221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
(edited by Swagger.1459)
Swagger, those are mechanics alterations. Whatever their merits, I think they more properly belong in Suggestions — this thread is for brainstorming ways to broaden our character experience through game play, as in, adding stuff that enriches game time but does not change power level.
Though I suppose asking for additional buttons to press might count. To that I’ll say I wouldn’t feel broadened, I’d feel cluttered. I love the simple but flexible design we have right now.
Thanks for replying!
My super awesome ideas are mostly about building a strong core foundation for the rest of these other future horizontal progression suggestions. You’ll be thanking me later for my tremendous contribution to this thread, so I’ll do the preemptive standard reply now… You’re welcome!
(edited by Swagger.1459)
Sorry for being late with my top 3 list, I’ve been sick. Posting it now, watch this space.
1. Make what we do impact the world in more ways. Order, race, personality, profession, achievements and more should all feel meaningful.
2. Some sort of wardrobe, skin management thing. Meta skins (at the very least) should go into the same achievement window as the zenith weapon skins do. Maybe use transmutation crystals to buy more copies of a skin once it is owned, for gemstore skins.
3. Bring Engineers into the progression game.
Alternately, expand on the emotes system. But seriously, please reduce how far they carry.
(edited by Guhracie.3419)
How about learning alll other professions but with some stats restrictions?
I know it is not too much alt friendly idea but for some reason people could experiment having multiple professions changeable only out of combat in PvE and only out of the zone in PvP/WvW
Making aside for one moment that it would be hard to balance, i would like to see a multi-class system.
Ofc, there should be some restrictions.
1. If one could have all the classes (2 actives and the others selectables from a list) then maybe the primary class should always be the same (the original one) and the secondary would change among the others. This way make an alt would still worth.
2. If one can only pick one secondary class, then the system should allow to change which one is the primary and which one is the secondary.
Other restrictions could be that one could use the lightest armor of both active classes. For example, if one is a Mesmer-Warrior, then would use cloth armor.
Also, one wouldnt be able to use the elite skills of the secondary class, and maybe not even the last row of the Utility skills.
The benefits could be to be able to use all the weapons of both classes. Combined weapon skills (if that is implemented). Access to the traits of both classes (ofc with the same amount of points to distribute: 70): but if one of the trait lines give, for example, power and condition duration, then the power and condition duration of another line (primary or secondary class) wont count for a stat increase.
I think the trait part would be hard to balance: maybe all repeated effects shouldnt apply.
(edited by Nadesh.7953)
If we’re moving on to discussing the suggestions in more detail the one I see being slightly problematic functionally is the Skin wardrobe.
I like the idea but how are we going to operate it?
Living world meta skins: from the achievement skins window, can’t see anyone having a problem with this as it is the only way to re acquire them for those who earned them.
Dungeon skins: I’d be fine with the ability to unlimitedly use the skin of each item you buy with tokens. The tokens would still be useful to buy the exotic stats you need after everything is unlocked (plus it would take quite a while 3 armor sets and 11 weapons per dungeon).
Personal story skins: There’s the armor set you can acquire piece by piece unlocking it at the completion of your personal story would work. along with your choice item at character creation.
Basic skins: the ones you generally find on fine and masterwork items, no problem with them being unlimited.
Mystic forge exotics and Legendaries and boss drops, Here we have a problem, I know people who have worked hard to get 2 incinerators or 2 whisper blades, that shows twice the effort.
I feel these skins should not be unlimited unlocked, especially not legendaries for the two following reasons:
1. Earning a matching pair of legendary weapons is a significant achievement and should be kept that way.
2. Dilution of Legendaries, if they become unlock-able the first thing that will happen is that every alt for that person will be carrying a legendary. Visually this will increase the already high amount of legendaries you see several fold taking away some of the feeling.
(edited by Conski Deshan.2057)
My Top 3
It is nice to see a developer mentioning their own personal top 3
I hope we are getting more info from Mr. Whiteside or other people from the team after this CDI to actually talk about the possibility and chance for implementation, so we know at least what to expect about the suggestions even before the developers put their heads together and decide which things should actually make it first.
I made a tally with numbers, but some things are grouped into other things. I tried my best to make “umbrella” categories (up to Zone.1275’s post):
- Weapon Skills 34
- Quests/Order Missions 33
- Homes 28
- New Skills 24
- PvE Skin Locker 23
- Faction Reputation/Titles 21
~ ~ °snip° ~ ~
Thank you for providing this wonderful summary
Just straying my 2 cents, where I am pondering and speculating the chances of those things getting implemented;
ad 1) I don’t know how difficult it is to add the customization from the other half of our skill bar onto the weapon sets, but if it is fairly doable, I could totally see the first alternate weapon skills crop up in as early as 2 months… IF ArenaNet decides that the time is good for that. They might well wait to ship this with an expansion set.
ad 2) We know that branching story decisions are possible and inside the game, and Order Missions could run on the same framework as Guild missions. If there isn’t anything evil in the code, then I am fairly positive that we could see this happen soon should ArenaNet believe this is a worthy addition to the game at the present time.
ad 3) The technical aspect to populate our home instances is given, since we have quartz and candy corn nodes. It entirely depends on the implementation of home-instance content if this feature would be used more or not.
ad 4) I still play the devil’s advocate here, saying that I don’t see a large chunk of skills coming our way without an expansion pack. The single extra healing skill is prove of concept that they can add those things at will, but I don’t think that dripping single skills every now and then is meaningful enough to give the players a sense of progression, especially if those skills continue to be unreasonably expensive.
ad 5) We have the PvP skin locker, and we have achievement skin vault, so chances are the only obstacle for this feature is ArenaNet deciding what the best way to implement the rest of the functionality is. And of course, when the best time to drop it comes.
ad 6) Faction titles would be part of achievements, which should be fairly easy, and progressing titles are already existing in the rank system of pvp. At least it sounds like an easy thing – the harder one is filling them with reasonable titles. It feels like this could be best coupled with the Order missions.
