CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal
Page 6 Summary
General and QoL Improvements – Weapons waste no Inventory Space, Remove Stat Bondage with Trait Lines – Group Sigil Cooldowns – Real Accountbound Harvest Tools
Cosmetical Improvements – More Dodge/Ressurrect Animations – Heroic Armors
Gameplay Improvements – Use more the Z-Axis in Combat!! – Real Class ROLES
Housing and Home Instance Improvements – Plant Seed Nodes – Own Town, House Upgrading (Dark Cloud/Chronicles Reference)
New Skill & Trait Improvements – Elite Skills working like in GW1
Achievement & Title Improvements – Seasonal Highscores
New Features and reimplemented GW1 Features – Reimplement Heroes and Pet Menagerie, Heart Book/Beastiary Book with Monster Model viewer – Class Missions – Minipet Effects – Minipet Evolution/Feeding – Order Missions
Horizontal WvW Improvements – Rebalance/design WvW Skills, add more tiers ect – Keep Artisans, Class specific Roles improved/Class WvW Skills
Reward and Loot Improvements – Easier to receive Infusions, Ticket Skins through Farming
Alot of discussion and summaries more in here.
my thing in games is challenge. i love challenge and i feel this games lacks a lot of it. which is the reason i stopped playing about 6 months ago.
i think this game is missing a hard mode, which can really help players to “progress” further even if they get to level 80.
in most cases i found that in this game to get a challenge i need to hinder myself and fight a higher level content, but when i reach level 80 i really cant do it anymore. all i have left is dungeons. i do understand however, that many people don’t like challenge and love the fact that they can walk around casually killing stuff.
my thoughts on how to do cater both crowds was as follows:
when a character reaches a goal (finish personal story or getting to 80 for instance) it should have option to like a tick box (which can be turned on or off at any time) in which point when its on the character is in hard mode.
this character after zoning will be scaled down even more so than now. this alone can be tweaked how down will it is scaled. that way i can still play with my friends which are not on “hard mode” and i still have challenge since i am really below even their level.
in addition, since events in this game are scaled, more players – stronger enemies, it is possible to count each hard mode character in the event as two characters (for instance can be more in a more harder zone).
even if a hard mode character is tagged along with regular one, because the “hard mode” guy increases challenge of the event we may even see events that actually fails from time to time. and its not that bad that sometimes a random dude that tags along will have something a bit more challenging.
both of the above alone can looks like really doable without much effort regarding to development size. and i don’t think non-hard mode characters will be hurt by this too much.
after implementing the above building upon it is easy. Dailies for hard mode character killing a champion now is a lot harder, doing a meta event, stuff that are actually hard to do.
i don’t know how rewards should be implemented with these characters maybe more? maybe similar? i am not sure, tweaking with rewards can really destroy economy if not done right. maybe for hardmode dailies more Laurals? dunno really.
after i seen in this thread the Journal idea, which marks things that a charcter has done, which is a great idea. and i think hard-mode characters should have like “red mark” or something which says that they finish that event in hard-mode, or something, or killed that champion.
i think it is easy to build upon the above idea more, because it will really turn the entire game to an “end-game”. maybe even reset map completion? exclude waypoints.
all i want from this game is a challenge. and beside dungeons and SAB (which is the most awesome thing in this game) there is nothing.
any refining or thought to my idea are welcome.
Enemy HP in visible number
Ok, so what’s this about and how on earth is such a thing a horizontal progression idea?
Well this idea is sponsored by letters “A” and “K” like a** kicking. Which is what i got when i returned to gw2 after a break. What’s wrong you ask?
Well every 3 minutes or so i run into veteran without realizing it (most risen vets look same as normal mobs) and got grounded hard.
This was easily the best way for the game to make me take another break. Rather then feeling a steady progression, that the rust is coming off and i’m doing better as i play more i had “hoops” of “3 monsters down, vet downed me”, without realizing it was a vet. Real morale breaker.
Adding visible hp number sets the picture straight, helps decide “fight or flight” scenario and gives you both a clear idea where you’re in the foodchain and what is no threat/lethal/next on your hit list.
I know full well about the rings around monster picure, but in heat of battle especially with many mobs, my tunneled vision is not on their ugly mugs but the red hp bars.
My opinion about UI is that it must be qualitative and not quantitative.
Having numbers is disguting to me. If an ennemi is veteran, elite, champion or legendary, it must be seen by his appearence (special skin or bigger) and name, not by a number.
I remember of a charr branded warband in Iron swamp, the legionnaire had a more luminous cristaline skin.
Having numbers in the middle of the screen is also an unnecessary overload that will hide the game, letting player with numbers and only behind the true game.
I’m here to play to the game, not to read numbers in the middle of the screen. I want to see the game !
Horizontal Progression and Hard Mode
- In my opinion, one of the best, easiest ways Anet could add a Hard Mode to the game…..
- Every Player can toggle their own Hard Mode in the Hero Panel.
- Enemies deal 25% more damage to players in Hard Mode.
- Players in Hard Mode deal 25% less damage to Enemies.
- Conditions Inflicted on Players last 25% longer, boons are 25% shorter in Duration.
- Conditions that Players in Hard Mode inflict on Enemies last 25% shorter.
- No other player is affected in any way, because the effects of Hard mode only affect the Players that toggled it. Even if you join an event with 50 other players, the event is more difficult for only you and any other player that toggled Hard Mode, that way, players that don’t want to do it don’t have to.
- If it does need to be more complex than this, add in special conditions enemies can inflict that only affect players in hard mode, (like conditions that lock a player’s ability to dodge, dropping endurance regen to 0, Reversing the effects of damage and healing for a short time, etc.)
- Players that Toggle Hard Mode can get better Rewards anywhere they play in the game……
- Enemies are 25% harder to kill, so you get 25% more Experience.
- 25% more Karma when completing events, 25% more World Experience. 25% more Gold. 25% more Tokens. 25% more of everything. (Shoot…., Anet, give us hard mode in PvP, that should be interesting…..)
- Magic Find should also be increased by atleast 25%.
- Add in Special Weapon and Armor skins that can only be unlocked while playing this mode.
- Make this Mode available only when Players have reached 100% map completion, and cooler stuff could happen….
- When they Toggle Hard Mode for the first time, they lose all their Map Progress. All waypoints, Event Hearts, everything. Players will have to go out in the world and re-find everything. Doing so offers even better rewards and more achievement points than the first time around.
- Players can toggle between Hard and Regular Modes out of combat, But, Switching into Regular Mode in the Map locks you out of switching back to hard mode, to prevent exploiting map completion, unless you already completed that map in Hard Mode.
- Players that Complete the Map get another Star next to their name.
- After a few months of this, and Anet has it locked down, they can Introduce an Extreme mode that increases everything that Hard Mode does to 50%.
- Unlocks after getting full Map Completion in Hard Mode
- Add in even crazier Conditions and Handicaps that can be added anywhere in the game world. (Apply a Condition that damages you whenever you dodge, or deals damage to you whenever your endurance bar isn’t 100% full. Apply a Condition that doubles the damage taken by all other conditions)
- In Extreme mode, even Veteran enemies could have stacks of Extreme Defiance, a new mechanic that players in Extreme Mode need to remove in order to apply stuns, dazes, and other cc effects, but, it does not affect players in Hard or Normal mode.
- Add in even cooler Weapon and Armor skins that can only be unlocked while playing this mode.
- By the time you reach this mode, even enemies like the Veteran variants of the Risen in Orr will be nearly impossible to kill, so Rewards in those cases should be adjusted for that.
- Like my other Ideas, I tend to dream a little too big, so this might be too much to ever put into this game, but hey, lets see what others think of this one
My Other Ideas in this Thread :::
Horizontal Progression for Weapon Skills :::
Horizontal Progression for Different Factions :::
Horizontal Character Progression and Guilds :::
Horizontal Progression and Ranger Pets/Player effects :::
And how long do you think that would last before people started flooding the forums screaming that other players are making their events harder because they are engaging Hard Mode for themselves and thus dealing less and taking more damage?
Over/Under line set at 3 seconds after the patch notes are released.
(edited by chemiclord.3978)
And how long do you think that would last before people started flooding the forums screaming that other players are making their events harder because they are engaging Hard Mode for themselves and thus dealing and taking less damage?
