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF
http://everyonesgrudge.enjin.com/home MY GW2 Music http://tinyurl.com/cm4o6tu
there are account bound flowers in the gift shop?
oh hahahahaha that is hilarious- now all we need is the account bound chocolates to go with it- I guess they think we are all forever alone?
Things like buying roses for other people is kinda on their “Don’t give a Kitten” pile…
Things like buying roses for other people is kinda on their “Don’t give a Kitten” pile…
I think it might be an oversight since gems are account bound- they would have to make a whole new mechanic to make it gift-able.
Maybe they figured some flowers are better than none?
Maybe in the future we will be able to send gifts
Making them bound on equipt (after which they become bound on account) would solve the what I guess is why they are account bound. Meaning non trade able to other players, otherwise the store doesn’t sell as many as they hope, as the few bought ones just keep going round. Well it can be done once still (which is the whole point) but not indefinitely.
But yeah as it stands with instant BOA, they are pretty pointless for valentine. Gifts that can’t be gifted but have to be self bought kinda loose their meaning.
Things like buying roses for other people is kinda on their “Don’t give a Kitten” pile…
I think it might be an oversight since gems are account bound- they would have to make a whole new mechanic to make it gift-able.
Maybe they figured some flowers are better than none?
Maybe in the future we will be able to send gifts
There’s a word for that back in my day…
It’s called being lazy.
there are account bound flowers in the gift shop?
oh hahahahaha that is hilarious- now all we need is the account bound chocolates to go with it- I guess they think we are all forever alone?
I guess that’s why the skills are pretty much all about throwing roses away. There’s even a shattered heart animation :P
A box of chocolates where all the skills are you munching chocolates would be cute though…
but we are all basement-dwelling nerds without girl/boyfriends anyway, so why would we want to give them away? Much better to buy them yourself and pretend it was a gift from a secret admirer. A fantasy within a fantasy world- how more awesome can it get?
These flower aren’t worth 400 if you only use them for 2 effects…
Bashing doesn’t count.
At 400 gems I think I’ll pass on sending myself flowers.
I think what I will do is just go to a cooking station and make some chocolate covered goodies and send it to my husband- mmmm
That’s pretty lame imo
Let’s not give them ideas http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Something_Special_For_Someone_Special
Let’s not give them ideas http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Something_Special_For_Someone_Special
please noooo
But I like the idea of gift wrap to make stuff from the store gift-able, that could work- kind of like commendation packaging.
Halloween hyped me up…
but everything after… has been… really underwhelming…
Did the person at Anet who is responsible for the gem shop had a bad experience on Valentines day and wants the rest of us to suffer?
Whoever it was who decided this, needs guidance.
have a forever alone valentine’s day!
lol wtf, pass, thanks….
I saw these and I was about to buy them for my wife for laughs (our anniversary is also Valentines Day) and then I saw they were account bound.. and also 400 gems.
How incredibly disappointing. I’d buy them for myself, again for laughs, if they were cheaper. As it is, they’re half the price of a character slot! I can buy my wife (or myself..) a real bouquet of flowers for that price.
Player hosted event:
Anet Hosted Event: Seinfeld Episode.
I love the game, and I do like some stuff on Gem store. But this… This is well.. “Different” lol
From an article on the web: “15 percent of U.S. women send themselves flowers on Valentine’s Day.”
15% of you will buy those roses, and you will like it.
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF
http://everyonesgrudge.enjin.com/home MY GW2 Music http://tinyurl.com/cm4o6tu
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
After I looked at them, I decided I like it- it is very funny in a sort of woe is me kind of way- I can just imagine a character with a princess doll prancing around with one of them
I still won’t be buying it though
Ok I take back everything I said- I just saw them in game and they are awesome
Ran into a gathering in DR and people were playing around with toys and the bouquet is so much fun – I don’t even have one myself- you can toss it to someone else.
really brilliant Anet!
I went to the bank to see if I can afford one and I can’t…..
(edited by Morrigan.2809)
I noticed a new item was added to the gemstore (sneakily) a beautiful Bouquet of Roses you can share with others by tossing a bouquet over your head, I love it! Let’s all spread the love (and rose petals) for Valentines Day Thanks Anet!
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
(edited by Fay.2735)
What are the skills it has?
