Sucks to Suck
Precursor Manipulation
Sucks to Suck
Legendary weapons are NOT some ultimate end game goal! They are long term goal!
Most of you still dont get it
There are already hundereds players with Legendaries, I would say thousands by now. Anet already stated that they players were achieving Legendaries faster than expected soo…
So these high prices are infact what Areanet welcome.
Arena, aren’t you ashamed deleting the posts containing truth?
Just once again: yes, the market for precursors is manipulated by a bunch of people, who sell only a small number of them at a time and CONTINUOUSLY putting the price up, and you know it. You do nothing about it so far for whatever reason, may be, because it suits you well – people will need to buy gems.
Kacigarka, I’m sorry, but you’re the one who don’t get it You probably don’t even know what’s happening in the market of precursors, how much the price was 8, 4 or 2 weeks ago and how much it is now.
One guys in another thread posted a very relevant example – a kitty trying to catch it’s tail. You farm 10g a day – precursor goes up 20g the next one. Farm more. Moooooooaaaarrrr.
Arena, aren’t you ashamed deleting the posts containing truth?
Just once again: yes, the market for precursors is manipulated by a bunch of people, who sell only a small number of them at a time and CONTINUOUSLY putting the price up, and you know it. You do nothing about it so far for whatever reason, may be, because it suits you well – people will need to buy gems.
Kacigarka, I’m sorry, but you’re the one who don’t get it
You probably don’t even know what’s happening in the market of precursors, how much the price was 8, 4 or 2 weeks ago and how much it is now.
One guys in another thread posted a very relevant example – a kitty trying to catch it’s tail. You farm 10g a day – precursor goes up 20g the next one. Farm more. Moooooooaaaarrrr.
I know very well I would say better than you with those 1350 hours played + slowly working on my second legendary. I know that some players are tryeing to incease the prices of precursor by buying the low priced ones, relist them for high prices. Or buy almost all the supply, wait few days so the order goes higher. But the price increse in last 2 months is caused by lower supply.
But thats nothing ilegal, thats trading. I did buy 2 precursors like lover, chosen for 100g and sold them 2x higher. That doesnt mean I am some hacker, I just took the risk and made profit
And btw .. I dont know if you buy-out precursors, but I think Order is better option
20g a day in price increase? What precursor are you talking about, they are relatively stable in prices …
Legend …
Lover …
Dusk …
So no … the prices are NOT increasing by 20 gold in a day stop making up stuff please
(edited by Kacigarka.5176)
20g a day in price increase, what precursor are you talking about, they are relatively stable in prices …
Dusk … no … the prices are NOT increasing by 20 gold in a day
stop making up stuff please
Oh come on… Dusk was ~500g a week ago and it was ~600g today. It’s +20% per week.
Arena, aren’t you ashamed deleting the posts containing truth?
Just once again: yes, the market for precursors is manipulated by a bunch of people, who sell only a small number of them at a time and CONTINUOUSLY putting the price up, and you know it. You do nothing about it so far for whatever reason, may be, because it suits you well – people will need to buy gems.
Kacigarka, I’m sorry, but you’re the one who don’t get it
You probably don’t even know what’s happening in the market of precursors, how much the price was 8, 4 or 2 weeks ago and how much it is now.
One guys in another thread posted a very relevant example – a kitty trying to catch it’s tail. You farm 10g a day – precursor goes up 20g the next one. Farm more. Moooooooaaaarrrr.
mmm i dont see your problem i personal knew after karka event that precursors would fall so i bought maybe 11 now there back to normal price i call that being smart supply vs demand dont they teach this in economics you wait for the idiots that are impatient to sell theres then when there all gone you put the price you want its a very easy to see business choice. Punishing smart people mmm i dont think so
Omg, of course I exaggerated by saying 20g a day. It wasn’t like this EVERYDAY.
But the idea is still the same – it’s going up, and going up considerably. You can see the increase on the graphs you provided yourself. Predator stated it as well.
I don’t care, how legal/illegal it is to control the whole market for the most desirable things., but this is not how it is supposed to be. That’s a fact. Something needs to be changed/added, otherwise the price for Dusk, for example, would reach 1k by the end of January, while the ways of earning money stay at the same rate.