Over/Under line set at 3 seconds after the patch notes are released.
I had a statement prepared for that ahead of time actually but I thought it might be a bit disrespectful….
With the Exception of the Dragons, the Krait Witch in Timberline Falls, and the Temples in Orr, you should be able to solo almost any event by yourself, even if there is a player standing AFK right next to you, (logically making the event twice as hard). The only thing that the system I suggested is going to do is make events take a little longer for the players that don’t want to do Hard Mode because the player next to them is doing a little less damage, and also taking a little more damage.
If 2 people are doing the event, and only one of them has Hard mode toggled, the event will take an average of 12.5% longer than normal. If there are three players present and 1 of them has Hard Mode active, then the event will take an average of 8.33% longer. At 4 people and 1 on hard mode, the event is an average of 6.25% longer. At 50 people, the event is an average of about 1/2% longer. Are you seriously trying to tell me that is going to be a problem?
Besides, its not even going to affect that many players in PvE because this system is a way to get players to replay and re-explore maps they haven’t been to in months (and many players have left abandoned for just as long)
In Dungeons, it will, which is why the Party leader should set the dificulty. In WvW and PvP though, it might create too much of an imbalance to ever allow a Hard Mode, but it is interesting to think about.
(edited by Chrispy.5641)
Are you seriously trying to tell me that is going to be a problem?
Players losing their minds over the SLIGHTEST change to their routines are the heart and soul of these forums. It doesn’t matter how insignificant the change is. Players WILL kitten about it, and they will kitten about it at the top of their lungs.
You WILL have legions complaining that your idea has ruined the “sense of community in game.” You WILL have people whining that you’re creating two tiers of rewards based on “gimmicks.” you WILL have a small regiment who cry, “ loves warriors so much that they’re giving them improved loot! My [insert class here] can’t do hard mode! It’s favoritism!”
I dunno how to put it gently man. It’s a simple fact of the matter that things that GW1 could do because of the way it was designed really CAN’T be translated well into the open world of GW2. If you impact another person’s game play in ANY way (and be honest, even an “opt-in” hard mode will do that), they aren’t going to be happy about it, and they will let you know it; most likely in the most obnoxious way possible.
I really enjoy the discussion about hard mode, since it’s challenging content for players at lv.80 apart from our lv.80 zones. Griefing should in no way be possible, so it’s a quite difficult task for our devs. Even if it is a very small amount of griefing… it still is.
But maybe there’s a way around it…
A spontaneous idea here: Spirit Dancer Mode (Hard Mode 2.1)
You learn the ways of the Spirit Dancers. The ways to see the other side. Once you learned this style, you can enter the spirit realm. From now on you can see what has been invisible from you before, but be aware. All that you can see now, can hurt you now as well.
In short: you toggle the Spirit Dancer Mode and from then on hidden demons, evil spirits and other evils appear in the world. Sometimes they are the ancestors of living creatures and join them in battle. They only aggro Spirit Dancers and heroes have to fight both: demons and normal creatures.
It sounds quite boring to do all done content again. All hearts, all waypoints… again? No. In Spirit Dancer Mode you can find new secrets. Once an empty cave is now a home of a long dead witch who sends out waves of it’s minions to Spirit-only events.
I’m really not sure if this could be griefed, what do you think?
(edited by Marcus Greythorne.6843)
That… has some potential… if you’re willing to wait a considerable amount of time for that sort of content to be ready. You’re talking about a whole new world pretty much laid on top of a new one, with events that you’d have to be mindful of coordinating with ones in the current world.
I mean, how happy do you think players would be if half their group were to spontaneously die during a Tequatl event due to things they couldn’t even see?
(Yes, yes… I know… half the zerg dies during the Tequatl event to things they DO see. That’s not the point here…)
It’d take a lot of time and work… but that is a very intriguing idea I’d like to see developed further.
I mean, how happy do you think players would be if half their group were to spontaneously die during a Tequatl event due to things they couldn’t even see?
I wouldn’t spawn any Spirits in the Tequatl battle, hehe… sounds too brutal and is too close to griefing. Basically it’s “just” spawning new mobs in some places of the world. Spirit Dancers have to explore the world and look for those new encounters. In short: it can be implemented very gradually and over time each zone gets more and more of those challenges. I like the suggestion above about the new conditions, which drain your engergy bar etc… could be exclusive skills of the demons in Spirit Mode.
Hard Mode
I have a better suggestion, an idea that came a long time ago in a different context.
I’m a roleplayer and a thing I would like is to use game events and ennemies in roleplay. But when you are 20 it’s worthless to consider each single wolf because he’s instantly obliterated… The idea meet yours.
+ Level adjustement customization
Currently when in a low level zone, our levels are automatically adjusted. (and it’s a wonderful mechanism to play with friends of various level.)
A new option give the ability to setup the level adjustment from 0 (same as actually), to 10 levels of difficulty.
Example : I’m with my 80 in an area where monsters are level 41, I’m automatically down to level 42, but I want a bit more difficulties so I set my adjustement to -3 and instantly my level became 39.
It make fight harder for people like you and for roleplayers in group they can set their level to be threaten by monsters.
Hard Mode
I have a better suggestion, an idea that came a long time ago in a different context.
I’m a roleplayer and a thing I would like is to use game events and ennemies in roleplay. But when you are 20 it’s worthless to consider each single wolf because he’s instantly obliterated… The idea meet yours.+ Level adjustement customization
Currently when in a low level zone, our levels are automatically adjusted. (and it’s a wonderful mechanism to play with friends of various level.)
A new option give the ability to setup the level adjustment from 0 (same as actually), to 10 levels of difficulty.Example : I’m with my 80 in an area where monsters are level 41, I’m automatically down to level 42, but I want a bit more difficulties so I set my adjustement to -3 and instantly my level became 39.
It make fight harder for people like you and for roleplayers in group they can set their level to be threaten by monsters.
Another intriguing idea… I do wonder just how easy that would be to implement coding wise. Would a server have to track that data as the base level changes? How much of a burden would that be? Remember that server limitations are supposedly the core of the entire condition conundrum.
It’s relatively easy.
When the adjusting level is applied, instead of artificially decrease our level to
it will be decrease to :
X – [selected difficulty rank]
(edited by Kulvar.1239)
It’s relatively easy.
When the adjusting level is apply, instead of artificially decrease our level to X, it will be decrease to (X – selected difficulty rank).
That’s not just what I mean though. You’re pretty much adding another layer (variable) to the scaling mechanic. The server would have to keep track of that for every player in any given zone at all times. Would that even be possible, considering what we know about the limitations server-side?
I don’t know. But I think if there is a monkey wrench in the idea, that would be it.
Err… Almost any idea here will increase server load. Why it’s important that server will have one sum and one more integer to consider ?
It would be rather weird to see other players slashing at the air…
And if they are going to be in the hidden corners of the world… wouldn’t it be just as easy to make them visible to everyone but warn players about the strength of these powerful monsters early in the game?
Perhaps they would have some sort of dark aura, or a new ‘star’ around their image. (Where elites have a purple star, perhaps these could have a black-green one)
And if these new mobs are going to be very popular… will they be zerged just as easily as the other content? (Scaling only goes so far in making things more difficult)
I am not saying that it cannot be done, just offering some difficult questions.
And how would we go about unlocking hardmode? I have 5 level 80 characters, but only 70%-ish completion on a single character. Yet I’ve completed all the maps several times on different characters.
Would I need to unlock hardmode for every single character for the feeling of progression? Or do I only need it for one? Or will it count the progress over all my characters?
If you are playing for the challenge, would you like for that other player to come over and help you? And if it would be challenging for the three of you, would you even bother on your own? Would you get angry at players that are just walking through and scale up the event? Would the loot be any better? Would the players gather at the best spot to farm and leave the real challenges be?
What does the open world offer in hardmode that instanced content can’t? (Quite a bit, I guess, but it is an important question to ask)
Did completing campaigns to unlock hardmode feel worthwhile and characterbuilding in GW1? Or was it more frustrating that your friends couldn’t join your challenges because they didn’t have it unlocked?
