(edited by Gasoline.2570)
Those lovely precursor prices
Apparently the high price of Dusk is due to somebody buying up the 3 lowest priced Dusks and then re-listing them all for close to 2000g. It’s probably an attempt by a newcomer to the TP to try and corner the market or inflate the price. It’ll fail miserably, like everyone else who’s tried this in the past.
The market will adjust for Dusk. The price right now is artificially inflated
That being said, all precursors are certainly higher in price post-patch due to various reasons
I keep buying up all dusks on the tp since feature patch to build an iron throne for my flying mount.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
I keep buying up all dusks on the tp since feature patch to build an iron throne for my flying mount.
I’m buying them to build a throne to myself.
992 Dusks bought & reforged, still missing 8.
I wonder how much will take for anet to understand the “economy” is not good and a TP centric game is only a fail.
Nerf every reward but preserve speculation on the TP is what will lead this game to its ruin.
Now people can t even attempt to forge since they lack gold.
Not even lack of content is an issue when you decide to put an economic wall in front of said content.
GW2 is a game based on aesthetic.
90% of it is already of reach of most players.
Keep it on…let see how many players needs to leave before they notice.
(lost 3 more friends last patch).
I don t farm Champions and my incomes are unaffected… but it hit hard any non dungeon or tp flipper player.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
The introduction of the Wardrobe has increased the demand for legendaries (since you can easily share the skin across all characters on an account). It’s hardly a surprise that prices skyrocketed.
On the other hand, prices on other skins dropped after the patch was announced: e.g. I got things like Charzooka, a Monocle, and Final Rest 20-40% of the pre-wardrobe announcement prices.
The new event in the Pavilion, done well (split into six groups instead of one zerg) has generated a ton of named exotics and a less amount of precursors. Probably not enough to satisfy the current demand entirely, but possibly enough to reduce prices somewhat.
Eventually, the demand will start to die down as people willing to pay more for precursors finish their legendaries.
On the other hand, prices on other skins dropped after the patch was announced: e.g. I got things like Charzooka, a Monocle, and Final Rest 20-40% of the pre-wardrobe announcement prices.
cheap unwanted stuff dropped.
ANY expensive skin doubled in price.
From crafted to TP skins.
Stuff with a decent drop rate and can t be reliably manipulated crashed in price.
I Wonder why.
They could make fractal skins sellable and they would be dirty cheap….just because doesn t matter how low the droprate is, since fractal is popular, supply manipulation won t be possible.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
On the other hand, prices on other skins dropped after the patch was announced: e.g. I got things like Charzooka, a Monocle, and Final Rest 20-40% of the pre-wardrobe announcement prices.
cheap unwanted stuff dropped.
ANY expensive skin doubled in price.
From crafted to TP skins.Stuff with a decent drop rate and can t be reliably manipulated crashed in price.
I Wonder why.
They could make fractal skins sellable and they would be dirty cheap….just because doesn t matter how low the droprate is, since fractal is popular, supply manipulation won t be possible.
And how is precursor manipulation possible, when dozens of dusks drop every day?
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
And how is precursor manipulation possible, when dozens of dusks drop every day?
Because its easy to give you false data to make you believe this is a real thing.
I wonder how many dusks drops daily
And this number will be very tiny.
The nerf to openworld farming had an impact on it.
But mostly its more plausible most dusk gets forged
But this has 2 implications:
1) you have to rely on TP for rares/materials/exotics
2) you need to be able to farm gold to do that.
Do you have an idea of how much gold TP players have in assets?
If you know some you’ll probably know they are from dozen to hundreds thousands golds.
Something a onn TP player won t see in its Whole gamelife.
Seeing sudden spikes of 100-200% prices is a clear signal of manipulation.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
No doubt about it, someone attempted to manipulate the market, and so far it is a spectacular failure. Several Dusks sit at 2k asking prices while sales are happening in the 1200-1600 range. Those sellers will end up eating the listing fees (around 100 gold each) in order to actually sell the Dusks.