Speaking of progressing titles, I’m not sure I mentioned this in this thread though I did make a thread just for it.
Why not progress meta titles year to year? The “Journeyman Toymaker” seemed custom made to be the title earned the second year one did Wintersday. So people from last year would now have Apprentice and Journeyman, whereas those starting this year would only have Apprentice. That might not allow for infinite progression, but if one went Apprentice > Journeyman > Master > Grandmaster then maybe that’s all one needs, showing 4 years of play. Or there could be additional adjectives? Grandmaster Toymaker Extraordinaire?
Just one sample of progression over time that could be done with titles, so everyone can eventually get all in the chain but the higher end ones are still rare.
Sad to not even see dyeable weapons or even legendary dyes on the possible outcomes of this thread :-(
I give up, cya.
Sad to not even see dyeable weapons or even legendary dyes on the possible outcomes of this thread :-(
I give up, cya.
Sure, they’d be nice, but most of the other suggestions offer a hell of a lot more to the game than those.
My top three would be:
I’m also in favour of some kind of system for ascended itemisation to grant attribute swapping like our legendaries. Maybe if you use the item, a lesser vision crystal and an insignia into the mystic forge it unlocks the desired attribute combination. I really don’t want to craft two full sets of ascended gear for all of my characters, it’s just way too much.
Sad to not even see dyeable weapons or even legendary dyes on the possible outcomes of this thread :-(
I give up, cya.
How did you come to the conclusion that neither of these things are possible?
Here is my top 3.
1) New skills. New skills are fun to use. I’d like to see 20-40 new skills for each class.
2) Skin Locker. Please make monetizing skins as convenient for the consumer as possible.
3) Reputation/Faction rewards with the Order you joined. It’d be nice if Orders mattered. This could even be tied into the housing system.
(edited by Finnway.2183)
If we’re moving on to discussing the suggestions in more detail the one I see being slightly problematic functionally is the Skin wardrobe.
I like the idea but how are we going to operate it?Living world meta skins: from the achievement skins window, can’t see anyone having a problem with this as it is the only way to re acquire them for those who earned them.
Dungeon skins: I’d be fine with the ability to unlimitedly use the skin of each item you buy with tokens. The tokens would still be useful to buy the exotic stats you need after everything is unlocked (plus it would take quite a while 3 armor sets and 11 weapons per dungeon).
Personal story skins: There’s the armor set you can acquire piece by piece unlocking it at the completion of your personal story would work. along with your choice item at character creation.
Basic skins: the ones you generally find on fine and masterwork items, no problem with them being unlimited.
Mystic forge exotics and Legendaries and boss drops, Here we have a problem, I know people who have worked hard to get 2 incinerators or 2 whisper blades, that shows twice the effort.
I feel these skins should not be unlimited unlocked, especially not legendaries for the two following reasons:
1. Earning a matching pair of legendary weapons is a significant achievement and should be kept that way.
2. Dilution of Legendaries, if they become unlock-able the first thing that will happen is that every alt for that person will be carrying a legendary. Visually this will increase the already high amount of legendaries you see several fold taking away some of the feeling.
Mi idea would be:
Achievement Rewarded Skins: unlimited uses
Dungeon Skins: could cost a few toknes
Basic Skins: could cost some silver, maybe lvl 80 yellow items could cost 80 silver or 1 gold.
Exotic Skins: could cost a Transmutation Crystal. Dont have a solution for the mystic forge ones.
Legendary Skins: unlimited uses but cant be used over items that arnt legendary of the same kind. Atm the only legendary weapon with more than one skin is the Greatsword, but in the future could be others. Other skins (and even visual effects) for the legendary weapons could be unlocked with achievements.
Top 3
1. Lots of new weapon skills.
2. New areas or instances with new grind items, (For example when you release new skins that takes a lot of time to get you don’t want to be grinding the same content again you previously have been farming for 3 months to get the new cool stuff).
3. Skin wardrobe so I don’t feel forced into one build because I like to keep my bag space for other things. It takes away gameplay diversity by not having this in game.
Thanks for reading.
Hi Dominus,
I don’t think the idea is ‘Just’ a Wardrobe. I think it is supporting functionality to an existing system (Skin Collection) that I would like to see expanded upon (Personal Opinion).
I think a lot of play could also come out of Wardrobe functionality. However I wanted to keep my list to 3 macro ideas and I believe Wardrobe would potentially compliment/support them.
Thanks for the answer
I think a bit a problem of the current skin collection system is that it’s not really rewarding. Skins fill up the inventory (I have so many skins from the LS which I don’t want to throw away but which don’t fit the armors my chars are currently wearing), and if one wants to use them, they destroy either another skin or cost a transmutation stone. It should be just a click, on the fly. Maybe even with other players – like “what you think suits better… this – or this?” (and no, preview isn’t really an option since you only see your own character wearing the armor). And of course, if the skin is already bound to an item (stats), it ‘destroys’ the stats or makes them useless (which is, especially for BiS gear, very expensive).