And regarding the earlier proposal: Is 25% going to make a real difference? The average foe in the open world does not stand a chance against a level 80 character. Doing group events on your own is probably getting a bit harder, but the usual fights wouldn’t really offer me much more of a challenge I’m afraid. Now in dungeons… I can see 25% making quite a big difference. Since we’re already in some tight spots there every now and then… But aren’t there more interesting ways to make the game harder within instances? (Such as taking one path and upgrading it to level 80? This time without the path length increase perhaps)
As for the extra level decrease, I guess that could help when playing with lower level friends. Personally I like to build up my characters to be the best they can possibly be. I would prefer tougher foes over limiting myself. Even though it has a similar effect. Being able to become worse feels like a very weird way to have character progression.
Going into the future, I think it’s important to make all stats worthwhile and create greater build variety.
Before the game was in beta, when the developers said there wouldn’t be a holy trinity of roles in pve and letting people play what they want to play, I thought they meant we’d have more than three roles in any given party. What we got though, is the old kind of trinity of DPS, control, and support, with DPS being the deciding factor.
Due to this, people are being forced to play DPS specs, even if they don’t want to. Few builds actually boost the control options the classes already have, and support is one of the worst defined roles in the game. What’s worse is that a good support build often still runs DPS gear because there are no stats that actively boost support to the next level.
First off, let me say that what we don’t need is every dungeon to be designed in such a way that we’d need a tank, healer, and DPS.
What we do need is for people to have the option to choose to be one of these roles, and more, if they want to. And we need those roles not to suck.
Currently, a Guardian can already create a tanking build that works for all intents and purposes in all pve content except for high level fractals. The only skill he lacks compared to classic tanks is a taunt skill to keep mobs off the squishier players.
What we don’t need is another trinity. What we need is for every class to be able to spec into a variety of roles, and with the trait system being what it is we could easily make the number of roles per class locked at 5. Five roles, not three. More variety, not less. Discourage people from bringing only one kind of role by interesting dungeon design, not through gimping builds themselves.
We have stats in the game like toughness and vitality. Make it so that a character’s tanking ability increases when dedicating to these stats on the same level that a Warrior’s damage output increases when he or she decks out in Berserker’s gear.
Conditions need an overhaul so a condition build can stand toe to toe with berserker’s in DPS. Make condition damage and condition duration worth using.
You have a healing power stat in the game. And it’s worthless 99% of the time. At least in pve, make healing power a powerful support stat. If I want my guard to be a healer, let me play a healer. Don’t make it necessary for every party to always have a fully kitted healer on board, but make having one around useful. Anyone worried about it not being “different” enough from other games should play a support guard for a while. Trust me, you won’t be clicking bars. Healing in this game is a lot about positioning.
What I’m not asking is for Healing power to be so strong no one would ever have to use a healing skill ever if I’m there with my healing build. However, it would be nice if my party could at least save their healing skills for emergencies while I take care of the ordinary damage dealt to them.
Support through boons can use some love too, but it’s a fine line to thread. Some boons are incredibly powerful, while others are very lackluster. More boon duration on gear would be nice. Including seeing this stat on ascended/legendary gear! As it stands though, 1% per armor piece feels bad when I can get 45% through runes alone.
There’s also the Boon duration cap and condition duration cap to consider. It’d also be nice if the game would indicate these caps in places other than the wiki.
Giving people more roles to choose from, and giving them the tools to make their characters as good in those roles as warriors are in dealing DPS through direct damage with berserker’s gear atm, would greatly increase the build variety in the game. It would also allow the developers to create more interesting encounters. Players are currently using stack and max DPS as the most prevalent tactic in the game, and it is as boring as tank & spank has always been. This is not healthy for the PvE side of the game. Not at all.
In light of this, I feel PvE and PvP skills, traits, stat effectiveness, etc, need to be seperate. It was like that in GW1. It’s already like that to some degree in GW2. I don’t think anyone would mind seeing more of this because we want pvp to be balanced and we want PvE to be about variety and interesting encounters. We want more stat combos to be relevant, which is why people keep asking for more combinations in the first place.
Ultimately, what I’ve been getting to all this time, is that this opens the path to adding in new class roles to existing classes as the game grows. That too is a form of horizontal progression. With new weapons, skills, roles, stats, etc, being added to classes, and if the living story PvE content remains aware of those additions, we’d be looking, potentially, at the most interesting and evolving game of this decade.
Horizontal Progression and Hard Mode
- In my opinion, one of the best, easiest ways Anet could add a Hard Mode to the game…..
- Every Player can toggle their own Hard Mode in the Hero Panel.
- Enemies deal 25% more damage to players in Hard Mode.
- Players in Hard Mode deal 25% less damage to Enemies.
- Conditions Inflicted on Players last 25% longer, boons are 25% shorter in Duration.
- Conditions that Players in Hard Mode inflict on Enemies last 25% shorter.
- No other player is affected in any way, because the effects of Hard mode only affect the Players that toggled it. Even if you join an event with 50 other players, the event is more difficult for only you and any other player that toggled Hard Mode, that way, players that don’t want to do it don’t have to.
- If it does need to be more complex than this, add in special conditions enemies can inflict that only affect players in hard mode, (like conditions that lock a player’s ability to dodge, dropping endurance regen to 0, Reversing the effects of damage and healing for a short time, etc.)
- Players that Toggle Hard Mode can get better Rewards anywhere they play in the game……
- Enemies are 25% harder to kill, so you get 25% more Experience.
- 25% more Karma when completing events, 25% more World Experience. 25% more Gold. 25% more Tokens. 25% more of everything. (Shoot…., Anet, give us hard mode in PvP, that should be interesting…..)
- Magic Find should also be increased by atleast 25%.
- Add in Special Weapon and Armor skins that can only be unlocked while playing this mode.
How do we address Normal Mode players helping Hard Mode buddies?
Hard Mode doesn’t work for an open persistent world.
Hard Mode is fine and well, but if ANet should ever implement something like that, it should be completely based on Instances and nothing else.
Hard Mode for Dungeons – 0 Problem, because Dungeons are instanced, the moment you enter them you decide, if you play them either on Normal or Hard Mode.
Hard Mode for Personal Story – exactly the same as easy like Dungeons
Also if Anet should ever brng back Vanquishing, like in GW1, together also with Hard Mode, then has Naet to make “Map Instances”, it simply doesn’t work with persistent maps where all enemies keep on respawning every few minutes.
You can vanquish a Map/dungeon only, if everything that you killed STAYS also dead/eliminated in case of undeads xD…
Shouldn’t be so hard to implement a system, that can create of the persistant Maps also instances, if you enter as a party of 5 a Map, the party leader gets asked then, if he wants to stay with his party in the persistant version of the map, or if he wants to activate Hard Mode and switch with his party members into an own instance of that same map.
In that Map Instance then happens the following:
- Monsters don’t respawn in the Map Instance
- All lowest Monsters are now Veterans, Veterans are now Elite, Champions are Legendary and in case of Dungeons, enemies that normally were Legendary, are in Hard Mode a new grade of Monster Difficulty – Mythos so in brief, all monsters get raised in their Ranks by 1 up
- Certain Enemies receive more Resistences against specific Attacks or Effects, like that Centaurs for example will have alot more often (not permanently) Stability now, than in Normal Mode and will be more resistent against ranged attacks
- All Enemies in Hard Mode receive New Skills, they can and will dodge/block more oftenly attacks
- Players will have 100% more Magic Find in HM, all HM Instances will be scaled for Lvl 80 Characters and can be entered only by Lvl 80 Characters with 100% NM Completion. Boons will last 25% shorter on you, conditions last 25% longer on you.
- EXP from Kills will be increased by 50%, Kills in HM Instance will drop guaranteed Money Bags. Chance for Precursor Drops are increased in HM Instances.
- Hearts, Vistas, POIS, Skill Points have to be made for HM new, but no Map Exploration, but Players can collect therfore something new in HM. – “Magical *Artifacts”*
Magical Artifacts are the rewards for successfully exploring and vanquishing the Hard Mode Instances to 100%.
Magical Artifacts will be needed for a new feature of Character Progression – Equipment Enchants
With Equipment Enchants you can enchant your Equipment with positive Effects that are either based on Boons, or passive Side Effects and they can give your Equipment visual Particle Effects
- Vanquishing a HM Instance Map will reward the player daily once per Map per Character with a Vanquish Chest, that will contain ascendent Vanquish Weapons/Armors with new designs, new Skill Tomes, that will unlock for your Account new Skill Skins, Ascendet Materials, each Map Instance of a different Map will also have the chance for one Map specific unique exotic Minipet or new map themed Back Item/AquaBreather.