No doubt about it, someone attempted to manipulate the market, and so far it is a spectacular failure. Several Dusks sit at 2k asking prices while sales are happening in the 1200-1600 range. Those sellers will end up eating the listing fees (around 100 gold each) in order to actually sell the Dusks.
i’m not sure how this is a failure. It looks like the guy bought 2-3 dusks at around 1000g. He relisted at least one at 2000g. The price then fell back down but seems to have stabilized at 200g higher for buy orders and 600g higher for sell orders. Assuming he isn’t dumb he relisted the 2000g dusk and sold the other 2 dusks at around 1500g each making an overall profit of 4500g*.85-3000g-100g (listing fee from first list) = 725g profit in less than 24hrs…
seems like a spectacular success in manipulation to me.
And how is precursor manipulation possible, when dozens of dusks drop every day?
Because its easy to give you false data to make you believe this is a real thing.
I wonder how many dusks drops dailyAnd this number will be very tiny.
The nerf to openworld farming had an impact on it.But mostly its more plausible most dusk gets forged
But this has 2 implications:1) you have to rely on TP for rares/materials/exotics
2) you need to be able to farm gold to do that.Finally:
Do you have an idea of how much gold TP players have in assets?
If you know some you’ll probably know they are from dozen to hundreds thousands golds.
Something a onn TP player won t see in its Whole gamelife.Seeing sudden spikes of 100-200% prices is a clear signal of manipulation.
John Smith resleased sales stats for Dusk about 8 months ago, shortly after the same thing happened, all Dusks bought out on the tp. Despite only a few being listed in the days afterwards, 81 Dusks sold within a 60 hour window.
So somebody (presumably, could have been 3 different people) just bought out the 3 remaining dusks on the tp. How you can effectively manipulate prices, supply and demand if you just buy up 10% of the daily traded volume is beyond me.
At this rate, even a guy with 100k gold can only post the highest bid for dusk for 3 days, then he is out of gold and got 80 dusks that he still needs to sell.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
i’m not sure how this is a failure. It looks like the guy bought 2-3 dusks at around 1000g. He relisted at least one at 2000g. The price then fell back down but seems to have stabilized at 200g higher for buy orders and 600g higher for sell orders. Assuming he isn’t dumb he relisted the 2000g dusk and sold the other 2 dusks at around 1500g each making an overall profit of 4500g*.85-3000g-100g (listing fee from first list) = 725g profit in less than 24hrs…
seems like a spectacular success in manipulation to me.
On the flip side, if the market supports sales at 1500g, then 1500g is the RIGHT price for Dusk.
Yep b/c we all know that data pulled from 2.5 days is an accurate portrayal of all 635 days.
No doubt about it, someone attempted to manipulate the market, and so far it is a spectacular failure. Several Dusks sit at 2k asking prices while sales are happening in the 1200-1600 range. Those sellers will end up eating the listing fees (around 100 gold each) in order to actually sell the Dusks.
i’m not sure how this is a failure. It looks like the guy bought 2-3 dusks at around 1000g. He relisted at least one at 2000g. The price then fell back down but seems to have stabilized at 200g higher for buy orders and 600g higher for sell orders. Assuming he isn’t dumb he relisted the 2000g dusk and sold the other 2 dusks at around 1500g each making an overall profit of 4500g*.85-3000g-100g (listing fee from first list) = 725g profit in less than 24hrs…
seems like a spectacular success in manipulation to me.
Three Dusks were bought and immediately three Dusks were listed at around 2k each. Two more have joined them since last night. I don’t think he’s as smart as you assume he is.
No doubt about it, someone attempted to manipulate the market, and so far it is a spectacular failure. Several Dusks sit at 2k asking prices while sales are happening in the 1200-1600 range. Those sellers will end up eating the listing fees (around 100 gold each) in order to actually sell the Dusks.
i’m not sure how this is a failure. It looks like the guy bought 2-3 dusks at around 1000g. He relisted at least one at 2000g. The price then fell back down but seems to have stabilized at 200g higher for buy orders and 600g higher for sell orders. Assuming he isn’t dumb he relisted the 2000g dusk and sold the other 2 dusks at around 1500g each making an overall profit of 4500g*.85-3000g-100g (listing fee from first list) = 725g profit in less than 24hrs…
seems like a spectacular success in manipulation to me.
Well, obviously he bought the 3 remaining sell listings at 1200g, so his initial investment is 3600g. If we assume the he relists the initial listing of 2000g (losing 100g listing fee in the process) and is able to sell all 3 dusks at 1500g, he ends up with 125g profit overall from investing 3600g initially. Thats a groundbreaking ROI of ~3%.