Arena, aren’t you ashamed deleting the posts containing truth?
Just once again: yes, the market for precursors is manipulated by a bunch of people, who sell only a small number of them at a time and CONTINUOUSLY putting the price up, and you know it. You do nothing about it so far for whatever reason, may be, because it suits you well – people will need to buy gems.
Kacigarka, I’m sorry, but you’re the one who don’t get it
You probably don’t even know what’s happening in the market of precursors, how much the price was 8, 4 or 2 weeks ago and how much it is now.
One guys in another thread posted a very relevant example – a kitty trying to catch it’s tail. You farm 10g a day – precursor goes up 20g the next one. Farm more. Moooooooaaaarrrr.
mmm i dont see your problem i personal knew after karka event that precursors would fall so i bought maybe 11 now there back to normal price i call that being smart supply vs demand dont they teach this in economics you wait for the idiots that are impatient to sell theres then when there all gone you put the price you want its a very easy to see business choice. Punishing smart people mmm i dont think so
Yes-yes, you are the smart one, take a cookie
Arena, aren’t you ashamed deleting the posts containing truth?
Just once again: yes, the market for precursors is manipulated by a bunch of people, who sell only a small number of them at a time and CONTINUOUSLY putting the price up, and you know it. You do nothing about it so far for whatever reason, may be, because it suits you well – people will need to buy gems.
Kacigarka, I’m sorry, but you’re the one who don’t get it
You probably don’t even know what’s happening in the market of precursors, how much the price was 8, 4 or 2 weeks ago and how much it is now.
One guys in another thread posted a very relevant example – a kitty trying to catch it’s tail. You farm 10g a day – precursor goes up 20g the next one. Farm more. Moooooooaaaarrrr.
mmm i dont see your problem i personal knew after karka event that precursors would fall so i bought maybe 11 now there back to normal price i call that being smart supply vs demand dont they teach this in economics you wait for the idiots that are impatient to sell theres then when there all gone you put the price you want its a very easy to see business choice. Punishing smart people mmm i dont think so
Yes-yes, you are the smart one, take a cookie
no no thats how Vader Took Over The Republic
There is strong suspicion that gold seller cartels are buying up all the precursors to craft the legendaries to sell at increased profit. True or not, it’s not in the realms of implausible. Gives them an outlet for all the mats their bots farm.
I stopped reading when you blamed the gold sellers.
Mate, it’s all the power traders, get it to your head.
Destroying the market for everyone else, but who cares? they sit on thousands of gold.
I stopped reading when you blamed the gold sellers.
Mate, it’s all the power traders, get it to your head.
Destroying the market for everyone else, but who cares? they sit on thousands of gold.
yeah essentially they are playing the legendary game amongst themselves. Im fine with having some things for these types of players but having the only long term goals be essentially for only the rich players who play the TP/buygold/grind like no tommorrow is a bad game design.
I think they should make precursors into a long quest chain, or involve doing specific DE chains over time. there is enough other reqs to still make it a legendary grind without the precursor part.
For the TP gold man types i think they should introduce some items specifically designed for rich types.
items designed specifically to show off your money, leaving gold footprints or dropping gold,
special suits made of sparkly matterials
money clip weapons
commander like token, except it shows a dolar sign, or bag of gold on the map.
killing someone like this in WvWvW should give you extra gold or loot chance.
etc, may sound like im joking, but i think this would be acceptable types of visual items to show you are a master of money/achieve that type of playstyle.
It is not appropriate for the only endgame content to be the sole baliwick of the extremely rich.
20g a day in price increase, what precursor are you talking about, they are relatively stable in prices …
Dusk … no … the prices are NOT increasing by 20 gold in a day
stop making up stuff please
Oh come on… Dusk was ~500g a week ago and it was ~600g today. It’s +20% per week.
Looking at Dusk, where for the past week the number of buy orders have been sitting around the 5k mark, do you think that the price movements would be much different if the supply wasn’t controlled by one person? Or if there were 5 or 10 times the numbers available for sale? I personally doubt there would be a significant difference.