Players will be also able to find in Hard Mode Instances new Wild Ranger Pets, that Ranger players need to tame, before they can get them as pets. Among them creatures, like Gryphons.
Magical Artifacts will also count as Crafting Material and will be used to craft Precursors.
Something along the line like this I’d like to see getting done with Hard Mode, that is based like in GW1 on an Instance System, because that way this feature is alot easier to implement into GW2, without creating tons of griefing issues and other problems and with an Instance system it can be also used alot easier to improve the game with tons of other new features and rewards that could get linked together with Hard Mode, like for example as I did it here in my brainstorming with:
- New Ranger pets
- Precursor Crafting
- New Back Items/Aqua Breathers
- More Replayability for Hearts, Vistas ect. that could get linked then again with new Achievements/Titles and better rewards from the Heart Karma Vendors in HM
And I’m pretty sure, we could link Hard Mode also together weith other systems, to make it more challenging, like linking Hard Mode together with the Gambit System, so that the party leader could set up maybe also some gambits for the Instance, to make it more challenging, but also more rewarding for the party at the end of the said Vanquishing Chest and in general for monster drops.
So much potential to combine many things here to make Hard Mode as much as rewardign and challenging at the same time, as possible.
I know this thread is about character horizontal progression, but I think a little world horizontal progression dovetails with that. It gives us more to see and do. We need some persistence of effects from LS.
One small example: The Aetherblade dungeon in LA. Why can’t we now go behind the waterfall to see the emptied out chambers, the NPCs studying the tech? Why hasn’t it been turned into more living space for an ever-growing trading metropolis?
All these places we’ve found and assaulted need to still be there later, in a progressed fashion. Kessex’s changes are a good thing (though I mourn the pretty zone it was, but that’s part of the impact, bad things happen and things get wrecked). Every LS event needs to leave its mark in notable ways. Sometimes maybe things get prettier instead of wrecked (like maybe Zephyr Sanctum influenced architects and we got some Tyrian areas emulating it). But let the events affect us over time.
This kind of Hard Mode was something I talked about in page 5.
I think the largest problem for hard mode in a persistent world, is not that people would be complaining events are harder (at least from experience, most events are steamrolled by any given amount of players). Rather, due to the same problem of events being steamrolled by any amount of players, you wouldn’t actually be “in hard mode” unless you were soloing events. Hard Mode would basically be making Normal Mode players +25% more effective in every way. People could easily ride the zerg trains to glory and rewards that aren’t actually earned as they were designed.
So, we couldn’t implement Hard Mode by affecting things such as damage dealt, or focusing on things “happening to enemies”, but rather all effects would need to effect just the player. Mistlock abilities or Gambits from Queen Jennah’s arena would be more appropriate, but not even all of those. Players couldn’t do less damage, but they could take more damage from being hit. Likewise, something that reduces their ability to dodge, or gives them constant burning, or even prevents utility switching or weapon swap could work, as those effects are otherwise only effecting said individual.
Other players may still be able to help Hard Mode-ers prevent some damage, but they wouldn’t be able to overshadow their contribution, which would be similar to having Magic Find gear, but the effects might be even worse.
tl;dr level scaling and such things could work, but not alone. Certain effects must be used that effects only the hard mode player, and don’t allow Normal Players from actually removing the Hard from Hard Mode.
It would be rather weird to see other players slashing at the air…
And if they are going to be in the hidden corners of the world… wouldn’t it be just as easy to make them visible to everyone but warn players about the strength of these powerful monsters early in the game?
Perhaps they would have some sort of dark aura, or a new ‘star’ around their image. (Where elites have a purple star, perhaps these could have a black-green one)
If you make them visible for everyone, then you have pretty hardcore strong enemies aggroing low level players. It seems Anet doesn’t want low level maps flooded by such mobs since they haven’t put too strong monsters in those zones in the first place. Also, as you said, these can be zerged. I guarantee you that most members of a random zerg aren’t far enough progressed, so that they can enter Spirit Mode.
—> you get much stronger mobs than zone-level (lv.80+) which are unlikely to be zerged compared to normal content
And if these new mobs are going to be very popular… will they be zerged just as easily as the other content? (Scaling only goes so far in making things more difficult)
I am not saying that it cannot be done, just offering some difficult questions.
I’m glad you ask those questions. As I said: if the requirements for Spirit Mode are high enough, it’s unlikely that these events are gonna be zerged soon.
And how would we go about unlocking hardmode? I have 5 level 80 characters, but only 70%-ish completion on a single character. Yet I’ve completed all the maps several times on different characters.
Would I need to unlock hardmode for every single character for the feeling of progression? Or do I only need it for one? Or will it count the progress over all my characters?
Now that’s an interesting question. World-completion could be one part of that puzzle, I’d love to see it accoundwide though. Achievements are accountwide, so it’s probably something that includes achievements. I would be strictly against dungeon achievements since I know from my own experience that there are a lot of players who don’t enjoy dungeons but still love every other content in the game.
The idea was to bring Spirit Enemies to the open world, so relevant achievements for unlocking Spirit Mode should have something to do with open world content.
Personally I’m a fan of the zone progression idea, so I’d unlock Spirit Mode for a zone for the top tier of a zone progression rank + World completion achievement needed. Gain ranks by finding more and more unique events and find certain champions etc.
(edited by Marcus Greythorne.6843)
If you are playing for the challenge, would you like for that other player to come over and help you? And if it would be challenging for the three of you, would you even bother on your own? Would you get angry at players that are just walking through and scale up the event? Would the loot be any better? Would the players gather at the best spot to farm and leave the real challenges be?
What does the open world offer in hardmode that instanced content can’t? (Quite a bit, I guess, but it is an important question to ask)
Well ideally it’s still scaling content, so the challenge stays the same, whatever number of players are helping. Zerging, like I mentioned above, is rather unlikely since requirements for Spirit Mode are quite high. You don’t see a whole zerg running around with Legendaries, do you?
Walking through without participating shouldn’t scale an event up, that’s how dynamic event scaling was explained by Colin.
We’re still talking about horizontal progression, so loot shouldn’t be “better”, you just have different skins dropping from Spirit Realm Mobs. Best “farming” spots aren’t in the spirit of the zone progression system, which is about finding events which haven’t been done before by you.
Hardmode – Spirit Mode – offers a whole new and different perspective at existing maps. Remember those old Zelda games where you found an item which gave you a whole new view of your surroundings? It’s exciting: you enter a location which you knew from weeks ago and you find totally different mobs there which run a totally new event. You’re there and know: I earned this bonus content, it was a long journey to get there. You might find certain aha-moments also. Furthermore you know: Progressing in other zones unlocks even more of that exciting difficult stuff for me.
Did completing campaigns to unlock hardmode feel worthwhile and characterbuilding in GW1? Or was it more frustrating that your friends couldn’t join your challenges because they didn’t have it unlocked?
I haven’t played GW1 enough to unlock hard mode, so I can’t give you an answer to that. About the frustration… well friends can’t join you in a lv.80 zone from the get go either, they have to level up to your level first. The thing is: you, as a Spirit Walker, can always help your friends in their battles while in that mode. This stuff happens in all zones, so you can join your friends in their level-up phase and help as well as possible.
The nice thing: even though your low level friends can’t join you in damaging the mobs, they can still help you. They can buff you, support you and heal you. It’s a mode where support-builds can shine, but only a Spirit Walker can do damage on Spirit Demons.
Wow, didn’t think I would spark quite this large a talk about a simple suggestion over a Hard Mode….
Are you seriously trying to tell me that is going to be a problem?
Players losing their minds over the SLIGHTEST change to their routines are the heart and soul of these forums. It doesn’t matter how insignificant the change is. Players WILL * about it, and they will * about it at the top of their lungs.
You WILL have legions complaining that your idea has ruined the “sense of community in game.” You WILL have people whining that you’re creating two tiers of rewards based on “gimmicks.” you WILL have a small regiment who cry, “ loves warriors so much that they’re giving them improved loot! My [insert class here] can’t do hard mode! It’s favoritism!”