People, who are smart enough to accumulate 3600g cash flow in the first place, wont be doing this non sense.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
On the flip side, if the market supports sales at 1500g, then 1500g is the RIGHT price for Dusk.
Considering increased demand for the “improved” Eternity, it probably is.
Well, obviously he bought the 3 remaining sell listings at 1200g, so his initial investment is 3600g. If we assume the he relists the initial listing of 2000g (losing 100g listing fee in the process) and is able to sell all 3 dusks at 1500g, he ends up with 125g profit overall from investing 3600g initially. Thats a groundbreaking ROI of ~3%.
People, who are smart enough to accumulate 3600g cash flow in the first place, wont be doing this non sense.
True, it may have been several idiots.
Doesn t matter if the manipulatin have success or not, it still manages to waste gold from players and increase precursor price.
Also, as said, john is quite used to throw random sentences that can be interpreted but are extremely misleading.
If you open a thread saying “there are manipulation attempt with the precurosr” and he answers “i have data that cannot show…. that proves there were several users buying precurosr”
That doesn t prove the manipulation wrong at all.
But push you thinking tthere were no manipulation while infact some players could have just agreed to try together to manipulate the market.
And since they have so much gold they don t really care and they can do lot in a short time span, the damage is unclear to many players.
So even if you attempt a manipulation for the lulz you still damage economy…and the game itself
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Yep b/c we all know that data pulled from 2.5 days is an accurate portrayal of all 635 days.
Do you have any data or theories that would suggest that the data pulled from those 2.5 days is an inaccurate portrayal of all 635 days?
Please let me know, if you disagree with the following assessments:
Precursor drops from loot should be very stable on a weekly average compared to game hours of the player base, unless there are mayor shifts in the game meta, for example if players migrate in masses to content that doesnt drop precursors.
Precursor supply from the forge can be “farmed” to some degree by throwing in more rares/exos, so in times of high demand, supply should be even higher.
So I dont see any reason why i shouldnt assume that on average, 30 dusks sold within the last day.
The tiny amount of supply on the tp suggests that precursors are rarer than they actually are. Most people dont consider the supply in peoples inventories, which is way higher. Right now, there are propably hundreds, if not thousands dusks in peoples inventories that could be sold on the tp.
I think the majority of new supply is being added by average players who got a lucky drop from loot or the forge, only a tiny amount is generated by traders/investors (by mass forging).
If Average Joe gets lucky and receives a Dusk, there are several possibilites. He either soulbinds it because he wants to craft Twilight, which takes him out of the buyers market or he sells to the highest bid, which is usually the case. Many people keep it in their inventory for at least a couple of days or weeks, to figure out what to do. They are either unsure, if they want to craft Twilight, so they keep dusk, until they got all the other gifts or they decide that they want to list it and monitor the market for a while before deciding when and for which price to list it.
My point is that in my opinion the bulk of the supply is generated and held by average players (and being bought by average, dedicated players), which makes it very hard to manipulate prices effectively, no matter how much gold you have.
I dont deny that there are people flipping precursors for a profit as well as speculators participating in the market but their impact is miniscule due to the high amount of supply held by Average Joe.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Doesn t matter if the manipulatin have success or not, it still manages to waste gold from players and increase precursor price.
Also, as said, john is quite used to throw random sentences that can be interpreted but are extremely misleading.
If you open a thread saying “there are manipulation attempt with the precurosr” and he answers “i have data that cannot show…. that proves there were several users buying precurosr”
That doesn t prove the manipulation wrong at all.
But push you thinking tthere were no manipulation while infact some players could have just agreed to try together to manipulate the market.And since they have so much gold they don t really care and they can do lot in a short time span, the damage is unclear to many players.
So even if you attempt a manipulation for the lulz you still damage economy…and the game itself
You can’t raise prices unless the BUYERS are willing to pay those prices. If the buyers are willing to pay you, then the PRICE IS FAIR!
Doesn t matter if the manipulatin have success or not, it still manages to waste gold from players and increase precursor price.
Also, as said, john is quite used to throw random sentences that can be interpreted but are extremely misleading.
