RNG can be fun in order to provide that “Oh snap, look at the drop I just got” feeling but I feel like the way loot and gear works in GW2 that feeling just isn’t there.
WARNING: Wall of text incoming! TLDR at the bottom.
I would love to have actually obtained my exotics from drops but the rates are so low it’s just not worthwhile doing so. I can earn the money to buy a full set from the TP in the same time it would take me to just get a single exotic drop (I am not taking dungeons into consideration here as that gear circumvents RNG already).
I honestly think part of the issue we have in GW2 and RNG (in regards to gear) is the trading post, or more specifically the global market for “rare” gear. For example, exotics HAVE to be super rare in order to maintain their global economic value, this makes sense, but the issue is that an unrestricted, global trading post means that it’s far easier to obtain “rare” gear from the TP. Obtaining gear this way is just a bit lackluster in comparison to getting it through drops and it isn’t a particularly exciting or fulfilling experience.
Diablo 3 is a perfect example of a similar scenario; legendary gear rates were so low so as to maintain their global rarity and value on the auction house. Removing the auction house, and thus the need to maintain said value, allowed for drops to be far more common leading to a much more fulfilling and exciting loot experience.
Now before everyone starts thinking I’m a nutcase and am going to suggest “remove the TP lol” that is not what I’m going to say. Mainly I just wanted to try and highlight what I perceive to be a problem with the current state of the game. However, I do have a proposal. I want to say now that this is by no means a fully fleshed out proposal and it undoubtedly has issues that I haven’t considered but an idea can’t be iterated on if it isn’t given in the first place.
So, on to the proposed changes. For ease of discussion I’m going to assume we are talking about exotic gear drops specifically here but it could be extrapolated to include other drops. If all stat specific exotics (exotic zerker gloves, exotic dire sword, etc) were made account bound on acquire, soulbound on use, it would be possible to bring the drop rate of exotics up to a more satisfying level, for the sake of argument, say 1 in every 500. Even though these are now far more common we aren’t flooding the market because they’re account bound. However, on top of this we keep the old exotic rates but when these are dropped they are tradeable exotics that have no stats that become soulbound once the stats are chosen (similar to the new crafting backpacks). This gives us the best of both worlds; Tradeable, rarer exotics are still valuable as they allow any stat distribution to be chosen and so are a surefire way of getting the exact stat set you want. The more common, untradeable exotics provide a more satisfying rate of exotic drops but you’ll likely spend longer finding the specific stat combo you want. The higher drop rate for untradeable exotics should provide a more motivating experience making the search for the stats you want seem more obtainable rather than waiting ages for that one exotic drop and finding out it’s something you don’t want anyway.
As I have mentioned, this is far from a complete solution. For starters it doesn’t take into consideration the increase of exotic salvage or the effect this would have on the mystic forge. However, I hope that there are some ideas here that will act as useful and meaningful points for discussion.
To those of you that have made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read 
Increase drop rates for exotics but make them account bound on acquire, soulbound on use.
Replace existing exotic drops with tradeable exotics that let you choose their stats.