I dunno how to put it gently man. It’s a simple fact of the matter that things that GW1 could do because of the way it was designed really CAN’T be translated well into the open world of GW2. If you impact another person’s game play in ANY way (and be honest, even an “opt-in” hard mode will do that), they aren’t going to be happy about it, and they will let you know it; most likely in the most obnoxious way possible.
Ooookay…., so? Greater Risk should equal Greater Reward. If people are really crying over someone getting better loot, its because that person getting better loot just did things worth a greater risk, and the person who didn’t take the risk is crying about it. There is no deeper reason then that.
The people in my suggestion are the only ones taking greater risk, not the people still in hard mode, and everyone is still playing the same game. There is no seperate world set apart for the hard mode guys. So, there is really nothing to complain about, unless you are really that mad that it took 0.5%-25% longer to kill the Claw of Jormag than it normally does.
How do we address Normal Mode players helping Hard Mode buddies?
We don’t, because Guild Wars 2 is an MMO and it should be about players helping other players. I don’t think its going to be that big a deal anyways, because Joe the Charr isn’t going to care enough to keep playing on Normal Mode to help Bobbbo the Norn finish his Hard mode exploration. Joe the Charr is going to want to switch over to Hard Mode as well to get the extra rewards. If they are in the same Guild, then yes, Joe the Charris going to spend some time helping out Bobbbo the Norn, but none of it is game breaking. It already happens during regular game play!
How do we address Normal Mode players helping Hard Mode buddies?
Normal Mode players can’t damage (nor aggro) Hard Mode mobs. (they can’t see those either). Normal Mode players can support Hard Mode players through buffs though.
See Spirit Dancer Mode – suggestion above
Idea: if grouped with a hardmode player, you can see the outline of hardmode mobs, still can’t damage/aggro those though. The Spirit bond between a normal mode player and a hardmode player comes at a cost though: the Spirit Demons can CC (knock down, cripple, stun,…) the grouped normal player. It’s his choice.
(edited by Marcus Greythorne.6843)
Just out of curiosity, are people really committed to a hard mode existing as an overlay in already present zones?
Would a new set of 5 “Perilous Lands” (1-15, 15-30, 30-50, 50-70, & 70-80) covering the full leveling path where you are always 2-6 levels lower than the mobs scratch this itch? No mix-and-match modes, no cheap work-arounds… You set foot in here, you expect to get your hind-parts severed, cooked, and plated on fine silver unless you bring your best game. Let the map devs have fun and be deliberately MEAN in laying out spawn sites and vistas.
The new zones could have all the features that we see now, but since the Personal Story doesn’t go through them they would be completely optional. The hearts, places of interest, vistas, and way points could all contribute to a second separate world accomplishment track both to create a new meta-goal and to keep this frankly brutal new real estate outside of the current Legendary acquisition path.
And on the subject of risk and reward, I’d rather the reward for playing in perilous lands be more bragging rights than farming bait.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
(edited by Nike.2631)
How do we address Normal Mode players helping Hard Mode buddies?
Normal Mode players can’t damage (nor aggro) Hard Mode mobs. (they can’t see those either). Normal Mode players can support Hard Mode players through buffs though.
See Spirit Dancer Mode – suggestion above
Idea: if grouped with a hardmode player, you can see the outline of hardmode mobs, still can’t damage/aggro those though. The Spirit bond between a normal mode player and a hardmode player comes at a cost though: the Spirit Demons can CC (knock down, cripple, stun,…) the grouped normal player. It’s his choice.
Tbh, this sounds like a lot of uneccessary work for a convoluted Hard Mode system, especially when we have a lot of tools already made. This could work for a separate idea, still in the same vein, but as GW2’s Hard Mode, it seems to fall short.
This separate idea, could be in the form of a treasure hunt, similar to (but again, possibly overshadowed by) Guild Bounties. Players would grab a hunt, finish this new “Hard Mode event”, and gain some special reward for completion. GW1 did this when they added in their “Dailies”.
I honestly don’t have much to add, but the ideas here are awesome! I really hope some of them get implemented!
additional stuff to buy with skill points and their cost.
-customizable ui – 25 skill pts.
-100% more camera zoom out – 25 skill pts.
-loot directly to bag – 25 skill pts.
-remove combat movement suppression – 25 skill pts.
-more weapon and skill slots/buttons (see my earlier post) – 25 skill pts. each.
-cross profession weapons, skills, signets, heals… – 25 skill pts. each.
-mounts – 25 skill pts. each.
-dragon pets for rangers that they can ride and fly on as well – 25 skill pts. each.
-all soul bound gear becomes account bound – 25 skill pts.
-ascended gear – 25 skill pts. each.
-any crafting mat – 1 skill pt. each.
-precursor – 50 skill pts. each.
-legendary – 100 skill pts. each.
-ranger sword #1 does not root you – 25 skill pts.
-ranger sword #1 behaves like and does the same damage as heartseeker – 25 skill pts.
-ranger access to thief stealth powers – 25 skill pts. each.
-ranger can choose to do burst instead of condition damage – 25 skill pts. per weapon.
-rangers can stow their pet permanently and gain lots more weapon dmg. – 25 skill pts.
-unlimited use personal asura portal to your home city – 25 skill pts.
-combined condition max cap that can affect you is 3 – 25 skill pts.
-10 sec condition immunity timer between reapplications of the same condition – 25 skill pts.
more to come…
thanks and happy holidays!
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
(edited by Swagger.1459)
Horizontal Progression and Hard Mode
- In my opinion, one of the best, easiest ways Anet could add a Hard Mode to the game…..
- Every Player can toggle their own Hard Mode in the Hero Panel.
- Enemies deal 25% more damage to players in Hard Mode.
- Players in Hard Mode deal 25% less damage to Enemies.
- Conditions Inflicted on Players last 25% longer, boons are 25% shorter in Duration.
- Conditions that Players in Hard Mode inflict on Enemies last 25% shorter.
- No other player is affected in any way, because the effects of Hard mode only affect the Players that toggled it. Even if you join an event with 50 other players, the event is more difficult for only you and any other player that toggled Hard Mode, that way, players that don’t want to do it don’t have to.
- If it does need to be more complex than this, add in special conditions enemies can inflict that only affect players in hard mode, (like conditions that lock a player’s ability to dodge, dropping endurance regen to 0, Reversing the effects of damage and healing for a short time, etc.)
- Players that Toggle Hard Mode can get better Rewards anywhere they play in the game……
- Enemies are 25% harder to kill, so you get 25% more Experience.
- 25% more Karma when completing events, 25% more World Experience. 25% more Gold. 25% more Tokens. 25% more of everything. (Shoot…., Anet, give us hard mode in PvP, that should be interesting…..)
- Magic Find should also be increased by atleast 25%.
- Add in Special Weapon and Armor skins that can only be unlocked while playing this mode.
How do we address Normal Mode players helping Hard Mode buddies?
The simple and elegant solution would be to use the down leveling system. Simply players with HM would be down leveled on a harder curve in order to increase the challenge proportionate to the increase in rewards.
I’d have to say housing is one of the coolest horizontal progressions I’ve played with in MMOs. unfortunately I think GW2 completely misses the mark with the home instance, especially the Norn one.
I commend Anet for trying to do something different, but people don’t like housing because it shows tiny echos of what you’ve done, but because it’s an open-ended venue for creation & customization. In the end, it will reflect your past, simply by being made up of things from your experiences. Having the home instance be per-defined, devoid of any building or location choices, uncustomizable, & in the case of the Norn, a space in someone else’s house, is not fun, not interesting & only worth visiting for nodes. that misses the point of Housing entirely.
Guild Wars has never really delved into customization & creation & It suffers in that those are huge components of making on-line communities. Going to a Guild Hall in GW1 was nothing special. you saw the list of things they unlocked & it was kinda cool. in EQ2 it was an amazing expression of the Guild’s personality, past accomplishments & a hub for meeting, planning & resource gathering. Anet talked several times about wanting to do things right, or not do them at all, & in the housing area, they just didn’t hit the mark.
There are many zones that are empty or nearly empty at most times because there are little to no reasons to visit them after world exploration. Encouraging players to revisit these zones might not be too hard.
The idea I have is that the Asurans want the players to collect data from various things in different zones and with each bit of data collected, the player’s account gets reduced waypoint costs to that zone permanently.