The item is in low supply yet has high demand, this may allow one person to capture the majority of supply, but if you look at the daily view of the chart, the price rises and falls over the course of 24 hours, indicating that if this person/cartel exists, they don’t control all of the supply.
Also note that the highest buy prices are also moving, indicating that people are prepared to pay large sums for this item. Again, in the last 24 hours, these prices have been moving up and down, so it’s likely that some of these orders are being filled.
The problem isn’t price manipulation by a select few. That’s what a player run economy is all about (not that i like it).
The problem is that legendaries are based on RNG and farming gold, instead of a long and intricate quest chain involving playing every aspect of the game. World completion is a nice beginning step, but it needs to be expanded on so that purchasing gold or even the legendary itself are not options.
Once the scavenger hunt process starts, all Precursor prices will plummet far more than after the Karka chest. So if you’re patient, you can get what you want for reasonable prices.
Once the scavenger hunt process starts, all Precursor prices will plummet far more than after the Karka chest. So if you’re patient, you can get what you want for reasonable prices.
Have they said when this was going to be put in? There are a number of things that still need to get addressed in this game and I have my doubts that stuff like will get addressed any time soon.
I’d rather wait till they add new ones that aren’t tainted. I have lost all desire to obtain the current legendaries even though I have the means. “yes!…I’m a tp player..wait no I’m not…..wth?…..ppl in la know me enough as is…..don’t need a weapon to prove I live there”
The problem isn’t price manipulation by a select few. That’s what a player run economy is all about (not that i like it).
The problem is that legendaries are based on RNG and farming gold, instead of a long and intricate quest chain involving playing every aspect of the game. World completion is a nice beginning step, but it needs to be expanded on so that purchasing gold or even the legendary itself are not options.
THATS Only problem for you. I dont enjoy quests and I didnt enjoy story quest in Guild Wars 2 at all. I am okey with the way Legendary weapons are now… So yea, only you see problem in it and kind of players like you. NOT EVERYONE …
Legendary weapons are just rare crafted weapons. CRAFTED. Nothing else. Please, realize that fact already.
Or should I do some epic chain quest to craft my armor, corrupted weapons or whatever too? No I dont …
Legendary is just higher tier .. Nothing else, still crafted weapon. Not weapons sent by gods.
There is already fixed Recipe for The Legendary weapons and that is not going to be changed, maybe little bit tweaked like scavanger hunt. Thats all. So you should start working on it or give up
(edited by Kacigarka.5176)
Yeah… I’m really hoping the Legendary Armor use the Gift of Mastery and NOTHING ELSE seen in the current recipies.
The Gift of Fortune has become nothing more than a gold check.
The unique Item Gifts are ok-ish – being based off of dungeon runs, crafting, and a FIXED gold check (100g for the icy runestones). Then they go completely off the rails with that insane grind for lodestones/dubloons if you actually try to do the harvesting yourself. Yet another ‘play the market or be fool in the service of those who do’ step.
The precurrsors have proven to be grossly flawed concept – scrap that kitty-litter.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Yeah… I’m really hoping the Legendary Armor use the Gift of Mastery and NOTHING ELSE seen in the current recipies.
The Gift of Fortune has become nothing more than a gold check.
The unique Item Gifts are ok-ish – being based off of dungeon runs, crafting, and a FIXED gold check (100g for the icy runestones). Then they go completely off the rails with that insane grind for lodestones/dubloons if you actually try to do the harvesting yourself. Yet another ‘play the market or be fool in the service of those who do’ step.
The precurrsors have proven to be grossly flawed concept – scrap that kitty-litter.
Gift of ’’Fortune’’ … Fortune stands for ’’luck’’ ’’wealth’’ so ye, that was intended .. to be around a money and luck
Nothing to complain about
Only some of the players, those who can achive the Legendary see it as flawed concept, broken, etc. But there are thousands of player who have Legendaries or almost done with them. By legit ways.
If they managed it, everyone can So stop complaining 24/7 pls
Btw .. there is a response by Anets dev who said that nothing is wrong with high prices of precursor because they are so rare and so demanded
(edited by Kacigarka.5176)
I didn’t say it was misnamed. I said it was a gold check. Rather than the harvesting check it looks like on paper.