If you think about a wardrobe like the PvP-Locker, it should be said that this wasn’t really satisfying either (at least for me and my PvP-Team back when we played). Since skins often dropped more than once and it isn’t possible to stack them, there’s a lot of ‘garbage’. And than the problem of twinks; if I pick something out of the locker with one character, it’s not there anymore for an alt. It doesn’t seem like a big problem, but it’s probably one of those little details which can make the difference.
Just an idea what I would really like to see: If an item drops, one can bring it to some kind of asura tech genius. For a small fee (maybe depending on the item), he gets the ‘skin-plan’ out of the item and gives it to the player. The player can now apply the ‘skin-plan’ (together with some other asura tech device or whatever; just to explain it) on any item, as often as he wants. This applies the appearance of the (destroyed) item to the item. The skin-plan itself is stored in some kind of panel that shows which skin-plans the player already has and which are missing. It would be even more awesome if the player could learn through this interface where and how to get the missing skill-plans (“legends tell that this incredible weapon has been seen in possession of boss X in dungeon Y”), but that’s more a nice-to-have.
I think something like this could really keep people busy in the ‘endgame’. My personal example is Pokémon, where people tried to complete their Pokédex, even though they were fighting with the same two or three pokémons all the time anyway. It’s about this ‘Can I get them all?’, the ‘Who has more?’, the ‘Who has the most?’. And it’s always about such questions in MMO-endgame, right?
(edited by Dominus.2360)
— Role Diversification: New skills/traits, new weapons, access to inaccessible existing weapons, infusions and hybrid professions.
I’m a little surprised how little mention we’ve seen of Runes. We already have a couple sets that are essentially the lynchpin of strong, competitive builds (Solider, Perplexity). Also, Runes follow such easily iterative patterns with only small twists in the 4 and 6 set bonuses that I think it would be possible to open it up to the players to suggest really clever and inspiring new Runes. Maybe a “CDI Contest”, where instead of limiting things to a first, second, and third place winner, every player who suggests a Rune that is adopted into the game would get a set of 6 or 12 of them as the prize. With players sometimes wondering what the benefits of contributing to a CDI are, maybe a little in-game loot would inspire them .
As an example, I’d like to see~
Superior Rune of the Trapper
Icon resembles a bear trap
(1/6) +28 Condition Damage
(2/6) +10% Condition Duration
(3/6) +55 Condition Damage
(4/6) When an opponent triggers one of your Traps they are Tormented (2 stacks, 8 seconds duration)
(5/6) +100 Condition Damage
(6/6) When you set a Trap you also remove 1 Condition.
Which could open up new build possibilities for Rangers and Thieves, but at the cost of carrying some of the currently popular choices (Lyssa, Divinity).
— Sociopolitical Diversification: Player housing, Guild Halls, and Faction Alliances leading to new game play opportunities, rewards and content.
— Hero Recognition: Unique Skins, Titles, Rewards, followers and NPC reactions/opportunities based on the players individual feats in the world of Tyria regardless of how he/she chooses to play the game.
Sounds great. So we should be looking for all that around January 14th, right?
(edited by Nike.2631)
I’ve always wondered why they created an entire new gear upgrade system (infusions) instead of simply expanding on the already existing sigil/ rune system.
Sigils and runes currently offer unique effects, which make them a lot more exciting than slight stat boost infusions. The existence of infusions also makes the whole thing a bit convoluted, I think.
I would much rather see “infused”/ ascended runes and sigils, with agony resistance, stronger stats, and stronger or new exciting effects, than +10 power or +15 power infusions.
EDIT Make it so that the ascended version of runes could be combined with their exotic version, so that if a player has, for example, 1 ascended rune of strength and 5 exotic runes of strength, they would get the whole 2-6 effects from the exotic version, and the enhanced #1 effect from the ascended.
Then, just make each rune part hard to get.
(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)
GW1 was super alt-character friendly and it survived for 7 years. It was reasonably easy to find party members for missions for a long period of time.
GW2 is not alt-character friendly at all and it is not doing well. We have tons of dead zones in the low level areas.
Top 3 for me:
1. Weapon skill choice (I like skill quests as an idea, but the choice is more important to me than how they’re acquired)
2. Home instance customisation and personal hub for sidequests
3. Charr armour… yeah, it’s kind of tricky finding a set that doesn’t look a bit silly on one
Faction/Area/Order Reputation
“Fractal Capacitor” style equipment
a lore system / collectable lexicon entrys
My top 3:
1. Elite dungeons / Hard mode – Challenging content is really missing from this game. Had such good stuff in gw1 its a shame you havent used more ideas from that. I dont want to see more puzzles though, just give us well designed bosses like lupicus and the openworld melandru and dwayna bosses (they are really fun and challenging in 1-5 man groups). Id love to see instanced maps for 5 man groups with hard mode quests and bosses where you choose what order and what you want to clear (Underworld/FoW clone).
2. New weapons /skills – Hopefully will help pve balance and give certain classes something unique and useful in all skill levels of pve.
3. Mini pet slots and other improvements to inventory/character panel (Not really sure what category this comes under)
1. Earned Extra Build Templates
For some reason this never seems to make it into the compiled lists but here’s one of the posts about it.