Collecting data would be done through many different tasks; each one would acquire a certain amount of data. There would be diminishing returns (like getting Luck for more magic find), so it would be hard to reduce waypoint costs to zero; still, it would reduce waypoint costs to the zone and players will feel like they are progressing in certain zones while collecting data when just having fun doing pretty much anything.
Data Collection Ideas:
World Exploration (points of Interest, Vistas, etc.)
- Reward: +3 (per PoI, Vista, etc.)
General Exploration (just roaming the map and passively collecting data)
- Reward: +1 (per 5000 range treaded by your character)
Collecting Skill Points
- Reward: +5 (Per skill point gained)
Completing Events or Heart Tasks (if the zone has any of these)
- Reward: +3 (per event/heart task completed)
Collecting Lost Asuran Data Crystals (hidden throughout the zone)
- Reward: +500 Data (each Data crystals is a one time only find)
Vanquishing Certain Enemy Types (Destroyers, Inquest, Risen, etc.)
- Reward: +1 (For every 10 of one type killed)
Completing a Dungeon in that Zone
- Reward: +25 (Per path completed)
Killing Champions
- Reward: +3 (Per champion killed)
Jumping Puzzles
- Reward: +25 (Per puzzle completed)
Gathering (trees, plants, etc.)
- Reward: +1 (Per item gathered)
Speaking with NPCs
- Reward: (Case by Case basis)
Personal Storyline Completion (within the zone)
- Reward: (Case by Case basis)
Living Story Completion (within the zone)
- Reward: (Case by Case basis)
Achievement Points (while in the zone)
- Reward: +1 Data (per Achievement Point gained)
Guild Missions (within the zone)
- Reward: +50 Data (per mission)
Progression and Diminishing Returns:
Level 1:
- Requires: 100 Data
- Reward: -1% Waypoint Costs to this zone
Level 2:
- Requires: 200 Data
- Reward: -1% Waypoint Costs to this zone
And so on… The amount of Data needed should increase with each level – perhaps by 100 per level; the reward will be the same with each level gained. At Data level 100, the player will have 100% reduced waypoint costs in that zone (although 100% is unlikely to be reached with diminishing returns).
Continuing rewards:
This data collection could continue past Data level 100 for extra rewards; perhaps +1% magic find, or karma gain, or coin gain, or experience gain while in the zone for every Data level gained past that – up to a maximum of Data level 300 or something along those lines, where the player would have +200% magic find while in that zone. This could also allow the data collection to work on World versus World maps by allowing the player to just get extra magic find through Data collection (because waypoints are already free in WvW).
Level 101:
- Requires: 10,100 Data
- Reward: +1% Magic Find while in this Zone
Level 102:
- Requires: 10,200 Data
- Reward: +1% Magic Find while in this Zone
(edited by Caveth.3268)
additional stuff to buy with skill points and their cost.
-customizable ui – 25 skill pts.
-100% more camera zoom out – 25 skill pts.
-loot directly to bag – 25 skill pts.
-remove combat movement suppression – 25 skill pts.
-more weapon and skill slots/buttons (see my earlier post) – 25 skill pts. each.
-cross profession weapons, skills, signets, heals… – 25 skill pts. each.
-mounts – 25 skill pts. each.
-dragon pets for rangers that they can ride and fly on as well – 25 skill pts. each.
-all soul bound gear becomes account bound – 25 skill pts.
-ascended gear – 25 skill pts. each.
-any crafting mat – 1 skill pt. each.
-precursor – 50 skill pts. each.
-legendary – 100 skill pts. each.
-ranger sword #1 does not root you – 25 skill pts.
-ranger sword #1 behaves like and does the same damage as heartseeker – 25 skill pts.
-ranger access to thief stealth powers – 25 skill pts. each.
-ranger can choose to do burst instead of condition damage – 25 skill pts. per weapon.
-rangers can stow their pet permanently and gain lots more weapon dmg. – 25 skill pts.
-unlimited use personal asura portal to your home city – 25 skill pts.
-combined condition max cap that can affect you is 3 – 25 skill pts.
-10 sec condition immunity timer between reapplications of the same condition – 25 skill pts.
more to come…thanks and happy holidays!
If only, if only…
…………………. Traits System Remake: ………………….
Build variety, versatility and accessibility can easily increase the fun of playing through the game. Right now, certain traits that would be fun and great on many builds are out of reach because the stats that the line gives or because certain traits feel forced just to get to a later trait in that line.
If the traits and stats were separated, the player would be able to choose the traits they want without being bound to stats that they don’t want – for example, critical damage on a condition build.
Players will be given a certain amount of stat points to put into the different stats available; there are 140 Stat Points available (at level 80). The maximum amount of Stat Points that may be used on a single stat is 30. Each stat point will grant the stat either +10 or 1%, depending on the stat.
- +10: Power, Precision, Condition Damage, Healing Power, Toughness, Vitality
- +1%: Critical Damage, Boon Duration, Condition Duration, Class Mechanic
The way traits are picked can be remade to be far better and more versatile; players should be given the ability to choose a certain amount of adept traits, master traits and grandmaster traits. Traits will not be locked into specific lines like Death Magic and Curses – instead, traits wanted by the player will be chosen from the total pool of traits available from that tier or below.
So, a character will be able to use 7 Adept Traits, 5 Master Traits and 3 Grandmaster Traits. Master Trait slots can also be filled with Adept traits, and Grandmaster trait slots can also be filled with Master or Adept traits. The exact number of traits per tier may be adjusted as necessary.
Trait and Stat Templates
Players should also be able to save a few templates of different stat sets and trait sets; the player should be able to buy Stat and Trait pages with either 25 skill points or 50 gems. There should be a maximum amount of Trait or Stat Templates available per character (likely around 10 or so).
Example Images Attached!
Just out of curiosity, are people really committed to a hard mode existing as an overlay in already present zones?
Would a new set of 5 “Perilous Lands” (1-15, 15-30, 30-50, 50-70, & 70-80) covering the full leveling path where you are always 2-6 levels lower than the mobs scratch this itch? No mix-and-match modes, no cheap work-arounds… You set foot in here, you expect to get your hind-parts severed, cooked, and plated on fine silver unless you bring your best game. Let the map devs have fun and be deliberately MEAN in laying out spawn sites and vistas.
The new zones could have all the features that we see now, but since the Personal Story doesn’t go through them they would be completely optional. The hearts, places of interest, vistas, and way points could all contribute to a second separate world accomplishment track both to create a new meta-goal and to keep this frankly brutal new real estate outside of the current Legendary acquisition path.
And on the subject of risk and reward, I’d rather the reward for playing in perilous lands be more bragging rights than farming bait.
In a way, Orr was a little bit like this for many players. And it was very frustrating to them that they couldn’t roam around on their own. (I guess it also, in a way, made them feel incapable?)
What about an NPC based exploration event? A crew of heroic NPC’s would start out every now and then. (Some small pre-events leading up to it to collect players) These events could make it easier to fight your way into the zone. So everything would be reachable to everyone, though the challenges are there for those that
stray off the beaten path, or are in a hurry to get somewhere. And to bring up Malchiors question: Where does the character progression come in?
Are these perilious lands places that we have to unlock? Do they have things that the rest of the world doesn’t have (other than difficulty)? Like zone specific rewards? And if so, should they be really hard and inaccessible?
I like the idea though! The harshness of the underworld was really cool. But it was also the lure of ectoplasm that made me try to find cool builds to farm the aatxes with. A fitting reward for the challenge. It was unlocked after we went through ascension I believe, at about 2/3rds of the prophecies storyline?
Just out of curiosity, are people really committed to a hard mode existing as an overlay in already present zones?
Would a new set of 5 “Perilous Lands” (1-15, 15-30, 30-50, 50-70, & 70-80) covering the full leveling path where you are always 2-6 levels lower than the mobs scratch this itch? No mix-and-match modes, no cheap work-arounds… You set foot in here, you expect to get your hind-parts severed, cooked, and plated on fine silver unless you bring your best game. Let the map devs have fun and be deliberately MEAN in laying out spawn sites and vistas.
The new zones could have all the features that we see now, but since the Personal Story doesn’t go through them they would be completely optional. The hearts, places of interest, vistas, and way points could all contribute to a second separate world accomplishment track both to create a new meta-goal and to keep this frankly brutal new real estate outside of the current Legendary acquisition path.