At this point ANet might want to consider having a few less player-controled variable gold checks in their so-called endgame. At least as they move forward.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Btw .. there is a response by Anets dev who said that nothing is wrong with high prices of precursor because they are so rare and so demanded
Really? You and I remember the Dev comments on the topic very differently…
“We’ve received a large amount of feedback about Legendaries becoming unreachable. This is actually a topic we’ve been tracking for quite some time. To ease your minds I am here to say that it’s something we’ve been watching and we’ve been listening to your feedback. You can expect to begin to see changes addressing the issue starting with our next build.”
“I am definitely working on the precursor scavenger hunt, but like others have said, things like this take time and I want to get it right. Not to mention, it’s not the only thing on my plate. Please do not expect to see the precursor scavenger hunt in the next patch. I may be awesome, but I am still only human and this is a fairly large amount of work to get done and done right. Please be patient!”
Those are not the actions of a staff happy with the current trajectory.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I just hope precursors stealthily become account bound so the people who hoard precursors for no other reason than to manipulate the market get screwed.
I noticed that the people who are happy about current situation are either of those:
1) Bought precursor in september
2) Buying gold from gold-sellers
3) Buying a ton of gems
4) Made a fortune in september/october, when the prices were low
5) Don’t care about legendary at all
6) Doing/done the legendary, which requires a cheap precursor
Relax guys, it doesn’t concern you then.
Precursors won’t become account bound. This game is free to play thus Anet needs the game to have desirable in game items people want and are willing to buy lots of money in gems for. People usually aren’t willing to spend all the much if the items you can buy are purely cosmetic only in nature.
The precursors could have been worked into something along the lines of map completely or story completion where you got to choose one precursor at the end of a long quest chain that was bind on pickup. The reason it wasn’t added is pretty obvious if you look at the signs.
Anet’s quick response to money making exploits while they have incredibly long response time to any other in game issues. The constant war they seem to be having on BoT’s and Gold selling companies with more active measures taken against them then in other MMO’s, even when it starts to effect normal gamers with the DR’s hitting anyone trying to farm their way to a precursor legitimately.
The issue is not that they don’t want you to waste your money or buy gold. They want you to buy gold from them, not a goldseller company. If all the most desirable items in game could easily be obtained without buying any gems it would hit Anet’s income hard, almost to the point of it being non existent.
Also Anet isn’t going to listen much to those suggesting they take measure to prevent people from trading cash for gold at their shop. If you choose not to do it whatever they already got your 60 bucks why on earth should they listen to what you have to say your not giving them any more income just because you got 1500+ hours gametime.
I noticed that the people who are happy about current situation are either of those:
1) Bought precursor in september
2) Buying gold from gold-sellers
3) Buying a ton of gems
4) Made a fortune in september/october, when the prices were low
5) Don’t care about legendary at all
6) Doing/done the legendary, which requires a cheap precursorRelax guys, it doesn’t concern you then.
Sorry but you are so wrong.. i’m not one of the above and i’m stil happy with the current system. I AM farming to get my equipment, i’m doing the daily’s on all my dungeons to get gold/xp/karma. i’m ASKING for help from guilding with some things.
It’s MENT to be hard. We are “only” 3-4 months into the game and I can’t walk in LA without seeing 6-7 twilights and sunrises. They are already way too common. IMO they should even be harder to obtain.
Sorry but you are so wrong.. i’m not one of the above and i’m stil happy with the current system. I AM farming to get my equipment, i’m doing the daily’s on all my dungeons to get gold/xp/karma. i’m ASKING for help from guilding with some things.
It’s MENT to be hard. We are “only” 3-4 months into the game and I can’t walk in LA without seeing 6-7 twilights and sunrises. They are already way too common. IMO they should even be harder to obtain.
The current system involving precursors is not hard. Unless a test of patience is considered hard. Winning at a casino is not considered hard. Winning the lotto is not considered hard. Anything based completely off of chance does not fall in the realm of difficulty. It doesn’t even fall in the realm of work.
Only people like you seem to care if someone else has a legendary. Which is hysterical that someone would care so much about what someone else in-game has does indeed display a deep-rooted false sense of elitism, jealousy, and envy. But can’t defend it’s position with any failed narrative other than “it’s supposed to be rare”.