Earned Build & Equipment Tabs
Here is an example of what I would consider Horizontal Progression that has nothing to do with cosmetics, but rather with evolving the flexibility of the character. I’m partially quoting a comment I made on another thread about adding extra stored build/trait tabs.
Make extra build tabs a one time upgrade, like a bank tab or commander tag. Make it expensive, make us work for it but make it a permanent evolution of our character. Allowing characters to progress beyond 80 not by power but flexibility is an idea that to me would be a game changer and I dream of the day it gets implemented.
The mechanics are simple: Out of combat only and with a small channeled switch animation, swaps build as well as armor/weapon sets and skills.
Maybe this would be considered Diagonal Progression since the character isn’t growing in power, just an earned ability to adapt to situations or group compositions as they change whether in WvW, PvE, or sPvP.
The ways to earn an extra build tab could be interesting too. Maybe something that needs to be crafted from hard to find materials, a bit like ascended items. This would ensure the tabs aren’t just bought but earned through playing multiple aspects of the game.
If there is no limit to how many extra build tabs you could have you could continue to refine your character well past the time it takes to settle on any cosmetic changes or having all gear be best in slot.
EDIT: Link to original post discussing this idea.
Multiple trait / gear tabs?
2. New Unlockable Weapon Skills (sub-professions)
Either gained through quests from profession trainers or pact organizations, allows you to swap weapon skills individually once unlocked. A lot has been written about this and I see a lot of interesting potential for horizontal progression.
3. Skin Lockers / Wardrobes
If you’ve made it this far in the thread you’ve probably got a clear idea what this is shaping up to be.
— Role Diversification: New skills/traits, new weapons, access to inaccessible existing weapons, infusions and hybrid professions.
I’m a little surprised how little mention we’ve seen of Runes. We already have a couple sets that are essentially the lynchpin of strong, competitive builds (Solider, Perplexity). Also, Runes follow such easily iterative patterns with only small twists in the 4 and 6 set bonuses that I think it would be possible to open it up to the players to suggest really clever and inspiring new Runes. Maybe a “CDI Contest”, where instead of limiting things to a first, second, and third place winner, every player who suggests a Rune that is adopted into the game would get a set of 6 or 12 of them as the prize. With players sometimes wondering what the benefits of contributing to a CDI are, maybe a little in-game loot would inspire them
As an example, I’d like to see~
Superior Rune of the Trapper
Icon resembles a bear trap(1/6) +28 Condition Damage
(2/6) +10% Condition Duration
(3/6) +55 Condition Damage
(4/6) When an opponent triggers one of your Traps they are Tormented (2 stacks, 8 seconds duration)
(5/6) +100 Condition Damage
(6/6) When you set a Trap you also remove 1 Condition.Which could open up new build possibilities for Rangers and Thieves, but at the cost of carrying some of the currently popular choices (Lyssa, Divinity).
— Sociopolitical Diversification: Player housing, Guild Halls, and Faction Alliances leading to new game play opportunities, rewards and content.
— Hero Recognition: Unique Skins, Titles, Rewards, followers and NPC reactions/opportunities based on the players individual feats in the world of Tyria regardless of how he/she chooses to play the game.
Sounds great. So we should be looking for all that around January 14th, right?
There’s a good idea here and I’d say it deserves it’s own CDI – Runes and Sigil customization.
New runes and sigils are a good source for non progressive customisation. Neither horizontal nor vertical progression because nothing actually progresses, but give an itemized way of giving you an option to be different.
— Role Diversification: New skills/traits, new weapons, access to inaccessible existing weapons, infusions and hybrid professions.
— Sociopolitical Diversification: Player housing, Guild Halls, and Faction Alliances leading to new game play opportunities, rewards and content.
— Hero Recognition: Unique Skins, Titles, Rewards, followers and NPC reactions/opportunities based on the players individual feats in the world of Tyria regardless of how he/she chooses to play the game.
i think Chirs summed it up pretty well,if these would appear in game in the very near future i would be very happy indeed
With the exception of hybrid professions that does look good, indeed. And hybrids is just a case of not knowing what sort of implementation he has in mind – I think ability to change weapon skills 1-5, new weapons and new utility skills would do the job well enough without throwing hybrids in as well, but there’s no reason it couldn’t work.
Oh dear, Chris. You didn’t mention a skin locker or other skin management system. Perhaps that can be a swift change to your list?
Here are my clothes-horse necro’s bags, with all the different looks of boots and coats and skirts sorted out by type of garment and then from least to most coverage (those looking for Winged gloves and boots, they are on her to complement her Ascended coat/skirt). I also have over 4 bank tabs full of skins and dyes waiting for the right alt to receive them. Oh, how I’d rejoice to turn all that into a locker and free up the space for other things! I can’t even take her dungeoning because 20 free slots fill up too fast.
Hi Donari,
I certainly think that Wardrobe is a very important QOL improvement for Horizontal Progression if that makes sense?
Yes, this x 100000.
If you can code, it…so that any armor that you have obtained soulbound, ever, is stored there automatically. Withdrawn via karma.
Or, we deposit them via karma, and withdraw via karma.
Withdrawn via karma.
Or, we deposit them via karma, and withdraw via karma.
I like the idea of this added functionality for Karma.
Withdrawn via karma.
Or, we deposit them via karma, and withdraw via karma.
I like the idea of this added functionality for Karma.
Inorite? Adds more use to this universal currency.