If you open a thread saying “there are manipulation attempt with the precurosr” and he answers “i have data that cannot show…. that proves there were several users buying precurosr”
That doesn t prove the manipulation wrong at all.
But push you thinking tthere were no manipulation while infact some players could have just agreed to try together to manipulate the market.And since they have so much gold they don t really care and they can do lot in a short time span, the damage is unclear to many players.
So even if you attempt a manipulation for the lulz you still damage economy…and the game itself
I agree with you that even failed attempts of “manipulating” the price (like this one) could have a small impact on average prices. But the point is that usually those attampts almost always end up being a loss for the manipulator(s). Even, if they have 100k gold, give me 1 reason why they should waste it just for the lulz? It makes no sense. Those guys also have no impact on the real demand of a precursor because they dont use their precursors, they just relist them. The value is determined by those, who buy a precursor and bind it to their character, so basically the true price of precursors is established by the consumer, not traders, so blame the consumer.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Even, if they have 100k gold, give me 1 reason why they should waste it just for the lulz? It makes no sense. Those .
Does it make sense that you get most money without Killing a isngle mob in a mmorpg?
When you don t care of pvp, WWW, and pve but your game is economy…does it really matters if you lose gold?
You will be making hundreds in days anyway.
But if you can actually successfully manipulate something (usual example is the old sigil of generosity) you can brag forever in this hipster section.
Like players doing solo runs in dungeon:
It takes lot of time more than with a party and they risk failing….and the reward is the same.
If they really cared for the rest of the game they wouldn t be speculating in the first place since they would see with their eyes how it ruins the game.
The excuse of the consumer defining the value is totally false.
Its a game…..people will have less and it will impact quality of the time spent in the game.
Does it change something that a player saving gold for a precursor after getting really near, quit the game because it doubled in price in a day?
It happen frequently….it simply ruins the game for everyone.
In this game shinies are a necessity sinc ethe game is based on them.
Now the ultimate question is, does it Worth enough to make me reduce my “play the way i want” time for “grinding”….or should i just quit?
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
Even, if they have 100k gold, give me 1 reason why they should waste it just for the lulz? It makes no sense. Those .
Does it make sense that you get most money without Killing a isngle mob in a mmorpg?
When you don t care of pvp, WWW, and pve but your game is economy…does it really matters if you lose gold?
You will be making hundreds in days anyway.
But if you can actually successfully manipulate something (usual example is the old sigil of generosity) you can brag forever in this hipster section.Like players doing solo runs in dungeon:
It takes lot of time more than with a party and they risk failing….and the reward is the same.If they really cared for the rest of the game they wouldn t be speculating in the first place since they would see with their eyes how it ruins the game.
The excuse of the consumer defining the value is totally false.
Its a game…..people will have less and it will impact quality of the time spent in the game.Does it change something that a player saving gold for a precursor after getting really near, quit the game because it doubled in price in a day?
It happen frequently….it simply ruins the game for everyone.
In this game shinies are a necessity sinc ethe game is based on them.Now the ultimate question is, does it Worth enough to make me reduce my “play the way i want” time for “grinding”….or should i just quit?
Thanks for failing to provide a single arguement why rich players should waste their gold with nonsense like this and instead going on a off topic rant.
Ton answer you last question:
In your case, i advice (and hope for) the latter.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Doesn t matter if the manipulatin have success or not, it still manages to waste gold from players and increase precursor price.
Also, as said, john is quite used to throw random sentences that can be interpreted but are extremely misleading.
If you open a thread saying “there are manipulation attempt with the precurosr” and he answers “i have data that cannot show…. that proves there were several users buying precurosr”
That doesn t prove the manipulation wrong at all.
But push you thinking tthere were no manipulation while infact some players could have just agreed to try together to manipulate the market.And since they have so much gold they don t really care and they can do lot in a short time span, the damage is unclear to many players.
So even if you attempt a manipulation for the lulz you still damage economy…and the game itself
You can’t raise prices unless the BUYERS are willing to pay those prices. If the buyers are willing to pay you, then the PRICE IS FAIR!
This x1000, the market determines the price. If no one would buy at the high prices, then the price would drop. You can blame the buyers for raising the buy order prices. Everytime you overcut someone, you are just pushing the market to a higher price. The sellers just test the water with how high they can sell and how desperate people are.