Completely remove the fact that the parts of crafting a legendary aren’t necessarily hard but are indeed time consuming and still have measurable progress, even clovers. Truly, the precursor part is the only odd ball out from everything else that goes into making one.
The reason why you see so many Twilights/Sunrises is a two-fold reason. General consensus dictates that both the quality of the skin and the amount of classes that can use GS trump all of the other legendaries, both in terms of aesthetics and the amount of classes that can use a similar weapon. But it’s mostly about the looks. Secondly that most Twilights/Sunrises you see are on players who had purchased their precursor back in September for 1/8th to 1/10th the cost they are now.
colossus went up from sub 200 to 450g in like 2 weeks, alone last night it raised from 330g to 450g. The market manipulators need to be permanently banned. It makes many people quit the game.
I’ve been saving gold as I can since launch and two days ago I finally purchased my precursor. Dawn for 419g. It’s not impossible. That being said I still have a long way to go to get my Legendary. Am I upset about it? No. Yes the grind is miserable and I’m sure most of you don’t like to do it. I’m doing it for the satisfaction. I feel like a lot of you are forgetting that most of these “Legendaries” don’t have super amazing stats. Since I own my precursor now I guess I can go ahead and tell you a secret as well. The precursor is the least of your worries. Trust me. You’ll have a lot more than just an exotic weapon to worry about if you want your legendary. And my opinion on it? I’m happy with the way it is, but wouldn’t mind a change either.
(edited by Worth One Million.5247)
I’ve been saving gold as I can since launch and two days ago I finally purchased my precursor. Dawn for 419g. It’s not impossible. That being said I still have a long way to go to get my Legendary. Am I upset about it? No. Yes the grind is miserable and I’m sure most of you don’t like to do it. I’m doing it for the satisfaction. I feel like alot of you are forgetting that most of these “Legendaries” don’t have super amazing stats. And my opinion on it? I’m happy with the way it is, but wouldn’t mind a change either.
Listen to this man. He has more wisdom than most of you complaining players have together.
colossus went up from sub 200 to 450g in like 2 weeks, alone last night it raised from 330g to 450g. The market manipulators need to be permanently banned. It makes many people quit the game.
you sir are a complete and uter kitten kitten you want the smart people to get banned because you were to stupid to invest in something god idiots always want something Go study up in economics
colossus went up from sub 200 to 450g in like 2 weeks, alone last night it raised from 330g to 450g. The market manipulators need to be permanently banned. It makes many people quit the game.
you sir are a complete and uter kitten kitten you want the smart people to get banned because you were to stupid to invest in something god idiots always want something Go study up in economics
Its not smart, its asocial to do this. But I guess I will also have to blame Anet for designing faulty mechanics which give asocial people so much power over the economy (of rare items).
The amount of listings and sales of certain high-in-demand precursors (Dawn, Dusk, Legend, Colossus) is fairly low each month, and Arenanet could surely keep track if lets say..90% of the transactions concerning Dusk were occurring by 1 person or being bought out and relisted by 1 or 2 person.
This talk about manipulation with precursors or by gold sellers is right now, complete speculation. In setting baseless market conspiracies aside, the truth is in all likelihood a lot simpler: As the game gets older and players gradually become seasoned and acquire wealth—more and more of them will be pursuing their Legendary. Certainly there are a lot more people working towards their Legendary TODAY, than there were 2 months ago. And as more players begin this journey, they will likewise look to acquire their precursor, thus increasing the demand and their value. Sunrise and Bifrost are more desirable than the Moot or Meteorologicus.
This is precisely why other precursors (Storm, Energizer, ect) aren’t being sold for 500 gold, because the demand is lower. Its that simple. There is zero evidence to support the notion of precursor manipulation, or that a few people are hoarding the majority of these items. After all, if there were, why haven’t they gone into the other precursor markets? The Moot precursor (Energizer) sells for about 35 gold, there are only 20 of them on the market,, the whole supply could be bought out for roughly 900 gold (or for roughly the cost of 2.5 dusks). Theoretically, the Energizer is as rare as Dusk or Dawn in terms of drop %, or coming from the mystic forge. Why haven’t all these Energizers been bought out and relisted for 250 gold each? ANSWER: Because there is no manipulation going on.