Ah I totally forgot about the personality system. Currently, it seems completely, 110% pointless in game. I wonder if theres something that can be done with that?
Chris, I already posted my top 3, and I am not sure this should be in the top 3…its already in the game, you need to just find a way to work it into progression or make it more meaningful.
A page from…cough, SWTOR… Their personality system(forgot what it was called already), the choices you make in your personal story were either Light(good) or Dark(bad). Your physical appearance in game changed. If you chose more dark things, you would become paler and paler, and eventually your eyes would become crazy looking. Also, NPCs reacted to you differently. If you were dark, they would be afraid of you, and give you what you want. If you were light, they adored you and praised you. You also had access to different types of armors depending which allegience, dark side or light side.
Food for thought.
2) Add meaning to existing Personality System
(Charm = Foes less aggressive; Dignity = Foes like they are now; Ferocity = Even yellow and white foes are attacking)Shouldn’t yellow and white mobs be scared from a ferocious character and run away?
One particular thing I loved about GW1 was the fact that enemies patrolled the area in groups, so you had to watch out for strong patrols to make it through the zone alive. There is one of these patrols (with a champion leader) in one of the north-eastern crystal zones and I really like that…
… have some enemy groups which are really strong and make weaker players want to avoid an encounter at any cost. Areas which hold powerful secrets but are guarded by strong foes. Currently you just run by any encounter with ease.
This is actually a quite cool little idea to add immersion.
Id rather have it something more balanceable, say;
Charming – White and yellow turn green in fights
Dignity – As it is now (can only think that’s most dignified lol)
Ferocious – White and yellow actively run away from players
That way charm and ferocious get very small buffs (so small its more of a gimmick to add to personality choice), help from the occasional yellows that get caught in a fight vs yellows never getting caught in a fight (we all know the stupid moment when youv just managed to down a group of hard mobs solo and end up aggroing 3-4 deers on the last one haha).
2- gw2 could use more ability and weapon buttons to press on the bar.
Players are not pianists ! xD F1 to F12, that’s too much !
Ah I totally forgot about the personality system. Currently, it seems completely, 110% pointless in game. I wonder if theres something that can be done with that?
Chris, I already posted my top 3, and I am not sure this should be in the top 3…its already in the game, you need to just find a way to work it into progression or make it more meaningful.
A page from…cough, SWTOR… Their personality system(forgot what it was called already), the choices you make in your personal story were either Light(good) or Dark(bad). Your physical appearance in game changed. If you chose more dark things, you would become paler and paler, and eventually your eyes would become crazy looking. Also, NPCs reacted to you differently. If you were dark, they would be afraid of you, and give you what you want. If you were light, they adored you and praised you. You also had access to different types of armors depending which allegience, dark side or light side.
Food for thought.
STWOR personality system and personal story is probably the only brilliant thing that this game has and i would LOVE to see it in Gw2
I let the flamesticks poke me into oblivion for saying;
“I’d rather have a top 3 list of things that could actually make it in the game with existing technology and not having to do crazy amounts of extra coding, than having a top 3 list of things people want in the game just so without any further thought.”
Maybe if Chris tells us his three things, that will give us an idea of where to direct the discussion?
Are you willing to share, Chris?
Hi Videoboy,
I am still thinking through all the ideas and suggestions so my list may change but currently it is:
— Role Diversification: New skills/traits, new weapons, access to inaccessible existing weapons, infusions and hybrid professions.
— Sociopolitical Diversification: Player housing, Guild Halls, and Faction Alliances leading to new game play opportunities, rewards and content.
— Hero Recognition: Unique Skins, Titles, Rewards, followers and NPC reactions/opportunities based on the players individual feats in the world of Tyria regardless of how he/she chooses to play the game.
Please note these are just my personal thoughts on what I think would be cool. I am also still thinking about the ideas presented in the thread and therefore like anyone else reserve the right to change my top three (-:
In regards to “Hero Recognition”
The most interesting part of that, followers. It’s pretty bad already with the amount of players(even though its kinda been fixed with the anti-culling options), but if followers were a thing again(Ie; heroes and henchmen from GW1) I have this feeling it wouldn’t end well.. I can just imagine the frame drop from everyone possibly having their followers out and doing stuff.. then again, I’m probably wrong and the system probably works fine now and for all I know it wouldn’t hit it too hard.
But if it is similar to FFXIV’s Summon Chocobo action; where you can summon a giant yellow bird to your party to fill a specific role, IF THAT’S THE CASE, then its a good thing. You could give it a couple lines to say every so often, have it act like a follower from Skyrim(possibly with its own inventory? >:D), have it stick around for X-amount of time or until you unsummon it, perhaps give it items to sell(I believe SWTOR had this option? not entirely sure).
That would be well welcomed in my books. Especially if you could customize it as if it was a lesser version of a player. If you could change its role/profession on the fly, it would be a great addition to solo-ing; which seems to sometimes be unavoidable.
Really hope followers was meant to be something similar to the second thought there.. If not, consider this an option for “followers” please! lol
- Increase of skill power by usage.
For me, it would be really awesome if skill could actually expirience passive upgrades. I think it’s plausible to say that GW2 technically already supports some kind of xp-system for skills, since the weaponskills must be unlocked by usage already anyways.
My Idea would be to take this system on the next level and “upgrade” already unlocked skills by actually using them.