If everyone formed a pact that said “I will not put a buy order more than 500g for Dusk”, then the price would be 500g….. until….. that 1 person says “To the kitten with it, I want my Dusk NOW and not wait in line with all the other 500g purchasers”, and then the dominoes fall.
Since it doesn’t cost anything to the buyer to place a buy order, you can keep your order at the top of the list, which drives the price higher and higher.
Berserker = Skilled http://i.imgur.com/g1rkIub.jpg
Never forget – http://i.imgur.com/Oxra9sj.jpg
It doesn’t seem they are selling for 2000g yet. But I bought a dusk nearly 2 months ago for hundreds of gold less then the average is currently selling. Huge increase in that time. It will sell for 2k gold per. Give it a month or 2.
It’s a bit sad this is what you have to deal with in a game but this is how GW2 works. I’ll be interested to see how WS works since it’s the new MMO on the block soon.
People do occasionally waste huge amounts of in-game money just to screw with markets or “for the lulz” though.
People do occasionally waste huge amounts of in-game money just to screw with markets or “for the lulz” though.
Well, yeah, it’s a game, not real life.
That’s true as far as GW2 is concerned. Although you do have games like EVE Online, where a player’s actions could result in the loss of thousands of real world dollars.
That’s true as far as GW2 is concerned.
Although you do have games like EVE Online, where a player’s actions could result in the loss of thousands of real world dollars.
Yeah, I file that game under “must have more money than brains.”
Even, if they have 100k gold, give me 1 reason why they should waste it just for the lulz? It makes no sense. Those .
Does it make sense that you get most money without Killing a isngle mob in a mmorpg?
When you don t care of pvp, WWW, and pve but your game is economy…does it really matters if you lose gold?
You will be making hundreds in days anyway.
But if you can actually successfully manipulate something (usual example is the old sigil of generosity) you can brag forever in this hipster section.Like players doing solo runs in dungeon:
It takes lot of time more than with a party and they risk failing….and the reward is the same.If they really cared for the rest of the game they wouldn t be speculating in the first place since they would see with their eyes how it ruins the game.
The excuse of the consumer defining the value is totally false.
Its a game…..people will have less and it will impact quality of the time spent in the game.Does it change something that a player saving gold for a precursor after getting really near, quit the game because it doubled in price in a day?
It happen frequently….it simply ruins the game for everyone.
In this game shinies are a necessity sinc ethe game is based on them.Now the ultimate question is, does it Worth enough to make me reduce my “play the way i want” time for “grinding”….or should i just quit?
Thanks for failing to provide a single arguement why rich players should waste their gold with nonsense like this and instead going on a off topic rant.
Ton answer you last question:
In your case, i advice (and hope for) the latter.
You are just using your usual way to derail arguments.
Checking any sectikon and find people wasting thousands gold is not that hard:
Yet you try to Always ask hundred questions changing arguments continuosly to derail attention from issues that will either destroy the game or be fixed.
Either way you will be soon see changes.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
I wonder how much will take for anet to understand the “economy” is not good and a TP centric game is only a fail.
I’m gonna say that based on their earning they’ve already learned you’re flat-out wrong.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Even, if they have 100k gold, give me 1 reason why they should waste it just for the lulz? It makes no sense. Those .
Does it make sense that you get most money without Killing a isngle mob in a mmorpg?
When you don t care of pvp, WWW, and pve but your game is economy…does it really matters if you lose gold?
You will be making hundreds in days anyway.
But if you can actually successfully manipulate something (usual example is the old sigil of generosity) you can brag forever in this hipster section.Like players doing solo runs in dungeon:
It takes lot of time more than with a party and they risk failing….and the reward is the same.If they really cared for the rest of the game they wouldn t be speculating in the first place since they would see with their eyes how it ruins the game.
The excuse of the consumer defining the value is totally false.
Its a game…..people will have less and it will impact quality of the time spent in the game.Does it change something that a player saving gold for a precursor after getting really near, quit the game because it doubled in price in a day?
It happen frequently….it simply ruins the game for everyone.
In this game shinies are a necessity sinc ethe game is based on them.Now the ultimate question is, does it Worth enough to make me reduce my “play the way i want” time for “grinding”….or should i just quit?