(edited by Sunreva.8714)
colossus went up from sub 200 to 450g in like 2 weeks, alone last night it raised from 330g to 450g. The market manipulators need to be permanently banned. It makes many people quit the game.
you sir are a complete and uter kitten kitten you want the smart people to get banned because you were to stupid to invest in something god idiots always want something Go study up in economics
Its not smart, its asocial to do this. But I guess I will also have to blame Anet for designing faulty mechanics which give asocial people so much power over the economy (of rare items).
nothing wrong with the mechanics supply vs demand and how is asocial have anything to do with this i invested in precursors after karka event now there back to normal i sell how is that being asocial?
Sunreva tends to believe that manipulation happens on items people don’t want. Especially not rare ones.
The irony.
This talk about manipulation with precursors or by gold sellers is right now, complete speculation. In setting baseless market conspiracies aside, the truth is in all likelihood a lot simpler: As the game gets older and players gradually become seasoned and acquire wealth—more and more of them will be pursuing their Legendary. Certainly there are a lot more people working towards their Legendary TODAY, than there were 2 months ago. And as more players begin this journey, they will likewise look to acquire their precursor, thus increasing the demand and their value. Sunrise and Bifrost are more desirable than the Moot or Meteorologicus.
This is precisely why other precursors (Storm, Energizer, ect) aren’t being sold for 500 gold, because the demand is lower. Its that simple. There is zero evidence to support the notion of precursor manipulation, or that a few people are hoarding the majority of these items. After all, if there were, why haven’t they gone into the other precursor markets? The Moot precursor (Energizer) sells for about 35 gold, there are only 20 of them on the market,, the whole supply could be bought out for roughly 900 gold (or for roughly the cost of 2.5 dusks). Theoretically, the Energizer is as rare as Dusk or Dawn in terms of drop %, or coming from the mystic forge. Why haven’t all these Energizers been bought out and relisted for 250 gold each? ANSWER: Because there is no manipulation going on.
Really? I take it you are not in a large guild. I in fact do know there is manipulation going on. Why? Because I have participated in it with a guildy of mine who does it all the time. A lot of large guilds have at least someone who is into this. They are extremely easy to point out as they are the ones with thousands/tens of thousands of ig gold not to mention every high-end skin and typically spend the majority of their time in la.
There is a reason they focus on high demand items…that’s where the money is. Given the choice (which they do have) between making a substantial gain vs a lesser gain, guess which one they will choose?
Sunreva tends to believe that manipulation happens on items people don’t want. Especially not rare ones.
The irony.
I’m sorry to see that you are still misinterpreting and misreading posts, if you recall, I suggested a few days earlier that more careful reading on your part could prevent this from happening again, but it appears that this was not the case. No worries, I accept you apology in advance. Better luck next time!
Really? I take it you are not in a large guild. I in fact do know there is manipulation going on. Why? Because I have participated in it with a guildy of mine who does it all the time. A lot of large guilds have at least someone who is into this. They are extremely easy to point out as they are the ones with thousands/tens of thousands of ig gold not to mention every high-end skin and typically spend the majority of their time in la.
Anecdotal stories of “friends” or “guildys” does not translate into mass manipulation on certain precursors. Not everything has a zany conspiracy behind it. The reality is that these items are simply in high demand because as the game ages, more and more players become seasoned/acquire wealth and begin their journey towards making a legendary. The double whammy is that some legendary’s are more sought after than others, which further drives up the price of the precursor.
The only party that can verify with certainty that manipulation is the reason why Dusk is 500 gold or why The Legend is 400+, is Arenanet. The number of transactions with these items in a monthly period is fairly low, as only 5-10 of them are listed at any given time. If manipulation was taking place, it would be easy for Arenanet to confirm this by seeing that 1 or 2 people are responsible for buying up and relisting the supply at higher prices. Until any sort of credible verification occurs, there is zero reason to subscribe to some half-baked manipulation theory that is being parroted.