Not only would this encourage players to actually get used to the whole variety their classes offer, but also reward those who felt in love to certain-skill combo and want to gain more effectiveness out of their favorited gameplay.
this could be done with 2 methods:
3 or more (relatively)strong upgrades that you unlock after a certain amount of xp farmed (to take account to the different CD’s, it would be a bad idea to actually count how often they got triggered) these upgrades could be not 2 but 3 stacks of a condition applied, increased dmg, reduced cd’s, increased range, a.s.o.
many small upgrades, accomplished relatively fast, that tweak skill only a little bit, but add up over time to let a player actually feel how his set of skills suits him more and more.
I think overall all players would profit from this system, but the highest rewards would come to those who actually found their favorite class and want to max out its potential.
— Role Diversification: New skills/traits, new weapons, access to inaccessible existing weapons, infusions and hybrid professions.
I’m a little surprised how little mention we’ve seen of Runes. We already have a couple sets that are essentially the lynchpin of strong, competitive builds (Solider, Perplexity). Also, Runes follow such easily iterative patterns with only small twists in the 4 and 6 set bonuses that I think it would be possible to open it up to the players to suggest really clever and inspiring new Runes. Maybe a “CDI Contest”, where instead of limiting things to a first, second, and third place winner, every player who suggests a Rune that is adopted into the game would get a set of 6 or 12 of them as the prize. With players sometimes wondering what the benefits of contributing to a CDI are, maybe a little in-game loot would inspire them
As an example, I’d like to see~
Superior Rune of the Trapper
Icon resembles a bear trap(1/6) +28 Condition Damage
(2/6) +10% Condition Duration
(3/6) +55 Condition Damage
(4/6) When an opponent triggers one of your Traps they are Tormented (2 stacks, 8 seconds duration)
(5/6) +100 Condition Damage
(6/6) When you set a Trap you also remove 1 Condition.Which could open up new build possibilities for Rangers and Thieves, but at the cost of carrying some of the currently popular choices (Lyssa, Divinity).
— Sociopolitical Diversification: Player housing, Guild Halls, and Faction Alliances leading to new game play opportunities, rewards and content.
— Hero Recognition: Unique Skins, Titles, Rewards, followers and NPC reactions/opportunities based on the players individual feats in the world of Tyria regardless of how he/she chooses to play the game.
Sounds great. So we should be looking for all that around January 14th, right?
I don’t think we need more runes, there are plenty but the bigger problem is that the PvE meta is still too geared towards Beserker-everything.
1. Skin locker. The costume kind, not the psycho, crazy person that belongs in a horror movie kind.
2. Housing, both guild and personal/account. Because the queen gets grumpy when we try to build a norn-sized bed in the throne room.
3. Showing achievements. Badges, medals, macaroni art stapled to our backs… whatever. Just let us show off WHAT achievements we’ve done in a way that doesn’t destroy our looks, and watch the collectors of shiny go nuts.
I let the flamesticks poke me into oblivion for saying;
“I’d rather have a top 3 list of things that could actually make it in the game with existing technology and not having to do crazy amounts of extra coding, than having a top 3 list of things people want in the game just so without any further thought.”
Maybe if Chris tells us his three things, that will give us an idea of where to direct the discussion?
Are you willing to share, Chris?
Hi Videoboy,
I am still thinking through all the ideas and suggestions so my list may change but currently it is:
— Role Diversification: New skills/traits, new weapons, access to inaccessible existing weapons, infusions and hybrid professions.
— Sociopolitical Diversification: Player housing, Guild Halls, and Faction Alliances leading to new game play opportunities, rewards and content.
— Hero Recognition: Unique Skins, Titles, Rewards, followers and NPC reactions/opportunities based on the players individual feats in the world of Tyria regardless of how he/she chooses to play the game.
Please note these are just my personal thoughts on what I think would be cool. I am also still thinking about the ideas presented in the thread and therefore like anyone else reserve the right to change my top three (-:
Any thoughts on tinkering ? I think it could fit in the second nicely.
My top 3:
1.) Answer for the reason of the reset of Fractals Progress. Still my main issue that beeing reseted without a comment or reason makes Progress in common just pointless to me and other Players. We can’t know if it will happen again just loose hard work for no commperision. I still hope to get an answer here to this issue.
2.) Rewards and aknoledgement that are not BUYABLE for doing certain Content ( orders, hard Content Special instabilities, hard achievment ( like light up))
3.) Less living Story and achievments that Need to be grinded every 2 weeks.. the updates are great but it burns out if you have all achievment so far and a sence of completition. it would be nice if there is an Option to redo ls Content achievments and stuff or leave them open ( unlike the fractal achievments for 1 month)
My top 3:
1.) Answer for the reason of the reset of Fractals Progress. Still my main issue that beeing reseted without a comment or reason makes Progress in common just pointless to me and other Players. We can’t know if it will happen again just loose hard work for no commperision. I still hope to get an answer here to this issue.
2.) Rewards and aknoledgement that are not BUYABLE for doing certain Content ( orders, hard Content Special instabilities, hard achievment ( like light up))
3.) Less living Story and achievments that Need to be grinded every 2 weeks.. the updates are great but it burns out if you have all achievment so far and a sence of completition. it would be nice if there is an Option to redo ls Content achievments and stuff or leave them open ( unlike the fractal achievments for 1 month)
1) Moaning and groaning about having fractal levels >30 reset isn’t helpful in this CDI. We’re looking for suggestions that can aid guidance of how to progress horizontally.