Thanks for failing to provide a single arguement why rich players should waste their gold with nonsense like this and instead going on a off topic rant.
Ton answer you last question:
In your case, i advice (and hope for) the latter.
You are just using your usual way to derail arguments.
Checking any sectikon and find people wasting thousands gold is not that hard:
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/bltc/A-goal-completed/first#post4043056Yet you try to Always ask hundred questions changing arguments continuosly to derail attention from issues that will either destroy the game or be fixed.
Either way you will be soon see changes.
How can you even start to compare Piles of Essence with precursors?
Piles of Essence are available at 1c over vendor value, so there all you lose is 2.5s per stack if you decide to sell it to a vendor.
All i see from you are rants about reward structures and conspiracy theories about some rich people that presumably pump their money into a market that trades 25k gold in value per day without any evidence of logic.
You are just using your usual way to derail arguments.
Even, if they have 100k gold, give me 1 reason why they should waste it just for the lulz? It makes no sense. Those .
Does it make sense that you get most money without Killing a isngle mob in a mmorpg?
When you don t care of pvp, WWW, and pve but your game is economy…does it really matters if you lose gold?
You will be making hundreds in days anyway.
But if you can actually successfully manipulate something (usual example is the old sigil of generosity) you can brag forever in this hipster section.Like players doing solo runs in dungeon:
It takes lot of time more than with a party and they risk failing….and the reward is the same.If they really cared for the rest of the game they wouldn t be speculating in the first place since they would see with their eyes how it ruins the game.
The excuse of the consumer defining the value is totally false.
Its a game…..people will have less and it will impact quality of the time spent in the game.Does it change something that a player saving gold for a precursor after getting really near, quit the game because it doubled in price in a day?
It happen frequently….it simply ruins the game for everyone.
In this game shinies are a necessity sinc ethe game is based on them.Now the ultimate question is, does it Worth enough to make me reduce my “play the way i want” time for “grinding”….or should i just quit?
Thanks for failing to provide a single arguement why rich players should waste their gold with nonsense like this and instead going on a off topic rant.
Ton answer you last question:
In your case, i advice (and hope for) the latter.
You are just using your usual way to derail arguments.
Checking any sectikon and find people wasting thousands gold is not that hard:
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/bltc/A-goal-completed/first#post4043056Yet you try to Always ask hundred questions changing arguments continuosly to derail attention from issues that will either destroy the game or be fixed.
Either way you will be soon see changes.
How can you even start to compare Piles of Essence with precursors?
Read all the topic.
Wanze said nobody waste thousands gold for the lulz we have people putting 10K in the forge, sell any precursor and start again just for fun.
Or other people attempting at manipulating silly stuff they now is extremely risky, just because they have too much gold.
Now, can you tell me wich purpose could have asking questions with answers so obvious to be 2 click away from this thread?
I have an idea, but can t be discussed due to forum rules.
It is mostly to discourage any potential discussion about a broken situation.
And its effective….reason why every time a discussion is moved from general forum to here, most players stop following it and you can keep your broken TP Tycoon easy mode game.
What conforts me is to win this game you only need time, anyone can do it and any beginner is infact able to earn money from the TP.
Unfortunately most people find it extremely unfun, but you are proving nothing.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
for anyone seeking to make a legendary weapon. sell all your stuff and buy now. 2000G is a very cheap price to consider because in another month or so, they may end up being 5000G. about 2 months ago my friend was complaining about how much dusk was (720G) and then I told him how cheap it was compared to 1kG if he delay it another month. now he really cant buy it because he cant farm fast enough. I give it another month or 2 before it reach 3kG+ (at least).
This spike may have been caused by the new Eternity change. the price of Eternity has also went up drastically. (at time of post: 4600G) but then again the price of every other precursors also went up.
(edited by Kimehcol.8742)
for anyone seeking to make a legendary weapon. sell all your stuff and buy now. 2000G is a very cheap price to consider because in another month or so, they may end up being 5000G. about 2 months ago my friend was complaining about how much dusk was (720G) and then I told him how cheap it was compared to 1kG if he delay it another month. now he really cant buy it because he cant farm fast enough. I give it another month or 2 before it reach 3kG+ (at least).