1. ) A default “punch”-like attack, nothing special
2. ) Throw a single rose at somebody (like the shot from the Ventari-tonic)
3. ) Throw a hand of blossoms around (nice effect! … + short cooldown)
4. ) Throw the bouquet itself behind yourself and somebody can catch it (The player catching the boquet can use the skills 1. – 3. )
5. ) Lay yourself down in a bed of roses! Looks very cool ( lasts like 20-30 seconds)
Hope this helps
I have never ever given any of my girl friends or my wife money to buy their own flowers. It is such an insult…
(edited by DarkSpirit.7046)
One complaint about the Bouquet of Roses; it’s account bound. I can understand the need to have the other items available in the Gem Store as such, but the whole idea behind Valentine’s Day is to GIVE something to a significant other or that special friend. It would have made a lot more sense to be able to GIVE the Bouquet of Roses to someone else, rather than have them buy it for themselves…
Otherwise I thought it was a wonderful idea.
Dog Biscuits [DOG] – Stormbluff Isle
Self-Proclaimed King of Orr – “It’s MY Island”
One complaint about the Bouquet of Roses; it’s account bound. I can understand the need to have the other items available in the Gem Store as such, but the whole idea behind Valentine’s Day is to GIVE something to a significant other or that special friend. It would have made a lot more sense to be able to GIVE the Bouquet of Roses to someone else, rather than have them buy it for themselves…
Otherwise I thought it was a wonderful idea.
But you can, You can throw the bouquet to anyone and they can use the first three skills for free for 2 minutes. If you really want to buy all 5 skills for someone to permanently use send them the gold to exchange for gems (or real money).
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
But you can, You can throw the bouquet to anyone and they can use the first three skills for free for 2 minutes. If you really want to buy all 5 skills for someone to permanently use send them the gold to exchange for gems (or real money).
Right, are you going to give your gf money so she can buy herself roses this <3 day? Let me know how that goes for you.
k to make this logic and to not recive a bad point again on the forum, her my best effort to put it in descent way:
People love valentine’s day becausse they think its a special day in the year to pay extra attention so dear anet pls don’t ruinen the spirit of valentine’s day by making you buy you’re own flowers, and just sending like 8gold to you’re partner in game is just not going to do the trick….
So anet pls make it possible so we can donate the flowers to other players so they recive them ingame account bound, or make them not account bound that at least some descent toys will be on the market.
So anet pls think outside the open office room, go look into the real world and see what couples do on valentine’s day… I can’t belive that you are all single and don’t see what valentine’s day is all about…. since valentine’s day is about you’re partner not how cool you’re own char looks like whit a bunch of roses
O and consider somthing the ladys can donate to the male players, i don’t see myself playing whit roses… we do have two sexes you know we have male players and female players…. shame on you for not thinking about both sexes on valentine’s day,
but hey i think you get the point….
If they didnt gave it the rediculous price much more ppl would have bought it. But 8 gold for gems is just to much to ask imho
:( <- look sad…I would have bought it immediatly if the price was 200gems. As for now, Im just saving for the quaggan.
Anet this is ridiculous please let us send the flowers to other players… There is a girl which I like and she plays GW2 (and she actualli is a girl!!!), and you’re making me sad for not being able to showcase my feelings in Guild Wars style ;[
Please Anet make the option to send the flowers to other players! Please.
+1 Yes please. I would even donate to do that.
Arenanet really can’t help itself when it comes to ripping things directly from Perfect World Inc that other asian cash shop grinder.
- dungeons that get harder on repeat, check
- legendaries, even the name, check
- cash shop holiday consumables, like valentines flowers, check
- make over consumables, check
Unfortunately, Anet has not been able to duplicate the smooth up to 200+ players in one screen pvp battles without braindead culling issues.
Guardian / Ranger / Mesmer / Necro / Warrior
Played since 1st online ‘demo’ months before the BWEs.
But you can, You can throw the bouquet to anyone and they can use the first three skills for free for 2 minutes. If you really want to buy all 5 skills for someone to permanently use send them the gold to exchange for gems (or real money).
Right, are you going to give your gf money so she can buy herself roses this <3 day? Let me know how that goes for you.
I’m a girl not a guy. If your girlfriend is a gamer and likes in-game presents over real ones she’s going to appreciate you getting it for her regardless of how it’s achieved and will realize how the game works.