3) LS content is made to be removed. Once you have completed it that should be all you need to do; it’s time to move on with other things like crafting, levelling alts, etc. However once they move away from Scarlet in the LS I’ll be most pleased.
Personally I don’t really have a top-3, but if anything I’d like to have my characters mean more to the story and the larger game as it progresses. Expanding upon the personality subset of each character as they were created by the player would be a great start, as some have mentioned already. Personality and attitude should be everything in this game, considering how far removed it is from the original GW.
Back then you couldn’t imagine an elementalist effectively wielding daggers or a mesmer with a greatsword, but in this game it’s possible. The ele not afraid to tatter his armour or get his hands dirty with daggers instead of ranging on a staff and just being the support guy, this is the classic example. That kind of character is to be feared and respected, not just acknowledged.
Make it a bit more interesting regarding their attitudes and how they approach things in the game, ie. some might not like to fight every living thing there is and make dragons cower, but others do. I believe their personalities should reflect this, and reactions to each hero from other entities in the game as well, such as NPC’s. I’m not sure how this would be possible to code or if it’s even viable, but it’s been suggested a few times over and with a bit of tweaking I’m pretty sure it could be modified to work.
Top 3:
1. Skills (all)
-Specifically, more ways of customizing your character in a gameplay related way. More skills, more weapons, swapping 1-5 skills, customizing skills to emphasize certain parts (see my previous posts in this thread). That kind of thing. I want to fiddle and tweak and hone until my character is a perfect representation of my own playstyle.
2: Skills
-see above
3: Skills
-see above.
What? I can’t do that? That’s too bad, cause it’s really that important. Ok then, here’s two actually different ones:
2. Personal Story Progression
3. Cosmetic Customization
- Specifically, more armor styles. How many types of pants do light armor users have? Yeah, that’s a problem.
-Same for weapons. How many 2h swords are there that look like, you know, swords? Variety, pls!
(edited by Rhyse.8179)
How about learning alll other professions but with some stats restrictions?
I know it is not too much alt friendly idea but for some reason people could experiment having multiple professions changeable only out of combat in PvE and only out of the zone in PvP/WvW
Making aside for one moment that it would be hard to balance, i would like to see a multi-class system.
Ofc, there should be some restrictions.
1. If one could have all the classes (2 actives and the others selectables from a list) then maybe the primary class should always be the same (the original one) and the secondary would change among the others. This way make an alt would still worth.
2. If one can only pick one secondary class, then the system should allow to change which one is the primary and which one is the secondary.
Other restrictions could be that one could use the lightest armor of both active classes. For example, if one is a Mesmer-Warrior, then would use cloth armor.
Also, one wouldnt be able to use the elite skills of the secondary class, and maybe not even the last row of the Utility skills.
The benefits could be to be able to use all the weapons of both classes. Combined weapon skills (if that is implemented). Access to the traits of both classes (ofc with the same amount of points to distribute: 70): but if one of the trait lines give, for example, power and condition duration, then the power and condition duration of another line (primary or secondary class) wont count for a stat increase.
I think the trait part would be hard to balance: maybe all repeated effects shouldnt apply.
They don’t need to balance anything. They take the profession profile and fit it on your character. So If I am a warrior and at one point in time I want to be an elementalist, I won’t have to switch characters, but put that profession on
All my stats will be reset as for an ele and i should add points in different traits.
To make it less hustle, the builds will be saved like in GW1.
Of course, if they want to make different skills then this is another story which will fill up the vertical progression better then the Horizontal
So, once again, this profession learning will not make the character more powerful but it will give you the choice of having multiple professions available for one character
For this mechanic not to be against buying character slots, there can be a similar priced item in the gem store to unlock a new profession on your character
So buying a new character slot or a new profession for the same character will cost the same and will not make A-Nets profits go lower
This will solve the problem with those who don’t want to level up alts but want to play more professions. It is an optional QOL mechanic because leanign a new profession means unlocking all the skill, traits etc.
No worry, you won\t see an elementalist wearing heavy armor because becoming an elementalist will bring with it all the requirements for that profession.
(edited by Ronah.2869)
Apologies for the late reply.
My top three are:
1.) More weapons/skill customization. Weapon skills make or break a class for me. I feel like I could explore a class more and find a niche in it if I can find at least two weapons to switch between that I greatly enjoy using. Perhaps it’s only me being very picky, but I find some classes’ weapons just don’t excite me in the least. I’d love to give those classes another try, though, with a new style I’d enjoy playing, with new roles and such. I think my biggest dream right now are either short bow or longbow mesmers.
2.) Player housing/building. Similar to Rift’s housing. GW2 inspired me to make a horrible, terrible, evil jump puzzle of a home instance on that game, but sadly it gave more difficulty than joy due to limited jumping controls. GW2’s fluid controls allow for fun with jumping puzzles and with all the game’s beautiful art, details and items, I found myself longing to try my own hand at building and customizing in this world, whether it be a simple home my role playing friends can come chill at or the most wicked jump puzzle in existence.
3.) New permanent content in the form of exploratory maps/territory/races. I would love to explore more of Tyria. This is the only game that makes me excited to explore, as the entire world seems to beckon for us to unlock its secrets rather than existing as a precise connect-the-dots series of quest hubs until you hit max level and raid. I would love to see new races, new maps, new…things. Out there in the world to experience. Things that will stay around to revisit or have group events held in.