This spike may have been caused by the new Eternity change. the price of Eternity has also went up drastically. (at time of post: 4600G) but then again the price of every other precursors also went up.
the only thing that will probably slow or reduce the price of precursors is greater supply, or a precursor hunt.
Oh and new legendaries.
so essentially, if they ever actually finish the precursor hunt, and release new legendaries, these will go down
however as far new legendaries are concerned, they will be super expensive and unattainable for some time.
So now we have Dawn for 1595.
the only thing that will probably slow or reduce the price of precursors is greater supply, or a precursor hunt.
Oh and new legendaries.so essentially, if they ever actually finish the precursor hunt, and release new legendaries, these will go down
however as far new legendaries are concerned, they will be super expensive and unattainable for some time.
Also, wardrobe. Legendaries are in higher demand because people want to unlock the skins and use them on multiple toons. But once you unlock the skins, you don’t need a second Incinerator to dual wield, or a Twilight for your warrior and your mesmer, so in the long term, prices should stabilize or go down.
It’s the same with Eternity, it’s “hot” right now because they updated it, but once the impatient “I need my shiny nao!” crowd is satisfied, there will be much less demand for Dusk/Dawn.
I’m hoping that they learned from experience and any new precursors/Legendary gear are account bound and cannot be traded. The system looks good on paper, but it’s more trouble than it’s worth.
(edited by tolunart.2095)
the only thing that will probably slow or reduce the price of precursors is greater supply, or a precursor hunt.
Oh and new legendaries.so essentially, if they ever actually finish the precursor hunt, and release new legendaries, these will go down
however as far new legendaries are concerned, they will be super expensive and unattainable for some time.
Also, wardrobe. Legendaries are in higher demand because people want to unlock the skins and use them on multiple toons. But once you unlock the skins, you don’t need a second Incinerator to dual wield, or a Twilight for your warrior and your mesmer, so in the long term, prices should stabilize or go down.
It’s the same with Eternity, it’s “hot” right now because they updated it, but once the impatient “I need my shiny nao!” crowd is satisfied, there will be much less demand for Dusk/Dawn.
I’m hoping that they learned from experience and any new precursors/Legendary gear are account bound and cannot be traded. The system looks good on paper, but it’s more trouble than it’s worth.
while it is true it lowered demand from multiple legendary buyers, if it increased the demand so that a higher % of users are interested in the item, then it wont reduce cost very swiftly. in fact it could still be in the higher value situation.
remember new players are born every minute and precursors seem to be sold at a rate of 1 per hour. it will be a long time before 1 per hour reaches the bottom 60% of earning populations available cash.
note that inspite of everything precursors have continued to go up in value from game start till now. i dont really think a large % of the precursors sold were duplicates.
while it is true it lowered demand from multiple legendary buyers, if it increased the demand so that a higher % of users are interested in the item, then it wont reduce cost very swiftly. in fact it could still be in the higher value situation.
When I say long term, think December/January, not June/July. With respect to Dusk, I think the spike is shorter term and prices will rejoin the rest of the precursors when the excitement over Eternity dies down.
remember new players are born every minute and precursors seem to be sold at a rate of 1 per hour. it will be a long time before 1 per hour reaches the bottom 60% of earning populations available cash.
note that inspite of everything precursors have continued to go up in value from game start till now. i dont really think a large % of the precursors sold were duplicates.
That will never happen, because as I said before, the average player was never meant to have a Legendary weapon. If they were, you would be able to buy them from the gem store and Anet would be pulling in tons of cash for them.
I mean, think about it. They create the most impressive and elaborate weapon skins in the game, add extra effects like footsteps and an aura, then lock them away behind 100s of hours of grinding. If they wanted anyone to have access to them, putting them in the Black Lion Chests or selling them directly like Rox’s Quiver and such would double their gem sales overnight.
(edited by tolunart.2095)
while it is true it lowered demand from multiple legendary buyers, if it increased the demand so that a higher % of users are interested in the item, then it wont reduce cost very swiftly. in fact it could still be in the higher value situation.
When I say long term, think December/January, not June/July. With respect to Dusk, I think the spike is shorter term and prices will rejoin the rest of the precursors when the excitement over Eternity dies down.
remember new players are born every minute and precursors seem to be sold at a rate of 1 per hour. it will be a long time before 1 per hour reaches the bottom 60% of earning populations available cash.
note that inspite of everything precursors have continued to go up in value from game start till now. i dont really think a large % of the precursors sold were duplicates.