As I mentioned earlier, theoretically all precursors have the same drop % and the same creation chance from the mystic forge. While the demand for certain precursors, such as the Energizer, is lower, it’s technically still as rare as a Dusk or Dawn. The entire Energizer market (20 of them) can be bought up with about 900 gold, and they could easily be relisted for 200 gold each by a manipulator. Yet this hasn’t occurred. Why not? Why haven’t we seen manipulation in the Energizer market? Don’t tell me that people wouldn’t pay 200 gold for an Energizer, when they’re willing to pay 500 gold for a Dusk. If someone is going for the Moot legendary, then they’ll pay 200 gold for the Energizer, much like someone going for Twilight will pay 500 gold for dusk.
As I mentioned earlier, theoretically all precursors have the same drop % and the same creation chance from the mystic forge.
Aside from the triffling detail that if you put in 4 shields, the only precursor you are capable of getting is the shield precursoer (“The Chosen”). You only draw from a random pool of all weapons if you put mixed weapon types in. The process is actually fairly directed if you choose to direct it.
While the demand for certain precursors, such as the Energizer, is lower, it’s technically still as rare as a Dusk or Dawn. The entire Energizer market (20 of them) can be bought up with about 900 gold, and they could easily be relisted for 200 gold each by a manipulator. Yet this hasn’t occurred. Why not? Why haven’t we seen manipulation in the Energizer market? Don’t tell me that people wouldn’t pay 200 gold for an Energizer, when they’re willing to pay 500 gold for a Dusk. If someone is going for the Moot legendary, then they’ll pay 200 gold for the Energizer, much like someone going for Twilight will pay 500 gold for dusk.
Now you’ve done it. You’ve said it out loud.
I give it less than a week before we see it happen .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I’m sorry to see that you are still misinterpreting and misreading posts, if you recall, I suggested a few days earlier that more careful reading on your part could prevent this from happening again, but it appears that this was not the case. No worries, I accept you apology in advance. Better luck next time!
Quite the contrary.
Might want to go back and edit up all your posts to actually reflect what I’m quoting you here on.
I can’t apologize to someone who fashions back to the tricorn hat.
As I mentioned earlier, theoretically all precursors have the same drop % and the same creation chance from the mystic forge.
Aside from the triffling detail that if you put in 4 shields, the only precursor you are capable of getting is the shield precursoer (“The Chosen”). You only draw from a random pool of all weapons if you put mixed weapon types in. The process is actually fairly directed if you choose to direct it.
While the demand for certain precursors, such as the Energizer, is lower, it’s technically still as rare as a Dusk or Dawn. The entire Energizer market (20 of them) can be bought up with about 900 gold, and they could easily be relisted for 200 gold each by a manipulator. Yet this hasn’t occurred. Why not? Why haven’t we seen manipulation in the Energizer market? Don’t tell me that people wouldn’t pay 200 gold for an Energizer, when they’re willing to pay 500 gold for a Dusk. If someone is going for the Moot legendary, then they’ll pay 200 gold for the Energizer, much like someone going for Twilight will pay 500 gold for dusk.
Now you’ve done it. You’ve said it out loud.
I give it less than a week before we see it happen
Too late already happened. The Energizer has been 32g with 25g buyouts since karka event and now that it’s one of the last items I need for moot I decided to buy one but they all disappeared and re-appeared for 50g+, trying to decide if I should just buy one now before it re-appears again as 200g+. Not sure when it happened, but last night they were still 25g.
I’m definitely done with legendarys after I finish The Moot. I’ll just stick to working on other awesome looking gear like the anomaly or full T3’s.
Tarnished Coast.
This is hilarious, I bet the person controlling precursor markets read this thread and just wanted to show you what is going on.
When the ‘Why is the Energizer market not controlled?’ post came up, I checked and they were 30g.
It’s been quite obvious that this is happening for a while now. And it’s not just precursors, there is quite a bit of it in minipets as well. A guildmate noticed a few weeks ago that some corrupted weapon prices had mysteriously shot up by over 20g, while the cost of the lodestones/precursor weapons had not changed. I believe prices have restabilizd since, but we assumed some market manipulation was invovled in the price jump.