And on the subject of risk and reward, I’d rather the reward for playing in perilous lands be more bragging rights than farming bait.
I’m fully against all forms of hardmode, not because I dislike challenging content (when done well), but because it will take away people from an already desolate area.
To me the most important thing that needs to be accomplished on top of everything else is make the world feel alive again. Spreading the population out even further will not accomplish this. A world that is alive will grow, where as a world that is empty will just die more.
I understand truly your opinion Conner because I hate it too.
It’s why I suggested an “hard mode” that is personal instead of general (Dynamic level setting)
In a response to the hard mode (HM) discussion, I personally feel it’s not needed in GW2 because the scaling of your character takes the place of a HM. Not only does your character get scaled down, but the loot tables adjusts to allow for items of your real level to drop as well. Granted, the system doesn’t perform perfectly in all areas, but it mostly achieves its purpose.
In GW1 HM was preffered by veteran players due to the upgraded loot tables and for title farming. Of course some players do prefer HM just for the challenge, but for the majority, I found that reward increases were the reason it was played.
Some people think that the dynamic level mechanism is too light to be a real “HM”, it’s why I suggested that players be allowed to set it to decrease more their level.
I’m fully against all forms of hardmode, not because I dislike challenging content (when done well), but because it will take away people from an already desolate area.
Um, if you’re saying all future content has to take place within the maps we have now for fear of spreading things out… that’s pretty much the definition of Dead Game to me. And there were no more worlds to conquer – just maps to endlessly rehash.
While I have lobbied extensively for more Dynamic Events layering, refreshing and expanding the stories of the zones we have now, it was NEVER with the belief that what we have now should be the full measure of real estate the game shall ever present.
If the Living Story has taught us anything, it’s that the Devs can focus population where they want it for as long as they want it. Often to the detriment of any hint of challenge as the zerg consumes all.
I’m largely convinced a couple of zones designed for the hard core aren’t going to meaningfully deplete the population of open world zones… since there’s almost no one in them anyway except for the two champ trains. And if the rewards are chiefly the pleasure of exploration and the bragging rights of surviving in a harsh land rather than the never-ending search for the next most abusable farming loop, then I just don’t see it pulling a huge amount of population or of keeping them out of other area all that long.
If anything that’s the strongest argument against it: that it would be a lot of work for a very flashy, nicely promotable but ultimately not grindy enough piece of content .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
But HM Zone need an interest for players not interested by challenges.
So it means new content (resource, equipment, recipes). And it imply that the old stuff became useless…
Because a HM Zone will be a “general” HM, not a personal HM as I suggested. Or an expansion.
Personal HM let player choose what level of difficulty he want, without impose it on others.
- Allow us to customize PvE zones:
- Herboreal Mastery: Allow us to gather seeds from existing trees and plant new ones in areas where it’s possible for them to grow: variety! Special zones & climates > Special trees. Seeds will drop from specific trees, aka. Ancient Trees, that are permanent (not able to cut them down) and player-planted trees, that are not permanent. You’ll have to go out in the world and gather seeds yourself!
[Trees will sprout from the ground without players aswell, by chance]
- Deadwood Mastery: Allow us to cut down player-planted trees on a limited scale (say 1 tree/account/day): trees should give a realistic and big mass of wood. If you cut down a tree planted by someone else, you have to pay that person with seeds from that tree. It is possible to scavenge, but there will be a prize on your head if you do, so be wary thieves!
- Delving Mastery. Allow us to delve for ‘metals’ (not compared to the ore gathering we have now) in special spots per zone that are rich with ore. You can find spots that are able to be delved (destructible earth) with an ability.
- Stonegrowth Mastery: Stimulate existing mines to produce more rich metals. This involves dwarven and alchemic rituals. [Ores will be produced by mines without players too, by natural processes]
- Construction Mastery: Use materials you gather: different kinds of wood, different kinds of metal, rock and earthly materials to build something in the world, also in pre-restricted areas that have stable foundations etc etc.
- All the materials for these masteries should be accountbound and gathered through exploring the world yourself. It is possible to build things in group.
- The beauty of the idea: despite it being restricted to certain areas, everyone will have their shot at all these masteries. Constructions will decay from weather, atmosphere and occasionaly a storm or a monster invasion. They will be damage-able, but not by other players, UNLESS you decide to build in WvW… The need will always be there to explore and master your crafts. You might need a group of people in order to build one house, or be a very dedicated solo player. (it’s possible to build a guild house, or to gain dominance in a city as a guild).
- Adding affiliation in the mix: npcs such as refugees (Frost & Flame) can be convinced to build their own homes around existing player structures, by helping them with heart quests and somesuch.
- The world will become truly dynamic, with NPC’s on the move! This means existing settlements can be abandoned, take Fort Salma in Kessex Hills. NPC’s will migrate and hearts will too! Enemy NPC’s will be able to destroy those existing settlements and change zones with enermous expansion, if nobody stops them.
EDIT: To differ the general principle of these mechanics, it shouldn’t be like a generic ‘kill and gather’ sort of thing:
- Woodcutting could mean… climbing, with risks involved (O_O)
- Delving could mean… exploring underground (also climbing).
- Different classes could also get different ways to gather these resources:
- Would you like to shoot an arrow up to a tree branch, tug it and test it’s strength and pull yourself up at risk of breaking the branch or wrenching your hooked arrow loose, as a ranger?
- Would you enjoy dropping a couple of bombs on top of the tree and time-racing to get out of the tree before it explodes, as an engineer?
This really opens up a LOT of possibilities for adventure, challenge and fun!
(edited by Sirendor.1394)
…………………. Traits System Remake: ………………….
Build variety, versatility and accessibility can easily increase the fun of playing through the game. Right now, certain traits that would be fun and great on many builds are out of reach because the stats that the line gives or because certain traits feel forced just to get to a later trait in that line.
If the traits and stats were separated, the player would be able to choose the traits they want without being bound to stats that they don’t want – for example, critical damage on a condition build.
Players will be given a certain amount of stat points to put into the different stats available; there are 140 Stat Points available (at level 80). The maximum amount of Stat Points that may be used on a single stat is 30. Each stat point will grant the stat either +10 or 1%, depending on the stat.
- +10: Power, Precision, Condition Damage, Healing Power, Toughness, Vitality
- +1%: Critical Damage, Boon Duration, Condition Duration, Class Mechanic
The way traits are picked can be remade to be far better and more versatile; players should be given the ability to choose a certain amount of adept traits, master traits and grandmaster traits. Traits will not be locked into specific lines like Death Magic and Curses – instead, traits wanted by the player will be chosen from the total pool of traits available from that tier or below.
So, a character will be able to use 7 Adept Traits, 5 Master Traits and 3 Grandmaster Traits. Master Trait slots can also be filled with Adept traits, and Grandmaster trait slots can also be filled with Master or Adept traits. The exact number of traits per tier may be adjusted as necessary.
Trait and Stat Templates
Players should also be able to save a few templates of different stat sets and trait sets; the player should be able to buy Stat and Trait pages with either 25 skill points or 50 gems. There should be a maximum amount of Trait or Stat Templates available per character (likely around 10 or so).
Example Images Attached!
My 2 cents.
3) Open World
Another important element is the massive world, that might not be being used to its full potential. I haven’t gotten to see the intimidation of Vigil Keep or the wonder of the Durmand Priory in a while, simply because I have no reason to go there. (Now I’m going to, this game is gorgeous.) I would suggest either more world events, or more value to lower-level zones. One of my favorite aspects of GW2 is that world bosses matter. They’re not just there to be forgotten about. I realize it would be counter-productive to release more world boss-like things, because that would water down world boss-like things and defeat the purpose. But the revamp of Tequatl is a prime example. More of that. It’s fun, challenging, and the rewards are there enough to be lucrative. First contender, Shatterer. But that’s a whole other thing.
I think improve the world bosses would be a great thing, and with that they could add better rewards.
Special Mechanics
A first step could be improve the world bosses like it was done with Tequatl. Each boss should have special mechanics like Mai Trin, for example.
Examples of improvements with mechanics alredy known:
-Fire Elemental + Weapons testing facility mechanic+ Enviromental weapons to turn off the fire.
-The Frozen Maw + Mai Trin mechanic (the elite guard come with the shaman and have the immunity buffs that must be removed with the shaman’s aoes).