That will never happen, because as I said before, the average player was never meant to have a Legendary weapon. If they were, you would be able to buy them from the gem store and Anet would be pulling in tons of cash for them.
I mean, think about it. They create the most impressive and elaborate weapon skins in the game, add extra effects like footsteps and an aura, then lock them away behind 100s of hours of grinding. If they wanted anyone to have access to them, putting them in the Black Lion Chests or selling them directly like Rox’s Quiver and such would double their gem sales overnight.
yes the point is that they will be sold slower and more expensive to the higher earner people, and new higher earner people will replace them.
note, that the wardrobe has been in effect for a month, and the prices are still going up. This isnt isolated to dawn/dusk eternity. Zap has zero for sale, spark is 1600 legend is up to 1250.
while dawn/dusk are showing immense growth right now, high value precursors are still rising in price on their own. which suggests the rich are still competing for precursors paying more each day, this suggests arent at the turning point of this demand curve yet.
That will never happen, because as I said before, the average player was never meant to have a Legendary weapon. If they were, you would be able to buy them from the gem store and Anet would be pulling in tons of cash for them.
This argument goes out of the window since you can buy it from the gemstore, just turn that gem into gold. It’s the same exact thing.
yes the point is that they will be sold slower and more expensive to the higher earner people, and new higher earner people will replace them.
Yes, I know. Sadly, I’ll never get my Ferrari, because there’s always someone richer than me who wants it. But someday I’m going to be all over that Clearance Sale.
Oh, yes, precursors. This is intentional. Anet already knows, and they’re ok with it.
yes the point is that they will be sold slower and more expensive to the higher earner people, and new higher earner people will replace them.
Yes, I know. Sadly, I’ll never get my Ferrari, because there’s always someone richer than me who wants it. But someday I’m going to be all over that Clearance Sale.
Oh, yes, precursors. This is intentional. Anet already knows, and they’re ok with it.
i dont know if they are ok with it, but regardless my point was more to the effect that, i dont think prices are going to go down much until a design change happens, IE i doubt you ll be getting a dusk for 1k until something changes at the anet design side.
i dont know if they are ok with it…
Yeah, I just read JS’s post about how broken the economy is and his plans to fix everything…
Or maybe not. I’m pretty sure that everything he’s posted about the TP says “I’m okay with that.”
i doubt you ll be getting a dusk for 1k until something changes at the anet design side.
You mean like that thing they mentioned where you’ll be able to find/craft a precursor through some new method they haven’t revealed yet?
for anyone seeking to make a legendary weapon. sell all your stuff and buy now. 2000G is a very cheap price to consider because in another month or so, they may end up being 5000G. about 2 months ago my friend was complaining about how much dusk was (720G) and then I told him how cheap it was compared to 1kG if he delay it another month. now he really cant buy it because he cant farm fast enough. I give it another month or 2 before it reach 3kG+ (at least).
This spike may have been caused by the new Eternity change. the price of Eternity has also went up drastically. (at time of post: 4600G) but then again the price of every other precursors also went up.
Lol, so it was you trying to flip these? It seems obvious that most purchases are around the buy offer not the high sell offer @ 2k.
This looks like a demand shock, IMO. I don’t know how high it will go, but I also think it’ll come down eventually — suggesting that people panic and buy is bad advice.
i dont know if they are ok with it…
Yeah, I just read JS’s post about how broken the economy is and his plans to fix everything…
Or maybe not. I’m pretty sure that everything he’s posted about the TP says “I’m okay with that.”
i doubt you ll be getting a dusk for 1k until something changes at the anet design side.
You mean like that thing they mentioned where you’ll be able to find/craft a precursor through some new method they haven’t revealed yet?
How did you manage to say that without a trace of irony…
And its effective….reason why every time a discussion is moved from general forum to here, most players stop following it and you can keep your broken TP Tycoon easy mode game.
What conforts me is to win this game you only need time, anyone can do it and any beginner is infact able to earn money from the TP.
Unfortunately most people find it extremely unfun, but you are proving nothing.
At least in this section, the OP got a Dev response within 14 hours.