The market setup in GW2 just makes it way too easy for a single person to control 100% of the supply of a rare item. With a few clicks, every available item is now yours. And any new listings put up are most likely going to match your price or undercut it by a tiny amount in order to be listed first.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
Yeah… I’m really hoping the Legendary Armor use the Gift of Mastery and NOTHING ELSE seen in the current recipies.
The Gift of Fortune has become nothing more than a gold check.
The unique Item Gifts are ok-ish – being based off of dungeon runs, crafting, and a FIXED gold check (100g for the icy runestones). Then they go completely off the rails with that insane grind for lodestones/dubloons if you actually try to do the harvesting yourself. Yet another ‘play the market or be fool in the service of those who do’ step.
The precurrsors have proven to be grossly flawed concept – scrap that kitty-litter.
Gift of ’’Fortune’’ … Fortune stands for ’’luck’’ ’’wealth’’ so ye, that was intended .. to be around a money and luck
Nothing to complain about
Only some of the players, those who can achive the Legendary see it as flawed concept, broken, etc. But there are thousands of player who have Legendaries or almost done with them. By legit ways.
If they managed it, everyone can
So stop complaining 24/7 pls
Btw .. there is a response by Anets dev who said that nothing is wrong with high prices of precursor because they are so rare and so demanded
Aren’t you the lucky guy with 8 precursors off the MF?
God the hypocrism….
ITT: People who want everything handed to them with no effort at all.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
Precursors are arena nets way to make money from it (gem to gold)….
Very fine line between forcing to buy and making it optional (gems)
One of the most obvious business plans and I have seen it way too often from game companies…
Nowadays it is all about making fast money and bailing on people.
As for legendary, everyone wants 1 and a net know if prices are high, people are willing to spend RL cash to get it.
But that is my opinion on precursors.
As for player to player trading, add it urgently, there have been the stupidest of cases of people making friends items/gold and being banned for gold selling with a flawed system…makes me sad alot of stuff got left out in the game
theres a difference between something being “rare” cos its hard to get instead of being “rare” becos rich players just keep buying them to get even richer. if you dont see the difference, your either one of those rich players getting richer or your an idiot enabling those players to get richer.
ITT: People who want everything handed to them with no effort at all.
Buying gold takes effort folks. You’ve heard it here.
The sooner players like you realize that players like me want longer quest chains requiring more effort than just farming or buying gold, the sooner we can move past silly comments like the above.
The fact that players had legendaries in the first month speaks volumes as to how ridiculous and unlegendary the entire process is.
It took me 4 months of legit play to finish my legendary. Farming gold is not legendary. I’m sorry, it’s not. Any system that allows a player to buy their way to the top, be it cosmetic or not, is terrible.
(edited by Ald.9418)
You know there was a time (and still is) when you just had to kill Kil’jaeden/Illidan Stormrage to get a legendary weapon And I just had to pay 15 bucks and have good luck to get the bow. Just sayin`
ITT: People who want everything handed to them with no effort at all.
Buying gold takes effort folks. You’ve heard it here.
The sooner players like you realize that players like me want longer quest chains requiring more effort than just farming or buying gold, the sooner we can move past silly comments like the above.
The fact that players had legendaries in the first month speaks volumes as to how ridiculous and unlegendary the entire process is.
It took me 4 months of legit play to finish my legendary. Farming gold is not legendary. I’m sorry, it’s not. Any system that allows a player to buy their way to the top, be it cosmetic or not, is terrible.
Right, let’s give everyone one long quest to get their legendary so that everyone will run around with one.
You happy about that?
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
ITT: People who want everything handed to them with no effort at all.
Buying gold takes effort folks. You’ve heard it here.
The sooner players like you realize that players like me want longer quest chains requiring more effort than just farming or buying gold, the sooner we can move past silly comments like the above.
The fact that players had legendaries in the first month speaks volumes as to how ridiculous and unlegendary the entire process is.
It took me 4 months of legit play to finish my legendary. Farming gold is not legendary. I’m sorry, it’s not. Any system that allows a player to buy their way to the top, be it cosmetic or not, is terrible.
Right, let’s give everyone one long quest to get their legendary so that everyone will run around with one.
You happy about that?
I actually wouldnt mind that as long as the quest would take a reasonable time (100h+) and has a big difficulty (harder than soloing giganticus lupicus).