If she’s going to freak out about it then either you need to get a new GF or maybe pay some real life attention to her.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
It will still take them some good time to be able to make gem-items giftable, it’s not “lazyness” or something, if you know anything about coding you know how messy things can get.
X interfers with Y that does that on Z and it’s a dooming cycle.
The code, at the moment, doesn’t allows it, simple as that. It’s complicated, no some “here, done” stuff you can do at any time because it could kitten up tons of other items.
I bought mine and I’m really glad that I did, it’s super fun and I love it, it’s a town clothe’s weapon, just like the witch’s broom and the wintersday’s scepter.
Buy her a Passion Flower. Those are better to symbolize passion anyway.
It will still take them some good time to be able to make gem-items giftable, it’s not “lazyness” or something, if you know anything about coding you know how messy things can get.
X interfers with Y that does that on Z and it’s a dooming cycle.
The code, at the moment, doesn’t allows it, simple as that. It’s complicated, no some “here, done” stuff you can do at any time because it could kitten up tons of other items.I bought mine and I’m really glad that I did, it’s super fun and I love it, it’s a town clothe’s weapon, just like the witch’s broom and the wintersday’s scepter.
And @topic: Flowers are genderless, if you don’t like them, don’t use them, as anything else in the world.
I’m a male and I kitten love my bouquet, it doesn’t make me any less of a man.
If you really badly want to give someone some gifts, cook yourself some chocolates and other items to give to her, buy her 7 sets of pink dyes, red dyes, blabla. Be creative.
Tip: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/community/fangen/Valentines-Event-2-8-2-9-2-10-NSP-US/first#post1406792
Arenanet really can’t help itself when it comes to ripping things directly from Perfect World Inc that other asian cash shop grinder.
- dungeons that get harder on repeat, check
- legendaries, even the name, check
- cash shop holiday consumables, like valentines flowers, check
- make over consumables, checkUnfortunately, Anet has not been able to duplicate the smooth up to 200+ players in one screen pvp battles without braindead culling issues.
Very funny post.
The flowers aren’t consumable, they become a toy weapon to have fun. I kinda don’t think any MMO had the weapon 5 skills system before right.
Dungeons getting harder on repeat? Seriously? Where did that come from?
Make over consumables are in pretty much every MMO.
Legendary stats weapons are in tons of other MMOs too, dating way, way back.
I’m a girl not a guy. If your girlfriend is a gamer and likes in-game presents over real ones she’s going to appreciate you getting it for her regardless of how it’s achieved and will realize how the game works.
If she’s going to freak out about it then either you need to get a new GF or maybe pay some real life attention to her.
You can still have a gf if your a girl. My wife is a gamer and likes in-game presents and rl presents, if I give her gold she’ll feel bad about spending my gold, if I gave her in-game flowers she’d squee. I don’t think anybody is freaking out about it, and I’ve been saving daisies and passion flowers for gwars <3 day and rl made her a plushie unicorn. And not being able to gift the roses is still, lame.
I’m a girl not a guy. If your girlfriend is a gamer and likes in-game presents over real ones she’s going to appreciate you getting it for her regardless of how it’s achieved and will realize how the game works.
If she’s going to freak out about it then either you need to get a new GF or maybe pay some real life attention to her.
You can still have a gf if your a girl. My wife is a gamer and likes in-game presents and rl presents, if I give her gold she’ll feel bad about spending my gold, if I gave her in-game flowers she’d squee. I don’t think anybody is freaking out about it, and I’ve been saving daisies and passion flowers for gwars <3 day and rl made her a plushie unicorn. And not being able to gift the roses is still, lame.
Yeah, I just logged in to go ahead and buy this for the gf and saw that it was ‘account bound’
Maybe they will change it before the 14th. Hopefully it was just an oversight.
Can we pls send this item?? Accountbound on this Item really sucks!!
If they didnt gave it the rediculous price much more ppl would have bought it. But 8 gold for gems is just to much to ask imho
:( <- look sad…I would have bought it immediatly if the price was 200gems. As for now, Im just saving for the quaggan.
There’s no way in hell Anet will lower the price, just like they’ll never fix the hypocritical legendary grind based on RNG or make the underdog classes(Ranger/Necro) passable.
Sorry to crush your dreams. I recommend spending ten hours a day killing zombies in Orr and mining up all the ore and cutting down all the trees you find and selling your trash on the TP.