(edited by summourn.4982)
1. Guild halls. Somewhere for our guild to congregate AMD hang out while rallying up for wvw, waiting for reset, or shooting the kitten after a guild push.
2. Skill options. Theory crafting builds is what makes the difference between players that understand the game and those that just play it. Be it new utilities, order-specific skills, new weapon skills or new racials, we need to create real build diversity in the game to keep it interesting.
3. New quests. Our choice of order has no current bearing on the game post level 50. Make a daily that is specific to your order. Give enhanced personal story quest lines relating to your order as a follow-up to the end boss fight. Give us something in our home instance that shows where we came from and who we fought beside.
How about learning alll other professions but with some stats restrictions?
I know it is not too much alt friendly idea but for some reason people could experiment having multiple professions changeable only out of combat in PvE and only out of the zone in PvP/WvW
Making aside for one moment that it would be hard to balance, i would like to see a multi-class system.
Ofc, there should be some restrictions.
1. If one could have all the classes (2 actives and the others selectables from a list) then maybe the primary class should always be the same (the original one) and the secondary would change among the others. This way make an alt would still worth.
2. If one can only pick one secondary class, then the system should allow to change which one is the primary and which one is the secondary.
Other restrictions could be that one could use the lightest armor of both active classes. For example, if one is a Mesmer-Warrior, then would use cloth armor.
Also, one wouldnt be able to use the elite skills of the secondary class, and maybe not even the last row of the Utility skills.
The benefits could be to be able to use all the weapons of both classes. Combined weapon skills (if that is implemented). Access to the traits of both classes (ofc with the same amount of points to distribute: 70): but if one of the trait lines give, for example, power and condition duration, then the power and condition duration of another line (primary or secondary class) wont count for a stat increase.
I think the trait part would be hard to balance: maybe all repeated effects shouldnt apply.
They don’t need to balance anything. They take the profession profile and fit it on your character. So If I am a warrior and at one point in time I want to be an elementalist, I won’t have to switch characters, but put that profession on
All my stats will be reset as for an ele and i should add points in different traits.
To make it less hustle, the builds will be saved like in GW1.Of course, if they want to make different skills then this is another story which will fill up the vertical progression better then the Horizontal
So, once again, this profession learning will not make the character more powerful but it will give you the choice of having multiple professions available for one character
For this mechanic not to be against buying character slots, there can be a similar priced item in the gem store to unlock a new profession on your character
So buying a new character slot or a new profession for the same character will cost the same and will not make A-Nets profits go lowerThis will solve the problem with those who don’t want to level up alts but want to play more professions. It is an optional QOL mechanic because leanign a new profession means unlocking all the skill, traits etc.
No worry, you won\t see an elementalist wearing heavy armor because becoming an elementalist will bring with it all the requirements for that profession.
how does this add to the gameplay of people who already have characters of all professions or even multiples?
Seems to me what we need are ways to differentiate and broaden the game play on the system we already have.
If you want to play a class – just level and play it.
1) Personal Home Instance expansion
2) Guild Halls
3) More story and lore bits (make the story its own reward basically)
how does this add to the gameplay of people who already have characters of all professions or even multiples?
Seems to me what we need are ways to differentiate and broaden the game play on the system we already have.
If you want to play a class – just level and play it.
Personally, i think I have more characters and more lvl 80s then you. And if I suggest that is because I would like to have system like this and I wont feel bad that I have these characters
It is about horizontal progression of a character which implies not making it stronger and the progress is purely optional.
Vertical progression is something “you need to do to be the best” while horizontal progression is something that “gives you a reason to keep playing”.
Living story was a sort of horizontal progression up until they added achievement point rewards and leader boards
(edited by Ronah.2869)
how does this add to the gameplay of people who already have characters of all professions or even multiples?
Seems to me what we need are ways to differentiate and broaden the game play on the system we already have.
If you want to play a class – just level and play it.Personally, i think I have more characters and more lvl 80s then you. And if I suggest that is because I would like to have system like this and I wont feel bad that I have these characters
It is about horizontal progression of a character which implies not making it stronger and the progress is purely optional.
Vertical progression is something “you need to do to be the best” while horizontal progression is something that “gives you a reason to keep playing”.
Living story was a sort of horizontal progression up until they added achievement point rewards and leader boards
I asked how this adds to the play of people with more than one profession, not how many 80’s you have.
I can’t see your system adding anything to be honest
I am very interested in horizontal progression- it is a system that grows your character and makes it more unique and gives you varied and interesting ways to play that character- to differentiate from your other characters and from those around you so that everyone does not end up the same or every class end up playing the same.
That is the essence of horizontal progression.
SO you still haven’t answered my question- how does your system give me any of that?
I can’t see your system adding anything to be honest
… it is a system that grows your character and makes it more unique and gives you varied and interesting ways to play that character- to differentiate from your other characters and from those around you so that everyone does not end up the same or every class end up playing the same.
I agree, an Elementalist shouldn’t feel like a Ranger but an highly developed unique Elementalist imho.
I can’t see your system adding anything to be honest
… it is a system that grows your character and makes it more unique and gives you varied and interesting ways to play that character- to differentiate from your other characters and from those around you so that everyone does not end up the same or every class end up playing the same.
I agree, an Elementalist shouldn’t feel like a Ranger but an highly developed unique Elementalist imho.
thank you-
I play my different classes because I enjoy the different mechanics.
That is something I would very much like to develop in- the unique mechanics of each class
Armor Sets
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