-Golem Mark II + Frizz’s Lab mechanic.
The dragons could also come with an invasion (before the boss can be killed) like the Scarlet’s ones. Players that complete both, the invasion and kill the dragon, could have a chance to get ascended gear.
Random Factor
This idea came to me when i saw the Fire Shaman with the “Toxic Corruption” buff. It had this small spiders helping him. Then I thought, what if the big bosses have a random buff (among 50 or more posible ones) that spawn different kinds of minions to help them? some of those minions could be strong and help the bosses to deal damage, others could heal or give buffs. Or like someone suggested (in the thread i suggested this), could even give them new skills (like a new aoe, or summon a turret, etc).
New Bosses
I have a few ideas for bosses but i will post 2:
1) Underwater Boss: i think a underwater boss would be nice, since there are none (i know there are a few sharks but none that can be counted as world boss). Could be in “Straits of Devastation” and be like a “Mouth of Zhaitan”, and could pull and push the players by drinking and spitting the water.
2) Aetherblade Airship: a big ship that is attacked by airships of the pact and the players go to those ships to help with the cannons and board(?) the ship.
The improved bosses could drop the ascended gear pieces or components (for example Deldrimor Steel Chestplate Panel or Deldrimor Steel Ingots) depending on the dificulty and lvl of the boss.
This could also be done with tokens. All this shouldnt be limited to world bosses. Dungeons and other activities could be done to obtain them. Could even be part of the rewards given in the Faction (Orders) quests to make people travel over all the map (doing events and puzzles) to get such treassures.
Throw Axe from Frostfang could apply Chilled instead of Crippled.I like your ideas but this one is the absolute opposite of what we want to achieve here. This sounds like vertical progression as non-legendary weapons are inferior, even if it’s because a necro with Frostfang has an advantage of 1 sec chilled.
I was talking about the warrior’s axe skill but i see your point and maybe the legendary weapon skills arnt a good idea, at least not at the start.
In any case, any effect can be balanced with more/less CD, more/less casting time, more/less duration, and/or longger/shortter animation.
For example, “Staggering Blow” (warrior’s hammer skill) could have a version that pull instead of push. But since pull is probably more powerful, the CD could be increased.
The Rifle and the Bows (short and long), could have versions of the same skills with longger range but with bigger casting time. I remember some events in Queensdale in which one was trained with the Rifle, and kneel, point and shoot.
Then the players could make a ranged weapon with a very long range but long casting times, a normal range weapon as it is now, or a mix with some skills with good range and others with normal range.
With all this could be options to make a more defensive build, or more offensive, to focus in conditions or pure damage, etc.
I’m fully against all forms of hardmode, not because I dislike challenging content (when done well), but because it will take away people from an already desolate area.
Um, if you’re saying all future content has to take place within the maps we have now for fear of spreading things out… that’s pretty much the definition of Dead Game to me. And there were no more worlds to conquer – just maps to endlessly rehash.
While I have lobbied extensively for more Dynamic Events layering, refreshing and expanding the stories of the zones we have now, it was NEVER with the belief that what we have now should be the full measure of real estate the game shall ever present.
If the Living Story has taught us anything, it’s that the Devs can focus population where they want it for as long as they want it. Often to the detriment of any hint of challenge as the zerg consumes all.
I’m largely convinced a couple of zones designed for the hard core aren’t going to meaningfully deplete the population of open world zones… since there’s almost no one in them anyway except for the two champ trains. And if the rewards are chiefly the pleasure of exploration and the bragging rights of surviving in a harsh land rather than the never-ending search for the next most abusable farming loop, then I just don’t see it pulling a huge amount of population or of keeping them out of other area all that long.
If anything that’s the strongest argument against it: that it would be a lot of work for a very flashy, nicely promotable but ultimately not grindy enough piece of content
Way to go and read things I never wrote or implied and utterly not understanding my real point. Every game with hardmodes I played got fractured into hardmode and non hardmode people. Yes even GW1 you just noticed it less there due to the set up of the game. On top of that I find hardmodes utterly cheap content.
Make a zone in the middle of nowhere in which people can build their houses. Let it be an open world zone which territory will increase the more houses people are building
People can buy land and start building a house from a few basic patterns
The house will be account bound and will be related to the achievements.
The houses will develop into others the more achievement points an account has.
People can set up their house as “open to public” or “closed to public”
This will build up a sort of Divinity Reach but all houses are own by players.
The hard mode concept doesn’t works in the Open World. What it needs, in its place, is a more unpredictable difficulty level, with some parts harder than others. Going into wilder, more optional places in the open world should hide stronger and more fearful dangers, that could intimidate most players but the bravest, the most organized or the most geared of them.
I’ve just replayed Final Fantasy XII recently, and one of the really interesting details in its exploration, was the fact that players could encounter a “friendly” T-Rex in a newbie map. If anyone attacked the dinossaur, they would get one-hit killed and learn the lesson, pretty much. However, stronger players could come back to the map and kill the guy for stronger loot. FFXII also had other enemies like that, such as the elementals.
It would be cool if some “friendly”/ neutral, yet highly dangerous enemies roamed freely around any map and scare foolish newbies. :P Even cooler would be if, in some optional areas, like a spot where ruins hide or something, stronger enemies were to be found. Sometimes that does happen, but very rarely.
The biggest problem with GW2’s enemy encounters, is that veteran enemies are not strong enough, while any tier higher than that is meant for party playing. And the moment you bring a party with yourself, they aren’t hard at all.
And if we go look at GW1, there are also some quests to be done that are much harder in difficulty than any other in the zone, but are available that soon in the game exactly for the challenge. Like Galrath’s quest in Lion’s Arch, or Althea’s Ashes in Ascalon.
GW1 also mase use of a very interesting mechanic: enemy patrols. There were a lot of them. Everywhere. It forced players to be more self-aware of their surroundings, because danger could lurk from anywhere. Raptors in Asura’s territory were an example, but enemy patrols was a decisive mechanic in pretty much every piece of difficult content. In contrast, most areas in GW2 feel very “safe”, where enemies simply rest within their confort zone and enjoy the nice view unless a player stumbles upon their way. The only more dangerous situation is when enemies reset right at the side of a player, but that’s more annoying than challenging.
So, a few things for enhanced exploration progression and challenging open-world content:
- Veteran enemies should be more dangerous.
- Elite and Champion enemies should scale higher to be more dangerous in parties, and perhaps, also scale lower so that they can be solo-able (no matter how hard they might be) without having a boring health pool that takes forever to drop.
- Enemy patrols should be commonplace everywhere.
- More harder-than-normal enemies roaming in maps under the “neutral” status (won’t attack unless attacked).
- More harder-than-normal enemies in some specific parts of each map – have each map with some zones that are more dangerous than others, regardless of enemy’s level.
But this brings two problems with GW2: uneffective enemy design (won’t dwelve much into it), and generic rewards.
Exciting loot, and exploring each hidden corner in the world for the excitement of either getting unique loot, or higher-than-what-you-should-usually-get loot, is one of the most addicting factors in any RPG game EVER. You’ll be hard pressed to find ANY excellent RPG out that that does NOT offer exciting loot. Even if we look at the likes of Final Fantasy Tactics, where item-find, optional quests, stealing and other stuff could give you strong “missable” loot, or the likes of Vagrant Story, where each unbeaten path in any dungeon lead to a treasure chest full of riches, and each human enemy in the exterior could commonly drop good pieces of equipment which could then be equipped or crafted into pieces of higher tiers.
GW2 desperately needs something like that. It needs a more detailed reward system that goes beyond the current generic systems we have in place. If all event rewards, all chest rewards and all enemy’s loot is generic, then players will lose one of the strongest drives to explore a world in a RPG, simply pick the most optimal farming spot in any map, and get everything they need or want there. Sure, optimal farming spots will always exist, but the higher it is the frequency for unique rewards tied to specific zones or situations, the higher the drive to explore the world.
I can understand that this would demand some work, because it would require Anet to make a reward pass to every single section of the world. But it would make exploration more relevant.
Not only specific pieces of equipment or materials, but specific recipes, skins, dyes, collectible lore books or bestiary information, short-goal or long-term acchievement unlocks, anything that is more specific than gold, karma and randomized generic loot.
(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)